#do something fun...take a nice nap...eat good food...hope u get to celebrate however u want this year
yangjeongin · 1 month
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 years
Because I’m a sap for Christmas and the idea of a Varia Christmas definitely amuses me, I indulged in this meme for Belphegor! I hope you all have as much fun reading it as I had writing it!
A(ngel): The Varia are definitely unique and it’s no surprise that they top their tree with something rather unique too - a skull wearing a Santa’s hat. It is a real human skull, they’re just not sure who it actually used to be.
B(ook): While Belphegor doesn’t like to read, he’ll occasionally enjoy being read to during the holidays, but not from any of the traditional holiday novels. He prefers something with a bit of an edge, while still being festive, like NOS4A2 by Joe Hill.
C(arols): Bel really likes singing Jingle Bells, though not the usual version. He prefers the version that goes ‘the snow is turning red, I think you’re almost dead...’, while throwing knives at people with each new line.
D(inner): That’s easy - Bel enjoys fighting with his fellow Varia members over who gets the last roll or the best cut of meat. It’s the battle that makes the food taste so good, after all.
E(ve): Bel spends Christmas Eve being as lazy as possible. He’d already gotten his gifts professionally wrapped and has thrown them under the tree the night before, so he just kind of goofs off, sleeping in late, watching horrible Christmas movies, bothering the other Varia members, drinking lots of hot chocolate and eating cookies by the handful. 
F(amily): Though he sometimes gets tempted to spend the holiday alone, Bel would be lonely without the rest of the Varia around on Christmas.
G(rinch): Christmas is Bel’s second-favourite holiday. Why wouldn’t it be? There’s a crap-ton of food, lots of tacky and cheesy decorations for him to ridicule, and people buy him things. He loves it. 
H(oliday): Bel’s favourite holiday isn’t Christmas though; his favourite holiday is Black Friday. He loves shopping and the sales on Black Friday are enjoyable but honestly, he enjoys people watching that day the best. People get so pathetically worked up and he feasts on every argument, screaming match, and fistfight that he can watch, sometimes even encouraging people to start them.
I(ce): Bel’s too naturally lazy to really go ice-skating often. It’s too physical for him. However, he’s got enough natural grace and athleticism to be a really good skater and when he does go ice-skating, he’ll actually sort of enjoy doing so, though the enjoyment wears off quickly after the first hour or so.
J(oy): Bel, volunteer? The only thing he volunteers for is to be the taste tester for the cookies or to help decorate the tree - and by help, he means supervise and boss the people doing the actual decorating around.
K(rampus): If there was a naughty list, Bel would be one of the first names. He deserves nothing but coal for years and years and years to come since he’ll never once make it to the nice list.
L(ocation): If he isn’t able to spend Christmas at the Varia mansion, where the staff and underlings can coddle and serve him, then he wants to spend it at a luxury hotel, where he can be pampered and spoiled by that staff.
M(istletoe): Mistletoe and kissing under it is the stupidest thing Bel has ever heard. He wouldn’t do it and he’d mock anyone who did. He cuts down every branch he sees hanging in doorways, stomping it underfoot.
N(ew Year’s): Bel doesn’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. They only get broken after the first week anyway. He likes celebrating New Year’s though and will check out a party or go out hunting for something fun to occupy himself that night.
O(rnament): Bel doesn’t have a special Christmas ornament but he’s very picky about how the main tree in the mansion is decorated and will have his own personal, smaller tree that is always lavishly decorated, often in golden or silver tones, with personalized knife ornaments.
P(resent): Is it expensive? Potentially deadly? Perfect for lazy people to continue being lazy? Delicious? If it hits any of the former statements, then it’s a good gift. And you want to give him a good gift - he tends to kill or maim those who don’t.
Q(uick!): - Write a short holiday ficlet for the character!
R(eindeer): If the evening wasn’t horribly cold and he was alone on the sleigh, with luxurious fur blankets, warm hot chocolate, and fresh cookies, he would love a sleigh ride and would demand a second turn around.
S(tocking): Aside from various Christmas candy, Bel demands a Christmas orange and apple. It’s the only time he’ll actually eat fruit. He really enjoys getting gift cards in his stocking, new socks, new mittens and scarves, DVD movies or CD’s, and playing cards (he loses cards from his already existing decks too often). He collects jackknives too and likes getting a new one in his stocking every year.
T(ree): Bel enjoys having a tree that screams Christmas. It has to be bright and festive, with lots of twinkling lights, candy canes, ornaments hung perfectly symmetrically, and absolutely no goddamn tinsel. Tinsel is the devil.
U(nwrap): Bel’s too lazy to wrap the gifts he’s giving people. He figures that gift-wrapping services exist for a reason and that he’s being charitable, creating a job for someone. When he unwraps gifts, he tends to tear into it, not even bothering to read the tag to see who it’s from ,eager to see what’s inside before quickly throwing it into the ‘good’ or ‘bad’ pile.
V(ideo): Christmas movies of a more unique bend are right up Bel’s alley. While National Lampoon is definitely a Christmas staple, he also enjoys Gremlins, Die Hard, Jack Frost - the horror movie, not the kid friendly Christmas movie, and Santa Slays prime Christmas entertainment.
W(hite): Bel does prefer a white Christmas. Snow is a part of Christmas, though he doesn’t want sub-zero temperatures. If it isn’t snowy that year, he’ll really seriously suggest that they vacation somewhere with snow simply so their Christmas can be white.
X(-mas):  Bel couldn’t be bothered to send Christmas cards and unless a Christmas card sent to him had money or a gift card in it, he really wouldn’t be bothered with it, chucking it right into the garbage without bothering to see who sent it.
Y(ule log): It’s definitely not only a Christmas necessity but a winter necessity! Nothing is better, in Bel’s mind, than taking a nice long nap in front of a warm fire. He tends to hog the best spot to get warm in front of the fire as well but he’ll never tend to the fire or start one, demanding others do that for him.
Z(zzz): Bel loves sleeping in and that isn’t going to change just because it’s Christmas. He’ll want to sleep as late as he can and will be lazy about heading downstairs. Once he opens presents and has dinner and lots of junk food into him, he’ll be relaxed and bored and will often nap late in the day while staying up late that night enjoying his new things.
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