#easy vastu tips for plants
astroanuradha · 27 days
Vastu Tips for a Healthy Mind and Soul
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In our busy lifestyle, maintaining balance and harmony within ourselves is crucial for our overall well-being. Vastu offers valuable insights into creating spaces that promote harmony, positivity, and vitality. By aligning our surroundings with the principles of Vastu, we can create a nurturing environment for our minds and soul.
In this blog, we'll explore some effective Vastu tips suggested by a Vedic astrologer in India for building a healthy mind and soul.
Clutter-Free Zones:
The clutter in our surroundings often mirrors the clutter in our minds. Embrace the Vastu principle of cleanliness by decluttering your living spaces regularly.
Natural light and ventilation:
Sunlight is a potent source of energy and vitality. Ensure ample natural light enters your home by keeping windows open. Additionally, cross-ventilation facilitates the flow of fresh air, promoting a sense of renewal and vitality within your living spaces.
Balanced Colors:
Colors have a great impact on our emotions and mental well-being. In Vastu, each color is associated with specific elements and energies. Opt for soothing shades like light blue, pastel green, or soft yellow to create a harmonious ambiance. 
Sacred Space for Reflection:
Dedicate a sacred space within your home for meditation, reflection, or spiritual practices. This could be a corner adorned with serene artwork, candles, or symbols of divine energy. Cultivate the habit of spending time in this space daily to nurture your inner self and cultivate a deeper connection with the universe.
Natural Elements:
Including natural elements such as plants, crystals, or flowing water features can amplify positive energies within your home. Indoor plants purify the air and infuse spaces with vibrant energy, while crystals are believed to possess healing properties that promote emotional balance and spiritual harmony.
Balanced Furniture Arrangement:
The placement of furniture greatly impacts the flow of energy within your home. Arrange furniture in a manner that promotes easy movement and encourages social interaction. 
Harmonious Soundscapes:
Sound has the power to uplift or disturb our mental state. Create a harmonious soundscape within your home by incorporating soothing music, wind chimes, or natural sounds like flowing water or birdsong.
In a nutshell,
Including these Vastu principles in your living and working spaces can have a great impact on your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By aligning your environment with the natural flow of energy, you can create a harmonious environment that nourishes your mind and soul. Embrace these Vastu tips and embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier you.
It is better to contact a spiritual counseling expert in India. Therefore, book your consultation with astrologer Anuradha.
Also Read: Unveiling Top 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Aggressive
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astrovastuplus · 3 months
Sleep Better, Live Better: Using Vastu for a Relaxing Bedroom
In today's busy world, getting good sleep is super important for feeling good. But did you know the way your bedroom is set up can affect your sleep? That's where Vastu, an old Indian way of designing homes, can help. It's all about making your bedroom a peaceful place where you can relax and sleep well. Here are some easy tips to make your bedroom Vastu-friendly:
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1. Where to Put Your Bedroom: Vastu says it's best to have your bedroom in the southwest corner of your home. This helps sunlight come in and makes you feel safe and secure.
2. Bed Placement: Your bed should be placed so your head points either south or east when you sleep. This helps your body feel aligned with the Earth's energy and makes for better sleep.
3. Keep it Tidy: A messy room can make you feel stressed. Keep your bedroom neat and organized to help you relax.
4. Nature Inside: Add things like plants or wooden furniture to your bedroom. They bring a calm feeling to the room.
5. Soft Light: Use soft, gentle lights in your bedroom. Harsh lights can make it hard to relax.
Be Careful with Mirrors: Mirrors can reflect energy, which might make it hard for you to sleep. Try not to have mirrors facing your bed.
6. Turn Off Electronics: Keep phones and laptops away from your bed. They give off energy that can make it tough to fall asleep.
7. Relaxing Scents: Try using things like lavender or sandalwood in your bedroom. They smell nice and can help you relax.
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vastukimaya · 3 months
Unlocking the Power of Vastu: 5 Essential Tips for Beginners
In the realm of home and personal space, harmony is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity. We, as humans, constantly seek equilibrium and peace within our surroundings. One ancient practice that has stood the test of time in fostering this balance is Vastu Shastra. Rooted in the Vedic traditions of India, Vastu Shastra is the science of architecture and design that harmonizes energies to promote well-being and prosperity.
Understanding Vastu Shastra: A Brief Overview
Before delving into specific tips, it’s crucial to grasp the essence of Vastu Shastra. At its core, Vastu Shastra believes that the cosmic energy flows through every living and non-living entity, affecting their well-being. By aligning structures with the natural elements and cosmic forces, Vastu aims to optimize the flow of positive energy within a space.
Tip 1: Embrace the Power of Directions
In Vastu Shastra, the orientation of your home plays a pivotal role in determining its energy flow. Begin by identifying the cardinal directions: north, south, east, and west. Each direction holds unique significance and energy. For instance, the north-east quadrant symbolizes prosperity and abundance, making it ideal for prayer rooms or meditation spaces. On the contrary, the south-west direction represents stability and should be allocated for bedrooms or heavy furniture.
Tip 2: Declutter and Purify Your Space
Clutter not only disrupts the physical space but also impedes the flow of positive energy. Adopt a minimalist approach by decluttering your surroundings regularly. Dispose of unnecessary items and organize your space to allow energy to circulate freely. Additionally, incorporate purifying elements such as salt lamps or burning sage to cleanse the atmosphere of negative energies.
Tip 3: Harmonize Elements with Vastu Colors
Colors have a profound impact on our psyche and environment. In Vastu Shastra, each direction corresponds to specific colors that resonate with its elemental energy. For instance, the north-east direction aligns with the element of water and is associated with calming hues like blue and white. Similarly, the south-west direction, representing earth energy, is complemented by warm tones such as earthy browns and greens. By harmonizing your living space with Vastu-approved colors, you can enhance the flow of positive energy and create a harmonious ambiance.
Tip 4: Balance the Five Elements
Vastu Shastra emphasizes the importance of balancing the five elements — earth, water, fire, air, and space — within your home. Incorporate these elements strategically to create a harmonious environment. For instance, introduce indoor plants to symbolize the earth element, install a water fountain to represent water, use candles or incense for fire, ensure proper ventilation for air, and maintain spaciousness for the element of space. By integrating these elements thoughtfully, you can foster a balanced and vibrant living space.
