#constipation symptoms
djodjo-2000 · 2 years
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drkumaragurubaran1 · 2 months
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Constipation is a common gastrointestinal issue affecting millions worldwide, characterized by infrequent bowel movements or difficulty passing stools. It can lead to discomfort, bloating, and even more severe complications if left untreated. In this article, we delve into the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for constipation, emphasizing the importance of consulting the best gastro doctor in Chennai for expert guidance.
Causes of Constipation: Constipation can be caused by various factors, including inadequate fiber intake, dehydration, lack of physical activity, certain medications, and underlying medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hypothyroidism, or colorectal disorders.
Symptoms of Constipation: The symptoms of constipation may vary from person to person but commonly include difficulty passing stools, abdominal discomfort or bloating, straining during bowel movements, and a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Chronic constipation can also lead to complications like hemorrhoids or anal fissures.
Treatment Options: Treatment for constipation often involves lifestyle modifications such as increasing fiber intake through fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, staying hydrated, regular exercise, and establishing a consistent bowel routine. Over-the-counter laxatives or stool softeners may be recommended in some cases. However, it's crucial to consult with a gastroenterologist in Chennai before starting any medication to ensure it's safe and appropriate for your condition.
Consulting the Best Gastro Doctor in Chennai: When dealing with chronic or severe constipation, seeking the expertise of a gastroenterologist is essential. In Chennai, renowned gastro doctors and surgeons specialize in diagnosing and treating gastrointestinal disorders, including constipation. With advanced diagnostic tools and treatment modalities, they can provide personalized care tailored to your needs.
Best Gastroenterologists in Chennai: For those seeking the best gastro care in Chennai, renowned specialists such as Dr. [Name], Dr. [Name], and Dr. [Name] are esteemed for their expertise and compassionate approach to patient care. With extensive experience in managing constipation and other gastrointestinal issues, they offer comprehensive evaluations and innovative treatment options to promote digestive health and overall well-being.
Conclusion: Constipation is a prevalent digestive problem that can significantly impact one's quality of life. By understanding its causes, recognizing the symptoms, and seeking timely treatment from the best gastro doctor in Chennai, individuals can find relief and regain control over their digestive health. Don't let constipation hinder your daily life; consult with a gastroenterologist today to start your journey toward better digestive wellness.
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myfitnessteacher · 11 months
Constipation | Constipation Home Remedies | Constipation Treatment | 5 Home Remedies For Constipation |
Constipation, That feeling when we are not able to relieve our bowels in the morning spoils our mood, reduces the energy levels and adversely affects our skin and hair. But not anymore.
Foremost, we should be clear that constipation is not really a disease. Consider it more like a warning, a sign, an indication that your body is trying to give about dryness and coldness within your colon which is not allowing the stool to pass. If however ignored or not rooted from its cause, constipation can give rise to many other serious problems.
Ayurveda is firm that over 95% of the disease originates from the  stomach. That is why Ayurvedic scriptures talk at length about constipation and how it can be permanently cured by tweaking your lifestyle, eating the right foods and including certain herbal concoctions that rejuvenates the digestive tract relieving from constipation. And that’s what this blog is all about. Read More
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Constipation In Dog: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment | Goelvet Pharma
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If at all possible, no one wants their dog to suffer. However, many dogs have many of the same common and complex health issues that humans do. When a dog has constipation in dogs, it can make pet owners feel helpless and cause agony for their loyal companion. More complex causes of constipation in dogs are divided into three groups by veterinarians: intraluminal, extraluminal, and intrinsic. The term 'intraluminal' refers to intestinal obstruction within the colon, such as inflammation, aberrant growths, or foreign objects. A pelvic injury or other painful disorders that make it difficult to pass feces are examples of extraluminal factors that impede bowel motions from beyond the colon.
Though staying hydrated might help dogs avoid constipation, there is such a thing as too much water, and Polydipsia can be a sign of various health problems in dogs. Constipation in dogs can also be caused by an excessively sedentary lifestyle. Dogs should go for a fifteen-minute walk twice a day, according to common pet health practices, to control bowel motions and improve the overall quality of life. Constipation in pets can be caused by a variety of factors, including bone fragments, hair, linen, paper, grass, age, and dry feces. It is common in dogs and can be acute or chronic. CONSTIGO, a Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine, can alleviate the dog's agony and the pet owners' powerlessness.
