#do eeeeeeeeeeeet!
girls-are-weird · 2 years
Carla: how about some nice fluffy stuff for my birthday
me: simon x wille and number 8 (or 10 😚)
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thank youuuuu~! 💜 i see what you did there, but i'll take it. 😉
8. What they argue about
i think simon gets really defensive about, like, a ton of things. much like in the show, i think there are certain circumstances that wille just doesn't GET, because of how different/privileged his life has been, and simon tries to not be judgmental about it but he doesn't always manage it. also, even when wille DOES get it, he often thinks the best way to deal with it is being diplomatic, whereas simon is much more black-and-white about how these things should be dealt with, believes that there are things you can't compromise on, which puts him at odds with wille. he also gets upset with wille's habit of putting himself down or thinking he's not good enough for certain things, especially if wille closes himself off and outright refuses to do things out of fear of failure.
wille, on the other hand, feels simon pushes himself too far past his own limits, to his detriment. he doesn't mind that simon is a carer, a giver-- that's one of the things he loves about simon-- but he gets upset when simon gives so much, does so much to help other people, that the stress starts taking a toll on him, or he forgets to take care of himself, or neglects their relationship. it bothers him when simon chooses to carry everything on his own shoulders rather than leaning on him for support, especially when he doesn't tell him what's wrong or that something IS wrong. wille can also be a bit possessive, which he's working on, but also when it happens simon tends to double down on it, which only bothers him more. in fact, simon's tendency to get all sarcastic/passive-aggressive when they argue is often a point of contention.
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nansi-stories · 5 years
rowdy-hallow replied to your post: ((I have a slightly cursed idea for a rp blog and...
do eeeeeeeeeeeet
((I already have, seven blogs, what’s one more right????
Idk if anyone would be into it tho because neopets))
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magically-strange · 7 years
suzie-guru replied to your post “suzie-guru replied to your post “Guys, am I crazy?  Or is Nicolas...”
I might have to watch this movie tonight now =)
*do eeeeeeeeeeeet* ;D
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girls-are-weird · 2 years
I hope you have a great birthday!
12? :)
thank you! 💜
12. What they do for their anniversary
hmm. that depends. what they do IN PUBLIC for their anniversary, or what they do in private? because i don't think it all necessarily happens in the same sequence. or on the same day.
like, i think because they'd obviously be a very public couple, they probably have to do some performative stuff for holidays/anniversaries for PR's sake-- so they go out to a restaurant/gallery/concert and their location gets conveniently "leaked" to the press, or they do a small photoshoot (or even take some photos themselves) to post on the crown's official instagram page or whatever. but that's not "their" celebration.
they hold "their" celebration on a completely different day. like, they do all the more front-facing valentines-y stuff on february 14th, but they celebrate "their" day of love in, like... october or something. and their anniversary? they may do the "performance" on the real date, and then have their own private celebration on a different day.
and which anniversary are we talking about, anyway? their wedding anniversary is pretty fixed (unless they pulled a harry-and-meghan and got married in secret a day before the public ceremony), but lbr, wille totally goes around celebrating every minor anniversary he can think of, from the day they met, to their first kiss, to the day they first moved in together. simon just kind of rolls his eyes but mostly finds it endearing, and has come up with a couple of minor anniversaries of his own that he likes to celebrate, which makes wille beam at him every time.
as for what they do on these anniversaries... well, for the "big" ones (valentine's, their wedding anniversary) i generally assume they go somewhere they can be on their own. just skip off to a vacation home somewhere, or maybe a different country, where they can be away from work and the public and the media and just enjoy each other. there may be some presents involved-- jewelry, maybe, or other sentimental stuff-- but not always; most of the time they just want to be together, in private, and have some time to relax (and *cough* do other stuff). for the minor anniversaries, i see them as perfect opportunities for little trinkets that may or may not require SOME money, but not much: sometimes a memento here and there, a framed photo, a homemade dinner, a night in watching the other's favorite movie, a love note.
oof. this ran long. clearly i have a lot of feelings about wille and simon's anniversaries! lol.
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girls-are-weird · 2 years
hi and happy birthday!!
