yours-etc · 2 years
TW: Mentions of abuse/harm (no descriptions of it)
Max and Eddie duo supremacy!!!
Eddie does not like Billy check. So this contains Billy slander.
Eddie Munson couldn’t possibly hate a person more than he hated Billy Hargrove. He was the scum of the earth for all Eddie could care.
He first met Hargrove on Billy’s first day, Eddie’s second senior year. The second that boy walked through the school doors Eddie clocked him. That boy likes to kiss boys. It wasn’t a question.
Billy wasn’t Eddies type. He’d never admit it, but he like softer looking boys (cite his junior year crush on the all American boy Steve Harrington).
Eddie however was Billy’s type. But let’s be honest with ourselves, Hargrove would fuck anything with a pulse.
About one month in Billy cornered him after school one day, “Heard you who I need to see.”
This left a lot to the imagination.
“See for what? I proved a multitude of services, be more specific” Eddie didn’t feel the need to banter or tease like he normally did. Billy had this anger in him that he could just feel. Eddie was stupid but he didn’t go around point bears.
Hargrove backed him up to the wall, trapping him in.
“How about you give me a gram or two, I’ll give you…” He fades off and steps closer.
Eddie scoffs, “Billy I may be the only other gay man here for a hundred miles, but let me be fully transparent. I would rater nail my foot to the ground than fuck you.”
He didn’t take kindly to that.
Billy was a bully. So, when the town freak shows up with a busted lip and black eye no one scolds him or even takes a second glance at EddieWell besides Harrington who had a matching black eye and an equal hatred of Billy Hargrove.
When he heard about Billy’s death in the Starcourt fire he wasn’t going to pretend that he’d miss the guy. Eddie found the whole Starcourt fire to be strange, but he never looked into it. He just felt like something was off about it. It was the ‘80s and it was Hawkins, what didn’t feel off.
Then he meet Max Mayfield a few months later.
Max moved into the trailer park soon after the fire. She was a quiet kid, always had her headphones on. He didn’t know her before hand, but people talk. Say how she’s practically a shell of herself now, how she sees the school therapist once a week.
“She watched her brother die,” they all whisper in the halls. And as much as Eddie was glad Billy was gone, it wasn’t worth it to watch a young girl walk around like she wasn’t there.
“She looks a helluva lot like you when you first rolled up here,” Wayne said one day when max was skating around the gravel.
The Munsons and Mayfields didn’t interact much. One day Wayne made too much chili and sent Eddie over to deliver some to the neighbors. By this time Eddie had taken Dustin, Mike, and Lucas under his wing. He had heard them talk about max. Eddie felt like he practically knew everything about this girl (heard many a stories of her kicking Lucas out on his ass when he fucked up, it made Eddie strangely proud).
When Max opened the door to see Eddie standing there she looked a bit lost.
“Hey Eddie, whatcha doing here? Did one of the guys forget some D&D thing?”
Eddie laughed, “Nah, Wayne made too much chili, we’re handing it out to the neighbors. Wanted to know if you’d like some?” He could see her mom passed out on the couch. A familiar scene to him, his heart cracked a bit.
“Umm… yeah sure,” she reached out for the bowl, “Thank you, I’ll wash the bowl when we finish it.”
“Take your time, I know where ya live,” He said sending a wink her way.
Five months later and the whole Vecna situation happens.
Eddie wakes up in a hospital bed with a tired looking Steve Harrington (that crush certainly came back full force).
“Hey Stevie”
“Hey Eds” Steve smoothed down Eddie’s hair and tucked it behind his ear, they have to talk about that one later.
“Where is everyone? Did l it work? Is it safe? How’d -“ Eddie tried to sit up but his sides screamed with pain.
Steve forced him to lay back down, “Easy there tiger, you can’t walk around just yet”
Harrington explained how they got everyone out, El closed the portal, and they rushed him and Max to the hospital.
“Wait what happened to Max?”
Eddie demanded that him and Max share a room. It made it easier on the kids and Steve and Robin to have them in the same place.
Max woke up a week later on Wednesday afternoon. Everyone was out picking up lunch so it was just the two of them. By then Eddie could move around a bit better.
“Hey there Mad Max” and Eddie’s face were a surprising yet welcoming thing to come back to.
After a while the two of them were released from the hospital. And once Eddie could drive again he carted Max along with him to and from school and physical therapy. He built her a ramp for her trailer and yelled at the High School board for not having wheelchair accessible entrance at the front of the building.
Max started walking a bit better and had to move to a less intensive physical therapy. They first day she walked in with her cane, Eddie by her side incase she needed help.
She checked in at the reception desk, “Hi I have an appointment for Maxine Mayfield.”
The receptionist looked up at the read head, “Splendid, and who is here with you today?”
With out missing a beat she replies “My brother, Edison Munson.”
Eddie cried about it in Steve’s room that night. He had never felt like he ever truly belonged anywhere until he met the party, until the was Max and Steve.
He was technically cleared of all charges, but rumors about him still circulated. And some nights he thought it just be better to run away, to disappear and leave this bell hole. But he had a sister he needed to look out for.
And maybe he hated Billy, for what he did. For how his death still hunts Max. For all the stories he hears about the guy. Yeah he hated Billy Hargrove, but no one deserves to die like that.
He despised that guy, but he was so eternally grateful for Hargrove’s sister, for his sister.
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luvvaj · 5 years
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“He was one of the nicest guys I know...” says fellow Seattle Hip-Hop Legend, @nastynes818 about Eddie Wells aka Sugar Bear of Seattle’s FIRST Hip-Hop group, the #EmeraldStreetBoys who passed away this pst weekend. “He was around before Mix (A-Lot) and Mix knows that...”. Known as a pioneer of Pacific Northwest Hip-Hop out of Seattle, Sugar Bear (pictures seared in his wheel chair) is lauded by other Seattle legends and Hip Hop luminaries like @topspinstagram @kingkhazm and @206zulu among many others who recognize him for his talent, ambition, pioneering, generosity and willingness to help others push Hip Hop culture forward. Peace, Love & Courage Be Upon His Soul... #HipHop #EddieWells #SugarBear #Seattle #206HipHop #EmeraldStreetBoys #PNW #NastyNes #RapAttack #SeattleHipHop #PNWHipHop #HipHopHistory @1worldmagazine @luvvaj @aktv247 (at Africatown-Central District) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzb1yuHnUkf/?igshid=1o3897lewfpqn
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