#dw about being biased op
hetaestoniahq · 2 years
dw that's not an official translation of Est's collezione page. It's rly inaccurate in some parts and that can be proven easily by translating it on your own. I put his world tour section in 4 translators and a more accurate translation is "He's a technical gamer type and the kind of person who watches over Lithuania and Latvia and slowly builds bridges. He loves Scandinavia." literally nothing about blowing them up so idk where OP got that from! also I think OP dislikes Est so theyre biased lol
This better be the case with that because that was seriously a whole new low blow. The fact that this is the translation being spread though is extremely problematic so at least I got that pointed out so people don't go with this misinformation.
Still doesn't help that many of the things are likely still about Estonia obsessing over the Nordics, which is still a problem.
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parcai · 3 years
https://thechangeling.tumblr.com/post/647039095374233600/ok-so-a-conversation-littlx-songbxrd-and-i-were sorry for the confusion!! I am stupid and didn't think of linking the post.
ur not stupid dw about it!!
overall i think it was a good post, but i’m not really sure i agree w op very much at all. i’ll go in order of their post:
it does kind of make sense that they still encourage female shadowhunters to train, even if they don’t want them in power. shadowhunters die very young and there aren’t that many of them when you consider how many demons there are. they simply need more fighters. i don’t think it’s partial sexism--rather it’s just knowing they need more numbers to win
skipping accidental microaggressions point since op said they’ll discuss it again later
i don’t think it’s exactly fair to use jessamine of all people as someone who agrees with general shadowhunter opinions. she doesn’t even want to train, so if she says smth racist about jem, then yeah, that’s just a jessamine thing. and i think jem and will talking about being chinese and welsh has to do more w their cultural bonds. will correlates his welsh heritage to his sister and the family he loves so much but had to leave behind. of course he considers his welsh-ness (? lol) important. same for jem--it’s his tie to his dead parents. it’s more about preserving people’s memories. if u always remember someone and carry them w you everywhere, then they’ll never truly be dead, that sort of thing.
jesse and gabriel (actually i don’t remember jesse. is this jesse blackthorn op’s referring to? i only know the general plot of tlh, but i haven’t read it) gabriel is a lightwood. when we first meet them, we’re biased toward herondales and carstairs as we’ve fallen in love w will and jem. will doesn’t like lightwoods. gabriel saying something horrible in the beginning just makes literary sense. plus lightwoods have a long history of being against change. like jessamine, they don’t really represent the common shadowhunter opinions.
for the cordelia thing, see my point #1. the sword is just bc she’s a shadowhunter. plus i’ve never read tlh, so i’m just going to brush past tlh-related stuff if you don’t mind <3
i do agree w this idea that cc perpetuates the idea that good people never commit microaggressions. which is, as op said, extremely harmful. but this isn’t always a thing. jace commits many many microaggressions lol. maybe tlh and tid do this, but tmi didn’t hold back (probably bc tmi was written in 2007, so people weren’t as put off by putting that sort of thing in your books).
i’m not sure if this was in the show or in the books, but i kind of recall magnus saying something about he only wanted to get married if they could get married in gold like shadowhunters. i’m 80% it was in the books. this is proof that the issue w alec and magnus marrying wasn’t just a downworlder problem, but also a homophobia issue.
STRONGLY disagree. misogyny is HUGE in tmi. it’s not as in your face as you might think at first, but it’s there. isabelle is constantly slut shamed, maryse is always shoved into roles she doesn’t want to be in so she can preserve a good front for the lightwood family (like trying her best to not divorce her cheating husband? hello?) obviously jia won’t be subject to blatant misogyny anymore--because it’s all swept under the rug! it still happens, but it’s very passive aggressive.
if sexism died out and women had children with random men, this wouldn’t be considered carrying on the family name. shadowhunters are very traditional, which is explained many many times. they expect marriage first. those children would be considered illegitimate and would never be treated as real shadowhunters. also i’m not really sure what’s op’s "homophobia can't exist without sexism" comment had to do w their point there, but i think they were just frustrated.
