Hey, I hope you're doing okay! Now, yandere neighbor wars with Deku and Kirishima. Y/n's nephew is in town for a while and they know Y/n is really close with him, so they just spend his entire visit trying to bribe him to say nice things about them. I mean they pull out ALL the stops, from buying that one new toy, to taking them to the amusement park. And Y/n's nephew knows exactly what's happening and is using all of it to his advantage.
Honestly this idea is so cute and maybe later ill play with this archetype
but this time i might have taken your request and turned it on its head
Fair warning your beloved little cousin has a tendency to misunderstand a lot of things so when he repeats things it may seem like a mistake but that's just his interpretation.
Anyway hope you enjoy!!!
Yandere Neighbor Wars: The Little Cousin Has Joined The Party!!
🥦Midoriya vs Kirishima 🥊
🥦🥊Koto had been through a lot
🥦🥊Before the (L/n) family took him in he was forced to fight for his survival
🥦🥊The orphanage became a hang out for those wannabe villains, gangs, and money-laundering sharks
🥦🥊It wasn't until Phoebe (L/n) opened her home to him that he really thought about living
🥦🥊She would feed him, teach him, clothe him, and nurture him like the son she never had
🥦🥊 Unfortunately her kindness sometimes left her in undesirable situations
🥦🥊 And the last one left Koto angry and alone
🥦🥊Thanks to Phoebe's tendencies she already had a plan set in place for him when the cops came
🥦🥊As it turned out Phoebe had already informed the family about Koto and was excited to have him join
🥦🥊 Even in her will she had instructed her sister to adopt him if she couldn't
🥦🥊In turn they were currently off on a world wide vacation and instead left him with you his new cousin
🥦🥊 When he came in the terminal from off the plane you greeted him as though you had known him for years
🥦🥊 "Sup little dude, you hungry?"
🥦🥊 He soon found that you were like Phoebe but in a different way
🥦🥊You remembered what it was like to be young
🥦🥊 And when he expressed his desire to experience the childhood he never had you didn't question him
🥦🥊He decided he very much loved his cousin (Y/n)
🥦🥊He would be in bliss until he noticed the neighbors
🥦🥊 They were weird
🥦🥊Buff guys bending over backwards to satisfy you and a weird animosity between each other
🥦🥊 He had theories
🥦🥊 Theory #1 people pleasers ;he knew those were the people you could get money from
🥦🥊 Theory# 2 maybe they were drug dealers trying to sell you stuff
🥦🥊Or theory #3 they had love
🥦🥊He learned about it while watching a chicken flick called 'To All The Boys I've Loved Before'
🥦🥊"Why does she keep doing all this stuff?"
🥦🥊 "What do you mean?"
🥦🥊 "She giggles funny, she does crazy things. Why?! It's really weird."
🥦🥊 "Well it's because she's in love, buddy."
🥦🥊"In love?"
🥦🥊"Yeah. It's where you love someone like you want to marry them or something."
🥦🥊 "Am I in love with you?"
🥦🥊"No, no you can only be in love with someone your age and they can't be family."
🥦🥊 Oh.
🥦🥊Oh was right because it made sense why those guys would give him tickets to that amusement park, buy him stuffed animals, and stick up for him when the neighborhood teens gave him trouble
🥦🥊They were in love with him of course
And on the day of his official welcome party he decided he would resolve this.
The community center was filled with neighbors: ones with babies on their legs and others on their hips. Koto was honestly kind of annoyed. He had been entranced by the party culture of those chicken flicks that he begged his Meemee-aka you to "throw" a party for him. You do just that and two hunky neighbors were the first to volunteer.
Koto watched in disapproval as the red haired man insulted the green haired one through gritted teeth. They both were about to hand him the same $1,000 computer before they tried to get ahead of one another.
"Kirishima-kun do you mind give me and Kochan some space I have to give him something."
The muscular chest of the neighbor quickly rose up and down before his hushed response. "That's funny Midoriya. I have something to give the little dude, myself."
"Well I'm going first."
"No your not. It'd be unmanly to do that."
"It's not-"
"Guys guys this has to stop."
Both men turned to look at the little boy who had his arms out as if to stop them. "I know you both have in love with me but I can be with any of you your not my age so please no more violents."
"Uhm little dude-"
"Kochan we actually-"
Eijiro and Izuku look at one another before the former gave the other an exasperated look.
"Kochan we happen to be in love with (Y/n)."
"OH NO!"
His previously emotionless face warped into one of horror as he watched you oblivously talk to the other neighbors. Both Eijiro and Izuku didn't know what to do; this kid was having an existential crisis. Izuku was the first to try and reach out but Koto put his hands on his ears before running off. Defeated and guilty they both decided to leave Koto alone for awhile.
No more than a week later were both the rivaling neighbors meeting in your front yard thanks to a badly written note telling them to go. When they arrived they were confused to see Koto wearing a suit jacket that was obviously too big for him. Instructing them to sit they sat through your little cousin marching to the left and to the right as he barked out his rules. It was his master plan to have competitions to pick the suitor for his beloved Meemee.
"I will decide who I will help with their in-love if you can make me a perfect cake."
"What if we're not good at baking?"
"Then get good. I will serve it to my Meemee and which ever they says yes to the most is the winner!"
"What do you mean by yes to the most?"
"There's gonna be a buncha gam-i mean competitsons we'll decide."
"Wait we?"
"Who else is deciding?"
"Meemee of course!"
"Wait you didn't tell them why they needed to judge...right?"
"Right Kochan?"
"W-well I think now is time for drills, you wanna be in good shape for this right? GO! GO!GO!"
You giggle as you watched your beloved cousin poke his stick at your neighbors. You put the pieces together when Koto had asked for your suit jacket so he could 'fix the neighbor's cases of in-love.' You didn't bother correcting him he looked so determined you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him how he just told a very important secret. Sipping your (f/d) you decided you'd throw all the boys in for a loop by letting this go on for as long as possible. Whether or not you were actually interested in either of them you thought it'd be good for Koto to make some friends while teaching these grown men not to involve a child in their schemes.
Now I'm thinking of making these competitions interactive but idk lmk
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