#but when adrien started showing interest that was even scarier and chat noir seemed like the safe option
ladyofthenoodle · 1 year
"I'll never tell another boy I love him til I know everything about him"
Damn Chat Noir and Luka just chopped liver, Marinette?
she didn’t, though, did she? i don’t remember her actually confessing her love to luka. and even chat noir, she just said she’s a super fan - no “i love you.” it’s those words specifically that she struggles with - perfection makes that very clear with the “i love moo” scenes.
not to mention that luka and chat noir are both safer than adrien because of her other condition: not friends with chloe. she doesn’t know everything about them but she knows they aren’t friends with chloe and adrien was. that’s a key part here too and makes them relatively safer, but still not safe enough for her to say those words to them!
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(AO3 Link)
Mirror. A reflective surface, often framed and decorated, in which your own appearance may be seen.
The first time Kagami snuck out was in the middle of July. She was supposed to be studying next year’s coursework, and she had gotten as far as cracking open the brand-new pre-calc textbook before she was suddenly standing, full of energy and not sure what to do with it. She fiddled with the choker Ladybug had finally entrusted her with that winter, and before she even made the decision to, she found herself on the roof, wrapped in an armor of spandex and magic. That first night was full of a dread that made her movements sloppy, her jumps often stumbled and her heart over-fast. Her mother had trusted her to study, to stay in her room and do as she was told. Slipping back through her bedroom window to find her treachery undiscovered filled her with a heady rush. A secret. She had a secret.
From then it became a habit. About once a week, often more, when she was supposed to be studying, she climbed out her window and took to the rooftops. She hadn’t realized how little of Paris she had seen until then. She visited kitschy sandwich shops and outdoor farmer’s markets. One particularly tepid August day, the week before school started, she stumbled upon a dance battle outside a small hip hop studio (she didn’t win, not by a long shot, but something about the feeling of being a part of a crowd, of a moment, thrilled her). After years of magical ladybugs and rampaging akumas and mayor’s daughters becoming superheroes, it was practically mundane to have a girl dressed in a dragon-y onesie visit your grocery store. She’d been complimented on her “cosplay” at least three times. She didn’t tell the other superheroes. She didn’t quite know why. It wasn’t against the rules or anything. Rena Rouge regularly picked up pizza before team hangouts, and Chat Noir had been spotted frequenting a flower shop once or twice. It was nice, though. To have something that was just hers. That wasn’t for anybody else. That she did just because she wanted to.
The first time she got a B on a homework assignment was an equal-parts mixture of confusingly exhilarating and nerve wracking. At first she was sure she would burn it. Shred it or rip it up and hide it in a dumpster where no one could find it. But instead she smoothed it out from where her tight grip had crumpled the paper, and slipped it in her backpack. She taped it to the back of her locker, and every now and then she would look at it and smile. She didn’t have any friends at school to ask her why. Even if she had, she wasn’t sure what she would say. Something about the curved letter, splashed in bright red across the top right corner of her history paper, made her feel like she was tethered. One large, egregious stomp of a footprint where before she had tiptoed, barely indenting the sand.
She was friends with the girl who butchered fish at the deli. Kagami wasn’t sure it was a deli, to be clear. It sold sandwich meats and cheese, but also fresh fish and honey cakes when the owner’s elderly mother made a batch, and a collection of awful romance novels on a shelf in the back that the owner collected and nobody bought. But the sign out front said “Alberts’ Deli,” so, Kagami was friends with the girl who butchered fish at the deli. Or, more specifically, Ryuko was. But Ryuko was more Kagami than Kagami was Kagami, most days. The girl was blonde and overwhelmingly foul mooded. She was rarely spotted without pink bubblegum scrunched between her teeth, and she was pessimistic in a way that made Kagami feel positively bubbly in comparison. When Kagami ordered fish, the girl went out of her way to find interesting newspapers to wrap it in, a sort of inside joke between the two of them. Kagami had never properly had an inside joke with someone before. Kagami didn’t know what to do with the fish that she bought. The money wasn’t a problem, she had a weekly allowance and nowhere to spend it barring the few times a month she and Adrien got together, but she hated wasting the fish, and it wasn’t like she could just leave it in her refrigerator. Her mom still didn’t know she’d been sneaking out, and mystery fish wasn’t easy to brush off. So far she’d been leaving it on Marinette’s balcony, because she seemed like the type of person who knew what to do with spare fish. But this weekend her mother was out of town until Sunday afternoon, and Kagami had an idea. Kagami didn’t know how to cook. Maybe she should have spent more time contemplating that, but she pulled up a recipe and googled how to use the stove. She burned herself three times, twice on her pinkie finger and once across her palm, but she ended up with an arguably passable cooked fish. It was a little burnt and a little under seasoned, but she ate the whole thing, and hand washed her plates and the pan, returning them exactly where they had been. It felt like a victory.