maryse not teaching izzy to cook to avoid her being shoved into gender roles doesn’t mean she can’t be homophobic lol. enough said
for the valentine/clary point, see my point #1 again ig. it’s a cultural thing. also just because cassie doesn’t touch on the racism doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. it’s not like she blatantly says it doesn’t exist at all. she’s a white woman. considering its existence doesn’t come intuitively to her.
tda is told from the perspective of people who are close friends w the blackthorns. if there’s homophobia and other stuff, the narrators would never actively participate in it. cassie just chose not to have an outside character engage w them about it.
mark grew up afraid for his life dude. he grew up in the wild hunt, where faeries heavily enforce gender roles. ofc he’s going to think a girl and a boy being friends is weird. plus it probably doesn’t help that emma and julian get it on at some point lmao. idk what cc was on w dane larksoear but sometimes authors just assign negative traits to villains. that’s not to say that’s a good thing, but it is what it is.
being faeries doesn’t...erase gender. i literally do not know what else to say. faeries aren’t just all nonbinary or something. if op’s saying this because they’re downworlders, then why doesn’t this apply to all the other downworlders? and like, being bisexual doesn’t erase sexism or gender roles either. no sexual orientation does. that’s kind of common sense imo. plus trying to strip the downworlders of gender is somewhat dehumanizing in my opinion, since it’s not like they’re actively identifying as being nonbinary. it’s like trying to turn people into a group of “its.” this is especially harmful when you consider how many downworlders are poc, and just plain erasing cassie’s choice to give them human traits and personalities (as she could’ve just chosen to make them beasts without human emotions when originally making the shadow world, but actively chose not to).
overall, i like that op’s giving it lots of thought bc this was definitely a new take i’ve never seen before, and i like hearing new opinions, but i think op could benefit from considering that not everything is a dichotomy.
thanks for the ask!! i hope these answers are to ur satisfaction <3
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riskeith · 3 years
hi babe, hope you slept well.. ♥️
answering on the phone is just *takes screenshots* *opens tumblr app* *switch between screenshots and answering* do you also put on my messages on the laptop and answering with your phone usually, because that’s what i do lmao sjshdks. thank god for technology.
(I LOVE BEING CALLED BRO.. i believe that i would’ve been a dudebro in another life tbh..) there is? i’m not super immersed in the fandom actually so i had no idea, do you have any examples? ofc only if you wanna talk about it i know these topics can sometimes be annoying to think about. also you’re right! ‘don’t like don’t read’ is the law. follow it. i can’t believe how some people have the nerve to talk about what other people do creatively... yikes
you should if you ever find yourself not knowing what to read! i think their fics were some of my first in the fandom and they set the bar so high hehe. dude i love how oikawa just wants to see kageyama burn it’s so funny..... he’s so cocky about it while kageyama’s just his moody self. speaking of; one of my fave fics of yours is the swapping jerseys one!
WTF 😭 BABY POOLS AND POOL FLOATIES..... razor please come back to us please. sidenote but do you also think that his powers are 5 star level? hes soo powerful it’s so odd how he’s only 4 star haha... or maybe it’s just me being biased.
YEAH! THE SAVING SCENE IS SO AHHHHH. god especially if they have dialogue while person a is hurting and person b just spills all their feelings and becomes so erratic and scared and person a is like holy shit you love me.... and after everything is okay there’s still some awkwardness and tension and aaa.... 💢💔
OOO. sadly the ps5 is always out of stock it’s crazy how fast it sold out. but i mean it makes sense it’s arguably the most popular console so.. hopefully they restock soon. last of us is such a fun game! and the second part is ~gay~ which is always a plus. i’m not sure which memes you mean? tell me 👁 HAHA that makes sense actually omg... lumine and aether reunion won’t happen until like two years if the updates keep coming the way they are (STOP THAT WOULD ACTUALLY BE SO FUNNY.... like hello if you want to unlock the rest of the story you either gacha $pin for it or you imagine it yourself love ♥️😗) talking about this makes me wonder what the other worlds might look like....