1 and 8 for Simon and Wille?
thank youuuu! 💜 i've already done 8 here, so i'm gonna go with 1 now.
1. Which one is the better cook
i think neither of them are great at it, but simon probably has more experience so he's better at it, at least at first go. i think wille probably ENJOYS it more, though, like the actual act of cooking. simon enjoys eating delicious dishes, but when he has to actually make food himself, it's a more perfunctory thing, just making something quick so he doesn't go hungry. it's good, but not necessarily out-of-this-world delicious. wille, on the other hand, puts a lot more effort into everything he makes-- and he fails a lot more because he's just not that good of a cook, but he's immensely proud of himself when that effort actually pays off in some truly delicious result. and then simon can shower him with compliments and kisses, like he deserves. 😊
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girls-are-weird · 2 years
Hi Carla! Happy birthday! 🎉🎂🧡😊
For Wilmon (duh! lol) can you do:
2. What their love letters look like..
10. What tv shows they watch together and which ones they hide from each other..
Thank you! 🌼❤
thanks, dearest! 💜
2. What their love letters look like
simon's are usually song lyrics, of course. other people's, or his own. he also doodles cutesy things in lieu of emojis, and it always makes wille smile. wille's letters are more stream-of-consciousness, peppered with quotes he's heard or stories that may not seem like they have anything to do with simon at first, but eventually he gets to his point and everything makes total sense. they always make simon's heart skip a beat.
10. What tv shows they watch together and which ones they hide from each other
i think when they're together they mainly watch sitcoms/more humorous shows, but the clever ones that weave in some drama/darkness along the way, like schitt's creek, the good place or fleabag. i 100% think they've binged all of new girl. but i also think they may watch some more thrillerish/sci-fi shows (as long as they're not outright SCARY) every once in a while-- like, i can totally see wille completely obsessing over dark, having his mind blown by every twist, and simon sorta just being completely endeared by his enthusiasm and humoring wille's hours-long explanations/rants of every bit of foreshadowing from half a season ago that totally went over simon's head. oh, and singing competitions, of course.
as for what they watch on their own, simon has a bit of a soft spot for true crime, but that's often too dark for wille. wille loves trashy reality shows, most of which simon finds annoying. i don't think they hide it from each other, though-- if anything, they tease each other about it all the time.
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girls-are-weird · 2 years
her witchiness herself, @huracanesdetequila, tagged me to do this, so here we go!
COMFORT FOOD: my grandma's/mom's spaghetti (this is not an eminem pun), or if i can't have that, just regular spaghetti bolognese or mac 'n' cheese.
FAVOURITE PIECE OF CLOTHING YOU OWN: i don't know that i have one, necessarily. i do love my hoodies, but, like... all of them, not just one in particular.
FAVOURITE TIME OF YEAR: summer, probably. or any time it's not cold. and by "cold" i mean anything until 20 C.
FAVOURITE FRUIT: none. i don't really eat... fruit. except for in certain preparations, like on apple pie or tomato sauce. but not the fruits themselves. yes, i'm a three-year-old.
LAST SONG: "something's gotta give" by camila cabello. for my YR peeps out there, i consider that to be THE ultimate simon breakup song.
DO YOU COLLECT SOMETHING: does fanart count? i save tons and tons of fanart for several of my fandoms so i can add them to my slideshow screensaver on my computer/chromecasts. i also used to collect (fandom) pins, though i haven't bought a new one in quite a while.
FAVOURITE DRINK: coke. usually of the zero variety, but i'll take the original, too. and "favorite" may be an understatement-- i probably have coke running through my veins by this point.
you know the drill: not tagging anyone, but feel free to grab this and fill it out. i'd love to see your answers!
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girls-are-weird · 2 years
Ouhh! Copper and peach :)
Copper - What is your favourite kind of day?
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lol. in all seriousness, though: sunny, breezy day, over 20 C but not unbearably hot. preferably quiet. it's as good a day for staying in as it is to go out for errands or just for a nice walk.
