#but she didnt expererience it
nuravity · 2 years
(both vampire stuff and just f o o d)
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scale: fuck no, gross, not for them, eh, no opinion, kinda, hot, fuck yes, p l e a s e do this
For villain!Ochako specifically in regards to my threads with @ooh-ouch-me-bones.
scale: fuck no, gross, not for them, eh, no opinion, kinda, hot, fuck yes, p l e a s e do this
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demonic-alex · 5 years
ok i think i cracked the code based on my own expererience, the entire tucute theory is easy to back up & follow without any actual proof bc its all about fake science made on the spot. thats why they are so stuck in their own ideas bc its just bullshit science theories MADE by people who, 100% of the time, didnt specialize in what they are talking about, but they somehow still think its their place to dictate the trans experience with made up science and their your trans if you identify as such & whatever. + it never crosses a tucute mind the origin, perpetuation & day to day transphobia. for them its easy to say that transphobia will always exist so it doesn't matter if you make it worse by doing the things they joked about "TRANSPHOBES DONT MAKE THEIR CLICKBAIT AND HATEFUL ARTICLES & NEWS. transphobes have always hated us & the idea that they have of us is smth shared and that has always been there, its NOT another TRANS PERSONS FAULT. AND nb, he/him they/them lesbians + she/her they/them gay men, ppl who use neon pronouns, non dysphoric people have always been here. trans history is constantly changing and envolving and choosing to IGNORE them for your boderline half assed terf theory is just idiotic." Tucuted always say that they side with science and history but dont ever bat an eye on the full details. Tucuted have a distorted idea of what is transphobia and they all spew the same arguments that IVE NEVER SEEN be ever BACKED UP BY ACTUAL SCIENCE & their idea of the lgbt history is so painfully distorted it gives me a fucking headache.
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