Tip 5: Enhance Positive Vibes with Vastu Remedies
Incorporating Vastu remedies can further amplify positive energies and mitigate negative influences. From mirrors strategically placed to reflect light and energy to gemstones infused with specific vibrations, there’s a myriad of remedies available. Additionally, aligning furniture and decor in accordance with Vastu principles can optimize energy flow and create a harmonious environment conducive to well-being and prosperity.
Conclusion: Embrace the Wisdom of Vastu
In essence, Vastu Shastra is not merely about architectural guidelines; it’s a holistic approach to harmonizing our living spaces with the cosmic energies. By incorporating these five easy Vastu tips for beginners, you can unlock the transformative power of Vastu and create a sanctuary of balance, positivity, and abundance within your home.
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wrote-a-article · 4 months
Creating Positive Vibes at Home: A Simple Guide to Vastu Shastra
Our homes are more than just places we live; they are sanctuaries of peace, joy, and positive energy. One ancient Indian philosophy that aims to enhance the harmony in our living spaces is Vastu Shastra. In this guide, we'll explore practical Vastu tips for different areas of your home, ensuring a balanced and positive environment.
Entrance and Main Door Vastu: Inviting Positivity In
The entrance is where the energy, or 'prana,' enters your home. According to Vastu Shastra, the main door should ideally face east or north. These directions are believed to attract positive energy, ensuring a warm welcome every time you step in. Keep the entrance clutter-free and well-lit for a more inviting atmosphere.
Bedroom Vastu: Restful Retreats
For the main bedroom, the southwest corner is considered ideal in Vastu. This is believed to bring stability and a sense of security to the occupants. Place the bed so that you can see the entrance, but avoid direct alignment. Soft, soothing colours and minimalistic decor contribute to a restful atmosphere.
Kitchen Vastu: Cooking Up Good Energy
The heart of your home, the kitchen, holds immense importance in Vastu. Ideally, it should be located in the southeast corner. Place the stove in the south or southeast direction to harness the positive energy associated with fire. Keep the kitchen well-organised and clutter-free to promote a smooth flow of energy.
Living Room Vastu: Harmony in Gathering Spaces
In the living room, the arrangement of furniture plays a crucial role in maintaining positive energy flow. Furniture should be placed to allow easy movement and communication. Use calming colours like beige, green, or white, and add elements of nature for a harmonious atmosphere.
Bathroom and Toilet Vastu: Balancing Utility and Harmony
Bathrooms and toilets are essential spaces that often pose Vastu challenges. Ideally, they should be located in the northwest or southeast corners. Ensure proper ventilation and keep these spaces well-lit. Use earthy colours and incorporate plants to counterbalance any negative energy.
Puja Room Vastu: A Sacred Corner
For those with a designated prayer room, placing it in the northeast corner is considered auspicious. Install the deity or sacred objects facing east or west. Keep the space clean, and light aromatic candles or incense to enhance the spiritual ambience.
Colour Vastu: Infusing Life with Hues
Colours have a profound impact on our emotions and well-being. According to Vastu, each room has an ideal colour scheme. For instance, shades of blue and green are suitable for bedrooms, while warm tones like yellow and orange work well in the living room. Choose colours that resonate with you and create a positive ambience.
Vastu for Home Office: Balancing Work and Life
In the era of remote work, a home office is increasingly common. Place the office in the northwest or southeast corner for enhanced productivity. Ensure proper lighting, use ergonomic furniture, and keep the space clutter-free. Introduce elements of nature for a refreshing work environment.
Vastu Remedies: Balancing Energy Flows
If you discover Vastu defects in your home, don't fret. There are simple remedies to counterbalance the negative energy. Placing mirrors strategically, using specific plants, and incorporating wind chimes are common remedies. Consult a Vastu expert for personalised advice based on your home's unique layout.
Vastu for Apartments: Adapting Ancient Wisdom
Living in an apartment comes with its own set of challenges, but Vastu principles can still be applied. Focus on the interior arrangement, ensuring that furniture and decor follow Vastu guidelines. Pay attention to the entrance, and use remedies to counter any negative influences.
Incorporating Vastu principles into your home can be a manageable change. Small adjustments in the placement of furniture, choice of colours, and adding a few elements can make a significant difference. Remember, the goal is to create a harmonious living space that resonates with positive energy. Experiment with these Vastu tips and discover the transformation they bring to your home.
In conclusion, Vastu Shastra provides a holistic approach to designing and arranging living spaces. While these guidelines offer a foundation, personal preferences and common-sense adaptations are essential. Embrace the positive vibes that Vastu brings and create a home that nurtures your well-being and happiness.
Unlock the perfect alignment for your home in Australia with Aunkar Vastu, your trusted Vastu consultant for home. Whether it's about the main bedroom facing north or any other Vastu concerns, our experts provide tailored solutions for harmonious living. Contact Aunkar Vastu today for personalised Vastu consultations and transform your home into a sanctuary of positive energy and balance.
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astrology-journal · 5 months
Unlocking Happiness And Prosperity: Easy Vastu Tips For Your Home
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In the hustle and bustle of modern life, creating a harmonious and positive living space is crucial for our well-being. Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science, provides practical tips to enhance positivity and prosperity in our homes. Let’s explore a few effective Vastu tips that are simple to implement and can bring happiness and prosperity into your life.For personalized tips, consider online vastu consultation.
Entrance and Main Door:
Ensure that the entrance to your home is well-lit and clutter-free. The main door should open inwards and be free from any obstructions. This allows positive energy to flow easily into your living space.
Declutter Your Space:
A clutter-free environment promotes positive energy. Regularly declutter your home, removing items that you no longer need. This not only enhances the aesthetics but also allows for the free flow of energy.
Balanced Furniture Placement:
Arrange furniture in a way that allows for smooth movement within your home. Avoid blocking pathways, and maintain a sense of balance in each room. This ensures a positive flow of energy throughout your living space.
Use of Colors:
Colors play a significant role in influencing our moods. Choose soothing colors for your walls, furniture, and decor. Earthy tones and pastel shades are known to create a calm and positive atmosphere.
Incorporate Fresh Plants:
Indoor plants not only add a touch of nature but also purify the air. Place fresh, vibrant plants in different areas of your home to enhance the flow of positive energy.
Proper Lighting:
Well-lit spaces create a cheerful and positive ambiance. Ensure that each room has ample natural light during the day and use soft, warm lighting in the evenings.
Bedroom Vastu:
Position your bed in the southwest corner of the bedroom, and avoid placing it under a beam. This promotes better sleep and overall well-being. Keep electronic devices away from the sleeping area for a restful night.
