ai-bees · 2 years
Courage is a Workplace Skill [5 Tips to be More Courageous at Work]
Speaking the truth to superiors requires courage and by taking small steps to develop workplace courage, we can get over our fears. Here’s how…
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Courage in the Workplace
Workplace courage is the act of standing up for a principle, cause, or group of people at work even when doing so could have major negative effects on one’s career, relationships with coworkers, mental health, or even physical health.
The STEM, teaching, nursing, retail, and restaurant industries, to mention a few, are just a few examples of the various industries where courage is a must to have as a workplace skill.
Would you have the courage to speak up if you knew that a coworker was doing something unethical to the organization?
Would you have the confidence to speak up if your opinion differed from that of your coworkers but you believed that your suggestion may resolve a serious issue?
Or, would you have the guts to decline a manager’s request to conduct a personal task for them on your day off?
YES…You Can! Because courage is a skill that can be learned and practiced.
Why Courage is Essential in the Workplace Setup?
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Employers in all sectors can get profit from courageous, moral employees.
Workers with courage frequently make better leaders.
Strong leaders are able to make informed decisions, aren’t hesitant to assert themselves, and take measured risks.
Courageous employees may also have more possibilities to succeed, whether they are salespeople who aren’t afraid to pursue challenging clientele or interns who voluntarily accept greater responsibility in exchange for full-time roles.
Businesses that foster courage and trust among their employees have happier, more effective workers.
According to a recent Accenture study, people who work for high-trust organizations — where creativity and bold thinking are valued — have 74 percent less stress, are 50 percent more productive, take 13 percent fewer sick days, and are 76 percent more engaged than people who work for low-trust businesses.
5 Tips to be More Courageous at Work
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Here are 5 tips to help you be more courageous at work:
1. Know your values and what is important to you.
What is it that you value most in your work? When you know your values, it becomes easier to stand up for them — even when it’s difficult.
2. Practice speaking up — even when you’re feeling scared.
It can be scary to speak up, but the more you do it, the easier it will become.
Start by practicing in small ways — like sharing your ideas in a meeting or offering to help with a project.
3. Be prepared for backlash.
When you stand up for your values or speak up about something important, you may face backlash from others.
Be prepared for this by knowing what you want to say and staying calm during criticism.
4. Find supportive people.
Find people at work who share your values and who will support you when things get tough.
These people can provide a safe space for you to share your thoughts and feelings, and they can help you stay strong when you’re feeling Courage is a Workplace Skill Courageous.
5. Take care of yourself.
It’s important to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally when you’re trying to be Courageous.
Make sure you’re eating well, getting enough sleep, and taking time for yourself outside of work. This will help you stay strong and focused on your goals.
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Hope these tips can help you become more courageous in your workplace.
The Final Note
When you know your values and what is important to you, it becomes easier to stand up for them — even when it’s difficult.
So, start practicing today by speaking up in small ways and finding supportive people at work. And don’t forget to take care of yourself!
By being courageous in the workplace, you are not only setting an example for others but also opening up new possibilities for yourself and your career.
Courage is a skill that needs attention and consistent practice with small steps, so start small, but start today!
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