“I’m gay,” she said to an old man as she helped him cross the street. He looked a little confused, due to her being a complete stranger, but shrugged and said, “Whatever floats your boat, Missy.” “I’m gay,” she said to the girl who worked at the deli. “Am I supposed to act surprised?” Adelaide returned in a bored voice, scrounging up a copy of the funnies that she’d saved at the bottom of the newspaper pile in the case that Kagami stopped by. Kagami smiled. “I’m gay,” Kagami tells Ladybug, on accident when the two of them are partnered up on patrol. She hadn’t meant to. She’d wanted to keep her life and Her Life separate. But it was out there now. “Oh,” Ladybug said, looking a little shocked. “Oh, okay.” “Is that okay?” Kagami asked, hesitating before her next jump and fumbling the landing. “Yes,” Ladybug said, and Kagami knew that she would say yes, she did know it, but something in her breathed a sigh of relief anyway, “Yes of course it’s okay.”
Kagami joined a hip hop class. Not Ryuko-Kagami. Kagami-Kagami. Kagami, face bare of any mask and hands exposed to the open air, asked her mother if she could sign up for a dance class at the studio where the dance battle had been. She didn’t tell her mother about the dance battle. Her mother had been confused, at first. But she’d agreed. Reluctantly, but she’d agreed. Kagami’s first class went poorly. It was November, so everyone else was leagues ahead of her, and she kept messing up the moves. Her arms felt jerky and awkward and her feet were never quite in the right place it seemed. She didn’t know if she’d ever been that happy in her life.
The B on her homework didn’t become a common recurrence. She kept the history paper taped to her locked, and it was joined by one pre-calc assignment and a lab write up, but overall she kept her grades up. She knew her place in the hip-hop class was more or less dependent on her school and fencing performance remaining unchanged. She’d made one friend though. “What’s that about?” George asked the first time they walked together to their lockers, hers and then his, in order of closeness to their final class, “You do know that you get the top grades in, like, the whole year, right? You don’t have to torture yourself with the few average grades you get. Anyone would be jealous to just have 3 Bs.” “No,” she said, “It’s not about that.” He seemed to want to ask what it was about, then, but she shrugged. They walked in silence to his locker, and she leaned against the wall as he stuffed back-breaking textbooks into his backpack. “My name means mirror,” she said finally, and he looked up, curious, “Sometimes it’s nice to… remind myself I’m not just the things people want to see in me. I guess.” “That’s… poetic,” George said, but not like he was mocking her. Kagami felt half her mouth lift in an awkward smile. “Thanks.”
She ends up not being very well suited to hip hop. Which isn’t to say that she quitted, just that she discovered her “worst in the class” phase wasn’t much of a phase at all. The gap became smaller, though. Penelope, a girl not much younger than Kagami, asked Kagami to help her with the footwork she forgot. The teacher corrected her less and less. She stopped feeling like a fish out of water and more like an average fish in a school of particularly exceptional fish… or something. They had a dance battle again. The studio puts them on once every three months, and participation isn’t mandatory but there’s no shortage of friendly peer-pressure. Kagami finds out that it’s scarier to dance in front of a crowd when you know them and they know you. When you’re not just a stranger in a mask. She didn’t anticipate how much sweeter the failure feels when, upon hopping off the makeshift outdoor stage, you’re surrounded by friends (and they are her friends, she has so many more friends than she could have ever imagined) whom holler and yell about how “AMAZING you were, Kagami, oh my god you killed it!” Penelope shyly asked if Kagami could show her how to do the jump Kagami had made up. It was a weird jump, kind of stumble-y and very awkward. Kagami shows her anyway. (She was still the worst in the class. She really didn’t mind.)