Vastu for Kitchen:
The kitchen is considered the heart of the home. Ensure that it is clean, well-organized, and free from clutter. Position the gas stove in the southeast direction to attract positive energy.
Sacred Space or Pooja Room:
Create a dedicated space for prayer and meditation. Keep this area clean, well-lit, and free from clutter. It serves as a focal point for positive vibrations.
Repair Leaks and Broken Items:
Fix any leakages in your home promptly, as water represents wealth in Vastu. Repair or replace broken items to maintain a positive energy flow.
Art and Decor:
Select artwork and decor that resonates positively with you. Avoid displaying art depicting negativity or conflict. Surround yourself with pieces that uplift your spirits.
Personalized Vastu Consultation:
For personalized guidance, consider consulting with online Certified Vastu experts. They can analyze your home’s layout and offer tailored recommendations for a more harmonious living space.
In conclusion, incorporating these simple Vastu tips into your home can contribute to a more positive and prosperous living environment. Remember, the goal is to create a space that nurtures happiness, promotes well-being, and attracts positive energy into your life. By making these small adjustments, you’re taking a step towards a brighter and more joyful home.
SOURCE URL:-https://korsteco.com/unlocking-happiness-and-prosperity-easy-vastu-tips-for-your-home/
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manav-007 · 8 months
Vastu tips for house 2023- jyotishay
Vastu Shastra and Jyotish are ancient Indian sciences that focus on creating harmony and balance in living spaces and understanding the influence of celestial bodies on human life, respectively. Here are some general Vastu tips for your house in 2023, combined with Jyotish principles for overall well-being:
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Ensure that the entrance to your house is well-lit and free of obstacles. A well-lit entrance promotes positive energy.
Avoid having a staircase right in front of the main entrance, as it is believed to bring financial and health-related issues.
Living Room:
Place furniture in the living room in a way that it promotes easy conversation and movement.
Use soothing colors like light blue, green, or beige for the walls, as these colors promote a peaceful atmosphere.
Keep the kitchen clean and clutter-free. A cluttered kitchen can lead to confusion and misunderstandings in the family.
Place the gas stove in the southeast corner of the kitchen, which is considered auspicious according to Vastu.
The master bedroom should be in the southwest direction of the house. It promotes stability and strengthens the relationship between couples.
Avoid placing a mirror in front of the bed, as it is believed to affect your health and sleep negatively according to Vastu and Jyotish.
Use colors according to the principles of Jyotish. For instance, individuals belonging to different zodiac signs have specific colors that are considered lucky for them. Using these colors in appropriate rooms can enhance overall well-being.
Pooja Room:
If you have a pooja (prayer) room, it should ideally be in the northeast corner of the house. This corner is considered very auspicious according to Vastu.
Plants and Energy:
Indoor plants, especially in the northeast corner, can purify the air and enhance positive energy according to Vastu.
Keep the house well-ventilated to allow positive energy to flow freely.
Personalized Jyotish Advice:
Consult a Jyotish expert for personalized advice based on your birth chart. They can provide specific guidance on gemstone recommendations, favorable directions, and auspicious timings for important events.
Remember that while Vastu and Jyotish offer guidelines, the most important thing is to create a space where you feel comfortable and at peace. Balance and harmony in your home can greatly contribute to your overall well-being.
So next time you're curious about your own personality or seeking guidance on important life decisions don't hesitate to delve into your natal chart or consult with an experienced astrologer online through chat with astrologers of Jyotishay who can offer personalized insights based on nakshatra readings.
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fengshuimasters · 9 months
Feng shui masters
Your domestic need to have all the 5 elements of nature. Allow as loads daylight as viable to go into thru the home windows and door. According to Feng Shui tips for home sunlight hours eradicates all awful electricity and replaces it with a high-quality effect.
Clocks are important for every person’s home. But each person has an inclination to have many clocks which do no longer paintings anymore. Do now not make that mistake. TAs constant with the incredible Feng Shui guidelines for domestic you have to now not have damaged clocks in any other case get them repaired. Feng Shui for domestic suggests malfunctioning gadgets isn't always in any respect auspicious for home.
Feng Shui indicates collectively with coins flora on the balcony invites wealth and well-being in the circle of relatives. It dreams a lot less care but grows speedy. It is notion that as long as the cash plant continues growing no monetary disaster arises. Whenever it starts becoming diminished, it indicators that some form of disaster is ready to happen. You can upload this in enterprise, place of job areas, shops, and so forth.
Water is an detail of nature essential for Feng Shui. Flowing of water symbolizes the improvement in profession. This is extremely essential for your property if you run a enterprise business enterprise or have youngsters at domestic.
The toilet is the vicinity in which water, an crucial detail of Feng Shui, is flushed out. Apart from the location of the toilet, very last the door is also important surely to indicate that the location is pleasant used at the same time as important. The Vastu for domestic need to be your first precedence.
The window symbolizes our eyes to see the world. It isn't feasible for every body to rise up in advance than the sunrise. So having a apparent glass window will enable the getting into of the number one ray of solar in the morning into your home. This phenomenon is probably very herbal regular with Feng Shui.
The mirror shows strength. Feng Shui hints for home strongly suggest no longer preserving a replicate inside the the front of the mattress. One is subconscious while napping on the equal time as all the pressure is relieved on the bed. Keeping a mirror in direct contact to the mattress reflect the ones disturbing vibes into the room and effect negatively on your lifestyles.
The the front of the residence is referred to as the “mouth of chi” consistent with Feng Shui. Hence, you need to generally maintain the doorway easy and no boundaries want to be there. Let all the great strength input your own home in abundance.
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auravastuconsultancy · 10 months
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What are the most important vastu tips for house? 
Meta Description:- 
Discover the essential Vastu tips for creating a harmonious and positive home environment. Incorporate Vastu Shastra guidelines to enhance the balance, prosperity, and positive energy flow in your house. 
Explore tips for the entrance, bedroom, living room, kitchen, study, colors, decor, indoor plants, and more. Unlock the potential for a peaceful and prosperous living space with the power of Vastu principles.
Creating a harmonious and positive living environment is crucial for our overall well-being. Vastu Shastra, an ancient architectural science from India, offers valuable Vastu tips for house, providing helpful suggestions for setting up and structuring our homes in a way that encourages the flow of good energy. By incorporating the Vastu  principle, we can enhance the balance, prosperity, and harmony within our living spaces. 
Let's explore some essential Vastu tips for creating a peaceful abode in your house, unlocking its positive energy potential.
