#but i can see what you mean about it looking almost like a manip i've seen before
holyshit · 2 years
anons in my inbox answered in the tags below ⬇️
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merry-pitchmas · 6 months
Will there be an exchange this year?
Sorry, I totes dropped the ball on getting an early start on the exchange this year but never fear!
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The season of giving is almost upon us and you know what that means....
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For a RECORD-BREAKING eighth year in a row, it's time for the Pitchmas Gift Exchange!!
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Okay, listen up.
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If you need a refresh on the rule, please check out this post from last year, but keep in mind the cut of dates will have changed. Because I've left this so late (again, my bad, sorry) I'm only going to let this float around until the end of the day on December 1st. If you'd like to take part in the exchange this year, please reply to this post by then.
Here's the TL;DR for those of you who don't wanna check out the link:
Reply to this post to take part. Reblogs will not be included.
December 1st is the cut off date to sign up.
Posting will begin on December 24th - not a day before! And you have to have your gift finished and posted NO LATER than December 31st.
You don’t need money to take part - just a dash of creativity and the drive to want to do something.
Manips, videos, fanfic, and comics are just a few examples of the things you can do!
All pairings are welcome, but I strongly encourage all participants to ANONYMOUSLY message the person they have to ask questions about which they might prefer.
TURN ON YOUR ANONS. I’ve gotten to the point where if your ask box is not set to allow anon questions and your Secret Santa cannot contact you, I will no longer be trying to get in touch - I’ll just remove you from the exchange. So please, even if you’re sure anon asks are already allowed, double check. If you’re not sure HOW to do that, google is your friend.
If you change your name between now and the posting date, please send me a message to let me know. I will not be trying to track people down again this year.
Please don’t leave someone hanging. If you have no intention of doing anything and just want someone to do something for you, don’t reply. It’s not fair. (And I’m always looking for volunteers who will write for anyone who might get missed!)
Tag your posts with #merry pitchmas 2023.
See you in a few, awesome nerds!
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dojae-huh · 2 years
Hi! I'm sorry if this question bothered you. I want to ask, have you ever heard of shipper Jaeren (Jaehyun Renjun)?. Maybe someone understands Jaeren (Jaemin Renjun). But in my country it's Jh and Rj.
I've actually been curious about this for some time, and wanted to ask your opinion. I mean on your blog I've never seen you mention this shipper. And I'm also confused why people believe that jh and rj had a relationship and then broke up. Unlike Jaeyong and Jaewoo, who sometimes have a fanservice agenda. Jaeren is almost never on an agenda. It is said that this rumor started from weibo which many believe that weibo is a sasaeng nest that can be guaranteed the truth. I've only ever seen a video that jh wants to hold rj's hand? Which is where Dy gets in the way. 2020? If I'm not wrong.
Some even say that jh's songs are about the breakup of their relationship. Even rj, who is rarely active on ig, does live when jh releases his song forever only.
When Jeno opened his ig and had a b&w profile and the vibe of seeing the sky yesterday was also discussed. Because in NCT, which has a b&w profile and looks up at the sky, there are only jeno, renjun, doyoung and jaehyun. Of course it's a pleasure for the shipper jaedo, noren. But in the discussion there were also those who said that another similarity was that jeno, doyoung, and jaehyun were people who really liked renjun.
What do you think about this shipper? Shipper who may not be as big as jaeyong and jaedo. But having that kind of belief. Even though I know all shippers have their own beliefs and theories.
I hope you will share your thoughts. Thank you
I often get Asks about the ship, but I delete them because they are of trolling tone. I've never seen this ship on TW (posts, manips, mentions), it should be very rare. There is a term "crack ship" (an impossible ship), I'll apply it to JaeRen. Do the two even know each other? Heh.
Shippers can ship whoever they want, but I'm not going to discuss anything JaeRen shippers come up with. Renjun wasn't even in Rookies. Jaehyun and Renjun barely know each other. I'm not capable of the amount of imagination needed to make their characters compatible.
