heartsunholy-a · 5 years
7, 14, & 15 !!
Let’s Talk Ships! // @dawnswake
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7. A ship someone else writes that you love.
Well firstly shout out to you and @hcllsheir because every time I see y’all do stuff, I’m like “god, evie and aeron on their sad shit again” because wow i love two disasters and you’re both v talented writers! admittedly, i haven’t followed their entire saga but i like seeing you two write them when they pop up on my dash!
and I can’t not shout out @headsxwillxroll and @islecaptain and their incredibly expansive universe! Admittedly I haven’t fully kept up with their Prophecy verse but just about every one of Kira’s muses is shipped off with one of Alana’s and it’s so fun to watch to see who they combine next and how! Romantic? Platonic? Familial? Master and Familiar? It’s always a surprise and so fun to see how they plot these things out!!
And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love seeing the N.ewsies squad all interacting. All of @sensibiliitatem ‘s ships? Golden. (Though ngl I’m partial to Charlie/Davey and Charlie/Jack. After Charlie/Hotshot, naturally~). @tomorrcwsnews and @frxncaise blessing the world with O.scar/A.nge content and their other ships in general? Perfection. People getting love from Race, Tammy and Goliath over on @asortofsensation ? My fave. I love these people so much and am so invested in their interactions with each other and other people I haven’t the pleasure of writing with yet!
And honestly tbh, if we’re mutuals, even if we don’t write frequently I probably take notice of your more frequent interactions and go like “oh it’s x and y again!” when I see y’all on my dash. I love and support you all!!
14. A ship you never considered but is now one you love.
Am I allowed to talk about crossover ships? Because uuuuuuh Bavey, duh. Elizabeth “Betty” Cooper and David “Davey” Jacobs are soulmates from completely different franchises and time periods but they were made for each other. 
It all started because I did a soulmate telepathy starter call and instead of just throwing @tatterdhearts all my A.rchie comics kids at hers, I offered to randomize a few pairs. One pair happened to be B.etty and D.avey and at the time, I wasn’t super well versed in N.ewsies. I saw the 90s movie once when I was 14 for my journalism class, I knew S.anta Fe and S.eize the D.ay and that was about it. But I remember Abi earlier posting about wanting modern stuff for D.avey so I thought it’d be fun. And the rest, as they say, is history. Betty and Davey are both just so loyal and honest and have such similar ideas on fighting injustice? And they both have this tendency to feel inferior so they exist in this cycle of constantly uplifting each other?? I could gush about Bavey all day, they’re just made for each other and every time I see Abi reply to something Bavey related, I get so excited. Move over Jack and Katherine, Bavey is the superior reporter x newsie ship.
If we’re talking a ship from the same canon though, I’ll stick with N.ewsies because uuuuuuh J.okat? Perfection. It started by just pointing out how heart eyes J.ojo and A.lbert get over K.atherine when she first shows up? And at first @tomorrcwsnews just had them as a fun little brotp, where he likes to annoy and tease her. Then it turned into “Well J.ojo obviously has a crush on her but we can play it onesided.” But like…he completely won Kat over with his antics. He’s a massive dork hiding a sad inner shell and he balances out K.atherine’s tendency to get stressed and annoyed easily and they’re just very soft and sweet and also constantly thirsty, I love them.
15. A ship you secretly love but are too shy to try and make happen.
All of them? Tbh I am s o bad at approaching people about ships, I’m always worried I come across as pushy.
Tbh, I’d love more J.ughead or R.eggie interactions for B.etty? And V.eronica honestly, I love me some J.eronica. 
And honestly I feel so bad pushing Melody on the sea3 but god give Melody a Gil to love??? She’s got her main Harry who she adores but like??? Mellie and Gil would be such a fun dynamic to explore
Also also Giselle/Ben. In any capacity, I just need those two more, I need Ben being everything Giselle never expected and everything she fears she doesn’t deserve because of who her dad is.
And this isn’t so much a specific ship but give D.iana a girlfriend connected to the Greek pantheon. Daphne’s got H.adie, Delilah’s got H.erkie, D.iana deserves a pantheon gf
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heirhooked · 5 years
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          “ gaston should be jealous. ”
⇝  @dawnswake​
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myyrddin-arch · 5 years
.•✧•. SC . // @dawnswake​ .
     ❛   IS  THERE  A  REASON  YOU  SOUGHT  ME  OUT  ?   ❜    dark  brows  quirk  in  question ,   blue  gaze  examining  the  intruder  with  barely  concealed  SCEPTICISM .   there  was  a  time  when  he  would  have  jumped  at  the  chance  to  help  someone  in  need ,   but  now  all  that  remained  was  a  hollow  shell  of  contempt  and  self - loathing .