Entrance and Main Door:
Choosing the right direction for your main entrance sets the tone for positive energy. The main door plays a vital role in Vastu tips for the house. It should ideally face east, north, or northeast to invite favorable energy into your home. Ensure that the door opens smoothly and without obstructions to allow energy to flow freely. Consider incorporating auspicious symbols or decor at the entrance, such as a traditional toran or a sacred mantra, to welcome positive vibrations into your house.
The placement of the bedroom within the house plays a crucial role in maintaining harmony. Ideally, the master bedroom should be positioned in the southwest direction of the house. Position your bed in the southwest corner of the room to promote peaceful and restful sleep. Create a soothing ambiance with relaxing colors like light blue, pastel green, or soft lavender. Gentle lighting and comfortable furnishings will also enhance relaxation and rejuvenation.
Living Room:
The living room serves as a space for social interaction and gatherings. Optimizing the layout involves arranging furniture and electronic appliances in a balanced manner, allowing for easy movement and conversations. Maximize natural light and ventilation to create an inviting and vibrant atmosphere in your house. The living room should ideally be in the northeast, north, or east direction to attract positive energy according to Vastu tips for the house.
The placement of the kitchen and its relation to the fire element are vital considerations in Vastu. Organize your kitchen in a clean and clutter-free manner, promoting positive energy. Position the stove and sink in favorable directions to enhance the cooking experience and nourishing vibrations. 
According to Vastu, the sink should be in the North or NorthEast of the kitchen. The gas stove, oven, microwave should be in the South East direction.
Study or Home Office: 
Creating a productive and focused environment is essential for study or work areas. Select a location that promotes concentration and inspiration. Arrange your desk and chair in an optimal position for maximum productivity. Incorporate natural light and maintain a clutter-free workspace to foster a positive and efficient atmosphere.
The Study room should always be facing East or West. The second best direction for the same is North.
Colors and decor :
Incorporating Vastu principles into your house's colors and decor is important. Choose appropriate colors for each area, such as light and pastel shades for bedrooms and vibrant colors for the living room or study. Select decor and artwork that promote positive energy and reflect your personal style. By doing so, you can create a harmonious and balanced atmosphere in your living space.
Indoor Plants and Natural Elements:
Indoor plants not only improve air quality but also bring positive vibrations into your home. Follow Vastu guidelines for their placement to enhance the energy in each room. For example, placing money plants or bamboo in the southeast corner attracts wealth and prosperity. Incorporate natural materials such as wood, stone, and water features to connect with the natural elements and create a serene ambiance.
Mirrors and Reflections:
Proper placement of mirrors is crucial for positive energy flow. Avoid reflecting negative elements or clutter, as it can disrupt the harmonious energy in a space. Instead, strategically position mirrors to enhance natural light and create a sense of spaciousness, amplifying positive vibrations. Placing mirrors in the north or northeast direction is considered auspicious according to Vastu. 
Vastu tips for the house offer valuable insights into the alignment of our living spaces with natural energies, allowing us to create a positive and harmonious environment. By following these essential Vastu guidelines for your house, you can unlock the potential for increased well-being, abundance, and positive vibrations in your daily life. 
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acharyaganesh123 · 11 months
Vastu Tips to Improve Mental Health
In today's fast-paced and stressful world, mental health has become a crucial aspect of overall well-being. Our surroundings play a significant role in shaping our thoughts, emotions, and mental state. Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science of architecture and design, emphasizes the importance of creating a harmonious living space to promote positive energies and improve various aspects of life, including mental health.
In this article, we will explore some Vastu tips and remedies that can help improve mental health and foster a sense of peace and positivity in your home.
1. Declutter and Organize:
A cluttered and disorganized living space can lead to feelings of chaos and restlessness. Practice Vastu by decluttering and organizing your home. Remove unnecessary items and maintain a clean and tidy environment. This simple step can bring a sense of calmness and clarity to your mind.
2. Balance the Five Elements:
According to Vastu principles, everything in the universe is composed of five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. Balancing these elements in your home can promote mental well-being. Use colors and materials that represent these elements in various rooms. For example, blue for Water, green for Earth, red for Fire, white for Air, and a mix of all colors for Space.
3. Enhance Natural Light and Ventilation:
A well-lit and properly ventilated home is vital for mental health. Ensure that natural light flows freely into your living spaces, and fresh air circulates through the rooms. Avoid blocking windows with heavy curtains or furniture. Natural light and air can uplift your mood and reduce feelings of confinement.
4. Create a Calm Bedroom:
The bedroom is a sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation. Follow Vastu principles to create a calming bedroom environment. Place the bed in the southwest direction and avoid positioning it under a beam. Use soft and soothing colors for the bedroom decor. Keep electronic devices away from the bed to encourage better sleep quality.
5. Harmonize with Nature:
Incorporate elements of nature in your home decor. Indoor plants not only add beauty to your living space but also purify the air and promote a sense of tranquility. Choose plants that are low maintenance and suited to your home's natural lighting conditions.
6. Balance the Energy Flow:
Ensure a smooth flow of energy (chi) throughout your home by removing obstacles and unnecessary furniture. Avoid sharp corners and cluttered pathways that can disrupt the energy flow. Arrange furniture in a way that allows easy movement and promotes positive energy.
7. Meditative Space:
Designate a corner in your home as a meditative or prayer space. This area should be clutter-free and infused with positive energy. Spending time in this space can help reduce stress and anxiety, leading to improved mental well-being.
Vastu Shastra offers valuable insights into creating a harmonious living environment that positively impacts our mental health. By following these Vastu tips and incorporating simple remedies, you can enhance the flow of positive energies in your home and promote mental well-being. Remember that the effects of Vastu are not instant, but with patience and consistency, you can experience a more peaceful and balanced life. Embrace Vastu as a tool to improve your mental health and create a serene and nurturing home for yourself and your family.
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drsohinisastri · 1 year
Vastu Shastra Tips for Home- For Better Life & Prosperity
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Vastu shastra are texts on the traditional Indian system of architecture. These texts describe principles of design, layout, measurements, ground preparation, space arrangement, and spatial geometry. The designs aim to integrate architecture with nature, the relative functions of various parts of the structure, and ancient beliefs utilising geometric patterns, symmetry, and directional alignments, according to the best astrologer in Kolkata.
 Why Is Vastu Shastra Important?
Vastu Shastra explains that all things in the universe have a level of energy and that every building or land has a vibration of energy associated with it. The universe is built of positive and negative energy. Vastu aims at eliminating the negative energy and enhancing the positive energy.
