#did this instead of finishing a drawing of william cause ive had enough of that guy
crunchchute · 3 months
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Out of the pit
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buffyfan145 · 6 years
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Fandoms: Victoria, Vicbourne, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rating: M
Summary: For the Vicbourne FB group's Halloween Dark Vicbourne event I've made this long one-shot fic combining it with my very first online fandom and the one I wrote my very first fic for "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". :D  This reimagines Victoria's life if not only was she destined to be a queen, she was a slayer too and her Prime Minister also happened to be her Watcher. I loved writing this short story, included some "Buffy" shotouts as well as one with "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell" as the Duke of Wellington was a character in it and it fits, hope you enjoy, and Happy Halloween!!! :D
"In every generation there is one, a chosen one. One to defend against the vampires, demons, and all else that is evil. She is the slayer."
The slayer line has long since existed since almost the beginning of time it's self and many girls are marked as potential slayers, but only one will become the slayer.  They are only replaced when the previous slayer has died and are activated as a teenager.  While there have been many slayers, only one so far has also been a queen.
Princess Alexandrina Victoria had been born in England to carry on the monarchy and keep the succession line going for the House of Hanover.  She was destined to be queen and with luck a great one.  She would need training to complete that task but was held almost captive at Kensington Palace by her mother and Sir John Conroy.  But little did they know that she also processed the potential to be the slayer.
The Watchers Council had kept as close of an eye on her as they could, but it was difficult with her controllers.  The Duke of Wellington had long since been a member of the Council and even employed the help of warlocks/magicians in his battles against Napoleon and the dark forces.   This could never be revealed even to the monarchy, even if the next queen could be a slayer herself.  The princess was appointed a Watcher, just like every potential slayer, but this Watcher was reluctant to go back to the life he held before and complicate his current position as Prime Minister.  But for Wellington that was why he thought it was the perfect choice.
William Lamb had seen so many things in his lifetime both as a Watcher and in his chaotic personal life.  His now deceased wife was driven to madness by a poet who acted like a vampire but was just truly a horrible person.  The potentials William trained hadn't become slayers so he focused on politics instead since the Watchers Council approved.  He was trading one group of quarreling men or another.
When he was approached with the task of being the princess' Watcher, William at first was angry.  This poor girl would be their queen and they already had no idea what she would be like as she was hidden away and treated unfairly.  He would be her Prime Minister and advisor.  Surely that would be enough and some other girl would be slayer.
"But it must be you William."  Wellington said matter-of-factly.  "If she becomes the slayer it would only be wise for her to use your assistance and guiding in both politics and supernatural things. Please William, this is your duty."
With a sigh William conceded.  "I will carry out my duty as best as I can."
On June 20th, 1837 King William IV died and the princess was now Queen.  William rode up to Kensington Palace to meet her and found a small girl dressed in black.  She surprised him with all her determination and he assisted her when she met the privy council.  He saw a fire in her eyes and the queenly nature.  "I wish to be called Victoria."  She announced and he smiled in approval.  "Queen Victoria."  He repeated as the new name was perfect.
Since the shock of becoming queen was enough for one day William decided to wait a few days to bring up Victoria's other calling.  As the staff was readying everything for the move to Buckingham they had some time alone.  "Ma'am, there's something I must tell you."
As he explained everything about the slayer line, the Watchers Council, and that all things from fairy tales, myths, and legends were real something changed in Victoria's face as if things became more clear to her.  "And I will protect everyone with these powers if I am chosen?"
"Yes," he confirmed. "The whole world will depend on you to keep everyone safe. It's a much bigger calling than being a queen."
She still didn't seem afraid.  "That explains the dreams. I have vivid dreams with all sorts of people and creatures in them."
"Yes, that is part of the slayer abilities. It all will be fully awakened if you are activated."
"And I will need training? By you?" She asked.
He nodded.  "As your Watcher it will be another duty of mine."
Victoria smiled. "You already have helped me so much and I know I can trust you to guide me with this too Lord M."
A smile came to his face too hearing his new nickname again.  "I will do my best your majesty."
