#elemon ohod
viremialite · 7 years
you may be wondering, what’re the syol pals like when they invade other worlds to take over and/or deal with those every-thousand-year-prophecy rpgs?? well buddy i got answers:
hadris  //  always playing final boss, though sometimes he pretends to just be a mindless abomination and other times he’s a hammy evil overlord. has a whole bunch of cool forms and likes to make different Final Forms for every place he conquers. when it’s over it varies how he responds. if he gets sealed away he’s powerful enough to just pretend he got sealed away and sneak out the back door and come back 1,000 years from now, just puts that on in calendar. sometimes he’ll let it look like they killed him for real if he doesn’t feel that world is ready to be conquered yet or they resist so strongly and boldly that he feels they deserve the win, but most of the time he just rematerializes in his more humanish form like nothing happened and is like “haha wow you guys are pretty good! let’s be ‘friendos,’ as the kids say”
orange  //  he and aedi aren’t always sent out on things bc they’re delicate normal human beings, but sometimes he’s sent out to do scouting, help set things up, bring someone coffee before a fight, the likes. sometimes also takes on a role of being hadris’ loyal assistant who gets murdered by him (don’t worry it’s all staged, hadris treats his citrus friend well) to show just how evil he is, and other times he’ll pose as someone who’s a traitor and helps the “heroes” out only to die like a chapter later in a tragic cutscene
aedi  //  mostly the same as orange, but she’ll also often serve a role as being someone people talk to via phone or other means to relay information for the “heroes” to eavesdrop on or someone to give out news when the hadrissquad hijacks Every TV
flann  //  often ends up posing as someone who’s sweet and helpful but then betrays the “heroes” soon enough and goes into boss mode... other times she’ll just appear in feralian form like it’s a tragic curse hadris placed on her and her soul can only be freed via murder... she will always make u sad one way or another
lausac  //  the exact same cocky asshole he always is
mariellu  //  a pretty straightforward boss, usually established to be high in hadris’ ranks. doesn’t need to rp much bc she’s a pretty straightforward loyal warrior bee
lefleuris  //  even smugger and more disconcerting than usual! plays up his blatant suspicious behavior a lot, so he ends up being the second final boss a lot, “murdered” by hadris at some point later, and sometimes hadris even helps him be the Real Final Boss. can’t just be a traitorous bishonen in an rpg and not get to be the Real Final Boss at least once, yknow
valence  //  like mariellu, pretty straightforward loyal warrior grandma. can’t rly get into faking her personality but fortunately she already fits in just fine
loligo  //  usually playing team rocket with lausac with her typical brash personality bc honestly she just likes getting to punch things. sometimes venith will convince her into adopting some gimmick or another or doing some kind of dynamic with her, though... sometimes they’ll both be the local Tough Chicks who’ll beat the shit out of you, sometimes they’ll both play mysterious femme fatales, sometimes they’re bad cop bad cop (theres no good cop, theyre the bad guys), sometimes they’ll amp up their tomboy and girly girl routine... as long as she gets to fight someone she’ll leave happy
elemon  //  typically serves as one of hadris’ most powerful minions, serving as either the big mid-game boss that makes you feel really accomplished or the penultimate boss or something like that.
merah  //  can sometimes be seen in aedi’s role, other times he’s paired up to be a quirky miniboss squad with septicemia, sometimes he openly helps the “heroes” have a chance against hadris, sometimes he’s an eerily nice boss you don’t expect to be a boss until he slime punches u... a boy of many talents!
venith  //  really likes to exaggerate her personality and ham it up... usually 1) likes to act like a haughty anime noble with the “ohohoho” laugh and everything and acts like everyone is beneath her, 2) plays the part of the mysterious and beautiful stranger who only fights one on one, personally, and will probably kiss you 3) full-on femme fatale who spends months on a planet breaking hearts before the invasion even begins just to have a reputation, or 4) a mix of all of the above. no matter what she does though she has a hard time Not flirting with cute girls who can defeat her in battle. fight her and live and you become worthy of her true gaying....
septicemia  //  often paired up with merah and/or lausac (and/or loligo) to be the quirky miniboss squad... doesn’t change too much personality-wise and just has fun being herself and inconveniencing heroes!!
chiro  //  plays the role of chiro shiroiro
amelano  //  also often serves as the penultimate boss, less likely to be mid-game than elemon despite elemon technically being stronger than him, but amelano is the white-haired angel-demon edgy anime prettyboy and hadris loves embracin those tropes. likely to randomly appear before the “heroes” several times to say something ominous and/or declare that they aren’t strong enough yet
they really just like to have a fun time with it all in all... some worlds they make the storyline darker than others but as time goes on their plots and attitudes are increasingly lighthearted in a way. i mean yeah there’s often the threat of your world being destroyed (but yknow not really) but you have fun with it... somehow......
they’re also big fans of kidnapping a “hero” or two and sometimes they’ll let them check out behind the scenes at how it’s all pretty much just a show, often offering them a “role” in some way... like “hey wanna betray your friends for a while?? it’ll be fun” or “hey wanna get a cool brainwashed evil form?? u can keep the costume afterward”
all in all it’s a good time for everyone, get your planet invaded by hadris today! and let him conquer it once story mode is over bc it’s good for your economy
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viremialite · 7 years
au ive been really into lately: the abriese friends meeting the hadris friends bc hadris tried to take over once
solana struggling 2 fight her future gfs bc they won’t stop flirting with her but they’re Evil(tm) and shes gay
ansaiele and merah bonding over both being cheerful, friendly, squishy, and pink
celethia and elemon silently staring at each other and eventually walking away. thats their battle.
solana’s still gay
caolan not understanding why this lefleuris fellow doesn’t want to be chums
venith and lord venison in each other’s vicinity
birth of noodle dog as noctalle and memen somehow become aware of each other’s presence
solana still struggling bc shes gay
chiro is aware of this entirety
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viremialite · 9 years
behold, a list of ocs i think about a lot even though i never talk about them because i sure do love lists:
elemon ohod
aeran luscon
tigel smith (i guess i do talk about him a little but not as much as my thoughts would imply)
nolan feoluce
like half the cast of RPG Hell (title pending)™ bc i haven’t even really introduced it yet
lilita vilveise
kiyohiko takashia
sileny firenze
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viremialite · 10 years
Answered a couple of Charahub questions for a few people! Stopped halfway through Venith because lol 4:30 am
Loligo Anuwau
Elemon Ohod
Merah Muda
Venith Tobette
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viremialite · 10 years
>memen is in love with elemon
(crying, screaming, worlds exploding, distorted laugh track coming closer from beyond the cosmos)
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