Se os corruptos podem descondenar o lula, o povo também pode deseleger ele
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bthump · 3 years
I never really speak of celebrities' deaths because it feels somewhat wrong to say I'm mourning someone I never really knew outside of their work, but man, oh, man. Hearing of Miura's passing just... hit different. I saw some people vaguely mentioning it and at first I thought it was a joke, but then I saw your posts and my body literally went hot and cold. I still haven't really processed the shock and overall feeling of emptiness, but I wanted to say that I'm enormously grateful to not only have read Berserk but, in doing so, found your blog as well. It's just as close to my heart as Berserk itself, and both will always remain so. Despite the mourning, my heart is also filled with immense gratitude and love, which I suppose goes to show just how incredible Miura was as a storyteller. Thank you for your dedication to the manga, and I hope you're well (I hope all of us, fans of Miura's work, will recover from this, eventually). And rest in peace, Miura.
Thank you for your kind words. I feel so much appreciation for the fellow fans I've met and interacted with since starting this blog, and I'm thankful for Berserk and Miura for bringing us all together to have fun and talk about this story. I hope you're well also <3
I'm going to add a couple more asks I've gotten today to this post too. We're all in this together and it was so nice to come home from work to these lovely, thoughtful messages.
God, I've sent you so many messages about Berserk on this blog. Messages full of love, appreciation, frustration, etc. I've never felt so passionate about a work of art in my life. It's truly something else. Forever grateful to Miura for this incredible story, for his stunning art, for giving us Guts and Griffith and their relationship. RIP sensei.
Thank you for all the messages over the years! I've had a wonderful time with this fandom and I'll still be around happy to continue talking about this awesome story if you have more to say <3
After recieving these sad news, I wanted to thank you for putting your thoughts on this blog. Berserk has become one of my favorite stories and your posts have greately hightened my enjoyment of it. I read the story early last year and discovered your blog shortly after. During this year of pandemic I really found solace in fiction and this blog was a big part of that. I just wanted to thank you. No need to answer to this message. Just wanted to express my gratitude.
Thank you very much, I'm so glad I added to your enjoyment of Berserk and contributed in a small way to helping you through this year.
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bthump · 3 years
All right, the results of the “should berserk continue” survey are in.
Honestly lol I found myself nodding along to all of these responses, even the ones that contradict the other ones. Everyone’s made great points here. Thanks for answering anon’s question!
I’d love it to continue tbh. I would just hope the staff followed whatever Miura had planned. The exhibit had an interview with Miura where he talked about his plans for the end of Berserk (with the RPG group ending and Guts facing Griffith several times and Skullknight as well (!!!) ) so it’s clear Miura knew the ending (I mean any creative writer involved in a long form story most likely has a plan for how the story will end.) It really depends how they can best avoid bias with the characterizations. I think his assistants were people Miura entrusted and they shared his vision. They weren’t randoms he found off the street. Another thing I’ve heard suggested is to bring on Mori, Miura’s lifelong best friend who he based Guts and Griffith’s relationship on. Apparently they talked every week and Miura would tell him in detail his plans for Berserk. I’d rather have someone who understood Miura as a person and his characters (with actual writing talent) than any random mangaka. I think the assistants are very capable with the art and releases might even speed up if they take over.
@deselegant asked:
i'm pretty much on the same page as you regarding the continuation of berserk. like, having more content and also reaching the end of the story would be great, but at the same time there's the looming possibility the assistants would misunderstand the characters and that could impact heavily on the outcome of the manga and also fandom's perception of the characters (i know that ship has already sailed, but y'know, maybe it could get worse. especially now we've ended on a positive(? at least in my opinion) note and the fandom was actually having productive conversation). it is a pity we don't know if miura left notes, bc maybe the assistants would continue writing the story in a way that most of the fandom would like, which means (shudder) guts, casca & mb ending up as a happy, boring family. like, not even a bittersweet ending. also, the art probably would take a hit without miura there to storyboard it, and the way miura drew the manga was v important to the storytelling of berserk.
regardless, even if it did continue, i wouldn't think of anything beyond this last chapter as canon, bc it wasn't written by miura (maybe unless they were following a script left by him), and i imagine (hope) the rest of the fandom wouldn't as well, so there's that.
Anonymous asked:
Follower here! I'm... Fine with them continuing it. I'd prefer if they didn't, honestly a lot of Berserk was Miura's writing and I worry if a new Mangaka, Or an assistant continuing things, would be able to preserve that. It's ultimately up to them, and they would know Miura's wishes better than I would.
However if they do, I don't think I'm going to consider anything after this canon, or at least not fully canon in the same way.
Anonymous asked:
My ideal to be honest would be the release of some sort of manuscript or other piece of writing where Miura scetched out his ideas for the rest of the story. I do not want another artist to continue the manga. It just feels weird, never liked it when reading the last books of The Wheel of Time which another author had written after the original author had died.
Anonymous asked:
re: berserk continuing i honestly kinda dont want it to now. it's sure as fuck not a satisfying or conclusive ending but i just feel like it was so tonally appropriate as an ending considering the circumstance. griffith meets with guts and casca and is able to feel "warmth" one last time, but he can't keep it, and he comes out of it bereft, longing for something he'll never have again, maybe not quite ready to say goodbye just yet after all. but we know he has no choice, it's already over. which is admittedly pretty fucking close to how i was feeling the whole time to be honest lol. it's perfect
Anonymous asked:
I think that I'd be okay w/ Berserk continuing if Kouji Mori did the writing. He's Miura life-long best friend, a mangaka (I haven't read his works but apparently they're p good?) and a consultant for Berserk, and Miura based Griffith and Guts' relationship on their friendship. Him and Miura talked all the time and he probably has the best understanding of Miura's vision for the manga. Also ngl it'd be kinda poetic if Berserk was written by the two people behind Griffith and Guts.
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bthump · 3 years
well. at least we can be grateful werebaby delivered griffith right to guts' doorstep so. is it hoping against hope that berserker armor and my beloved (affectionate, beast of darkness) will come through or?
Right, whatever else happens Guts is about to get another eyeful of naked Griffith so at least we got that going for us.
And man idk but I want that too. My own guess is that Guts would lose his shit after whatever happens with Casca happens, rather than directly from seeing Griffith werebabying, but it could be the reverse too. Maybe beast of darkness Guts was gonna be the final straw that freaks Casca out.
Though I do want Guts to continue forgetting his urge to kill whenever he sees Griffith's ass ngl.
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bthump · 4 years
WAIT... if Guts' son is living inside Griffith....... does that mean Griffith is pregn—🤔🤔🤔 ... anyway, I loathe this fuckin manga, but I love your blog, so keep it up! ❤
lmao I guess convoluted mpreg scenario is another, better way of describing it
tyvm <3
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