The shared another smile thinking it could be put off a while, but however in only a week the current slayer in France would be killed by Angelus, one of the most feared vampires of their time.
That late July morning was almost a month to the day she became queen and Victoria awoke in her new bedroom with a start, startling Dash.  She knew something had changed.  She felt different, more stronger, more powerful.  Lord M came to the palace earlier than usual requesting he meet with her alone for an urgent matter had come up.  That moment confirmed it for her: she was the slayer.
Hearing Lord M explain everything about slayers was both fantastical yet also right.  Things made more sense to Victoria with the horrors this world possessed. She always knew she was destined to govern and protect, but this was a new exciting challenge and she wanted to make the best of it.  Lord M being her Watcher was amazing.  Ever since they met she had been captivated by him and his character.  He was a good man and a good advisor.  He would teach her so much, and there was so much she needed to learn.  Once he shut the door she asked, "I'm the slayer now, aren't I Lord M?"
He seemed sullen but prepared. "Yes, it's begun.  We must find a way to train you to be ready for your first patrol.  There must be a reason why it's you and London for you to protect directly.  England needs it's queen so we must be careful."  He then picked up a vase.  "But first, just to make sure..."
Before she realized it he threw the vase at her.  Without thinking she caught it extremely fast before it could hit her or break.  "What in the world?"
"Your reflexes have been enhanced..  Now we can begin."
And begin they did.  Lord M secured time after their daily dispatches to take her below stairs to an unused part of the palace.  The servants and others wouldn't think they'd be down here and there was plenty of space to train.  Lord M, with the help of the Watchers Council secured various weapons, books, and ingredients for spells. He revealed he knew some magic thanks to his mother and grew things for spells in his glasshouse at Brocket Hall.  Harriet Sutherland and Emma Portman were more practiced in witchcraft and would be of assistance as needed.
Victoria was thrilled when she discovered her new strength.  She could lift things nearly double her weight.  The weapons, even a sword, felt light and easy to handle.  The sword fighting with Lord M, which they did more at Windsor, was exhilarating. Lord M was so much more trained and muscular than she thought.  She got to see him in a state of disarray as they trained and wished she could wear less restricting clothing but she couldn't fight without that in town.
For her first patrol they enlisted her ladies maid Skerrett to obtain clothes for a woman who could get to town unnoticed. Skerrett kept her word not to tell anyone what she saw and helped along with Harriett to dress Victoria for patrol, hiding weapons about her person.  When Skerrett saw a stake she figured out what was happening but agreed to help sneak Victoria out and let her back in when finished.
Lord M met her at the gate, dressed himself in modest clothes.  Victoria also felt excited to go to town pretending to be a normal couple.  He would be with her to assist and protect like he always did.
It wasn't too long after they got to town that night that they heard screams.  Victoria drew her stake, as did Lord M, and they ran into an alley behind a tavern.  Victoria finally saw in person a vampire, and it was more grotesque than what the "Vampyre" book's drawings showed.  Their faces were distorted and fangs drawn.
"What's this?"  The vampire asked.  "The Calvary come to save the day?"
"Something like that."  Victoria said smartly and the vampire dropped the young woman before charging for Victoria.  The two started fighting and the vampire was surprised by Victoria's strength.  He must have not known about the new slayer being in town.  While they fought Lord M rushed to the lady to make sure she was alright.
"What are you?"  The vampire asked after Victoria threw him to the ground.
Victoria gave him a grin.  "I'm the slayer."  Then she drove the stake through his heart which caused him to explode into dust.
The woman thanked them for saving her life and they made sure to escort her back home.  As they walked on afterwards Lord M spoke.  "You were brilliant ma'am."
"Thank you Lord M.  Maybe I can use that on Sir John to get rid of him."  They both shared a laugh and she actually did prove that true when he did confront her and Victoria lost her cool lifting him off the ground by his neck threating to snap it.  He finally took that peerage in Ireland and left for good.