Peach - Favourite texture/s?
fluffy. fluffy and soft, but not itchy. i love flannel and soft wool, and those cotton t-shirts that get softer with use. i will pet every fluffy dog that passes by me. i'm also that one weirdo who goes into a department store and has to touch all the, like, soft fluffy stuffed toys, or fluffy towels or throw pillows. i just love fluffiness, even though i can't OWN a lot of it because of my allergies.
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girls-are-weird · 2 years
was tagged by the lovely @books-books-smolderinglooks to post 4 songs i have on heavy rotation currently. cool cool.
now, i don't do "rotations"-- i basically just set one of my (gigantic) genre playlists to shuffle and listen to whatever comes up-- but maybe i can just post my top 4 tracks for the week? bear in mind that these have, like, 3 plays at MOST lol.
not tagging anyone, but encouraging all the people who follow me to do it-- more music is never a bad thing!
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girls-are-weird · 2 years
hi! crimson and lavender? hope you’re having a good Sunday! ☀️
i am! thanks, elin. i hope your weekend's going well, too. ❤️️
Crimson - What was an event that’s shaped you to be who you are today?
actually, i was telling someone just today that i am the way i am because i'm a child of divorce. i was mostly joking when i said it, but when i think about it, it really was a formative thing for me. 😅
Lavender - What is your favourite time of day?
night. late night. i'm very much a night owl. i often eat something sweet around 10 pm-- the period between that and going to bed (usually around 2:30-3:00) is generally my most creative/productive.
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girls-are-weird · 2 years
tagged by @thebirkenstocksocialist so i guess i gotta do this now... xD
hot shower or cold shower: not hot but always warm. i do not like the cold.
texting or calling: actually, messaging? i don't like typing on my phone all that much (i usually let my nails grow long, so it's a nuisance). i'll type on the computer until the cows come home, though.
earbuds or headphones: i have both. i mostly use headphones when i'm out and about or on the computer, but i can't use them when i'm lying down in bed, or when i'm resting my head against something, so i have earbuds as well.
paperback or hardcover: i don't have a preference? i just like print books, however i can get them.
matte or gel: ...for what? is this a makeup question? hmmm...
12 hour clock or 24 hour clock: yeah we don't do 24-hour clocks where i'm from. we don't even have a military, so "military time" is not a thing either, lol.
blue or green: blue to the clouds and back. any and all shades.
sunsets or sunrises: sunrises. i'm rarely awake to see them in person, but i love catching a sunrise from a plane. so pretty!
tulips or orchids: really neither, but i have a soft spot for tulips because my grandpa used to bring us wooden tulips as a souvenir whenever he visited/passed by the netherlands.
candle light or moonlight: candle light, as long as it's an unscented candle.
sci-fi or horror: yeah i don't do horror. lol. sci-fi is much more my speed.
pen or pencil: i prefer being able to erase stuff easily when i write.
pandas or koalas: pandas are my favorite animal. =)
gold or silver: silver all the way. i've got an olive undertone-- gold makes me look like i've got jaundice. all my jewelry is silver or silver-colored.
sneakers or boots: i like boots too, but i don't have much occasion to wear them. sneakers are basically part of my uniform.
denim jacket or leather jacket: but only if it's faux leather.
pink or purple: yeah there are very few pinks that actually look good on me, lol. purple, on the other hand, i can wear nearly every shade. i think it's probably my best color, though it's not my favorite.
chocolate or sour candy: anything chocolate, please! the sweeter varieties, not the bitter ones.
deodorant or perfume: i get allergies with strong smells, so perfumes are trial-and-error for me.
drive-in movie theater or the cinema: i've never been to a drive-in but i love regular movie theaters!
pastel colors or neutral earth tones: oh god. neither? cool jewel tones for me. i'm a deep winter all the way.
lemonade or fruit juice: coke, baby!
past or future: i'm very goal-oriented so yeah.
constellations or aurora borealis: i've never seen an aurora, though i'd love to! (aurora australis also exist, btw). still, constellations are so much more interesting to me-- in the scientific/astronomy sense, because these are literal worlds, light-years away, that we are seeing with our own eyes. but also in the historical/mythical context, because i love learning about the stories people in the past came up with when they saw these "figures" in the sky, and how they used them to explain the mysteries of the world.
not tagging anyone, but feel free to do this if you'd like!
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