#but ever since i was pregnant ive had this problem with gagging right
diaryofagoodpuppy · 4 months
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TITLE: “Don't worry, be happy.” 
WHO: Jason Reeves, Clover Cline
TRIGGERS: vomiting, pregnant complications, death of a loved one (not Clover)
FOR:  @outfromthesea
NOTES: Jason takes Clover to the hospital after she faints a few times.
Jason was excited for the baby he and Clover were going to have. Becoming a father was something wanted for an incredibly long time. Before Clover, he imagined himself settling down with his ex. But she had died suddenly, leaving him to move on without many answers. He often mourned over what that would be like and whether he would've been happy. But then he met Clover and suddenly what-ifs of life with his ex became a blimp in his past. 
He was happy that he was settling down with Clover. She was the person for him; the woman of his dreams. The love he had for her was a lot different than the love he had for Matilda. He loved her a lot, sure, but he was /in/ love with Clover and had never really been in love with Matilda. Jason hated thinking that way, since she was dead. But it was the truth and he had gone over these thoughts several times when Clover spent the night at her mother's and left him alone in a cold bed.
He was ready to start a family with Clover. Ready for a new phase in his life with her. What he wasn't ready for was her puking her brains out and eventually fainting. The sight terrified him. Made him tremble as he went to help her, his hand holding her head up for her as she opened her bambi brown eyes - which were dull looking right now, pupils having dilated. He knew that wasn't a good sign. And by the way she'd passed out suddenly and her body didn't sweat, Jason made the assumption that she was dehydrated from all the vomiting. He knew that because of that he needed to get her to a hospital sooner rather than later to protect her and their baby.
"Hey, Clove -- we really need to get you to the hospital. If something were to happen to you, the guilt would eat me alive," he told her softly, pushing her braids away from her face when she slowly sat up to look at him.
She gave him a smile that was feigned. One that made him know very well that she was going to tell him a lie. While she didn't lie often, and the lies she usually told were little white ones, whenever she did, that smile would make an appearance. "We can go to the hospital, sure. But I'm fine, okay? Don't worry about me. I think I've just got terrible morning sickness today. Other than the dehydration," A pause from her as she pointed at him, "-- which I know you're thinking about -- I'm again, fine."
Jason pressed his forehead against hers and then kissed her, quickly, even though her mouth tasted awful and nearly made him gag. But he loved her and he felt like that was the best way to show her. "I want to trust you on that, but the way you were vomiting was worrisome." He stood up, the grabbed her hand to slowly help her up. "Have you ever heard of Hyperemesis gravidarum?" He recalled reading a book recently on what women could possibly go through while pregnant and that was one of the things he'd read about. He never thought Clover would go through it though. He always assumed that her pregnancy would be healthy. 
Clover shook her head slowly.  Then worry made canvases her expression.  "Will the baby be alright?" She asked him. 
Jason nodded. "He or she will be all right and dandy. We just need you to go to the hospital." He's about to say more, but she passes out again, so he calls an ambulance. 
A little after Clover gets taken care of at the hospital, Jason took it upon himself to go to the hospital cafeteria for some snacks. It's mostly healthy stuff like vegetable chips and sparkling waters. While sandwiches and baked chicken are the meal of the day. None of it looks pleasing to Jason but he got some chicken anyway and a bag of popcorn chips. He also buys bought himself a coffee because he's exhausted from waiting for the doctors to let them see his wife. He gets to see her now, so, with the food and coffee in hand, he walked through the blindingly white hallways and over to her hospital room, wiggled his eyebrows playfully at her once he's in her room.
 "I have bought a four course meal for my queen," he teased, bowing after he placed the food in her lap. From what he gathered, the chicken is a lot better than the meal the patients are given. It's also probably easier on her stomach. 
"Oh my god, you're such a doofus sometimes, Jay." Her eyes rolled but she smiled at him. "You know I can't eat the chips, right? Might make me throw up all over again." She sighed after saying that, pointing to her IV that's filled with liquid to hydrate her.
"I bought the chips for me, actually. The chicken's for you, since I know you like it and mashed peas and TV dinner steak is awful for almost everyone." He nodded his head enthusiastically, even though he was still very much worried about all of this. Then he sat beside her in her decently sized hospital bed. He nuzzled her shoulder a little before sitting up. 
She nuzzled him right back after, right before reaching to hold his hand. He took his hand in hers and squeezed it some. "I was really scared earlier. But you helped, like always." She kissed his cheek.
"Good, I want to help. You're the only wife I have. If anything happened to you I don't know what I'd do. I mean, circuses don't exist anymore so I couldn't emotionally join one anymore." He nudged her, hoping to make her smile.
"Well nothing's happening to me anytime soon, okay? Now that we know the problem,  we'll do as the doctor says and everything will be fine." A hard head nod from clover before she used her other hand to clasp over both of theirs. 
"We're a team. We have this," he echoed. "I'll do whatever it takes to make you comfortable, alright? Whatever it takes." He picked up their hands and kissed the back of Clovers hand. He really would do whatever it took. He lived her so much that it would be insane if he didn't. 