your followers are just here to witness us planning our co-op date sjsjdkdjskz. speaking of,,, hehe. i have some fantastic news. i’m at ar level 11 right now and co-op unlocks at level 16... i might just reach that tomorrow (today for you) so i’m just saying hehehehehehehehehehehe.... 😏♥️
BOWL CUT. my cutie little baby. also mullet? sounds nice omg you will probably rock that look... 😳 i’m a non mullet supporter but if cluna has a mullet then call me a yeehaw mullet lover i suppose. can’t believe my wife is a cowboy. OMG YEAH IT MUST FEEL SO NICE your head went bzz bzz. how long did it take for them to accept it? and yeah god ikr some people take hair so seriously which is fair but also i’ve never understood it... like it grows out..? wow you really went from a ballet girl to punk rock style huh. i feel like you’re the both sides of the ‘she was a punk she did ballet’ meme.
memo fic is a jealous fic? mmm smells good. I FIGURED jshdjdkhsjs slow songs are just not your forte, huh? rip. langst is the best yet worst thing ever tbh. and YEAH I DO we’re truly 🤝 ok literally mood sometimes it’s just nice to talk about how much you love a character through another character in a fic yk? so what if this 2k fic contains 1k words about how beautiful oikawa looks? it’s what iwa feels <3 (YOU’RE LEARNING!!!!!!! THATS SO EXCITING!! i guess you just have to drive me around, huh?)
oh i’m in love i’m with that fic my girl. and i knew about that spoiler it’s kind of hard to miss it since it’s everywhere skdhdkdhdk... god, that sounds so good thank you for sharing it. pining iwaizumi hajime >>>>>>>> the air i need to exist 🥺 
THE DAY IS SO SOON CLUNA, it’s literally here soooo soon holy shit i just can’t wait. i played for almost 6 hours today in a row like an idiot and now i never wanna see hilichurls again in my life but hey, one step closer to my baby. prepare yourself.. 😏
AWWW i had a feeling you’d be a tea person. but omg tea effects your sleep? how late is too late for you to drink it? what’s your favorite flavors? 👁 and i’m addicted to both shdkdhsks. i say addicted bc i literally have 6 cups of tea per day easily and like.. 1 or 2 coffee cups per day. it’s really bad but i can’t stop so.. 🙇🏽‍♀️
COLLEGE BOYFIES CLUNA. COLLEGE BOYFIES WITH DIP DYE HAIR. imagine them doing each other’s make up and nails before going to concerts together. imagine xiao in euphoria kind of make up. holy shit. here’s something for your overwhelmed heart jsdhjshska. xiaoven soulmates girl, no doubt about it. THE EDIT THE EDIT THE EDIT!!!! they just look so beautiful. we need scenes with them like Asap. the edit is based on a fic... notes down.
can’t wait to see your screenshots. super excited!!
xo, m.a. (i almost wrote my name down in a haste shshskdjdk... although you’ll find it out soon...)