“You seem different,” Adrien said off-handedly one evening. The two of them were eating ice cream in the park, watching the newly sprung-up grass sway in the breeze. There was still some snow on the ground, leftover from the last big storm of winter. “I know,” Kagami said, “I feel different.” “You seem happier,” he added, getting chocolate all over his face. She smiled, and handed him a napkin, and stared up at the sky. “I spent so much time trying to be what other people wanted me to be,” she said, taking a contemplative lick of her strawberry ice cream, “And then I decided to figure out who I was when I wasn’t.” Adrien was quiet for a moment. “I’m not sure who I am all the time,” he confessed. Kagami giggled. “Me neither.”
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globerjk · 4 years
Marichat May -
Post reveal – Balconies - Secrets
Previous Entire story on AO3
“And you didn’t think of the media coverage?” Mariette asked in disbelieve. “You are the son of the host, the image of his company!”
She let out a sight while pacing. “Didn’t you think for a second that your civilian friend, the one that is very much invested in anything fashion related and that actually goes to your school wouldn’t notice that you were wearing the exact same garment?”
“Wow. I really am dumb” There wasn’t much more for him to say
“You think?” She stopped to face him.
“Marinette” He said taking her hands. “Can we maybe postpone the topic of my stupidity for later? I still have to figure out how to break the news to Ladybug. For now let me concentrate in us and what almost happened”
Chat, no, Adrien came closer “Marinette I think I’m falling in love with you and maybe I was imagining things but I felt like you were also leaning in” She gulped “Where you going to kiss me back?”
“I was.” Her voice was barely a whisper.
“Because you like me back? As more than just your friend?”
She nodded. Marinette seem out of words at the moment but Adrien felt like he needed to keep asking her questions.
“Does the fact that you know me outside my costume affects that in any way?”
She nodded again and it was astounding that a simple little gesture could make his heart sink. If that sensation didn’t made him certain of his feelings for her…
Marinette quickly recovered her voice sensing his discomfort.
“Adrien, Chat or however you want me to call you for now on… you need to understand that knowing you outside the mask affects the way I fell about you, but no in a bad way ok? I promise” She said holding his cheeks.
“AS Chat you knew I was in love with another boy, I told you as much the first night you came to visit on this very balcony. But after we started spending so much time together I got confused at first and then kind of recognize a change to my feelings and started to get over the other boy little by little”
“Really mm” She covered his mouth. His eyes were getting bigger with hope.
“I´m not done” she resumed. “As I was saying… Chat is he one helping me move on, without even knowing and I was so ready tonight to leave the other boy behind... Or so I thought” She paused looking into the fading hope on his expression and releasing his mouth “but maybe I don’t have to” she finally finished with a smile.
“What are you saying?” Was he getting this right? Was she admitting to having feelings for both but choosing his first love? Did she need more time to think things over? Was the idea of having romantic feelings for a friend from school difficult to process? Did she feel like he took advantage of her somehow?
“What I´m saying is simply that we need to have a long talk Chat and that it’s almost 2 am on a school night. Please kitty, can you come back tomorrow with me for lunch?” She took his hand to reassure him seeing the disappointment in his eyes.
“I promise you that knowing your identity is not a bad thing, it sure will be difficult with Ladybug…” She trailed off “but for Marinette it’s a wonderful thing, ok? Just come back with me for lunch tomorrow” She got on her tippy toes and gave him a lingering kiss on his right cheek, closer to his mouth.