Over the next year Victoria progressed in her training and took on her slayer duties as wonderfully as her queenly duties.  The Watchers Council was worried though as most slayers didn't live long into their twenties and England needed their queen.  They spent so much time researching to see if there could be a way to transfer her powers into that of another potential but so far couldn't find a way expect death.  For now it would be William's main role besides all his others to keep her alive.
Victoria's patrols went well.  They saved so many people, including a boy from the Pratt family would wound name his son William after Lord M, not realizing this son would end up being more well known in his second life as the vampire Spike.  Many vampires, demons, werewolves, and creatures were stopped by Victoria and Lord M.  She took her roles as slayer and queen to heart and would do anything to protect her people.  William couldn't be more proud, especially at her coronation watching her get crowned.
Of course he knew part of this was the feelings he was developing for her.   Even though it was discouraged it was natural for a Watcher to develop feelings whether romantically or fatherly towards a slayer, and vice versa, but for William he didn't expect the former.  Victoria was both alike and unlike the women in his past and the more they spent together the more he couldn't help but love her.  He knew if they had been the same age there was nothing that would've stopped him from acting on his feelings.  But with age came wisdom and he couldn't jeopardize the crown.
For Victoria she felt the same.  She had fallen for Lord M the moment she saw him dismount his horse when she became queen.  It just got stronger every day they spent together going over the boxes, riding, at events, and their trainings and patrols.  Victoria in particular loved the training as it was like dancing and Lord M could touch her even more than when they danced.  He would linger sometimes as his hands would be on her waist or he would be behind her to show her a proper stance to be in to fight off an attacker.  She sometimes hoped he would move his hands to other places or kiss her neck.  It wouldn't have been that hard and she fantasied about it often enough that only her own touches would stop the thoughts at night so she could sleep. She read in the slayer and Watcher journals too many of them had paired off over the centuries much to the Council's warnings.  It was understood that being so close together and trusting the other so much that things would happen.  She smiled often at the thought of being able to be with him.
William, meanwhile, thought of these touches too during training and was at war with himself to stop.  He was close to committing treason and he had to control it.  Things were made much hard the night of the coronation ball when Victoria had the night off from slaying and drank too much champagne.  He danced with her, which they both enjoyed, but she grabbed a hold of his hands saying "I want to dance with you all night."  There was a moment when they both couldn't speak as she stared up at him with her chest heaving and he wanted her so badly it hurt, but he backed away.  He could tell she was hurt by it but he wasn't mad, just grateful they weren't seen.
It did cause a distraction though when Victoria did go on patrol a few nights later.  William was doing a spell to stop a gang of vampires from entering Dover House while Victoria was battling one of them with her stake.  The female vampire withdrew a dagger and plunged it into Victoria's side as Victoria was staking her.
Lord M rushed to her side as his butler finished off the other two vampires.  The spell had worked and he carried Victoria back into his house.  Even with the fast healing abilities of a slayer she needed to be attended to quickly.  One of the maids came to help undress Victoria to check her wound, while William got some supplies he kept on hand for this.  Thankfully the cut wasn't too deep but needed to be sterilized to prevent infection.  He took the alcohol and heard Victoria let out a cry of pain as he dabbed the wound.  Soon she was asleep and he hoped the salve he made would work to excel the dealing as she needed to be back in the palace in the morning.
After a few hours he checked on her and at first just watched her sleeping form.  She looked so at peace and beautiful.  It then dawned on him that she was naked, only covered by the sheet as to treat her they had to cut away her clothes.  There already was a fresh change of clothes for her to dress with once she was awake.  He readied himself as he needed to check her wound but now had to be extremely careful so she would stay modest and him not seem deceitful.
"Victoria."  He quietly said to wake her and she started to stir.
"Lord M?"  She opened her eyes and smiled, which was a good sign.  "You used my name."
"That I did."  He couldn't help but smile back.  "You remember what happened?"
She nodded and looked a bit worried.  "I got hurt."
"Yes, and I need to check your wound."  He explained.
"Alright."  It was then she realized her nakedness and a blush came over her face and chest, which William tried hard not to react to.  "It seems I'm not decent."  Instead of being shocked she seemed amused.