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charlieweasleyy · 3 years
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WTN WEEK 2021 → day six (episode six)
The thing is I want to write stories that MATTER! It has become one of my biggest passions of late. I want to write stories that people can relate to, but I also want to write stories and represent people well. When the prompts were first posted I didn't have a lot picked out... Not gonna lie, when I looked at that list I only had one pairing in mind when I saw the word innovative. Not going to lie again, I could easily slip Judy into each category because Judy has had a lot of happy, sad, relevant AND exciting moments this year. Oh yeah and some painful ones. Really painful ones (sorry about that xoxo). James has been through IT. This year and I've put him through it, but the person who I think makes him the most innovative and is constantly questioning him is his wife Prudy.
Soooo while I *gush* about my ship. I mean really gush. I have been that person who was afraid to tell stories. I have been that person to think that it wasn't my place, but the thing is we need more stories like this. We need to hear stories from black men and women, we need to hear stories about interracial couples and how that affects their views on people and the life they live. What I have played into James' story is that he is a light-skin male and he has experienced colorism because of it. His experiences are not as "deep" as some of his family members (for example, his father) and that means he has spent the majority of his life with rose-colored glasses. It has really taken over 30 (almost 40) years for James to finally get a real view of the world. It started with the protests for the Black Lives Matter movement, yeah, but I would say it started long before that. It started when he met Prudence (Fitzpatrick) McKnight in an interrogation room where he was asked to be someone that he wasn't. James realized at that moment that he had to mold into "one of them" in order to be liked in this system. James lives by his own moral code, he feels guilt and pain, he hurts when others hurt, but he also realized that he had to smile a bit more and be more of an "approachable" guy early in his life. It was one of the reasons he was so involved from sports to fraternities.
James has always had his hands in something, but no one has ever spoken to him in the manner that Prudence has. It started when James re-entered Prudence's life and he was no longer the cop form when she was a teenager, but he was now a lawyer. Elle and I have been doing this for awhile now so I'm just going to fast-forward a bit, but long story short: Prudence didn't trust him. She didn't want to trust him. She still thought of him as the same guy from her past, but she didn't get a chance to see any other person because James quit when Prudence's case was over. Eventually, it becomes less about the case and James finds himself falling for this girl. He falls for her quips, her mistrust in him and the system, he falls for her intelligence (like her BRAIN is probably the sexiest things about her), and he falls for her smile ( that damn smile).
Fast forward some more they start dating and everything isss great, but it isn't because Prudence is keeping secrets. Which hey, more power to her, but it isn't great because James doesn't like being kept in the dark (he's a bit hypocritical at times because he also struggles in opening up). He just wants to be involved and he can easily become so focused on other people that he forgets to care for himself in teh same manner aka like *talking* to other people when he is the one suffering. It could be easy to let James and Prudy fall into a pattern with one another because Elle and I have been doing this for so long like I can't even BELIEVE how long it's been.
Six and a half years. Like WHAT.
They are now married and have two babies, but I think the part that makes them so innovative and great is because they are changing as people. Prudy is evolving in her business and James' eyes are opening little by little and it starting to show in their relationship. It started with the protests and it has worked it's way to his sister's death. He is starting to see how HE is being treated differently by his peers because he picked a side and let people walk from the Black Lives Matter movement. Not to mention, I don't know if you all have been paying attention but Prudy took down the person that killed her father. (I mean she had Tez' help) but that was a big - such a big deal because well..... James could tell how distraught his wife was (and maybe she was a little distraught because James showed up), but he kind of refused to leave his wife.
