#pregnancy hemorrhoids
cheapcheapfaker · 6 months
On one hand i would like to have a large baby. my family and gilgamesh’s come from a long line of beefy, nine pound plus chunkers. I was 9 and something lbs with a full head of hair and almost a week late. I want that baby fully cooked and maybe a little overdone. tons of studies not just anecdotal show that they just seem sort of… nicer and easier to deal with, like the biggest of the litter. they sleep more. they dont struggle in general as much and they gain weight easily and they also move a little slower. not saying they dont hit milestones but a fat ass baby will stay in its potted plant lump stage a little while longer before jumping into the running around sticking fingers in outlets stage.
on the other hand, i am so so concerned for the sanctity of my gooch. a nine pound baby will tear my grundle asunder. my taint to shreds.
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medixic · 3 months
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कब्ज आज के समय की एक आम समस्या में से एक है. इसका एक मुख्य कारण गलत खानपान है। जानिये कब्ज़ से छुटकारा पाने के 3 घरेलु उपाए:
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suhash · 8 months
Dr. Gina Sam's Approach to Health and Wellness
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Dr. Gina Sam's 7-Second Ritual is backed by scientific principles. Research suggests that forming positive habits is closely linked to repetition and consistency. By engaging in these brief yet impactful rituals daily, individuals have the opportunity to establish healthy habits that can lead to long-term positive outcomes. These rituals can include activities such as mindfulness exercises, deep breathing, stretches, or quick bursts of physical activity.
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albonium · 1 year
everytime i hear or read about people's pregnancies it makes me want to get my tubes tied immediately
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drrajeevkapoor · 1 year
Symptoms of piles are- 1-Bleeding after bowel movements 2-Irritation and itching around the affected area 3-Discomfort or pain while sitting 4-Discomfort
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healthcareamroha · 4 days
बवासीर का मुकम्मल इलाज
हाशमी दवाखाना ने बवासीर के इलाज के लिए पाइल्सोल कैप्सूल नामक असाधारण प्राकृतिक उत्पाद विकसित किया है। यह बवासीर का इलाज आंतरिक और बाहरी दोनों तरह की बवासीर पर पूरी तरह से सुरक्षित, प्राकृतिक और प्रभावी है। बवासीर के इलाज के अनूठे फॉर्मूलेशन में कसैले गुण होते हैं और यह गुदा नलिका की संवहनी परत और लोच को टोन करता है।
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healthtimeupdate · 10 months
Fecal Impaction vs. Constipation: Understanding the Differences
Yes, impacted stools can ultimately pass, but this may require a medical procedure or a change in lifestyle. Impacted stools are described as having a firm, dry consistency that makes them challenging to move through the rectum. This syndrome frequently arises as a result of prolonged stool retention in the colon, which causes excessive water absorption and hardness.
Impacted faeces can lead to discomfort, agony, and consequences such faecal impaction or intestinal obstruction if left untreated. You can, however, take the following actions to aid in the affected stool's removal:
Increase Your Fibre Intake: Eating a diet high in fibre will help soften the stool and encourage regular bowel movements. Include things like whole grains, fruits, and veggies. read more
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dieticianankita · 1 year
Which foodstuffs cause piles?
Veins within and outside of your anus and rectum that are inflamed and enlarged is called Piles  . They may be uncomfortable, painful, and can lead to rectal bleeding. Another name for  piles  is haemorrhoids . Hemorrhoids are a part of everyone's natural state, however they are generally not an issue. They only exhibit bothersome symptoms when they swell and grow larger.
1.It's advisable to restrict those  foods which contain little fiber  you eat because eating too much of them might lead to or exacerbate constipation (and, consequently, hemorrhoids' ).
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2.White bagels and bread
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3.dairy products such as milk and cheese
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4.Meat Processed foods, such as fast food and frozen meals
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Before using iron supplements, consult your doctor because they may contribute to constipation and other digestive issues. Piles are a result of straining, which puts pressure on the veins in your rectum or anus. They may come to mind as varicose veins on your bottom. Anal and rectal veins might swell and inflame as a result of any strain that puts more pressure on your tummy or lower extremities.