He shook his head.  "We had to cut away your clothing to tend to you.  There was some blood."  More than what he expected.  "Just keep the sheet around you and it'll be able to cover the rest of you."
She nodded and gingerly sat up, keeping the sheet secured around her chest.  "It doesn't hurt to move."
"That's good."  He came around and sat on the bed.  "I'll just need to move the sheet a little to see the wound."  She nodded again and he first moved her hair aside before taking the sheet to see the left side of her body.  There were a few bruises on her back from the fighting but she mostly looked alright.  He tried his hardest not to see her backside but there it was, as was a partial side of her left breast as the sheet barely covered it.  Then he focused again once he saw the wound.  Thankfully it had healed much already, though it would still be sore.  She winced a bit when he gently touched it.
"It's healing up nicely ma'am.  I'll put some more salve on it for the pain and give some to Skerrett but you'll be fine."
"Thank you Lord M."  Victoria said.  She was so grateful to him for saving her.  It was scary but they had stopped the attack and prevented an infection.  Being naked in one of his bedrooms was unexpected but a part of her was thrilled.  She felt the urge to rid herself of the sheet and to thank him in other ways, but now wasn't the time.  Hopefully it would be soon.
His fingers both felt cool on her skin as the salve relieved the pain, but she also felt fire and something else start to coil in her belly.  She closed her eyes as he rubbed more of the salve on her wound and felt a sort of please at his touch.
"There.  We can get you back to the palace now."  He said as he moved away to wipe his hands, but he was still seated next to her.
Victoria turned towards him.  "Thank you William, for everything."  He was stunned by her use of his first name that she took her chance and met his lips with her own.  It was a quick kiss and she backed away shortly afterward.  The look of desire on his face was confirmation enough that he felt the same.  They could continue this later.  "Call for the maid Lord M so I can get dressed.  My country won't wait."
He was still dazed but finally nodded.  "Yes, yes I'll call her now ma'am."  William couldn't believe what happened but he had to get out of that room before he did something he'd regret.  Little did he know his slayer queen had a plan and she would get what she wanted.
A few weeks later they had moved to Windsor.  London would be watched over by the Council and thankfully there wasn't too much supernatural activity in Windsor.  It was a place they could relax more and Victoria could rest from her slaying duties as well as her queenly ones.  The timing couldn't have been more perfect for what she was planning.
She was restless in so many ways but one in particular that she knew only her dear Lord M could provide relief for.  Victoria knew that being a slayer made her senses amplified and she could even feel emotions from others.  Harriet confirmed to her this sensory amplification was an ability from the slayer side but only part of why she was feeling this way.  The woman side of her was still mostly in control and what she was feeling was normal.  That even she could tell Lord M felt the same way about Victoria.  It was the perfect timing of the month for Victoria if she chose so.
After Victoria went on patrol and arrived back at the castle she was informed by Skerrett that Lord M had already retired.  It was the result she hoped for and Victoria prepared herself.  She would get what she wanted tonight and she wouldn't be denied.  Making her way through the servants stairwell and passages she usually used to meet Lord M to train Victoria followed Skerrett's directions to Lord M's room.
Victoria opened the door quietly and saw Lord M was still awake but appeared to be reading as his glasses were perched on his nose.  He only used them for this task but she liked how distinguished he looked.
He didn't realize she was there till she shut the door and he looked up at her startled.  "Ma'am, what are you doing here?"
She smiled at the sight of him in bed with those glasses wearing his night shirt and being able to see his neck and forearms so clearly.  It reminded her of seeing him in disarray at Dover House but she preferred this.  "I had to see you Lord M."  She placed her candle down on the side table.
"But I was already informed you returned from patrol."  He took his glasses off and set them down on the night stand with the book he was reading.
"Yes, patrol went well and I seem to have the whole night free."  She walked over a bit closer starting to feel nervous.  She felt insecure a lot but Lord M was always there to reassure her about whatever was worrying her, whether it be a speech, her training, or even her looks.  Hopefully he would do the same now like she wanted.
"Ma'am, are you alright?"  Lord M looked at her confused but she saw his expression changed as she got closer to the bed.
