cherryapparition · 7 months
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Bedtober Day 8: Kigurumi
Prompt List by OceanInSpace
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genesis-of-the-between · 10 months
lowkey wanna make a H:SR swap AU where Bailu is the exiled reincarnation of the former High Elder riding aboard the Astral Express and Dan Heng is the Healer Lord of the Alchemy Comission
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Algo dentro de ti se fue rompiendo poco a poco
Fue cuando dejaron de valorarte y de respetarte, que dejaste de hacerlo tú.⁣
Cuando te criticaban.⁣
Cuando te insultaban.⁣
Cuando te comparaban con alguien mejor que tú.⁣
Cuando te pegaban o te castigaban.⁣
Cuando te humillaban.⁣
Algo dentro de ti se fue rompiendo poco a poco. Necesitaste protegerte para no perder tu esencia. Y pusiste un muro para que nadie más accediera a ella.⁣
Como si de la piedra filosofal se tratara. Escondiste tu alma tras esa barrera protectora. Una barrera infranqueable.⁣
Y puede que ahora simplemente vivas aislada del resto, que no abras la barrera para que nadie más te trate así de mal. Y simplemente convives con tu dolor, en silencio y en soledad. ⁣
Quizá convives con otras personas, pero nunca muestras lo que hay dentro de ti. No solo para que no te hagan daño, sino porque tú misma tienes miedo de lo que puedas encontrar y de lo que puedas llegar a hacer. Al fin y al cabo, te han enseñado que es la forma de tratar a los demás. Que esa humillación que te hicieron sentir, era normal. Así que no hay nada más allá. Nunca.⁣
Es importante entender, que para encontrar personas y relaciones distintas de lo que quieres huir o evitar, primero debes liberarlo de tu interior. Porque guardarlo no sirve de nada. Solo para atraer más situaciones dolorosas
✨Recuerda, que la vida es un enorme espejo. Y si tú no quieres mirar en tu interior para ver qué hay por sanar, ya se encargará el universo de mandártelo en el formato que sea.⁣
Así que aquí tienes dos opciones:
⭐Guardar y luchar.⁣
⭐Soltar y sanar.⁣
¿Quieres saber mi experiencia? Yo fui en piloto automático durante muchos años luchando como una gladiadora. No gané ningún asalto porque al final la lucha siempre la tenía conmigo. ⁣
Aunque tardé años, cuando solté la espada, dejé de encontrar luchadores. Curioso, ¿verdad?
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ℜ𝔬𝔰𝔞 🖤
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slashcrz · 6 months
closed starter for @moltengcld { fang. }
setting -> versailles bathhouse i made up
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it was a reminder of home, and a taste of something simple, before everything felt twisted into an unrecognizable front. they were fighters, the likes of them; so often, exhaled as china's pride, and yet, how is it they find each other now, in a place of peace over battle? tian feng was submerged, eyes half-lidded, worried that sleep may claim him as he tried to claim his own authority once more, taking these precious moments of quiet. but one could only stew for so long without giving voice to their demons. " i wonder how things fare back home. "
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pm-00 · 3 months
It kills me whenever Carre does a mexican accent because you can INMEDIATLY tell he mostly talks with northen mexicans so that is the accent he has picked up. I do wander how many other creators and even viewers are also, unintentionally, picking up a northern accent when speaking Spanish.
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feelingcomplet · 4 months
A escolha de conviver com determinadas pessoas implica abrir mão de estar com outras.
( Meu Livro da Consciência )
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littlepuffy4ever · 7 months
ah será que eu sou um amigo bom? slá... não sei se genuinamente sou
sinto que as pessoas as vezes me evitam por causa da minha depressão; nesse caso, mil desculpas; não sei se eu vou melhorar de novo
eu só quero sumir, eu não quero que as pessoas sofram mais comigo ao redor. talvez assim seria melhor
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startingfires · 7 months
a solidão de ser br na europa
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aifasdoesthings · 8 months
My birthday is coming in two days (September 5) and I want to gift myself something. Y'know, like a sane person XD Nah but for real I like birthdays and also I need extra motivation to teach that day lol
I might write or draw something... Maybe a new phone wallpaper -- I do have one I just made, though, but hmmm... I don't want to spend money bc I'm broke lmao
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dynamitekansai · 8 months
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dreadgrace-a · 4 months
she laughs with all the personality of a steel trap springing shut - detachment biting flesh, shattering bone, plying a symphony of screams - all in the nature of a thing. ❛ if you wish to speak, then do so. no one's taken your tongue. ❜
and she shifts back to sit facing Vann fully, legs purposefully stretched in such a way as to be a hinderance should she need to stand quickly. it matters little. tonight does not mark a blood-moon.
His will ever be done.
had she known what it was about Vann that called, that captured her attention so fully, it would hardly be a revelation she'd share. as it is - he is a puzzle for her hands alone. she will not spoil her game just yet. firelight kisses and shadows his features as she considers her words. in the end, she opts to sidestep his question entirely.
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❛ I'd ask in turn if it has somehow escaped your notice how you outstrip the rest of us, ❜ she returns his prod, reaching to remove a boot and sock at once, then the other, stretching road-weary joints. ❛ if I thought that likely. perhaps you inspire more wariness than you believe. ❜
@vannaspar / continued.
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shield-o-futuro · 2 years
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Postando uma coisa aleatória da DC só porque hoje mais cedo eu estava pensando nesse quadrinho e em como essa cena aqui serviria para a primeira vez que a Scarlett e a Anya se encontram com a Alex e a Maci ashuashasuhuas
A Scar e a Alex se encarando, querendo se matar com o olhar enquanto a Anya e a Maci se apresentam e viram amigas. Eu realmente acho que a Anya e a Maci se dariam muito bem e provavelmente podem virar melhores amigas num futuro proximo 👀 vamos ver se eu posto alguns contos delas sahasuhasuhuas
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arkos404 · 1 year
im watching ink m4ster clips and like logically i know its a reality show so the contestants turned up the drama for content and enterneinment value and its very scripted and shit, but emotionally? damn those bitches are so fucking petty and spitefull, its exhausting just watching them cant imagine having to actually interact with them, most unpleasant people ive ever seen holy shit
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michael-arsenault · 1 year
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Watercolour Study, Abandoned Old Convivence Store on Dundas St E (2021)
Watercolour on watercolour paper, dimensions tbd
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Apreciar a si
Tento apreciar os meus momentos de solidão, danço sozinha no quarto ao som de uma música que gosto, saio para comer sozinha, ir ao shopping, fazer compras só, ir ao cinema assistir ao filme no qual esperava muito. Tento fazer tudo sozinha, algumas vezes é melhor com companhia e outras prefiro fazer só. Não que eu não tenha amigos, até tenho, porém, eu prefiro minha própria companhia. Parece…
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Mas bendito seja o Vosso Nome e faça-se o que planejastes. Diário 892.
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