If at all possible, no one wants their dog to suffer. However, many dogs have many of the same common and complex health issues that humans do. When a dog has constipation, it can make pet owners feel helpless and cause agony for their loyal companion.
Like our CONSTIGO, homeopathic remedies function on the idea of "similia similibuscuranter," which means "like cures like." As a result, formulations that mimic the symptoms of a diseased animal in a healthy animal are employed to create this miracle medication recipe to treat constipation caused by a variety of factors. It's a recipe created by a well-known Indian veterinarian after speaking with numerous homeopaths and undertaking extensive field testing over time.
Goel Vet Pharma is a Chittorgarh-based approach to homeopathic solutions for veterinary problems. Goel Vet Pharma Private Limited provides homeopathic solutions to the various sicknesses and conditions for cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, and cats. With more than 10,000 professionals in the team of Goel Vet team, the company prescribes its products to over 10 lakh animals and treats various diseases with their Homeopathic Veterinary medicines in Cows, Buffalo, and pet animals. They are also known for introducing homeopathic supplements for pets for pet parents who are concerned about the weak condition of their pets. Goel Vet Pharma is available online and also has a Goel Vet Pharma application on Playstore. Goel Pharma is ISO 9001-2008 certified, FDA approved and certified in production, consultation, and distribution in the arena of Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine all over India. Goel Vet Pharma company is set up by Dr. R K Goel who was a scholar and pioneer in homeopathic services for animals. He had come up with various formulations for diseases like mastitis, FMD, HS, meningitis, etc with high success rates during his 33-year long service. He has compiled all his work to form the Goel Vet Pharma for dedication to building a strong homeopathic reign in the veterinary sector.
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sleep-nurse · 6 months
Ayy gerd gang rise up!
My body just suddenly decided at some point that I can no longer eat my literal favourite vegetables (tomato and bell pepper), or salami, or cheese, or white bread without Fucking Dying :( (I still eat them though lmfao)
GOD I FEEL YOU SO MUCH 😭 i can't eat too much chocolate (literally one of my favourite foods) because It Causes More Acid but something i found out is how i literally am NOT ALLOWED to eat noodles because of their spices
so like. in summer of this year my gerd worsened significantly (that's when i found out i had gerd even tho i had symptoms for years) because i used to eat a lot of noodles and my gerd got worse to the point i used to cough because of it so like. i had to stop. and with pantoprazole it suddenly got better
THEN i tried eating 1 cup of noodles in mid september cus i was like. well it has been a while and i don't cough anymore and i'm on pantoprazole so i can eat one right. WRONG! I COUGHED THAT NIGHT! anyways yeah fuck gerd sorry for the ramble Why Can't Our Stomach Just Be Normal Gang
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realness-remade · 7 months
i likely have a kidney stone God help me
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citybops · 2 years
i think i have a flu AND covid
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randomgooberness · 1 year
Cringe culture is dead and yall can do what you want and ignore this but genuinely i feel like undertale aus of sans always completely miss the point of the original game and botch him in Some way no matter what. I literally keep seeing a version of sans where the only difference is he has a mental disorder 😐
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menstruation is just an all-around bad experience there is no aspect of it that is even just remotely ok
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djodjo-2000 · 2 years
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astronomeys · 1 year
Taking chemotherapy-grade nausea meds and laxatives back-to-back, any girls wanna tap this?
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drramchandrasoni · 20 days
Constipation is a common gastrointestinal problem that affects people of all ages. Characterized by infrequent bowel movements or difficulty passing stools, constipation can cause discomfort and disrupt daily life. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the causes, symptoms, and effective remedies for managing constipation.
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0rb0t · 23 days
Bug I appreciate you trying to help me through particularly difficult bowel movements but punching my cervix, no matter how delicately, isn't perhaps getting the results I need. still, thank you for your attempts to help from the inside
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nutrition-expert · 2 months
Relief and Remedies for Pregnancy Constipation
Constipation during pregnancy can be uncomfortable, but by understanding its causes and adopting simple remedies and lifestyle changes, you can find relief to manage constipation during pregnancy. Learn effective relief and remedies to Stay comfortable. https://pluspluslifesciences.com/blog/managing-constipation-during-pregnancy-tips-for-relief/
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rsg-energya · 3 months
Effects of Constipation On the Body
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Here know about, Effects of Constipation On the Body. Learn, How to Cure Chronic Constipation Permanently? Symptoms of Constipation in Adults. Constipation Effects On Brain.
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turntechdeckhead · 3 months
robitussin (chaotic good)
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