 Vastu Tips for Financial Prosperity at Home:
Many make Vastu sound really complicated and difficult to follow. Whereas, it is really easy and simple to follow. Here are a few simple Vastu tips you can follow at home effortlessly:
 1. Placing a mirror right in front of the cash locker is another way to attract wealth. It symbolizes that your money is doubled up!
 2. Keeping water bodies in the North-Eastern part of your house symbolizes the flow of constructive energy. You could place a water body like a small fountain, water garden or some other water body show-piece.
 3. To avoid financial loses, make sure you repair leaky faucets, taps or any faulty plumbing.
 Vastu Tips for Academic Growth:
1. Keep space between the wall and the study table to ensure the flow of energy.
 2. The study room should not be below the bathroom or the beam.
 3. The bookshelf should be placed in the East, North or North East. Make sure there is no reflection of the books in the mirror as that increases the pressure of studies.
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Vastu Tips for Good Health:
1. Imbalance of fire element causes sickness in the house. So, to balance it, the best place for a fire element like candle, diya or fireplace, is Southeast or Northwest direction of the house.
 2. Avoid placing mirrors opposite to the bed as mirrors reflecting a sleeping person creates a problem of energy drain, causing sickness.
 3. Make sure that your bathroom energy and kitchen energy does not mix up. If they are opposite to each other, make sure the doors are always closed, through the eyes of the famous astrologer in Kolkata.
 4. If someone in the house is unwell, keeping a burning candle in the room would help them recover faster.
 Vastu Tips for Improving Family Relationships:
1. If the relationship among the family members in the house are tensed in any sense, placing a white sandalwood statue at a place where you can view it multiple times passing by it, will help ease the tension.
 2. Sandalwood Statue will create a harmonious relationship among the family member of the house.
 3. If there is a dispute among the male members of the family, keep a small branch of Kadamba tree at home to ease the tension.
 4. If there is a dispute among the female members of the family, try not to wear red clothes at the same time or on the same occasion.
 5. Do not put up pictures depicting violence in the house as that attracts negative energy.
 Some General Vastu Tips to Follow at Home:
1. Do not place a cactus inside the house as it is considered as a negative plant which affects health & relationships of the members living in the house.
 2. Avoid a spiral staircase in the house as that invites negative energy in the house.
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astrovastuplus · 3 months
Making Your Home Happy: Simple Vastu Tips for Good Vibes on Mahashivratri"
Introduction: Mahashivratri is a special time for Hindus around the world. It's not just about celebrating; it's also a chance to make our homes feel better. In this blog, we'll talk about easy Vastu tips that can help your home feel happy and peaceful during Mahashivratri.
Clean Up: Before Mahashivratri, tidy up your home. Cleaning doesn't just get rid of dirt; it also helps clear away bad feelings. Sweep, organize, and let fresh air in to make your home feel fresh and clean.
Set Up Your Prayer Corner: Make a special place in your home for prayers during Mahashivratri. According to Vastu, it's good to put this corner in the northeast or east part of your home. Put pictures of Lord Shiva or other holy things there to make it feel even more special.
Use Soft Lights: During Mahashivratri, use soft lights like candles or fairy lights. These lights make your home feel cozy and calm. Bright lights can be too harsh and spoil the peaceful atmosphere.
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Bring in Nature: Decorate your home with natural things like flowers or plants. They make your home feel alive and happy. Put a bowl of water with flowers or a potted plant in your prayer corner to make it feel more special.
Pick Calm Colors: Choose colors like white, light blue, or green for your decorations. These colors make your home feel peaceful and calm, which is perfect for Mahashivratri.
Stay Positive: While you celebrate Mahashivratri, think happy thoughts and be grateful for what you have. Your positive energy can make your home feel even better during the festival.
Conclusion: Mahashivratri is a time to celebrate and make our homes feel good. By following these simple Vastu tips, you can create a happy and peaceful atmosphere in your home during the festival. Let Mahashivratri inspire you to make your home a place of joy and positivity.
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panchvastu · 1 year
Top 10 Best Vastu Tips For Health To Promote Well-Being And Happy Life
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Vastu tips for health are essential for your life and the components in your home. The practice of Vastu Shastra for Health allows you to concentrate on particular aspects of your surroundings to improve positive energy flow.
Healthy living starts at home. Vastu elements provide a variety of defences against disease and unhealthy energies. The complexity of modern living has increased as a result of modern technology.
To maintain good health, we must all strike a balance between our personal and work lives. You can create a foundation for a healthier body and mind in your own house.
Vastu Shastra contends that a person’s ties with their immediate environment are crucial to their health and well-being.
This blog has catered to some easy-to-do vastu tips for health that will make your life prosperous and joyful.
Why Are Good Vastu Tips For Health Important For You?
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Vastu, a cosmic science, utilises the natural rhythm to enrich your life with a sense of well-being. You can change your life to focus on your proper excellent health by simply organising or improving your surroundings.
Your life will be peaceful, cheerful, healthy, and prosperous if your home has good Vastu.
Your environment has a direct impact on your health. In the home, a poorly designed environment could lead to health problems.
Even though good Vastu Shastra for Wellness can’t cure every ailment, it can assist you in improving your physical and emotional health.
It can help you re-energize your body and mind, recover from illnesses more quickly, reduce problems, and promote overall health.
A harmonious house plan increases the vibrational frequency of the energy field that sustains your physical body. It takes more than medical insurance to protect your health.
Healthy individuals maintain healthy environments. You’ll probably be more productive and aware if you take better care of your environment.
What Happens If Your Home Is Not Vastu Compliant?
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Poor Vastu might make you more prone to illness, stress, and low energy. According to a study, a poorly organised home could pose an even more significant threat to your health than smoking.
If you experience a health crisis, it will affect both your personal and professional lives. Sick individuals reside in a sick house.
Living without medications and painkillers is impossible because some ailments are chronic.
However, only a select few know that every issue has a root cause concealed in the given instructions, clues, and locations. Every event in a person’s life is drawn to them from the universe.
How Are Vastu Tips For Health Related To Bathroom?
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Your bathroom location is one part of the house that may harm your health. Vastu believes it has a harmful aura since it is a trash site.
By including remedial items like plants, Vastu salt, bathroom crystals, Vastu energy walls, and bright colours in your bathroom, you may balance this negative aura that is polluting the positive zone.
Ensure the bathroom door is always closed and the toilet seat cover is always down after use.
