magistralucis · 6 months
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@courgowr: Huntmaster came to Solemnace prior to biotransference from an unnamed dynasty and appears to have been a notable figure in his own right. Perhaps to reflect this, he is now consistently 'the' Huntmaster and not just 'Huntmaster' like he was in previous texts, and also more lovingly insane
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zalmoxis-the-great · 2 months
That sad, self-imposed exiled necron you are looking at was once a necrontyr. And not any necrontyr, but The Silent King!
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Allow me to share with you @courgowr absolutely hilarious idea, The Silent King's new groove!
This was too silly not to post !
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magistralucis · 4 months
"I forgive you." - Yenekh/Oltyx (for @courgowr)
(Drabble Oneshot for a prompt fill challenge, prompts available here.)
Even after all's been said and done there's one more thing that lingers, a guilt that has never gone away. Forgive me for what I have done, Oltyx often asks of his formal admiral, his hand upon a silver claw or a bloodied forehead, his own head bowed in shame. It is not enough that he overcame life and death for his atonement, it must be spelled out, or he is a sinner still. I was cruel and I was craven, and I had dealt with you unjustly.
Well, I forgive you, Yenekh had laughed the very first time. The following year Oltyx took him as consort. Yenekh has been nothing but patient with him since, repeatedly reassuring him that all had been long forgiven, the tips of his claws ticking fondly upon Oltyx's carapace. The king doesn't doubt that he means it, for the Razor is not by nature dishonest. But he's sure there must be more he can do for Yenekh, if not as a sinner than as one beloved, because as far as he's concerned Yenekh has always deserved the world.
It just feels hypocritical to claim this when he's destroyed it once before.
He's not doing it to be burdensome. He's like this because he loves Yenekh. His old lives feel so distant from him now (and are, since nothing is as close yet so far away as death), but here's yet another shortfall from those august times: Oltyx has no idea how to be good to his amours, for there was never a match made for him in Ithakas, nor did he and his brother ever entertain admirers. Frankly he's not even sure Djoseras ever knew the C of courtship. No one is left to teach Oltyx either way. He is very loved in Drazak, more than he was loved in his previous lives - which he now understands was more than he knew at the time - but he has not been in the position to love another as equals until now. And so the Fallen Lord contemplates, day after day, how he might truly be the friend and king that Yenekh deserves.
To talk about it, at least, without putting his guilt on the other's shoulders. All the time in the world is theirs and he still feels it to be slow learning. 
An opportunity arises on the next occasion he orders the bounty.
[Published 25/01/2024 - continued on AO3 here.]
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