"I've been feeling things Lord M, things I didn't know I could.  I thought it was due to being a slayer but I know it's so much more now."  She paused and watched him look at her with those intense green eyes.  "I know I'm young and my duties as both slayer and queen mean so much, but those of me as a woman and my heart shouldn't be denied either."
Lord M looked at her and she saw what looked like fear come over his face.  "Ma'am, you need to..."
"No."  She said it with the voice she used as queen.  She was in charge and she would remind him of that.  He stayed quiet.  "I know what I feel and I love you Lord M.  I have for so long and I know you feel the same for me."  When he didn't respond but still looked at her with amazement she knew she had guessed right.  "As a slayer I usually have a short life and the council is trying everything to keep me alive and change my fate.  Make another girl slayer.  But we don't know if that will work or how much time I'll have left if they can't.  So I won't be denied the chance to experience love and be with the man I love with my whole heart."
She took the final step to Lord M's bedside.  "William, you've taught me in so many ways that I'm so grateful for.  Now I trust you to teach me in one final way so I may know what it's like to make love with a man that fully loves me more than anything."  Before he could utter a word back Victoria untied the knot of her dressing grown and pushed it off her shoulders to the ground.
William stared at her in shock seeing her completely naked body before him.  He couldn't believe this was happening.  This woman he loved with his whole heart and soul standing before him asking him to make love to her.  Something he had fantasized about for months, especially after that kiss, never thinking it was possible.  Now here she was and she was glorious and so bold. She looked like a painting with all those curves, pert breasts, and hair cascading around her shoulders.  He hardened so suddenly just staring at her but he did force himself to rise from the bed to stand beside her.
She looked up at him with those large blue eyes and he felt her tremble as he placed his hands on her shoulders.  How could he push her away?  This woman meant everything to him and she was giving herself to him.  He couldn't deny her or himself anymore.  Even if it was just this once he would show her how much he loved her.  "You are so beautiful my love."
Victoria felt tears come to her eyes and she couldn't help but smile as she saw him smile too.  He called her "my love".  She was right about his feelings.  "You love me."
"Yes, I love you with everything I am."  Lord M replied before leaning down to kiss her.  The kiss was so much more than that chaste kiss she gave him.  He enveloped her into his arms and deepened the kiss.  It felt so good kissing him, their hands exploring each other, pulling each other close as they could.  He started kissing her neck as his hand went in between her legs to where she wanted his fingers to go, letting a moan escape as he teased her.
"You're so wet for me."  He said as he kissed her again and she could tell this was a good thing as his fingers kept playing in her and she didn't want him to stop.
But they did separate as he had to get his night shirt off.  When he did he was standing now before her just as naked as she was.  Though he had the part till now she had only seen an artist paint or sculpt.  He was made beautifully and still so muscular for his age.  He could tell she was confused though.  "It's so large."
"Yes," he couldn't help but laugh as it was amusing, but his laugh was playful.  "It doesn't look like that normally."
"It's smaller?"  She asked him and he realized he had so much to teach her.
He nodded.  "It only does this when I'm aroused."  He touched her face.  "When I feel desire for someone."  His hands went into her hair.  "You feel it too with the fire in your stomach and your wetness between your legs."
She felt another jolt in both places when he said that.  "Yes," she moaned.  "I made you feel that way?"  She asked amazed.
He kissed her in reply.  "So many times."  He replied.  "I've had to touch myself many nights to make it stop."
"So have I."  She admitted and saw a grin come over his face.  Then looking in his eyes she asked, "Can I touch you?"
"Please."  He replied in a desperate voice which she liked.
Victoria placed her hands on his chest slowly going down to feel his muscles.  His skin felt so good and warm.  Then she got to this new part of him and gently took him in her hand.  He made a hissing noise and she realized she didn't know what to do.  "Just stroke it my darling.  From the base to the tip."  She did as he said and got a loud moan from him in return.  "Perfect, Victoria.  God, just perfect."  After a few strokes she realized she wanted what came next and kissed him again.  She could've picked him up and carried him to the bed with her strength, but she wanted him to take her instead.