hiya!! i slept alright~ ahaha
:o that’s smart! but no i don’t LOL whether i’m on my phone or my laptop i just continuously scroll up and down fhdskjfkhsdf i think that’s why i come close to missing some paragraphs some times oops. yay for the ~wonders of technology~
(AIGHT NICE AHAHHA fhsdkjfsh does that mean you’re a bit of a tomboy?) actually coincidentally i came across this thread: https://twitter.com/maxatsuomi/status/1350145589296685057 which gives you an idea lmao (also some things on there i wasn’t even aware of wtf) EXACTLY??? it’s even worse when non content creators try to come for content creators like?????????/ um you’re getting all this food for FREE and yet?????? lmfao the nerve of some people
i def will!! FKJSHFDSKJ yeah that do be their dynamic lolol. and thank you!! i too think i snapped on that one 😩😩 glad others agree ahahah
i actually haven’t really seen him in combat... and when we could trial him i was too busy trying to pass the quests to focus on how he fought fhdkfhsdkfjshf but i do think his abilities are cool!! he have wolf above head 🥺
YEAHHH BOYEEEEEEEEEEE god that reminds me of a scene from a drarry fic (What We Pretend We Can't See wink wonk)
oh damn!! hope they restock soon for your sake~ yissss ive watched a playthrough and omg lev.... my Son. i don’t think i can find the memes again but it was just about the bugs like how if you throw a grenade on the highway everyone will run out of their cars like a flashmob or something hfskfhsdjfkds. (LMAOOOOO) there’s actually a trailer with the other worlds! https://youtu.be/TAlKhARUcoY (it has spoilers tho supposedly lol. none we understand rn at least)
hdsfkhjs. omg you absolute legend!!!! but i also hope that you’re taking care of yourself and prioritising the important things too fhsfhdksdhf. but i am excited hehehehehe
AHHAAHKFHDSKJFSD pls... once i saw someone with an actual proper mullet on the bus and i was like “ew... keith would look like this irl?” FJSDHKFSAHKDASHDFSDJFKJFDSHFKJS. but what can i say i got influenced by all the kpop bois 😔 and hmmm idk? i think my dad didn’t care too much but ik my mum did/does fhsfskfsdfhkf so who knows lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. IT REALLY DOES GROW OUT LMAO LIKE. fhkshkfsdkj my cousin called me a rockstar when she saw it LOL so you’re prob right 🤪
yeah slow songs really just. aren’t LMAO ‘behind this mask of mine’ was based on a slow bts song and i put it in the playlist i had for it (bc obviously) but i wanted to skip it every time hfksjdhfskjdfhskfdkfhkslfhadksfjsdjhfkashkfjsdh. EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!! you are so correct. (hehehe i was gonna say that too that you don’t need to drive bc it’ll take you around 😏 LMAO)
fhkdsj thank!! legit pining iwa.......... more like pining ME mayhaps i just be self projecting 🤪🤪
lolol dw i can fight the hilichurls for you 😩 also who’s your fave enemy to fight! i used to like fighting the treasure hoarders most but the hilichurls are cute.. FHSKJDHFSDFKJSD plus i need their fucking masks my god why are their drop rates so shit hfsdhjfks
i’m not too sure actually? i’ve never been up early enough to test it but i like drinking tea like after dinner... which is the problem AHAHA. hmm well i like matcha a lot LOL but also chai? and then like black tea.... all the other ones too... i used to drink some fruity ones which were nice but we have a lot of the like basic chinese ones at home too and i enjoy those as well lol. wbu?? omg.... m.a........... dfhksdfkjhfkjshfksjd that’s a lot!!!!!!! do you even need to drink water then HKDSJFHKSDFHDKDSHFJKSDH
omg............. ive never seen euphoria LOL but ............. omg ...................... i cannot process thoughts rn.....
xoxo!! c.r. (you mean bc we’ll be playing co-op? you don’t have to if you’re uncomfy fhdskjf my genshin name was literally ‘aether’ up until yesterday FHDFHSDKFSDFJSHFKSDF)
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yangzhouman · 7 years
not meant to be rude but why do you say that aladdin post is bad? thank you
hey this isn’t rude at all dw
i guess the post looks like it’s saying the right things, when it talks about representation of arab actors in aladdin. accurate, meaningful representation is something we need and should want!
except aladdin doesn’t call for “arab” actors, because it isn’t a wholly arab story. the disney version conflated a load of suitably “ethnic” references from across asia (Agrabah etc) and so it would be v v fitting to have south asian actors cast in the film.
i think OP had their heart in the right place but lmao it’s kinda bad reading it knowing that whilst disney and other western coorporations may see brown people as one ambiguous source of exoticism, we have our own colorism and racism to tangle. really like how OP singles out “indians and pakistanis” as people to not be confused for “middle eastern”, when there’s a clear precedent of south asians being degraded by arabs. they’re treated badly, seen as lower, less beautiful, etc. there’s a whole history there
so yeah, the post looks ok on the surface, but misses a lot of nuance. the author probably has their own racial biases that they unwittingly revealed in their desire to separate themselves from desis. hope that helps
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