calware · 3 months
wait why is there radon in your house? is this something i should be checking for
radon is naturally produced in the ground (some places more or less than others) which then seeps into the air. this is done at such a slow rate that it's safe to go outside, but it can sometimes seep into the cracks of houses and get trapped. it's also okay to have a small amount of radon (0-2 pCi/L is safe, 2-4 is semi-actionable, and 4+ is actionable/unsafe). in the case of unsafe levels of radon, houses are supposed to come with filtration/ventilation systems to filter out the radon gas
according to the CDC, you should test your house's radon levels "if it’s never been tested or radon levels are unknown". there are other reasons you might want to test, such as if you have a basement and are planning on converting into a bedroom, as radon levels double for every floor you go down
if you decide to test your house for radon, i suggest that you do it for an extended period of time because the level fluctuates very frequently throughout the year. it can be safe one week and unsafe the next
please keep in mind that i'm not a professional and that this is all information i've gathered through my family and my own research online. if you have serious concerns, please speak with a professional
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heelturndeux · 5 months
1️⃣ and 🕰️!
the mountain goats ask game!
oops i reblogged this and then went down south for hogmanay and have done exactly nothing productive since!! better late than never though
1️⃣- first song you heard?
heel turn 2 my beloved. embarassingly it was on a doctor/master 8tracks playlist but you know what, none of us are free from cringe. after that it was probably the typical run of no children > up the wolves > this year
🕰️ - current favorite song?
hard tie between clean slate and sudden oak death (i know we here on tumblr all love mcb but this is SUCH an underrated gem in the wider community, it deserves more love). also keep getting mosquito repellent stuck in my head
tumblr was weird and auto-posted an ask from @fearforthestorm before immediately deleting it??? so i'm just gonna add it on here
📱 - favorite album from the 2020s?
this is tough!! assuming we're excluding jordan lake (all of which have some incredible versions on them) it's probably jenny from thebes. i liked getting into knives a lot when it first came out, but i tend to pick and chose tracks when i'm listening to it now as opposed to sticking it on the whole way through. maybe the shine is gonna come off jft but i really do think it's the best they've been in years
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ofpd · 9 months
hii what does ur new url mean? :3
it's a reference to les misérables volume 5 book 1 chapter 23, which is titled "orestes fasting and pylades drunk"
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