wlwsakura · 2 years
How many years did it take you to learn how to draw? I’m not saying you’re a professional artist and might not have days where you don’t like you work, i’m trying say how long did it take you to grip the basic concept of anatomy, hands, side views, etc without looking at tutorial videos on YouTube?
Well umm I’ve been drawing my whole life basically but i didnt really try to improve until around the time i started this blog and then i just started trying to pay more attention to everything
tbh i dont really have the patience to watch tutorials or anything so i’ve just been bullshitting my way through it hdkdkdk which is probably why ive taken longer than i might have taken otherwise. I could count how many tutorials i’ve watched on one hand and still have fingers left over 😔
everything’s been pretty much trial and error for lets say 5-ish yrs? and until my wrists give out ig
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littlegoldfinchh · 3 years
I woke up wanting to try out pottery help
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leeebo · 6 years
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I was tagged by the super talented @elidoo to say 5 facts about my oc, so I decided to keep it DA related and use Gaius~ (thanks, love!! ❤️)
1- He hates negotiating, and finds it better to finish debates with a duel of some kind. A typical Fereldan, despite being a Teyrn’s son.
2- During the time between Origins and Inquisition, he and Leliana would send letters, and she, without fail, would comment on how long it took her to “decipher his handwriting”.
3- He’s prideful and egotistal, but after the Blight had ended, he mellowed out to the point of complacent and indifferent about almost everything. By the time of Inquisition, he’s angry and stubborn, yet he takes the blame for what the Wardens did.
4- He encourages Ronan, his mabari, to sneak little knickknacks and do-dads into Morrigan’s pack. Things of the arcane she might find interesting, or things that might remind her of him. Or perhaps a gag gift she throws out after a “guffaw”.
5- He’s not a morning person by any means. He hates getting up early and hates being woken up. Even if he’s told “Get up in five”, he takes it to meaning five hours instead of minutes. The man will not get up that fast, and absolutely refuses to do so.
Tagging @sanitys-rebellion, @faith-sama-boi (lemme know all the stuff about takuma I’m love him❤️) @dantecain and literally anyone else who has an oc and wants to say a few things about them!! :D
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antiduck-z · 6 years
Ooo ayıpsın tabi gömerim kdkdkd lan ne yazmışsın oraya okuyamadım dmkdks 19 3 ya yirmi ney dndkkdkd
Yaşım hdhdnd
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meterpekinadidasi · 6 years
Gökberk... hiç yakıştıramadım neyse kjgdshfglxşkdf ben de çemberi seviyom ama fizikte iş enerji ve optik favorilerim fjsdklgxckfşllid
Niye yakıştıramadın dmkdk
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