#don't hate me ahshshsh
lulu-the-bugaboo · 2 months
I haven't reached the chapters with the Roger Pirates' backstory + Buggy talking about his relationship with Shanks yet, but I've gotten little spoilers here and there and I have some thoughts. This could be very obvious but I just connected the two dots lol.
It seems to be implied that Roger favored Shanks at least slightly more than Buggy and it didn't go unnoticed by him. Like, the fact that Shanks was the one holding the hat already says a lot. It seems like Roger had a lot of expectations for Shanks and his future. And this is also why Buggy was so disappointed in Shanks even temporarily abandoning his main ambitions and why he chose to not continue piracy alongside him. Anyway, that's not the main thing that I want to talk about.
There is this panel of someone asking Roger who he thinks is going to find the one piece to which he answers something like: my son, of course! And the other person mentions that he has no son.
I personally took this at face value and thought this was referring to Ace, and Roger's plan to have a son before dying who would follow his legacy and find his treasure and would also be someone who would be carrying the will of D. But maybe the whole thing with Rouge was a coincidence that happened after Roger disbanded his crew and left. Roger seemed to have loved babies, so maybe he just fell in love with Rouge and chose to have a child with for the sake of his own happiness before he died.
And here is something I noticed and it could be nothing or even a translation thing. But the few times that Roger mentions Ace he never refers to him as his son, but his child. He even chose two names and didn't seem to be favoring one outcome.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is, what if this was never referring to Ace and was always about Shanks. Roger basically raised him and Buggy as his sons since they were babies...
If Buggy ends up being the first one who reaches the one piece, this will also end up being ironic.
Am I reaching or was I an idiot for thinking the other way around before asdfghj
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margokesses · 4 years
Opinion on people comparing comics to their adaptation? I get it when you're trying to see if it's a good adaptation, but often they talk about the two like they're the same when comics have a different logic and way to approach plot, characters and themes than a movie or a series
Is this a callout post for me? Ahshshshe
But yeah i do think that comics do have different things going on in them compared to the movies. And some people need to realize that some things are not going to happen like the do in the comics. One of my pet peeves is when someone sees a comic panel and is like "ooh i wish this could happen in the mcu!!" when they don't realize that certain events have to happen in order to get that scene in the mcu.
And comparing a film or tv show to the comics is fun because you can point out the similarities and differences but they are 2 separate universes with their own rules yknow? I do hate comic purists who are like "well this isn't comic accurate!" Like yeah its not but like there's no way that certain things can happen bc it is a live action thing its not like the comics where you can just throw in a character or an idea just like that.
Send me comics asks
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I missed you too! Don't worry for the time, you must be exhausted going in person 0.o
I agree with your Noah explanation, and I also think they wrote Dan to show (?) that it wasn't that it was just easier to kill a traumatised child, like some sort of foil but only in endings (? Maybe I'm giving pb too much credit)
It feels like a very much "I'm the Main Character and Martyr" when you save Noah, like it does feel Really out of nowhere and just fall flat, and I think most people forget mc is traumatised because they're playing and like yes get lost in the game but also remember Mc actually does have a personality (?
You: very thoughtfull analysis of Noah and the fandom
Me: endless summer 💕💕 the book I 💕💕 recommended 💕💕 them is on par with the it lives 💕💕
But also yeah, Noah's fan are mostly "white fav" energy
I also tried my best with Michelle, which in the first chapters was a bit painful because I had to say "omg you are gorgeous, you must be his girlfriend" when she bumped into me and yes Michelle is very gorgeous, but I also felt very cringe, like who would actually ever say something like that, but I also had the need for (fictional) people to like so I picked maaany cringe options in general (please let me know how you do it in your true feelings play through, because I physically can't do it, I see the disappointed pixels and just restart)
Lesbian Michelle is such a nice idea!!! Sean was definitely a comhet moment ahshshs, and it just makes so much sense ?
"Unhinged"? LMAO what is are your it lives names??? Or maybe all your playchoices names
Also yeah, I didn't mean like you need to be poc to be a guerrillero or some stereotype (?) like "all poc are guerrilleros" more like historically most were poc and due to discrimination that was like a important part of who they were so it's weird pb just went white (?) but I could have worded it better in the moment so I'm sorry ahshshshs
Diego is just so good, he's just one of the best friendsest in choices
I think the dialogue changes in different lila's playthroughs ?