Lord M did as she wanted and took her hand leading her to the bed.  After she lay on it he climbed in and hovered over her.  Looking into her eyes he asked, "Are you sure you want this?"
"Yes," she replied.  "I love you."
"I love you too."  He replied with a kiss.
They kissed some more till she felt him align with her center.  They locked eyes as he pushed in and she did feel some paint but only for a slight moment till her body adjusted to the feel of him inside her.  It felt so glorious and so right together that she couldn't believe it would feel any better till he started moving.  He came in and out of her with such exquisite movements that she felt like she was in heaven.  Why was this deemed so wrong when it felt so wonderful?  They found a rhythm so perfect and kissed and touched when they could.  Then Victoria reached the moment she knew would be the end and felt herself shatter into bliss.  Lord M followed soon after with a cry of his own and spilled himself into her.
It took a few moments to come back down and they rested against each other.  He was still inside her and she never wanted to let him go.  She was his friend, lover, the slayer to his watcher, the queen to his prime minister.  They would always be entwined but this was the real connection between them.  They were two halves of the same whole, supposed to be together.  She would never regret this night and was glad he didn't either.  Tomorrow was a new day but they would face it together.
As the months went on Victoria made a balance out of each day for the royal duties, her slayer patrols and battles, and indulged in  time with Lord M whenever she could.  Some of their training sessions would turn into kissing or hastily touching.  An uneventful night on patrol would turn into a passionate night in bed.  They were cautious to protect her virtue as best as they could and her monthly time came as it should, both grateful to be without that consequence.  But they couldn't escape the rumors or talks of them always being together, and Victoria's uncle Leopold insisting she marry, and preferably marry her cousin Albert.
The country needed their queen safe and needed heirs to keep the monarchy going.  The Watchers Council worked endlessly to find a solution, while Lord M slowly dreaded and accepted he was going to lose Victoria.  It would break him to where he could never recover, but if they could transfer her slayer abilities and she would live a long life, so be it.  Victoria had no idea what the Council would do or if she would have to die, something that oddly started not to be frightening.  She had experienced love of the purest kind with her William that she would be happy.  But the people needed her.
Then one day as they were in the library Lord M had brought one of the Watchers Council members Edward Giles to consult on anything they could do.  Giles found a possible answer when he spotted Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein" in the shelves.  "You know somewhat of Mrs. Shelley, William, did you not?"
"Yes," Lord M answered uneasy.  He was always reluctant reliving that part of his life with the whole acquaintance with Caro and Byron.  "I never met her or her husband though."
"But the story of the monster being reanimated was based on something she saw?"  Giles asked.
Lord M nodded.  "Yes, I believe she was at a demonstration using electricity to give life to someone."
"What does this have to do with me?"  Victoria asked.
"There's been some research into using an electrical charge to revive someone after their heart stops beating."  Giles explained.  "If it would work it would save many lives, especially when used for medical procedures."
It dawned on Lord M what Giles meant and it scared him.  "What you're saying is if we control how to stop Victoria's heart we could revive her through this?"
"Precisely." Giles responded.
"And a potential slayer would be called in my place."  Victoria realized.
"Yes, your majesty, and you would live again as normal as a queen does."  Giles smiled.
Lord M turned and walked brusquely to the window alarmed.  Victoria noticed and went over to his side.  "This could work Lord M."
He turned towards her and she could see the anguish in his eyes.  "But it might not ma'am and you could lose your life."  The emotion was hard to hide in front of Giles but Lord M didn't care.
"I'm willing to take that risk."  She touched his hand as their backs were turned.  "I'm ready to just been a queen and a woman again.  It's time."
Then it was decided   Giles took the idea to the Watchers Council and they all agreed to investigate the idea.  They procured a doctor who had already been testing his new machine on patients and his results had worked most of the time.  The council made sure to gather all the potentials they had kept track of in London and hopefully if the plan worked one of these girls would be the next slayer.