What I loooooove about Judy's marriage is that it's becoming a partnership that is so much fun to write. Like you're not getting one without the other and if one goes down then another is going down. I don't want to say they are one of those ships who isn't co-dependent because BORING! Jk. but that’s it. While they don't NEED one another, they choose to need one another. Like helloooo, Prudy doesn't need James' help, but she wants his help. She has opened his eyes and showed him that not everything is so black and white and that there are shades of grey in this world and there is a whole population that is misrepresented (his and hers, included). She is kind of like Robin Hood (and James finds that sooo attractive) ... as you can tell we are about to take Judy down a path that will be fun to explore and I can't believe it's finally happening.
ALSO I tried to make a manip but it's so bad and I'm embarrassed to even show it! But I did put effort into it so I'm going to post it anyway, just don't laugh. Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me.
And I don't know but I'm also soooo excited for what is to come so watch this space, please. ILY @ellectricmuse
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furbyq · 4 years
Hey, you've been a big inspiration creativity wise to me, and I've been meaning to ask um a question. I'm interested in making like my own skins and whatnot and I'm not really sure where to start? I feel like its mainly texture editing/ photo manip that I'm not sure about and I'm wondering how you started? or if you could point to like some good tutorials/sites?
hi! that's a really sweet thing to say, thank you! ^^
i've been trying to figure out how to answer this for a few days (i've been having some pretty severe brainfog as of recently) so i hope this answer actually helps.
there's a few things i think you should familiarize yourself with before trying to blend skins.
the first is how the basics of photoshop work (i highly recommend photoshop over gimp or paint.net. i've seen *cough*free*cough* versions of cs5 floating around on tumblr, so if you don't have it, i'd recommend trying to find one that seems safe.) certain tools are going to be more useful than others for blending, but i'll definitely go over the specifics later down this explanation.
the second is how layer masks work. this tutorial by bosie and this tutorial by pooklet go over things you may need to do that utilize layer masks, so knowing how they work is paramount.
the third thing that is important is understanding how the ts2 uv maps work. this is important for understanding what part of the skin texture goes where and such. the best uv maps i've found are the ones here at mts, but they're in rars with a bunch of other uvs so i've uploaded the nude body mesh ones here by themselves with a separate face uv if you want to see where certain textures go on the actual 3d sim mesh.
generally the way that skinblending is done is picking two or more skins with different pieces you like. you pick one as the base and then use layer masks to blend different features from other skins onto it. bosie's tutorial really goes over what you need to know about using layer masks for this purpose, although i personally keep all features on separate layers, even if i'm using the same texture for all of them. you don't even have to keep the layer masks at full opacity; messing with the layer opacity can give you really interesting effects!
if you’re wanting a tutorial on how to photoskin, apparently i wrote one on that a few years ago that you can read here.
you can also use handpainting to improve the coloration or texture of your skin. for example, sometimes i put some low opacity blushing over the cheeks or use a noise filter to create pore-like overlays.
always remember that if your face texture ends up a little asymmetrical during blending that you can duplicate, flip, and delete half of the texture in order to achieve perfect symmetry. although some creators definitely like some imperfection in their skins.
a lot of people end up using a body skin from one of the skins they blend facial features from without changing it because making a body blend is more challenging than making a face blend. this is due to how many more uv seams there are. you can even use a body from a skin you didn't use for your face blend, as long as you use a paintbrush on the neck of both the body and face textures to fix any seams!
this is more of an intermediate or advanced tip, but one strategy i have for mitigating this is to use the uv to draw a border on the seams with a paintbrush. for maxis matchy skins, you can use floodfill to patch the seams and on skins with more detail, you can apply a body skin to the border as a clipping mask to fix seams as long as you blur the border enough so that it blends.
some people use actions to recolor skins, but i'm not a fan of doing that for natural tones because of how much pixelation it tends to add. instead, i usually use skintone shades on color fill layers set to multiply. this tends to make the texture look very flat, so i'll typically duplicate the base layer and drag it to the top and use a layer mask to only make certain features (like the eyes, lips, nose, and ears) visible. then i manually tone this layer using adjustment layers that are assigned as a clipping mask.