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    ❛   if  you’re  looking  for  POTIONS  or  spells ,   try  someone  else .   i’m  not  selling .   ❜
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emptybnes-a · 5 years
Does Jack age? Who does he consider his family?
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jack does not age. he is an entity that has been around for centuries, yet he maintains the appearance he is most comfortable with at the time. the pumpkin king is a being of pure chaos. chaos is an infinite feeling, a constant throughout any timeline. as long as there’s chaos, there’s jack. however, he could take the form of someone older if he needs to — he’s not limited to his preferred form and his true skeletal form. 
his family is made up of the people in halloween town. jack never saw the citizens of his region as his subjects and probably never will. each being is important in the halloween machine, as well as his own existence. as he walks through the streets, he feels only pride and love for them. he makes it a point to support and encourage them in all their creepy endeavors. he quickly redirects them if they begin to glorify him, reminding them that he is ( in his eyes at least ) their equal. the skeleton doesn’t enjoy being placed on such a high pedestal when he knows how wonderful and unique everyone around him is. 
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crownheira · 5 years
👀 + herkie !!
@dawnswake. send  👀  and  a  ship  for  three  head  canons  !!  
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remi is honestly... much better at reading people than even he realizes,   so he definitely sees through herkies apathetic act very quickly. he really doesn’t blame him for being upset about his fathers lack of interest,   so he consciously makes the effort to ensure that someone always supports herkie !! especially with things like tourney. he hasn’t missed a single game,   jokes about being his biggest fan even though he kind of is. he tries to keep it low key but remi just... doesn’t DO low key.
rem has the oddest sleeping patterns,   in which he’ll either be up at the ass crack of dawn or sleep all day. whenever he gets up super early he always goes out to buy himself a coffee or a la croix or whatever and he wouldn’t dream of returning to their room without a protein shake for herkie too.
athletic dudes who act cool and tough on the outside even though they secretly (or not so secretly) have a softer side are remi’s fucking TYPE and when he was first introduced to herkie as his roommate the only coherent thought he had was just ‘shitshitshitshitshit’ 
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madefate-a · 5 years
☆ ( from mena to jay ! )
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       ❛ Seriously ? ❜ Tension flickers across the set of Jay’s shoulders the second he realizes that contact is about to be made, a few beats before Mena’s hand finds its way to his hair. But, in an effort to be fair about it, he doesn’t give into the instinct to duck away or place his own hand between hers and his person. Mostly because those instincts don’t actually flare to life -- he doesn’t quite realize that rather than registering as a threat, Mena’s outstretched hand only comes as -- confusing. 
       One brow arches as he turns enough to level what he’s sure must be as incredulous look as possible. He can acknowledge, objectively, that it hasn’t been the smoothest day, and with more running than charming on the table through most of the evening, he hasn’t paid much attention to his motion and wind tangled hair. But it’s still -- weird that she’s decided to do something about whatever tangle he’s acquired.
      ❛ It’s not going to make me a gentleman, you know, ❜ he adds, lips slipping into a wolfish grin. ( he might not get it, her little crusade to like -- see something in him that isn’t there, but he doesn’t have to show his cards so easily either. ) ❛ So you might want to spend your energy on more important things. ❜  
// affection & accepting & @dawnswake
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duskgathers · 5 years
@dawnswake. { elaine. } 
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      ‘ sorry -- i just moved here, so i’m at a bit of a loss. err, where’s mr. barnes’s physics classroom ? if you could just point me in the right direction, that’d be great. ’
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fatestolen · 5 years
@dawnswake | sc
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 the pink princess walks up to her lunch table, manicured hands gripping her hand bag as she takes in who is already sitting there. “ i highly suggest you find somewhere else to sit before you embarrass yourself. ” 
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inmydrcams · 5 years
dawnswake replied to your post ““I don’t really know what most people believe regarding the marriage...”
damn that first point especially is just a huge yikes all around. how does sb write that and not feel uncomfortable ??
idek. the rhaegar x lyanna apologists are a whole new level.
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wasgentlearch · 5 years
( a GOLDEN AGE starter for @dawnswake ! ) 
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          it must be very difficult, she thinks, to be plucked up from one land and set down in another. to have to find ones way in unfamiliar territory, unfamiliar customs, surrounded always by so many unfamiliar faces. and though the gentle queen remains most often in cair paravel and narnian lands, she knows well what they say of narnia beyond its borders. that it is a savage, wild place, all full of danger (and each tale has its element of truth). so she comes with a little box in her hands, where calormene sweets have been arranged. something small, but something familiar. “i came to see how you have been settling in,” she says, offering the little box forward with a welcoming smile. “i know our narnia must be a strange place to grow accustomed to. is everything to your liking? is there anything you need?” 