... I replied separately and I think it's super clear how I had to "patch it" lmao but I hope it's still coherent, also I have a confession to make because it felt weird to say it before ? But like I'm also Chilenon so I'm sorry for talking in two different anons ajsjsjsjjd but also my point of my confession was that I'm currently in Argentina trying to pass an exam so I can study here (pilot wasn't for me lmao) and like watching That Fic gave me whiplash
Love you jajjdjdjd
But like I'm also Chilenon
the most ambitious crossover in history wtf. shaken to my core. unparalleled plot twist
really though there's no need to apologize for anything, it's not weird at all, it just happened lmao all is fine, peace and love on planet earth etc
also im sorry to hear piloting didn't work out (sad face), but i hope things work out in argentina! what are you planning on studying there?
and yeah it has been exhausting, at least i got some time to adjust because it's summer break so no kids at school. on the other hand i hate sitting around at work doing nothing, it drives me absolutely mad even when i have something non-work related to do (which i don't that frequently because the school i work at doesn't have a good phone signal, big F). but hey classes are going to be back soon so that's exciting
"I also think they wrote Dan to show (?) that it wasn't that it was just easier to kill a traumatised child, like some sort of foil but only in endings (? Maybe I'm giving pb too much credit)"
lol i have the same train of thought. like on the one hand yeah, dan is the most obviously mentally ill and traumatized in the gang (they all are). on the other, can i give pb that much credit? on the third hand i don't have, they did a pretty good job with representation in ILITW, so maybe. this was another era in choices and everything. i don't really know if this was intended but i think it at the very least shows that noah sacrificing himself wasn't just the "too lazy to deal with trauma" trope
and yeah there is a fanmade third It Lives book in the way (happy face). it's called It Lives Within and has a blog and everything on @\itlivesproject. and they recently released a demo (the first two chapters, i believe) although i'll have to admit i haven't played it yet. i am very behind on everything i am reading in general, i just finished the WTD chapter from two weeks ago, rip
also i feel you with michelle. that felt like such a cringe and obviously fake response but it was worth it to be her friend. but yeah i'll definitely post the results of my "honesty replay" lol. and i also have a pathological need not only for fictional characters to like me but also to win so you know
i don't know if i can remember all my playchoices names but my favorite names so far were:
Dr. Bus Down With Cis (open heart) (having ethan ramsey yell "down with cis!" through the hospital halls alone made the experience of this book worth it). Bus was the first name, Down With Cis the last name
An Asshole (it lives in the woods)
That Bitch (it lives beneath)
I just farted (nightbound) (not actually one of my faves but it's my gfs fave so it goes). last name was Really loud
Gugu dada (the royal romance) (idk it produces really funny results imo). last name is Poop because i ran out of creativity but i always forget her last name is Poop and whenever drake calls her that i have a religious experience
Jensen's Sexy Silence (laws of attraction. because at the time there was some destiel thing going on i forgot which but they kept calling me Mr. Sexy Silence and it was hilarious)
My Tralala (the haunting of braidwood manor. im five years old)
and i gotta give an honorary mention to my wake the dead colony, which i named The Cringe Zone
and there's more but those are the ones coming to mind rn. i have a list of ideas for future MCs so stay tuned i guess
Also yeah, I didn't mean like you need to be poc to be a guerrillero or some stereotype (?) like "all poc are guerrilleros" more like historically most were poc and due to discrimination that was like a important part of who they were so it's weird pb just went white (?) but I could have worded it better in the moment so I'm sorry ahshshshs
it's okay, there's no need to apologize, i was just confused what you meant
yeah diego is possibly one of my fave ever characters. i just relate so much to him and i love his storyline (happy face). i think getting attached to the characters really makes or breaks whether or not i join a piece of media's fandom and my attachment to diego (and really every character in endless summer) was a huge part of me wanting to write for it and stuff, even if it's just crack lol
ah the dialogue might change. i know that estela kills her if you fail in the hard choice but both times i played so far that hasn't happened, so i'm not sure how stuff played out. and in both replays i got along well with lila, so there's that as well. i'll see what happens in my honest playthrough, but i don't dislike lila much, really, so i think it'll be about the same
also no worries, i not only usually reply separately, but also usually write each part of my response with a lot of time in between (yay to me for answering this one in just a few mins/maybe an hour?). so you're fine lol
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