#but the funny answer of they totally had an account and ran that shit meticulously is my favorite
two-dolla-bills · 3 months
If you've been on tumblr for the last couple of days, you may have noticed that NASA, for some reason, apparently has an official account on here. With that information in mind, I would like to propose a question to the council:
Do we think the Project: Hail Mary had an official tumblr blog in universe?
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mss4msu · 4 years
“Do I Wanna Know?” (Chapter 13)
Summary: On a visit to a local nightclub, the lounge singer catches your eye. Soon becoming a regular at the club, the way you look on the dancefloor gets his attention. You begin to hear stories about the notorious crime lord who owns and operates the small nightclub. When your friends worry that you’ve gotten mixed up with a mobster, you wonder if it’s better to be left in the dark and find yourself asking, “Do I wanna know?” if you’re getting involved with one of the most revered mobsters in the city. 
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky x Reader
Words: 2197
Warnings: Language, guns, blood, violence
A/N: This is officially the conclusion of this story. If you chose to reread from the beginning, there was some fun foreshadowing. Thanks to all who have been reading along and to those who offered up comments, speculations, and reactions, thank you for making this a blast to write!
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“You’re sure about this?” James asked you hesitantly. 
“Tony was going to use me against you, kill me to get to you. For myself, yes, I’m sure that I,” you emphasized the word, “want to be the one to deal with him.”
“Ok. Can I give you some tips then?”
“Tips from a man who tortures and kills people for a living? Sure, why not,” you couldn’t help your snark; now that Tony was tied up somewhere, you felt no fear. 
James looked dumbfounded, “(Y/N), what did he tell you about me?”
“That you’re a gangster, a mobster, a murderer for hire,” you waved your hand dismissively.
“Fuck,” the pain in James eyes hit you like a punch to the gut, “I thought you were acting strange because of Tony...guess it was partly because of me too.” 
“He said you killed his parents, James.”
“That’s not entirely true.” 
“Do I wanna know?” 
“(Y/N), please let me explain.”
“Fine,” you huffed and sat down at the top of the stairs. 
James sat down next to you, “I am involved in a business that sometimes requires...violence. I have, in the past, been hired to ‘deal’ with people, but I’ve never taken a job that I didn’t fully research or one where I didn’t believe that I was the ‘good guy’ in the situation. I have never killed anyone.”
“What, so you’re like the Robin Hood of mobsters?”
“That’s actually a perfect way to think about it. There are some bad people out there, and I get hired to teach them a lesson.”
“So what made Tony’s parents worth a hit?”
“Howard Stark was a notorious alcoholic. On multiple occasions, he would drive home from parties while intoxicated, and more than once this resulted in his car totaled and some innocent life ended. Of course the Starks had enough money to make these little situations disappear by paying off everyone involved. But one night, Howard hit the wrong person; the daughter of an executive from one of Stark’s rival companies.”
“I’ve literally never heard any of this,” you interrupted. 
“You wouldn’t have. This executive knew Starks reputation and wanted to shake him up a bit before that settlement offer came through and he went public with the bribery and the hit and runs; they planned to expose Stark and take him down. This is where I came in. I got hired to tail Stark home from a party and give him a taste of his own medicine, just cause him to swerve and get into an accident himself, with his wife present to add to the nerves, and that was it. I planned everything meticulously: I got a previous client to host a big party where the booze ran freely, I had associates get the Starks out of the party at exactly the time I wanted, I planted a board of nails on the ground so when the car hit it would cause a spin-out, and I altered the GPS to take them down a specific route where we wouldn’t run into anyone. I made a grave mistake. I didn’t account for a Stark shipment truck that had gotten ahead of schedule and taken a wrong turn. The truck came crashing headfirst into Stark’s car, just as it began to spin out. Turns out Stark’s own business is what took him down that night. Steve, an old friend, was working for Stark at the time, running PR. I got in touch with him to help him, no pun intended, spin it; I was the reason Stark had been there, and there was no reason for a random driver to be the culprit of something that was a complete accident. Howard had been drinking that night, and the car did crash, so it was all logical explanations, we just spared someone. After all this, Steve decided he didn’t want to work for Stark or anyone like him again, so he came on board with me to right wrongs.”
“So you don’t kill people, and you aren’t dealing drugs or anything? Are you even a gangster?”
“(Y/N), I’m a lounge singer who tries to help people in my spare time.”
You were relieved at this explanation, “Then those two men I saw…?”
“As you probably know, they worked for Tony. I’ll be honest, I was first hired to infiltrate Stark Industries to buy them out, as there had been substantiated reports that Tony has been skimming off the top and not treating his employees well, which I saw firsthand with his treatment of you. I can only assume due to our developing relationship, Stark put those men on you. They had been following you all night, and I recognized them as being Stark’s men. At that point, I had to take them in to figure out why they were after you. I couldn’t let them hurt you,” James’s voice softened
“Oh,” was all you could muster. 
You both sat in silence for awhile as you processed everything James had just told you. Given his actions versus Tony’s, you were sure his words were the truth.
“I have a question for you now,” James stated, breaking the silence.
“Why did you act like you didn’t remember everything when it obviously bothered you?”
“Because I didn’t remember anything. Tony told me that he gave Peter a drug, which Peter then gave to me on my ride home last week. He didn’t want me to ruin our connection or it wouldn’t have been worth it to use me against you.” 
James’s hands balled into fists, “That son of a bitch,” you put your hands on his and he released the tension, “Shit, (Y/N), I’m sorry I got you caught up in all of this.”
“Hey, it’s my fault for letting you charm me.”