When the day approached Victoria felt an odd calm.  They had found a type of spell that would allow her to fall asleep while the doctor would inject a fluid to stop her heart.  Then once that was confirmed and electricity would be used.  Lord M was a nervous wreck.  He never thought he'd watch another person he loved die, even if there was a possibility of a revival.  But this time was more like that of when he lost his children as he loved Victoria with everything of his being, and she equally loved him too.
They waited till nightfall when the royal household would believe Victoria to be asleep, that way if there was a death it wouldn't be as suspicious.  When it was time Victoria followed Skerrett in the passageways through Windsor to the old dungeons below.  No one would hear anything and they could conduct what must be done in quiet.
The doctor awaited for them and bowed low to Victoria.  She was glad he was a faithful subject and she hoped she'd be able to thank him when she woke again.  Lord M stayed at her side and helped her get on the table.  Giles stood aside as did a few others from the Council, including the Duke of Wellington.
Victoria took Lord M's hand and smiled.  "Don't be afraid Lord M.  I'll see you soon."
He's couldn't help the tears that came to his eyes and he leaned down to kiss her in front of the others, not carrying anymore as he needed to kiss her.  "You are so strong and brave my love.  Don't leave me yet."
"I love you."  Victoria said with tears of her own.
Lord M kissed her hand.  "I love you too."  Then he slowly let go to back away and stand with the others.
Victoria then looked at the doctor and nodded.  One of the Watchers Council members came over and cast the spell with aid from Harriet and Emma, causing Victoria to fall suddenly asleep.  Then the doctor took a syringe and injected a dark liquid into Victoria's hand.  Giles went to Victoria's neck to feel her pulse.  After a few moments he spoke.  "Her heart's stopped."
Lord M felt a huge blow to his chest.  She really was dead.
They all then saw what looked like a bird fly in and then go  into the Watcher that cast the spell.  "The next slayer had been activated."  He said in a weird voice of one of the ancient ones, which was how they knew the slayer line went on.  Later they would know it was a 16 year old Italian girl.
Now the doctor's machine started as a great whirling sound took over the room.  He held what looked like two paddles and he rubbed them together before he moved towards Victoria.  When he lowered the paddles onto Victoria's body they heard the release of the charge and were all frightened to see Victoria's body convulse.  Giles held his hand to her neck but shook his head.  The machine whirled to life once more and the doctor pressed the paddles to her again.  Giles still shook his head no and everyone was scared that it might not work and never would've guessed how violent it would be.  Lord M prayed at that moment with all he had for God to bring her back to them.  Even if she did marry another and he lost her forever, as long as she was alive that was all that mattered.
The doctor turned the dial and it whirled louder before he lowered the paddles again.  Victoria's body convulsed harder but they heard what sounded like a gasp.  Giles check her neck and smiled.  "She's alive!  Her heart is beating again."
Everyone was overjoyed, but nowhere near as much as William.  After thanking God he rushed to his love's side.  He gently took her hand and bushed back her hair with the other hand.  Victoria started to stir and he couldn't help but smile.
It took a little while before she came to, but when she did she started to smile too.  "Did it work?"
"Yes."  Lord M took her hand and kissed it.  "We have a new slayer and you're alive."
She took a deep breath feeling a huge weight leave her.  Her life would go back to somewhat normal, that of which a queen could do, and be in much less danger.  She was so happy that tears came.  For now she was so glad to be alive and have Lord M with her.  Whatever came next they would face it, but she had her whole life ahead and she hoped it'd be long and Lord M would be with her for a long as possible.  "I'm so happy."
"We all are your majesty."  The Duke of Wellington answered before the others started to leave to go help the newest slayer and watcher, leaving the doctor and ladies to watch over Victoria so she would be taken back to her room when ready.
Victoria placed her hand on Lord M's face and wiped his tears away.  "See I wouldn't leave you."
He smiled an laughed slightly.  "I should never doubt you again."
"Never my darling.  Now kiss me."  She demanded.
"Yes, ma'am."  Lord M said as he leaned down to kiss her, both so happy they found a way to save her from a terrible fate and keep the world safe with a slayer to take her place.
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