“As you wish princess” He bowed and kiss her hand bolting from the balcony a moment after and touching the spot she kissed all the way to the Agreste´s manner.
The next day the clock slowed down, or at least that’s what it felt like for Adrien and Marinette. When the bell finally rang the all but disappeared through the door together leaving their respective best friends wondering what had happened between them, especially since they were being awkward with each other all day long.
The walk toward the bakery was silent, but once they were on Mariette’s balcony the familiarity of the setting helped them relax.
“You must have known that I would at least catch you father's toast. That was obviously going to the news channels.“ Was the first thing out of her mouth.
“Yeah, but I didn't expected him to ask for my presence next to him, he never does.” Adrien defended.
“And what about the pictures? You were wearing one of the best outfits of the ball, photographers were bound to be all over you! Didn't you think those pictures would get to the media?”
“Would you have cut them out for your walls?” A very Chat Noir grin appeared on his face as he hold her gaze, giggling his eyebrows and earning him a punch
“You don't get to joke right now... You don't get to be funny”
“I never realized how strong you are. For someone so petit you throw a mean left hook!” Adrien said robbing his arm and for the first time it was true that it hurt
Her expression morphed and she seemed to lose her bravado. He looked so much like her dorky Chat that she couldn't help herself and blushed a deep red from neck to ears
“Marinette. I'll apologize to Ladybug for blowing my identity. Honestly, I didn't think it through. But I'm not sorry you know.... I've been very confused about my feelings for a while.”
He said daring to take her hands. Placing them near his heart, like he'd done before only as Chat and the warm feeling was amplified by a thousand. “Last night I finally had a moment of clarity and I want keep moving in that direction.”
"You still love her"
It was not a question
“Am I only second best?"
That was…
"Princess" The word somehow was scarier without the mask. "How can you even think that? You are the girl who made me question my feelings for Ladybug, for my partner and hero of Paris"
"One of the heroes" she said looking down.
"Okay, one if the heroes" Adrien corrected before continuing “You are the one making my reconsider my plans and expectations. I don't even get how, but you sneaked into my heart" He took a step forward "but I know that I don't want you to leave"
He tightened his grip on her hands causing her to finally look up and meet his gaze. When the boy summoned the courage to start leaning forward, Marinette stops him with by turning her face to the side.
He let her hands go with a heave breath.
“I just realized that I have been here for over an hour and you have not touch my nose once, and even if the conversation started as per usual for us when I was here as Chat, you seem to be getting less and less comfortable around Adrien”
Marinette stiffed next to him not daring to look at his face, nor to say anything.
“What's that about, I wonder? Could it have something to do with my perfect hair and my mask less handsome face?”
Now she began trembling obviously not relieve by his attempt at joking.
"Ohhh gosh this is it, isn't it... Time for me to confess... Ohhh I'm going to be sick" She muttered mostly for herself, but Adrian was able to catch every word. Too bad that he took them the wrong way. She needed to express herself better, as she was clearly confusing and hurting him since the night before.
"You don't like me like that” Adrien said sinking. “Me being who I am its making you reconsider. I asked you last night and you said you were okay with this, what changed?"
"Can you please not look at me while I say some things that I was kind of hoping wouldn't be an issue but apparently are?"
"You’re making me anxious" He said with a half-smile
"Please" He eyes were impossibly bigger and he was unable to deny her anything at that moment, he squeezed her hand and turned his back to her.
"You remember the very first time that you came to my balcony I mean for other than Akuma fighting?”
"Yes, that's the day I had a surprise picnic for ladybug. You mention that yesterday as well" He answered expectantly
"Remember that I was upset about a boy?"
"Yeah. Again, you mention him yesterday" This time his tone was not as soft.
"Ahhh Yes… and remember that I also told you that I was confused before the ball? Because of this other boy?"
"I... Yes. Marinette, this conversation happened not twenty four hours ago. Believe me, I remember perfectly" Adrien sounded defeated now. He took a big breath and asked the question he was dreading “You're still not sure if you prefer to be with me or to keep things up with Luka, right?"