James put his hand on your cheek. When he rubbed it with his thumb, you winced as he grazed your cut. 
“Tony did this to you?” James’s anger returned. 
“One of his lackeys did,” you shrugged it off.
As James looked at you, his eyes softened. He slid his hand from your cheek to behind your head and pulled you in for a kiss. 
When you both finally broke apart, you put your hand on James’s shoulder and stood up. 
“What are you doing?”
“I told you,” you offered him your hand, “I want to deal with Tony.”
James accepted your hand and you heaved him up, “If you insist.”
As you walked down the hallway James cleared his throat before saying, “I don’t know what route you plan to take in there, but it generally helps to start small, and incorporate more pain as you go if you aren’t getting the answers you want.”
“I don’t think I really want any answers from him, I just want him to suffer.”
“(Y/N),” James grabbed your hand and stopped you from walking, “Never go into it wanting revenge. You have to keep a clear head or you’ll lose yourself.” 
You nodded in response; you stopped as you reached the last door, “You know this hallway seems a lot longer when you’re drunk.”
James let out a low chuckle, “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
“Ok, then do your thing, boss,” James winked at you as he opened the door. 
Seeing Tony sitting, tied up in a chair, you felt a fire of anger begin to rage inside of you. He already had bruises forming on his face, and the blood dripping from his suit jacket meant he was still bleeding from his gunshot wound. Tony glared up at you, one of his eyes almost entirely closed shut from the bruises and raised skin around it. 
“Oh, the little bitch stuck around?” Tony chided you. 
James stepped forward, but you put your arm out to stop him. 
“Funny you should say that, because as far as I know, you’re the only little bitch,” you spit at Tony’s feet, “here.”
James let out a small chuckle. 
You turned to glare at him before continuing, “Now, Mr. Stark,” the way you said his name dripped in loathing, “I have some questions for you. First, what were your intentions with me tonight?”
Tony contorted his bruising face into a smirk, “I was going to kill you in front of him,” he nodded to James. 
“And why were you going to do that?” you walked over to James and steadied yourself on his shoulder as you slipped your heels off
“Haven’t we been over this?” Tony rolled his one open eye at you. 
“You and I have, but I think everyone in the room deserves to hear your reasoning.”
“Ha. Certain people in this room deserve nothing.”
You took one of your heels in your hand and whacked Tony across the face, the stiletto leaving a long cut across his face. 
“Damn,” you heard James choke out behind you, “You know those are expensive shoes, doll.” 
You shot James a dirty look, “The soles are red and so is his blood,” you turned back to Tony, “Now, I’m not going to ask you again,” you raised the heel up, ready to strike a second time. 
“Fine! I was going to kill you as payback for that son of a bitch killing my parents.”
In that moment, your anger towards Tony faded and you were met with a feeling of pity for him, “Tony, James didn’t kill your parents. A truck driver for Stark Industries did. It was a complete accident that they died. Your revenge plot should be on the universe for bad luck and timing, not on James or me or anyone else.”
“Yeah, I’m sure that’s what he wants you to think,” Tony rolled his eyes. 
Your anger returned and you took your heel and pressed the stilettos edge into the webbing between the pointer finger and thumb of Tony’s hand, adding pressure until his eyes watered, “You know, it is easier to believe the man who didn’t try to kill me, you’re right. Chose your own truth then. Next question, why did you give me that promotion?”
Tony stared at you, mouth firmly shut until you pressed even harder down on his hand with your heel, “Stop! Fine! Because he asked me to and I realized I could start using you against him if I did.”
When you released the pressure on Tony’s hand, he let out an audible gasp.
You turned around, “You got me that promotion?”
James looked sheepishly at you, “I told you, part of the assignment was to evaluate how Stark treated his employees, so seeing what would happen if he promoted one he had treated poorly as a lesser position was a good way to do that.”
“That’s the only reason?”
“I may have had a few ulterior motives…”
“You know, I think we’re done here,” you said, walking over to James. 
“Those were the only things you wanted to say to him?”
“I decided I wanted him to hear the truth, even if he won’t accept it. And what more do I need to know from him? He treated me like shit even before he tried to off me. And seeing what all of this made him, you’re right, I don’t want to get revenge.”
James put his hand around your waist and pulled you toward him, landing a kiss upon your lips. 
“Do you seriously have to do this with me in the room? This is worse than the other torture,” Tony whined. 
“What’s going to happen to him?” you whispered up to James.
James walked up to Tony and delivered a swift punch to the gunshot wound in his stomach, which caused a steadier flow of blood to drip on the floor. He then turned and walked back to you. 
“He’ll go to jail. I still got him on the embezzlement and such. Plus, I’ve got some friends that will make sure he’ll be away for a long time. He’ll never bother you again.”
James snapped his fingers and the two men from earlier came back and carried Tony, still tied to the chair, out of the room. 
“Um James, what am I going to do for a job?” 
“I made a few preparations for his going away. You see, doll, I was working with this great account manager at Stark Industries who set me up in such a way that I can now buy the whole corporation. And I’m a busy musician, so someone else is going to have to run the business. I’m fairly certain that account manager can do it. She may want to rebrand though.”
“James, you can’t do that.”
“Oh? Questioning my authority? You know that’s a sure way to get on the bad side of the White Wolf,” he smirked at you. 
“Haha! Is that your mob name? Well, I wouldn’t want that would I? Do you think the White Wolf could be hired as a personal security guard, just in case Tony makes a break for it.”
“Hmmm, a lifetime of calling you boss? I think I can arrange that,” James said before pulling you in for a long kiss.
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