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heartsunholy-a · 5 years
What is your muse’s favorite place(s) to be touched? for gia !
sinday headcanons // @dawnswake // accepting
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His arms. His works pretty hard on them and loves when his partner can appreciate them. He often thinks that his arms are his best quality, physically - aside from maybe his eyes and smile.
On a softer side, Gianni actually loves having his hair played with? It’s such a tender little thing and especially in his first life, when he’s so used to being prized for his toughness and his skills as a warrior, it’s a softness he rarely lets himself indulge in. He melts tbh.
On a sadder side, Gianni is proud of his body but if he lets you touch his scars?? You know you’re loved. The one his most sensitive about is, naturally, his scar-like birthmark - the X over his heart from where Valentine (Mercrutio’s twin) killed him in his first life. Tenderly tracing his scars will just? Make him shiver and melt and be such? A sappy mess? So he only lets that happen with people he truly loves.
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warsraging · 5 years
🎰 !
send 🎰 and i’ll throw our muses into a random generator & post the first five as potential ships!  |  @dawnswake |  selectively accepting
1. ELEANOR & HADES - ok i’m not too sure how to throw these two together BUT eleanor’s technically undead, so i feel like there’s something we can work with there?? or even an au of some sort if we’re feeling it. but it sounds like it could be an interesting dynamic, so i’m all for it!
2. KAYLEY & CINDERELLA  - i know your ella is more descendants-centric, but this could be a fun dynamic in either of their canons, or a mix of sorts of the two?? or i could ofc throw kayley in a descendants setting, too! either way i just need these two to be friends pls and thank u.
3. WALLY & ELAINE - i’m not really familiar with elaine’s canon but !! i would love to throw these two together? wally’s super easy to get along with (will possibly flirt with her and i apologize), and we could do something with both their canons or just a generic modern verse !
4. AMY & HERKIE - i don’t have a descendants verse for amy but i could whip something up, if it’s easier?? these two will either get along swimmingly from the start, with some possible flirting on amy’s end bc she’s way 2 quick to develop a crush, OR they will start off butting heads, there’s no in-between. either way, i am Ready for this.
5. HONEY & GIL - alright i don’t have a desc verse for honey either but i feel like this could be a fun dynamic?? maybe when gil gets to auradon, honey would probs be super inviting and offer to help out with studies and whatnot? she’s a sweet and wouldn’t even care if he’s from the isle, so it could definitely something nice to explore!
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heirhooked · 5 years
♡: Accidentally falling asleep together ( gil perhaps ? )
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judging by the way his eyes refuse to open, harry can only guess it’s morning. he’s warm. the body underneath him radiates too much heat but he can’t bring himself to pull away. gil. a night of quiet conversation between the two of them and their captain. uma had already left, it seemed. fingertips drum lightly on the boy’s chest and the pirate lets himself indulge in just a minute of softness before he forces himself to wake up properly, groaning as he lazily swings a leg over gil’s hips. ocean hues linger in the dark and a small bit of guilt settles in his chest from having to wake the second mate up when he looks so peaceful. harry leans down, almost chest to chest, ringed fingers gently tapping a chiselled jawline. “ wake up, gilly-boy. eggs for breakfast. ”
⇝  @dawnswake    /    acts of intimacy.
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rassembleur · 5 years
( @dawnswake ) « sc | to herkie from bo
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               BO SHOOK HERSELF from her reverie just in time to see a football come two feet away from her face. “Sunuva–– !” She barely held in any words which weren’t entirely fit for polite society, and instead looked up to the tall figure ( well… anyone was tall to her ) who was backlit and blocking the sun. 
“You saved me,” she said with a grin. “Just like those old-style heroes.”
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heartsflocked · 5 years
because @dawnswake wanted this a year ago
            “Is that a---” The words die on her lips, because it couldn’t more plainly be a black eye beginning to form on his face; there’s no point in asking. A hiss of sympathy slips past her lips, and she winces. “Oh, Gil.”
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      Of course, the sympathy, as always with the princess, is followed by anger. “You said you were going to come right from home---who did that?”
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crownheira · 5 years
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                    light  drumming  of  fingers  against  the  counter  is  tense  ,  though  remi  has  all  but  tuned  it  out  ,  background  noise  amidst  his  nerves   :   because  of  course  he’s  been  forced  into  lab  partnership  with  the  one  person  in  the  room  he’d  like  nothing  more  than  TO  AVOID.  of  course.    ‛    uh   ...  hey.    ’
@dawnswake     /     sunny
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