"Luka!?” Her voice raised. “Who said anything about Luka?"
“Well, that's the boy you liked, I mean… It has to… it has to be, right. I mean, who else? Since when was hi the one who stuttered.
“Umm… what about you?” Marinette asked.
“ME!” He practically yelled turning around.
"I said I needed you on your back" She panicked moving her arms with no grace.
"Plagg, transforme moi” Marinette covered her eyes from the blinding green light. After opening them, was left facing her not quite yet boyfriend hero.
"Does this help?” Chat asked hopeful.
"It. It actually does. Do you mind?"
"Not At all princess, please continue because I'm pretty sure that my heart is batting so hard that it’s treating to burst out"
She took his hands again and stared into his eyes adoringly "I can't believe that Chat Noir is making me feel all this. I was so sure of the future I wanted with Adrien. Finding out that you are the same person is overwhelming.
"I understand. Now, please princess, please continue"
"Eager are we?" Something as simple as a mask and she was able to talk to his face and tease him again. "It was you, Adrien you, the boy I had a crush on"
"But you never said anything"
"It was pretty obvious"
"No to me it wasn't!" He defended
"What about my awkwardness and my stuttering?" She eyes him playfully.
"I always found those cute parts of your personality" He shrugged.
"The pictures in my walls?" She challenged.
"I ... You... What?" He started indignant "I asked you directly if you were interested and you said that you just liked fashion.” He place a hand to his chest faking being offended by her denial “You said this to my face!"
"And you believe that?" She opened her mouth in surprised, he really was this oblivious.
"Why would I doubt you?"
"Most of the pictures were candits and they didn't show the clothing very well" She giggled
"I think we've already stablish that I'm that dumb" he smiled.
“You are this wonderful mix of incredibly smart boy and dumb dumb Kittie. Hey, and what about the kiss I gave you after heroes’ day?" She insisted.
"Okay, I'll admit that felt pretty cool"
Chat had a dopey smile hands still between hers. He leaned forward and Marinette swallowed hard. This was it. Their eyes began to close, just a few millimeters and they would share their first official kiss.
"Marinette, Adrien! Lunch is ready" Came Sabine’s voice through the trapdoor.
"Ohh for the love of..." Chat groaned and call for Plagg to revert his transformation.
AO3 complete
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trishmishtree · 6 years
live-tumbling my reaction to ml season 3 episode 1 (”chameleon”)
Spoilers and salt below
Hearing issues? Really? after she'd gone around charming the entire school and making everyone adore her and obviously having no trouble communicating? I'd buy it more if she had vision issues. I always had to sit in the front of the room in middle school because my eyesight sucked.
Also, whose brilliant idea was it to pair Alya/Nino and Ivan/Mylene together? Does this teacher have no idea how teenagers work?
Oh never mind. Apparently it was Lila's idea to reseat everyone. But why did Ms. Bustier agree to it? Doesn't she have enough to worry about with kids getting akumatized every other day and students not showing up to class because they have to fight crime? Does she really want to deal with the rest of her students being too busy chatting up their friends/SOs to pay attention in class, which is exactly what happens with this kind of seating arrangement?
You know what would make more sense? Putting this episode in season 2. Lila only showed up in the finale, even though they alluded to her being in their class before.
"You have a hearing issue, Lila?" Marinette asks, her voice at a normal volume. "Yes I suffer from tinnitus a constant ringing in my left ear etc. etc." Lila replies, apparently having no trouble hearing Marinette at all. For a "good liar," she's really, really dumb.
Also, they make it sound like everyone already knows about her "hearing issues" except Marinette, even though Lila's apparently been in their class for a while now. Why is the writing for this show so fucking lazy?
Remember during Origins when Alya confronted Chloe, asking her "Hey, who made you queen of the seats?" I feel like that might apply to Marinette right about now.
(This reaction has been mostly salt so far because I hate Lila [as a character, not as a person] and can't understand why she keeps getting shoehorned into the show, and I hate how Marinette acts when she's jealous about Adrien and how her characterization is so inconsistent across episodes.)
