#dunmeshi theme: control
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ladyloveandjustice · 1 month
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You know Chilchuck was holding himself back from saying "A BABY". I admire his self control.
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Marcille not only looks in her early twenties, she really acts like it, and probably is developmentally in her early twenties, brainwise and everything. Yet that same brain can store knowledge gathered over way more than twenty years. It's a paradox. (So I don't want to get into any ~ohhh you can't ship Marcille with Falin problematic age gap~. Human/elf relationships have been in fantasy for a long time, that's what makes it fantasy. Dunmeshi has a strong theme of races learning that their rates of maturity are different.)
But what's interesting though, is Marcille looked a lot younger in the flashback with Falin. She looked around 13, in her midteens at most. But that was only ten years ago. Why did she change so drastically?
What's also interesting is that she never answers Laios's question here...
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lai-mar · 10 days
thinking about reverse dungeon meshi au in which laios was the one eaten instead of falin (from this thought provoking reddit thread). shuro would probably stay at falin's request and they might get his retainers, but probably no senshi. they'll brute force through the dungeon with the power of shuro's money and purchased food. i think marcille would probably resurrect laios because of falin and thistle shows up and woooo everything turns to shit. chimera laios would be so much more terrifying than chimera falin.
and i think this is when it truly diverges from canon because laios' monster knowledge and senshi's culinary skills are critical for their survival especially if they get attacked by chimera laios and lose supplies. shuro might be horrified by the ancient magic and leave and it depends on how much he still loves falin. marcille might still become lord and tbh it would be fun if chimera laios is under her control and she's like falinnnn i'll bring him back for you and falin's like nooo not like this and breaks her free from evil.
anyways love how dunmeshi characters are that way in order to convey the core themes of the plot <3
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gothmods · 21 days
Finished dunmeshi vol. 13 and now am left trying to string together everything the story has to say on hunger and desire
Admittedly im not great at metaphors... im better when what im analysing is straightfoward...
Will probably feel clearer in my thoughts when i read the final volume which may not be for a while since volume 13 only just released in english
But its interesting to me how the demon tries to prey on laios' hatred of humans because the thing is i dont think he actually hates humans. I think in his deepest desires they are still there.
I think he has haboured a lot of resentment and guilt and its true that he finds monsters more interesting. But from the beginning of the story we are made to contemplate the balance of ecosystems, the balance of meals but also of the foodchains that supply them. And laios cares a lot about that... i think part of why he likes monsters when others dont is because he sees them as living things that help make up that whole system. Like the people who care about wasps and rats and other 'undesirable' things.
So i think he means it when he says that fantasing about monsters attacking a village was when he was just a kid. If the main theme in dungeon meshi is the balance of appetite/desire, then i think for laios that has meant learning to balance how he felt about people with what he knew of their place in the natural world.
He is very bad with people but i have no doubts that he understands them perfectly as animals, its the rest of it all that trips him up. Theres sonething very autistic about that i think. Being able to look at people as one living thing in a system of living things but stumbling over human-specific behaviours. In that sense too i wonder if part of his envy of monsters is that he views their existence as more straightfoward, as more animal...
Which like, kind of makes his desires the balance to the views of humans or certainly of humans under the influence of the demon that they can control and overcome those systems.
So i guess my main reading of it is i dont see it as condemning desire but looking at it as something that like all things exists in a balance.
Which i mean i guess that is pretty on the nose given the demon also represents the idea of infinity...
I dont even think it wholeheartedly condemns selfishness... true the selfishness and insatiable appetite of the demon is the catalyst for like everything. But its also laios and co' s selfishness in their desire to bring back falin that kickstarts the downfall of the demon so
Much to consider
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toonfinatic · 3 months
I wish i could get into dungeon meshi but a lot of the time i see things about its themes it just triggers my eating disorder. God i fucking hate how my brain works in a "well Now i'm not doing it, you're trying to control my eating so i'm hissing and spitting at you like a scared kitten" kinda way. Food positivity is the stupidest trigger ever i swear to god!! I know dunmeshi has helped a lot of people with their issues but i'm just not there yet :(
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