5.Especially during pregnancy, weight increase can cause pelvic discomfort
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6.putting up a lot of effort to poop due to constipation
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7.lifting large objects with effort or weightlifting
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How can we prevent from piles ?
As your age older ,piles are more frequent. These actions can aid in avoiding the constipation and firm stools that can cause piles
*.Avoid using the restroom for too long or too firmly. Pressure on your rectum and anus results from prolonged toilet use. Your rectum is lower than the rest of your bottom because the seat is carved out. Blood begins to collect and clot in certain veins as a result of gravity taking over. Hemorrhoids may result from straining or pushing when those factors are present.
*When the desire strikes, use the restroom right away; don't wait. Try to sit down for a while if you feel the need to use the restroom between bathroom visits. Breathe deeply and direct your attention away from your bladder. Set a target of waiting for at least five minutes. You can eventually increase this to 10 or even 20 minutes.
*Drink a lot of water all day long .The kidneys are unable to excrete extra water from the body when there is too much of it present. It begins to build up inside the body and causes nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea . headaches that keep you up all day. Both dehydration and hydration can cause headaches. *Increase your intake of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and other high-fiber foods. In general, women and those born with the gender allotted to them should strive to consume 25 grams of fiber daily, whereas males and those born with the gender allocated to them ought to consume 35 grams. *Physically active. Bowels continue to move when you're moving. It's likely that you've changed something about your lifestyle if you're going to the bathroom more frequently. For instance, you might be eating more whole grains, which boosts your consumption of fibre . Increased bowel movements may sometimes be a sign of a minor condition that will go away on its own. *Only use laxatives or enemas as directed by your healthcare professional. Laxatives and enemas in excess can make it worse. The most typical signs of a laxative overdose include nausea, vomiting, cramping in the abdomen, and diarrhoea. Children are more likely than adults to have dehydration and an imbalance in their electrolytes (body chemicals and minerals).
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we have patients who has lots of pain in their body and they have tried a lot of treatments including surgery and now they are very happy with the result of our treatment.
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aydislabs · 2 years
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toobenefits · 2 years
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cordycepsfem · 1 month
Have you ever seen/heard of/experienced a TIM claiming menopause like they often claim periods? The whole Mulvaney "girlhood" thing has kept me thinking about how it's the juvenile experiences that are craved, and never the ones associated with women as they age.
(P.s. Love you and your blog!)
I have not, and I think you’ve nailed it directly. It’s girlhood, with this sort of vague “do over” and permission to be immature, that I see most often sought out by Mulvaney and people like him. There’s no “fun” in things like menopause or osteoporosis - but there is “fun” in the consumerist aspect of buying juvenile dresses and toys and makeup. There’s also the potential for belonging through consumption - the idea of being able to “buy” one’s way into girl/womanhood with those things.
We also never see these men suddenly find an affinity for scrubbing kitchens, doing laundry, remembering field trip forms, cooking big meals for potentially ungrateful family members, among other things women actually deal with… it’s only the shiny and, to be honest, able-to-be-sexualized experiences they crave.
Even the ones who fetishize pregnancy never think about hemorrhoids or dislocated joints or passing giant blood clots after birth or feeling inadequate because one is unable to breastfeed. It’s the visible, the buyable, the sexy.