Oh for fuck's sake, just akumatize her already. At least then something interesting will finally happen. I'm sick of this status quo that the show seems to be allergic to changing.
I feel like I've talked about this before, but if the akumas aren't customized and can land on just about anyone anytime, why does Hawkmoth wait for someone to get pissed off before making one? Why doesn't he just cast one out every morning and wait for a nibble?
Ooh, cool. First look at the school cafeteria. (Where is it in the school though? It kind of looks like it might be on the top floor...)
Oh, now she has a wrist problem, too?
Has anyone referred her to a psychiatrist yet? You know, for her anger issues and her malingering/factitious disorder?
Okay, this makes even less sense. According to Marinette, Lila has literally only been at their school for a day, and that was during Volpina. So when the fuck did the rest of her class find out about her hearing issues? And how do they still remember it after she spent all of season 2 "traveling the world"?
Alya and Nino have a point that Marinette's being ridiculous. But at the same time, it's really not like them to not believe her and throw out whataboutisms to derail her. It's almost like the show writers have no idea how to write consistent characters, so every character on the show just exists there to throw out dialogue when it's convenient for plot.
(Where's Chloe in all this? I'm still waiting for the catfight that will happen when Lila inevitably trash talks Ladybug in front of Chloe.)
I know the point of this episode is to teach Marinette that it's really not worth it to get down in the mud with Lila (i.e. take the high road/sometimes it's okay to mind your own business if the other person isn't really hurting anybody), but I feel like this is something she should have learned a long time ago. Like, in season 1. Why bother with "character development" that you're just going to throw out the window by the time the next episode rolls around when it's the fucking third season now? That ship sailed a looooong time ago, and all you're accomplishing now is regressing Marinette as a character in order to build her back up to baseline. That's just shitty writing.
Interesting how Lila is baiting Marinette and making her look bad in front of her friends, and then extending her a peace offering.
I have a new theory: Hawkmoth noticed that Ladybug shows up really really fast when the person akumatized is a student at Francois Dupont, particularly when the victim is in the same class as Chloe Bourgeoise. The only 2 people in that class who haven't been akumatized yet are a) his son and b) that fashion designer girl, so he's sending Lila in to try and piss them off to see if he can tease out the identity of Ladybug.
That, or they're making Lila as obnoxious as possible so that fans won't protest when Marinette and Chloe become friends.
"Uhhhh I'm still here if you still need help catching up with schoolwork?" Finally a voice of reason! Adrien already knows that Lila's manipulative, so he just cuts to the chase and offers his friendship and a chance for her to be honest with him. And when she storms off because she can't manipulate him, he feels pity for her but he doesn't bother chasing after her because he's not interested in dealing with her shit.
Well, I guess it's a good thing that neither the akuma nor HM can sense Tikki's presence.
I guess he decided to give up on Marinette. Not a bad idea, really. This is the 3rd time he's failed to akumatize her (twice today and once in Zombizou) now.
But if Lila's angry all the time, and she's been in Paris all along, then why doesn't he just use her as his champion all the time? It's way more convenient that way, plus she's actually willing to help him.
Wait, so Lila's new akumasona is....herself?
Never mind. This is even weirder than her Volpina powers. It's like Princess and the Frog meets reverse-Sleeping Beauty.
And I guess it makes sense that she's using Adrien to go after Marinette.I
I wonder where her corrupted earring went after she transformed into Adrien though.
It is...REALLY weird watching Not-Adrien jump around the rooftops of Paris in his civilian clothes.
LMAO of COURSE Lila goes back to the Eiffel Tower.
(Can we leave her up there again at the end of the episode?)
What is she trying to accomplish here? I thought she'd pretend to be Adrien to mess with Marinette, but it looks more like ADRIEN is the one she's pissed off at, so she's making him look like an asshole to ruin his reputation in Paris. (And how is Gabriel letting her do this? I get that he's a shitty father and doesn't give a fuck about Adrien beyond making sure the kid is alive and breathing, but you'd think he'd be more concerned with the PR nightmare that's starting to brew around his fashion empire's most recognizable model.)