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magicalgirlsammy · 5 years
My Birth Story
Early labor started when I got my membrane swept on my due date June 4th, after that I was having some pain and my mucus plug fell out later in the week. Then on the morning of Friday June 7th I woke feeling contractions. They were kind of all over the place, but they were very painful so around 9pm we went to the hospital. The car ride kind of calmed me down and seemed to stop the contractions. When we got there they checked me and I was almost at 4cm dilated, after that the nurses had me walk around the hospital for two hours to get things going. South Park was on TV so we took breaks and watched It In the waiting room, It was the episode where Mr. Garrison thought he was pregnant. Around 1am we went back and they checked me again, nothing had changed so they put me on morphine and gravel then sent me home to try and sleep. I woke up in the morning feeling alright, but around 4pm the contractions got even more terrible then the day before. We ended up leaving for the hospital again. Once we got there a doctor checked me and I still was only at 4cm dilated, she ended up sweeping my membrane. This time It felt so terrible and I was bleeding a lot from It, after having that done they wanted me to walk around for an hour. I couldn't handle the pain of the contractions so we went back a couple mins early and when they checked me I was still only at 4cm. The baby kept getting lower each time I had been getting checked the past couple days, so they took me to the labor ward and got me ready for a epidural. After the epidural we had waited hours, I got checked after and I was still only at 4cm dilated! They gave me something to induce labor at this point and that still didn't get things going. The nurse also ended up putting me on a catheter because they said the baby would of destroyed my bladder. I couldn't fall asleep so I laid there for hours till my doctor came and broke my water in the middle of the night. After I had my water broken my epidural stopped working kind of and I could feel the contractions again. They had to put more meds In my epidural to help, I was still able to feel them after though. After a couple more hours went by the nurse started to show me how to push and around 3am my doctor came into the room to really start things. They had me hold a sheet around a bar to pull myself up while pushing. It was a lot of work and so hard to focus on pushing and pulling myself up. I wasn't able to get his head out all the way because my baby was so big and I was so tired from everything that had happened before. After pushing for about 2 hours the baby's heart started to go all crazy and the doctor quickly got things ready for a assisted birth, I had no time to process what was going on. The doctor sucked out my baby's head with a pump like thing, he was still stuck after that so they had to cut me. After they cut me I got his head out and then around 6am I gave birth to the rest of him. When they pulled him out all I could see was his poor head that was shaped like a cone from him being sucked out. They laid him on me so we could do skin on skin right away, I was In so much pain and so tired that It didn't really hit me about what just happened and that I had my baby out of my belly and on me! After all that It came time to birth the placenta, I wasn't able to push It out because It was also close to 9 pounds like the baby and my body was so done from everything. So a lady had to come In all geared up with a face shield, she then had to scoop out the placenta by hand and that hurt more then the birth did. I bled so much since my placenta was stuck In for so long, they had to keep pushing on my belly to get out all the blood so I wouldn't clot or hemorrhage. Them pushing on my belly was one of the most painfullest things I ever experienced. After all this I laid there feeling warm blood pouring out of me, I could still hardly processes what just happened and that my baby was In the room. After everything was stitched I had to be helped to stand up and put into a wheel chair, then I was brought to the mommy and baby ward. Once we were alone In our room I was crying a lot from feeling shocked and guilty for how everything went. My baby had a huge bruise on his head and was In a lot of pain from being sucked out as well. The next two days I had a lot of different nurses try and help me breast feed him, I felt so bad holding his bruised little head and he was having a lot of troubles latching on. The nurses still had to push on my belly from time to time and they didn't take out my catheter or IV for the longest time, I couldn't shower or do much and It was really hard to move my hand from the pain the IV was giving me. I lost so much blood that my lips were as white as my face was, having the stitches also didn't help the situation. The next day I was able to make It to a breastfeeding class, I came In late and everyone was staring at me like I was a ghost. One of the moms even kept offering me her chair to sit down in. The hospital almost made me stay another day because my blood test came back very low and I needed iron. I wanted to leave so bad though, I wasn't able to sleep there and didn't get good sleep since the last Thursday. My doctor ended up just putting me on iron pills and let me go home. As we were leaving we walked past the labor ward, the waiting room where we had watched South Park and the hallways we walked for two nights to get things going. Everything all came back to me at once, I lost It and started crying. Once we got outside all I saw was bright lights and almost fainted from everything, I had to hold onto my husband to make It to the car. Once we got into the car I started to cry, seeing my beautiful baby healthy In his car seat beside me made everything I had gone through so worth It. Once we got home things really took a bad turn. I was producing a lot of colostrum while In the hospital, which the nurses were surprised saying what I went through I shouldn't of been. My baby had lost some weight while we were In the hospital though. Once we got home breastfeeding was not going so well at all, my husband and I were sleep deprived trying everything we could to get him enough milk. We ended up having to feed him by spoon and shot glass just so he could get enough. One point I was so out of It from lack of sleep and pain that my husband had to help pump and hand express while our baby tried to eat. I had about 6 different at home nurse visits and only one really helped us figure out what was really wrong with my baby. He has a really hard time latching on, sucks his tongue and has a very bad gag reflex. The nurse also told me that baby's born by suction can have problems with their jaws. I have to pump every 2-3 hours a day to help keep my milk supply going, I’m also on pills now to help keep It going. Bottle feeding has been a bit of a struggle with the problems he has as well, we have to stop at every ounce so he can burp and let puke out. No one ever really tells or prepares you for what could happen and what you need to make sure your baby will be ok. It's so hard to handle everything going on when you are sleep deprived and In pain as well. I witness a birth when I was 15 and It was not at all as traumatic experience like this was, I remember the doctor saying that It was good birth control for me to see a birth that young, I told her no and that I still wanted babies. Now I'm so scared from trauma that I don't know If I can ever do It all again and that really break my heart.
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