#but then other shows like the boys or invinceible that are more satirical and genre deconstructive were too edgy/nihilistic for me
13eyond13 · 7 months
I... wouldn't describe tiger & bunny as cyberpunk 1970s. The year it takes place in is called 1970s but as has been explained, its not equivalent to real world calendar and at least to me, doesn't really feel like cyberpunk 70s but more like modern day in a near future where superheroes exist, but have been turned into a capitalized, marketed product - which it did first, before mha or other similar stories, and in my opinion a lot better and more tactfully. Also, the queer representation is excellent for something that came out in 2010 - though the main protagonist duo isn't on-screen canon, what they have has been described as being in love by the authors (dunno if anything about them gets canonicized in s2 as i still haven't caught up, but the best way i can describe the way it feels is "all these characters are blatantly and autentically queer, they just couldn't get away with saying it outright" (besides the one canon nb character, whose identity is very well explored and from what i know DOES get they/them pronouns in the official dub of s2)). SORRY FOR THE INFODUMP lol, just saw the other ask and wanted to go more into it. either way id 100% rec it
Oh that's def interesting, thank you for the info! Don't mind at all haha
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animentality · 1 month
Your hot take on the boys and invincible kinda piss3d me off, not cause I totally disagree, but only because superhero media as a whole is lazy. Specifically for these two, though? The boys isn't just evil superman, it's corporate owned supervillainy, vigilantes who don't have powers, and yeah the shock value gets too much sometimes but like clearly you haven't seen it. And invincible is about a kid (son of superman) who is betrayed by his idol and forced to fight him and lose. Maybe don't judge so quickly!!
What, I have to watch the entire show to judge it?
That would necessitate that I take time out of my day to watch something that I don't like.
And if I watched the entirety of both, and still hated it, you'd tell me I shouldn't watch things I "hate" and I should just leave you and your dumb opinions alone.
So we're discarding that part of your argument because it's pointless.
oh wait.
but that's your entire argument.
ok. let's talk anyway.
so first off. you just said that superhero media as a whole is lazy.
that's quite a generalization to make about a genre.
I don't disagree but you're giving me shit for saying deconstructions of super hero movies are worse, to me personally, than super hero movies themselves, when you just made a blanket opinion statement disguised as a fact.
Think about that for a second.
Then I wanna talk about the whole "it's about politics" and "subversion of superman" schtick.
you're telling me that the boys is about politics, and invincible is an alien invasion story.
yet neither of those things need to be told through a superhero angle. they just are because of the superhero hype justifying their existence in the market.
and that's fine and all... but to me that's what they are.
gimmicks based on what was hot at the time, which was super heroes.
so they don't exist without the superhero genre to make fun of. they don't have relevance except by being reactionary.
and that's a lame selling point for me.
super hero movies have been dying lately, and frankly, I didn't even know invincible had a season 2 until I saw invincible had popped up on fortnite.
and even then I didn't see anyone talking about it, aside from the shock value of the rape scene.
but don't worry. we'll get to that.
as for the boys, well, I don't know, it could last for some time... but do deconstructions that wallow in misery and mega angst and are highly topical based on the year they were released really stand the test of time?
I don't know. we'll see.
all I know is that no one anticipated the fall of marvel after the success of Endgame...
but look at it now.
The Marvels, Antman 3, Madame Web... the lackluster performance of DC...
if you look back at the boys 50 years from now, what will you see?
a satire of the Justice League.
but it's not something on its own.
at least watchmen, as garbage as it is, has unique characters and a weird, but mildly interesting take on history.
the boys is like oh what if there was a world where superheroes existed and they killed people?
yeah that'll stand the test of time I'm sure.
Spiderman has lasted this long because he's relatable. He was the prime example of a changing genre, that allowed its heroes to be more down to earth.
Batman has his gothic detective thing, and you can tell so many stories with him, as he's just an ordinary man, who's also coincidentally a huge freak at the same time. what's not relatable about that?
And even Superman... oh, so he's boring because he's a good person?
yeah. sure. I don't particularly like him. I don't think he's that deep.
but his popularity did come from the basic idea that people should be good to each other.
what is the average jackass going to learn or remember from the boys?
oh that homelander likes drinking breast milk.
gee, that's relatable.
also that the deep fucked an octopus.
because haha... Aquaman, am I right?
now let's move on to shock value.
It sucks.
the boys is made for people who hate super heroes.
it's fine to hate super heroes, but Jesus Christ.
you hate them so much that you make them edgy. you make them rapists and mass murderers. you make them do nasty shit just because you wanna make someone vomit.
like. ok.
I don't like shock value in anything, not even horror movies.
if there's no plot reason for it, then I don't want to see it.
but the boys is all about throwing in sex scenes wherever they can, and making them as fucking weird as they can just because "oh we're not marvel."
yeah. I know that. even marvel pretends to have a story from time to time.
the boys literally starts off with a fucking 90s ass rape revenge story. like seriously?
so revolutionary ahahaha.
with a guy who fucks animals.
and is meant to be sympathetic later on because he's pathetic.
soo soooo deep.
good rape revenge plot.
reminds me of the misogyny of blade runner, and the director saying well I'm objectifying women because sexism exists in real life.
gee thanks, guy.
forgive me if I was turned off by a show that immediately sexually assaulted its main female character.
I'm a triggered snowflake, hahah, you got me.
but when I look at all this, it's like...
I never got into game of thrones because I never liked the mega edge lord plot of that either.
but at least game of thrones was doing something different with a genre, rather than just making a satire or parody of the genre.
it stands on its own.
the boys relies entirely on shock value and superheroes having sex in depraved ways.
it might have some valid political commentary somewhere in its messy gory insides, but nothing I couldn't get, and much better, from the Wire.
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