Additionally, ensure that your kitchen and bathroom energy is not mixed. Keep the door closed and use a partition to block any bad energy on the door frame if your bathroom is right across from your kitchen.
This will help to separate the two opposite energies.
Make sure your bed is not precisely beneath a toilet on the upper floor, if feasible. The kitchen and fireplace should not be on the lower floor or above your bedroom.
Placing Vastu energy plates under the bed will preserve your physical and emotional health if you cannot change your bed arrangement.
If you have a bathroom in the northeast direction, it can lead to cancer, confusion, neuro diseases, indecisiveness, delayed decisions and so on. If your bathroom is placed in the fire direction, you may notice energy drain from your body.
In the northwest, it can lead to depression. Other disorders because of elemental balance are:
Vata — depression, gas, lower back pain, nervousness, arthritis, paralysis and nerve pain, constipation, dryness in body and dizziness.
Pitta — gall bladder and liver disorders, acidity, high BP, anxiety, stomach, sleeplessness, skin diseases.
Kapha — diabetes, depression, asthma and excessive sleep, thyroid, cold, cataract.
How Are Vastu Tips For Health Related To The Bedroom?
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Sleeping in the wrong direction in your bedroom may negatively affect your health. Many healthy immune individuals are aware of proper sleeping direction.
If your bedroom is in the west north-west, you may face depression, health issues and immunity disorders. If placed on the east side east, it can lead to anxiety issues.
Sound sleep is advantageous to sleeping with your head turned to the south because it encourages quiet and tranquillity. It leads to improved health.
Sleeping with your head turned to the west causes depression and disrupted sleep.
Never sleep with your head facing north. According to Vastu shastra, the head serves as the north pole of a human body magnet. The earth and the North Pole of the body will oppose one another, impacting blood circulation and resulting in significant illnesses or diseases like high blood pressure, insomnia, viral infections, and blood disorders.
Mirrors in bedrooms that mirror a person while sleeping may cause an energy drain issue. It causes morning sickness by bringing unhealthy energy into the bedroom.
Additional Vastu Tips For Health For You
Nothing is better than having plants at home to purify the air and enhance mental health. They also help to bring life to your surroundings. If plants are planted in the east direction, then it strengthens your air element and you will not have any respiratory diseases.
Rock Salt
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Rock Salt removes dullness; for this, leave the rock overnight and sweep it the following day for best results.
You can effectively improve the indoor environment with pink rock salt. These crystals eradicate bad energy because of the potent wind element they contain.
Place a bowl of rock salt in each of your room’s four corners. Additionally, you can use the salt to scrub the floor once a week, removing any bacteria and viruses in the air.
You can put the bowl close to someone ill to generate positive energy. Please note that you should periodically change the Salt crystals.
Store Food In The Right Direction
The kitchen should be stocked with grains and other foodstuffs facing the southwest since this brings luck and wealth and, as a result, encourages healthy eating habits that are much needed today. Make storage in Northwest for best results, and in the kitchen, you can keep food grains anywhere.
Water For Birds
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Water is a significant source of health and prosperity, according to vastu, and its waste can lead to serious health problems. Maintaining a water bowl for stray animals and birds is an excellent vastu treatment to improve your health.
It can be beneficial to burn camphor at least once a week to get rid of bad energy. Neem or lemongrass mixed can effectively filter the air. It creates and vibrancy of mind.
Keep Fruits
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A fruit basket can make you feel better. A lovely basket filled with colourful fruits in the middle of the table can inspire occupants to lead healthier lifestyles. A picture of the same might be mounted in a visible area of your home to encourage positive energy. Fruits in the northeast keep you health-conscious and help you maintain a proper diet.
Clutter Free Entrance
A neat, tidy, and clutter-free entrance promote positivity inside a house. Every day, wipe the door with water infused with rock salt to keep it from becoming a neglected area that draws terrible energy.
Abundant Lights
A well-illuminated entrance guarantees a positive atmosphere within the home. You can add a structural window close to the entrance or place a lamp or Diya outside the door to provide adequate lighting.
Decorative Art Pieces
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Remove all the artwork that features images of pain, sadness, or suffering from blocking the negative energy flow in the living room.
Additionally, to avoid the accumulation of negativity in the home, any broken items like mirrors or picture frames, as well as any electronics that no longer function, should be removed immediately.
Conclusion — Vastu Tips For Health
To sum up, nothing is more significant than a person’s health. Take a step in the right way and build your home using Vastu principles to live a happy, healthy life free from illness, disease, and medication.
It is advisable to seek detailed vastu recommendations from a top vastu consultant during a personal consultation.
For the best vastu consultant, reach out to Panch Vastu and get a detailed vastu done by Abhishek Bansall.
He has 15+ years of experience providing valuable vastu insights to millions of people across the globe.
For more information, visit our website.
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wrote-a-article · 5 months
Making Home a Happy Place: Easy Vastu Tips
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A happy home is more than just a physical structure; it's about creating a space that exudes positive energy. We'll examine some basic Vastu principles and discuss the elements that make up the joyful tapestry that is your home.
Easy Vastu Tips:
1. Clutter-Free Spaces:
Take care of the age-old problem of clutter to start on the path to a peaceful household. Decluttering is a process that facilitates the smooth flow of positive energy and is not just about organising. We'll look at doable decluttering strategies that improve the power in your house, from collecting to parting with extra stuff. To promote tranquillity, make areas for necessities and think about using minimalist decor.
2. Proper Placement of Furniture:
Setting out a room's furnishings can make all the difference in creating a harmonious equilibrium. Find out how to arrange your furniture for the best possible energy flow. We'll explore Vastu principles that revitalise your living areas and turn the process of organising into a way to create a harmonious and pleasant atmosphere. In order to create a cosy and upbeat atmosphere, think about how each piece works and how it fits into the area as a whole.
3. Lighting Matters:
The way light interacts in your house creates a certain atmosphere. We'll look at how lighting affects a pleasant Vastu environment, from choosing the proper artificial lighting to maximising the benefits of natural light. Transform your house using non-physical ideas to create a cheery, optimistic mood. Try varying the lighting in different areas to get the ideal ambience. You can also add dimmers to control the brightness and change the energy source according to your needs.
4. Incorporating Nature Indoors:
Bring the outside inside to see how it completely changes your living areas. Explore the many benefits of indoor plants, according to Vastu, and learn how these little touches may make your house feel more positive overall. Accept vegetation that improves its appearance and fosters a vibrant, active equilibrium. Think about choosing low-maintenance plants for people with hectic schedules and come up with inventive methods to showcase them, such as hanging planters or placing pots in key locations near windows.
