#but in my mind. once they reconcile over that HORRIBLE miscommunication they start working on making sex better
I really want Stede to be good in the sack for his own benefit. Like someone who has never been treated as desirable, absolutely Rocking Ed’s World? It’s a win/win. Ed gets maximum pleasure and Stede gets an ego boost.
ok the best thing is tho that stede doesn’t have to be objectively good in bed to rock ed’s world because stede has the power of true love on his side
like i do think they eventually get to stede learning how exactly to fuck ed and stede having a massive ego boost just knowing that HE can do that to ed at literally any time and that ed wants him so fucking bad. but there’s gonna be a little bit of a learning curve, for BOTH of them tbh. stede might need to start with the basics but ed’s gotta learn to let himself be taken care of, too
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