Well, I hope his voice actor is having fun messing around and not acting like the standard mopey and sad Adrien for once.
I'm glad that Ladybug saw through the disguise right away. But where IS the akuma, if Not-Adrien isn't wearing the earring?
What's up with the real Adrien waking up all of a sudden? Was the spell only temporary?
I would make a comment about being annoyed that Chat Noir got taken out again and served as nothing but a meat shield YET AGAIN, but whatever. It's only temporary.
I wonder if Not-Chat Noir's transformation will wear off in 5 minutes after the Cataclysm. Copy Cat had a time limit, but Queen Wasp was able to use her special Miraculous power as many times as she wanted.
I like how Lila hates Ladybug so much that she'd rather chase her down than grab the ring off an unconscious Chat Noir, even though it would only take her two seconds tops.
Aaaand we're back at the Eiffel Tower. Because of course we are. Lila had better get stuck up there again.
Wait, kissing an inanimate object turns Chameleon into that object? Or was that oyster alive? Is the real oyster asleep now? Can oysters kiss, or is she stuck as that oyster forever?
(Why does it have to be a kiss anyway? Did they only do that so they could show Lila kissing Adrien in the episode promo? Why couldn't she have a magic projectile shooting wand or something like Frightningale or Style Queen? That would be way more efficient and she wouldn't have to fight to shove her face close to anyone else.)
(Oh wait, no. Lila was watching from the window when Marinette kissed Adrien at the picnic at the end of Mayura. She must have specifically chosen kisses as Chameleon's special power as payback for that.)
"You sure got that supervillain to clam up." That.........was a terrible pun. I'm sorry I laughed. If you told me that pun in real life, I would refuse to look at you.
Wait, so if she hadn't turned Chameleon into an oyster, then where would the akuma have been??????
Oh, right. Adrien figured it out it was Lila already.
Wait, so what was the shirt for? (Disclaimer, I know nothing about how pearls are harvested. Do they need a towel/cloth to put the oyster on? Fuck if I know)
AHAHAHA, glad to see Nino got his cap back.
......I hope that comment about wanting to be Ladybug's friend is a reference to the end of Volpina, and not to the conversation she had with Marinette in the bathroom.
So she didn't get left on top of the Eiffel Tower again, since they fell off of it. But I guess getting left on a seafood stand under the Eiffel Tower is close enough.
Hey, I know that you (the writers/show creators) have promised an even scarier, more powerful threat than Hawkmoth in the new season. But you do realize that having Lila do the death glare like "oooh i know more than i'm letting on" after Ladybug leaves doesn't make her any more menacing as a villain, right? I'm still not going to take her seriously. She's a shit character, and the only reason she's even relevant is because you need a mean girl character now that Chloe's a good guy. Even though you could just make Chloe revert to being awful again. It's not like you've ever had an issue with writing characters inconsistently and having them lose any growth they had before.
Yay, words of wisdom and a voice of reason from Adrien.
(Now watch Marinette un-learn all of this by the time episode 2 rolls around.)
Again, unless Lila has figured out that Marinette is Ladybug, I don't give a shit about her as a villain. Her "evil" face at the end just looks like she has some kind of facial paralysis issue going on (hey, maybe early-onset Parkinson's can be next on her list of ailments that requre special attention). And "you and I are at war"? Really? Has the person who wrote that line ever interacted with a teenage girl before? Is that really how you think they fight with each other? How do you expect anyone to take that line seriously?
8/10. Overall, not a bad episode at all. I did have to dock a point off for having Lila in it, and another point off for everyone (except Adrien) acting out of character. But the voice acting was fine, and the villain powers were interesting, and the fight scenes were cool, and Ladybug's strategy for ultimately defeating the villain was actually brilliant.
tl;dr "It's like Princess and the Frog meets reverse-Sleeping Beauty."
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