… because if it’s not visible or easily discussed and easy to experience, who cares? That’s not what “womanhood” is! Women can’t possibly be complex or suffer serious issues. 🙄
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greenwitchcrafts · 2 months
Achillea millefolium
Known as: Allheal, angel flower, arrowroot, bloodwort, cammok, carpenter's weed, death flower, devil's mustard, Devil's nettle, eerie, field hops, gearwe, green arrow, herbe militaris, hundred leaved grass, knight's milfoil, noble yarrow, nosebleed plant, plumajilo, seven year's love, snake's grass, soldiers thousand seal., squirrel tail, stanch grass, tansy, thousand-leaf, thousand weed, woundwort, yarrowway & yerw
Related plants: Is a member of the daisy family Asteraceae that consists of over 32,000 known species of flowering plants in over 1,900 genera within it such as chamomile, coneflowers, dahlia, daisy, dandelion, goldenrod, lettuce, marigold, mugwort & sunflower
Parts used: Leaves & flowers
Habitat and Cultivation: This hardy plant is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in Asia, Europe & North America
Plant type: Perennial
Region: 3-9
Harvest: Harvest yarrow when the blooms only when they have fully opened. It should be cut right above the leaf node to encourage the plant to potentially flower again. Many choose to harvest the flowers in the late morning when the dew has dried before so that the plant is not stressed by the extreme heat. Hot, dry spells right before bloom seems to be ideal for producing the most fragrant leaves.
Growing tips: Plant in an area that receives full sun to encourage compact growth and many flowers about 1-2 feet apart. In partial sun or shade, yarrow tends to grow leggy. Yarrow performs best in well-drained soil. It thrives in hot, dry conditions; it will not tolerate constantly wet soil. Loamy soil is recommended, but yarrow can also be grown in clay soil as long as it does not always stay saturated with water. While this plant is technically considered invasive only in noncultivated settings, common yarrow still needs to be planted in an area where you don't mind proliferation. 
Medicinal information: Yarrow has a history of being used for fever, common cold, hay fever, absence of menstruation, dysentery, diarrhea, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal (GI) tract discomfort, and to induce sweating. Some people chew the fresh leaves to relieve toothache. Yarrow is applied to the skin to stop bleeding from hemorrhoids; for wounds; and as a sitz bath for painful, lower pelvic, cramp-like conditions in women. Some people chew the fresh leaves to relieve toothache.
Cautions: Yarrow is commonly consumed in foods, but yarrow products that contain a chemical called thujone might not be safe because it is poisonous in large doses. Yarrow is not recommended for use during pregnancy or chestfeeding as it causes risks of miscarriage. Yarrow might slow blood clotting. In theory, taking yarrow might increase the risk of bleeding in people with bleeding disorders. In some people, it also might cause skin irritation & is toxic to cats & dogs.
Magickal properties
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Air & Water
Deities: Achilles, Aphrodite, Cernunnos, Faeries, Oshun & Yemaya
Magickal uses:
• Add the flowers to a satchet or dream pillow to encourage prophetic dreams
• Hang a bundle above your bed on your honeymoon night to ensure lasting love for 7 years
• Place across your thresholds or plant near doorwaysto prevent negative energies & influences from entering your home
• Burn as an incense before or during divination to increase psychic abilities
• Wear as an amulet to attract love, friendships & give courage
• Place yarrow under your pillow & if you dreamt of your love, it was a positive omen. If you had a bad dream, or dreamt of other people, it wasn’t
• Combine with mugwort as tea to drink before divination to increase psychic powers
• Put near yourself while practicing divination to increase your psychic abilities
• In spells, use to re-establish contact with long-lost friends or relatives & attract their attention
• Braid into your hair to tap into inner wisdom
• The I-Ching divination was originally performed with dried yarrow stems
• Wash crystals& crystal balls with a yarrow rinse to bring about clarity of vision
• Drink yarrow tea & a cinnamon stick to  release hidden truths
• Place on a coffin or grave to help the spirit cross over/ let go
•For powerful protection, pick yarrow flowers and charge them in the sun. Once charged, take the flowers and sprinkle them outside your home to prevent negative influences and energies away from entering your home
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
The Encyclopedia of Natural Magic by John Michael Greer
Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer
Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz
A Compendium of Herbal Magick by Paul Beyerl
The Herbal Alchemist Handbook by Karen Harrison
The Book of Flower Spells by Cheralyn Darcey
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bi-kisses · 2 years
Pregnancy is complicated, even the most healthy of pregnancies can have irreversible effects on the mother's body.
Hormonal changes aren't the half of it; hemorrhoids, incontinence, chronic pain, heart disease, diabetes, and strokes are all potential lifelong risks from being pregnant.