External Influences on Home Happiness:
5. Surroundings and Vastu:
A happy home is built on the surroundings that surround it, not just the walls. Examine the importance of picking a good location and learn how your neighbours might affect the harmony of your living area as a whole. Orient your house towards the outside world to promote wellness. Be mindful of the natural surroundings, including trees and gardening, and make sure the external environment reflects the good vibe you are fostering inside your house.
6. Exterior Colors and Vastu:
The outside hues of your house affect its vitality in addition to being a visual treat. Make eye-catching, Vastu-friendly hue selections that enhance the feeling of warmth and positivity in the outside world. Boost the curb appeal of your house and create a good vibe that comes inside from the outside. Think about using bright hues for a lively vibe or earthy tones for anchoring energy in keeping with your tastes and Vastu principles.
7. Entryway and Positive Energy:
The energy that surrounds your home is put in motion by the gateway. Examine the importance of a well-kept entryway and learn how to create a nice atmosphere from your front door using Vastu principles. Find out how keeping your doorway well-maintained can invite happiness and create a mood for your entire home. To improve good energy flow, include inviting elements like a spotless doormat, a well-kept porch, and visually appealing entrance decor.
Take these simple Vastu suggestions into consideration as you set out to create a happy house as an instrument for cultivating happiness and well-being. Every deliberate change you make to your home, from organising your furnishings and clearing clutter to bringing nature indoors and taking outside influences into account, adds to its evolving narrative. By implementing these ideas, you're bringing happiness into your living area rather than just rearrangement of furniture. See your house turn into a joyful, contented retreat; a happy home is a sanctuary that improves the quality of your life, not merely a location.
Enhance the energy of your home with Aunkar Vastu, your dedicated Vastu consultant for home. Experience the power of Vastu Shastra for a harmonious living space. Schedule a consultation now to align your home with positive vibrations. Elevate your life with Aunkar Vastu – your key to a balanced and prosperous home environment. Contact us today for expert Vastu  guidance tailored to your home's unique needs
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dranandbhardwaj · 2 years
घर में होगी धन की वर्षा अगर नहीं की ये 5 गलतियां, vastu tips for money, ... ये 5 गलतियां अगर नहीं की तो घर में होगी धन की वर्षा-discuss Vastu tips for money and Vastu shastra for money because Vastu for money is as ok as Vastu tips for money but Vastu shastra tips for money in hindi is in this youtube video in hindi language. फिर पैसे की चिंता ख़त्म in this youtube video in hindi Dr. Anand Bhardwaj is telling you very important Vastu tips for money flow Vastu for good money and Vastu shastra for money luck. Dr. Anand Bhardwaj has told you that Vastu for money and Vastu tips for money health are very common questions and anxiety among all the people who are having any money problem and they are using the money plant other plants for the sake of getting more money and trying to think how to become rich with Vastu. Vastu shastra for money good luck and Vastu for money luck are the same topics but Vastu tips for money health and Vastu tips for money in hindi are slightly different because one has to work on the monetary help and money wealth Vastu so that one can get the appropriate amount of money with the help of Vastu tips in hindi. Vastu tips for money luck and Vastu tips for becoming rich are very common questions and people ask how to attract money Vastu and Vastu shastra tips for money in hindi but why should check that he is working very hard to get and earn money because money is not so easily available to anybody and one has to work hard says Dr. Anand Bhardwaj Vastu consultant. Vastu tips for money plant in home and Vastu tips for other plant in home are very important subjects in modern time but very good Vastu tips for money in hindi and Vastu tips for money growth are very less available in the youtube video and people are using fountain for money luck or Vastu for money plant in house so that there is no debt or any loan of any type. That is why Vastu tips for money have been defined by Dr. Anand Bhardwaj in this youtube video in hindi and he is telling how to become it rich and how to get more wealth with Vastu and the easily available tips for getting more money and getting rich with Vastu. Attract money Vastu and Vastu tips for becoming rich as well as Vastu tips for money luck are very common searches on the internet and Dr. Anand Bhardwaj is telling you if you want to become very rich in short period of time then you will have to work hard and money luck or Vastu for money luck are very easy to achieve but if you are using any fountain for money luck or you are using any money plant for getting more money than it shall be slightly difficult to achieve the target because the theory of karma defined in Geeta are very common and you should know that one should work hard and do perseverance and toil to become rich and every rich person has not taken birth as rich but he has acquired and achieved this target by way of his foresightedness and his hard work. Now करो कर्म- दिल से so that you get easily the Vastu tips for money and become rich. Yes somebody is willing to have very much money and wants to become rich and he is willing to know how to become rich with vastu and how to become rich with less efforts then one should do any business which requires the sitting and better the service industry. #vastutipsformoney #vastushastraformoney #vastuformoney #vastutipsformoney #vastushastratipsformoneyinhindi #vastutipsformoneyflow #vastuforgoodmoney #vastushastraformoneygoodluck #vastuformoneyluck #vastutipsformoneyhealth #vastutipsformoneyinhindi #vastutipsformoneygrowth #fountainformoneyluck #vastutipsformoneyplantinhome #vastuforwealth
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monkvyasaa · 2 years
Top 10 Home Vastu Tips for Bedroom
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Home Vastu pointers for bedrooms: basic Vastu for home, There are instances where, regardless of what we attempt, our sleep doesn’t get finished or there are everyday fights among couples. As a result, you feel disturbed or unhappy. Therefore, while troubles like this keep on bobbing up, you must apprehend that there may be a few Vastu dosh. Vastu shastra for domestic or Vastu pointers are age-antique structures that human beings use from historical instances for a satisfied and wealthy life. In this blog, we’ve added 10 must-understand Home Vastu Tips for the Bedroom.
These Vastu shastra for home suggestions for the bedroom assist you to determine where your mattress has to be withinside the bedroom or which colour your partitions have to be. Bedroom Vastu tips for house suggestions are very crucial suggestions as, according to Vastu shastra, this may clear up 1/2 of the troubles of your troubles and make your existence pressure free and happy. Here we’ve got Easy Vastu for house suggestions for domestic and those are described right here with info and logic. We will talk about all the primary and minor factors of Vastu Shastra for the bedroom and Feng Shui for the bedroom. which may be very critical subjects in cutting-edge times. According to Vastu, bedroom shadeation and mattress path are intently interlinked. plants in order to beautify your positivity and air float in your house.