if you have difficulty with coloring beyond this, i suggest looking at a skin that already exists that is similar to the tone you're going for to see how it should look.
the tutorial by pooklet that i linked above goes over how to combat pixelation (which you will almost always end up with to some extent, even if you don’t use actions) but there’s also another tip here by them for an alternate way to smooth skins. 
i have a tutorial here that provides some layer mask psds designed for smoothing, but using them on every skin may not be feasible.
now, as far as how intensive making skins actually is; if you utilize the amount of differences maxis skins are built to accommodate, you're looking at around 16-17 images per skin.
that includes: 
teen to adult female body (normal/fat/fit states) elder female body (normal/fat/fit states) teen to elder male body (normal/fat/fit states) baby body toddler body child body baby face toddler face child-adult face elder face scalp
although a lot of popular skin makers forego some of these textures for their own sanity; some of the most popular skins have no fat/fit states, for example. with the way bodyshop and simpe work together, skins that are reimported to game will combine similar textures. so if you save your bodyshop project with the same face for every face available, in simpe you'll only have one face image to replace. you can use this fact to cull the textures down to an amount you are comfortable handling.
it should be added that you'll experience really bad image compression in bodyshop, ESPECIALLY with darker skintones and there isn't really any way to fix that in photoshop. reimporting your textures into simpe using DDS utilities will really help with that. here's a tutorial on how to install DDS utilities. there's a tutorial on how to reimport with DDS utilities here for hair. doing skins is the same basic concept, although like pooklet's tutorial mentioned, DXT3 may work better for skins than DXT5.
i know that you mainly needed help with the photomanipulation area, but i felt this was important to mention.
like i said, i hope any of this helps! if you have any specific questions beyond this, feel free to hit me up-- if i know the answer i'll definitely share it with you.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 3 years
Sorry but this doesn't make sense. If somebody hates Louis they're not going to enjoy fantasising about Harry & Louis having sex. They're not going to identify with a fandom subsection that is mocked and derided every day by regular fans just for shits and giggles.
- I am the anon who said that I've been a louie since 2018. At this point larries just don't want to be wrong. They do everything to make themselves beleive that their ship is real. Very far away from actually supporting their career. Especially since I see what's happening everyday larries have never supported louis' solo career. They make viral tweets about proofs or old "Larry" pics/manips or fic dialogues. I repeat, their existence doens't equate support, especially to Louis and his career. They hate him in a way that they believe everything louis does today is fake and their fic version of violent daddy louis is real. How can they like him if they believe his actual personality is fake?
As for projects, Larries have created projects to support Louis' songs like Home and No Control and never done the same for H's songs.
- you did not just say this lmao. Home and no control are one d songs, the songs were released on behalf of the band, the projects happened during the band, benefiting the band. How is this supporting louis career especially today? Sorry this is making me laugh more and more. They don't participate in any fan projects created by louies, for solo louis songs. Neither do they create one without making it about harry too.
You only have to look on here to see who the very popular Larries favour. The Doll Lady adores Louis and barely makes any Harry posts. Almost all Twt Larries have Louis as their profile pic and even Louies who aren't Larries think he's gay. H's main fandom in 2021 is 15-30 aged straight women who find him attractive.
- The louis profile pic cuz larries don't want to be associated with harries for some reason so they are keeping his pic as pp. they can act like loving louis all they want, post adoring anecdotes about how much louis means to them but none of it are showing in their actions. Someone talked about miss you sabotage by them and larries did it to two of us (2019) too. They told everyone not to by the song on Friday (the release day) because of their made up theory of Billboard's charting. And these people had 1000s of followers. They spread it so much that lthq dmed those accounts and made them post again correcting that fans can buy the song on Friday. Louies who think he's gay also believe that he's in a relationship with hot Luke but that's a story for another day. Larries don't effectively support louis music career as much as his solo fans.
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