It's really not as cut and dry as "there is a living being inside of you and killing it is murder". A fetus is not able to survive without the mother's body. Viability is not really the same as having its own bodily autonomy; this pre-infant being had to encroach on the autonomy of another human being and potentially impose lifelong health hazards before it's able to survive on its own.
Like I think abortion is a serious topic. I don't think anyone should go into unprotected sex with the idea that it's ok, just get an abortion if need be. But I don't think it's my fucking job to police why people do or do not get abortions. I may think their attitude or reasoning is fucked up but I will fight for their ability to have that choice.
If someone would die without having your kidney transplanted into their body, you're still given the opportunity to say no. Should it be enforced by the government to extract living people's organs for the sake of potentially saving someone else's life, whether or not they consent?
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drrajeevkapoor · 1 year
Best Piles or Hemorrhoids Doctor in Chandigarh
Hemorrhoids are lumps in and around the buttocks (anus). In most cases, it will resolve on its own after a few days. There are several things you can do to treat and prevent hemorrhoids.
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Symptoms of hemorrhoids include: bright red blood after a bowel movement anal itching
Looking for piles doctor in Chandigarh? Contact us now-9876507444
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bunnywip · 5 months
— A
Arterial thrombosis.
Angel toxicosis ( fictional ).
Anorexia nervosa.
Atma virus ( fictional ).
— B
Breast cancer.
Borderline personality disorder.
Barrett's esophagus.
Bowel polyps.
Bipolar disorder.
Bacterial vaginosis.
Binge eating disorder.
— C
Crohn's disease.
Coronavirus disease.
Coeliac disease.
Chronic migranes.
Cushing syndrome.
Cystic fibrosis.
Cooties  ( fictional ).
Cerebral palsy.
Common cold.
Chronic pain.
— D
Dissociative identify disorder.
Dengue fever.
Deep vein thrombosis.
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder.
— E
Ectopic pregnancy.
Erectile dysfunction.
— F
Fusobacterium infection.
Food poisoning.
Fatal familial insomnia.
— G
Ganser syndrome.
Gas gangrene.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Gall stones.
Glandular fever.
Greyscale ( fictional ).
— H
Hookworm infection.
Hand, foot and mouth disease.
Hanahaki disease ( fictional ).
Heat stroke.
Heat exhaustion.
Heart failure.
High blood pressure.
Human papillomavirus infection.
Heart failure.
Hay fever.
— I
Iron deficiency anemia.
Inflammatory bowel disease.
Irritable bowel syndrome.
Intercranial hypertension.
— K
Kidney stones.
Kidney infection.
Kawasaki disease.
Kaposi's sarcoma.
— L
Lyme disease.
Lassa fever.
Low blood pressure.
Lactose intolerance.
Lymphatic filariasis.
— M
Mad cow disease.
Major depressive disorder.
Motor neurone disease.
Mouth ulcer.
Multiple sclerosis.
— N
Nipah virus infection.
— O
Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Ovarian cyst.
Overactive thyroid.
Oral thrush.
Otitis externa.
— P
Pancreatic cancer.
Pelvic inflammatory disease.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
Parkinson's disease.
Panic disorder.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Postpartum depression.
Pediculosis capitis.
Post-traumatic stress disorder.
— Q
Q fever.
Quintan fever.
— R
Rabbit fever.
Rotavirus infection.
Restless legs syndrome.
Rhinovirus infection.
Relapsing fever.
Rheumatoid arthritis.
— S
Sore throat.
Separation anxiety disorder.
Septic shock.
Social anxiety disorder.
Scarlet fever.
Sleep apnea.
Sun burn.
Sickle cell disease.
Selective mutism.
Sensory processing disorder.
— T
Thyroid cancer.
Tinea pedis.
Tourette's syndrome.
Toxic shock syndrome.
Thyroid disease.
Typhus fever.
— U
Urinary tract infection.
Underactive thyroid.
— V
Valley fever.
— W
White piedra.
Whooping cough.
West nile fever.
— X
— Y
Yellow fever.
— Z
Zika fever.
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