Here are the top 10 Vastu tips for bedrooms.
The direction of your bed and bedroom as per Vastu
Your primary suite must be within the southwest route of the house. In Vastu shastra, it’s miles critical that the top must be within the south route. The 2d role is east and west however in no way try and hold your head north. The northeast bedroom isn’t proper for the married couple and for the senior-maximum circle of relatives.
Colour of the bedroom as per Vastu shastra 
Use pastel colours like mild pink, yellow, or light inexperienced that are soothing for the eyes because of the shadeation of your bedroom partitions. Bed cowls and pillow cowls too, because they assist in soothing your thoughts and maintaining the surroundings completely positively. Don’t use black, grey, or brown colours on partitions in step with bedroom Vastu tips for home.
The bed and the furniture 
Beds ought to no longer be manufactured from any steel. It ought to be constructed from wood, and there ought to be no steel cladding on any fixtures inside your bedroom. As steel mattresses disturb your sleep and boom your fitness problems. Whereas a wooded mattress enables you to sleep properly and maintain your cosy. Also, you have one unmarried queen-length bed in place of the use of mats.
Things to avoid in your bedroom as per Vastu
Vastu for the bedroom is a totally touchy topic. In line with Vastu shastra, there should be no waste fabric like damaged paintings, stop-watches, etc. in line with Vastu shastra. Don’t maintain any image of God inside the bedroom. Try and maintain a couple of images like birds or rabbits or any inexperienced lush image of a wooded area or garden.
Bedroom decoration for positivity 
As per Vastu, you must use a ceramic wind chain for your bedroom. Keep the lavender flower or lavender smelling like vital oil or candle as this is a great aroma. Keep a few indoor plants and a few white plants in the north course or red clean plants in the southwest.
 Bathroom position
There will no longer be a toilet or water tank above your bedroom. If it’s there, extrude your bedroom at once; that’s a totally awful signal in step with Vastu.
Light of your bedroom
At night time, you need to preserve your room lighting. While there is a lot of electricity flowing throughout the night, while we preserve our lighting, we invite the best energies or even facilitate growth in our finances.
Important mantra according to Vastu 
Both the companions must chant “Om Namah Shivaya” each day. Mantras are completely energy-complete devices in Vastu Shastra and Vedic science. Therefore, if any couple chants “Om Namah Shivaya” each day, the vibration will assist in the bonding of the relationship.
Sapoorna Vastu yantra 
Sometimes it isn’t viable to interrupt a wall if the bedroom isn’t facing the proper direction. Even so, preserve all of the matters in line with Vastu's tips for the house. A Vastu yantra gets rid of all of the terrible outcomes of Vastu dosh. It gets rid of terrible domestic electricity and brings positivity. 
 Some extra Vastu tips
Clean your private home in each Amavasya. Make a few sweets on Friday and have them collectively. It’s going to grow your love.
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finelookinterior · 3 years
Kitchens being the hub of activity for the home, it is highly recommended to have a kitchen layout that amplifies its activities. There are 6 such layout designs that are a hit with first-time homeowners and the parallel kitchen layout is one such layout. Parallel kitchens otherwise know as Galley kitchens are a traditional kitchen layout. It is predominantly used in small spaces to obtain the most counter space.
What is the Kitchen Work Triangle?
A systematic approach is crucial in any successful working environment. And in a home, the kitchen sees the most action in a day! Thus expert interior designers established a ‘work triangle’ that must be maintained while planning a kitchen layout to boost efficiency. The three key points of this triangle are the refrigerator, the stove, and the sink. As the three are the most frequently used parts of the kitchen, a clear path between them is built thanks to the work triangle.
In a parallel kitchen, the work triangle is the most prominent feature. As there are two opposite platforms, the triangle is evident on its own. One side of the counter is entirely dedicated to the stovetop and cooking preparation. While the opposite side of the layout houses the refrigerator and the wash basin.
Is the Parallel Kitchen Work Triangle compliant with Vastu?
The answer is yes. If you have the freedom to construct a kitchen layout from scratch, it is quite easy to incorporate both Vastu and the work triangle. But if for you Vastu comes first then here is an expert-approved method. There are certain rules as mentioned in our Vastu Tips for a Healthy Kitchen blog that one should be mindful of. If issues like the placement of the stove and electrical devices, or the shape of the platform are sorted out beforehand, the kitchen already becomes Vastu-compliant. Then we can proceed with placing the 3 elements that complete the work triangle.
Following are some of the parallel kitchen designs created by the Design Experts at FINELOOK INTERIOR worthy of a look before you finalize:
Adding a bit of fun to this Galley kitchen is the bright turquoise tile design that doubles as the backsplash. Adding colors using the backsplash or the cabinet doors is a perfect way to illuminate any home kitchen that is small on space.
Windows at the other end of the galley kitchen is a must to maintain proper ventilation. Since the layout’s main focus is saving space, modular in this type of kitchen looks better without handles. No more getting hit by the handles when more than one cooks up a storm in this kitchen!
If your Galley kitchen layout is implemented on a square kitchen layout, one is free to not have a door in the entryway. An extended breakfast counter can be installed in a wide space and utilized in many different ways. The extended breakfast counter can be of the same height as your kitchen counters to maintain uniformity and ease of usage.
Or to make this addition standout from the rest,
elevated counter height paired with complementing bar stools gives the overall kitchen space a new look.
Favorable features of the parallel kitchen layout are:
Making the best use of the available space
Suitable for small to medium-sized kitchens
No corner space used so cabinets can be easily integrated
Prevents a small kitchen from feeling dark and claustrophobic
Strategically placed lighting to illuminate the space
Or if you want to do away with any obstacles at the entryway,
a simple display rack is your go-to solution. Bring in fresh indoor plants or grow your own ingredients! Also, this makes for a great space to display quirky items that you bought online just for their cute looks!
In a Parallel kitchen, there is no limitation of only selecting bright color schemes to make the space look well – spacious.
There is more than enough space.
for you to go ahead and install glass window on the wall which has no counters. The abundance of natural light will help open up the area. Even black walls with black granite kitchen counters will not make the already limited space even smaller.
Wondering if a parallel kitchen layout is the right one for you?
Explore various kitchen layouts that can fit in your kitchen – and just be the right size for it. Check out our blog on the 6 Most Popular Modular Kitchen Layouts and select the right layout for your kitchen. Book an appointment with our Design Experts today to explore kitchen options for your new designer home.
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