heterodickpaper · 2 years
ur girl made another uquiz!! i spent sm time on it pleaseeee take it i think it's very fun but i'm probably biased...take it urself and decide if i'm right!!
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quidfree · 2 years
what’s your fav fic you’ve written & who are your fav characters/ships to write for?
hi sorry this took so long to answer i was drowning in writing lol. anyways i always find it hard to determine a fav anything bc i could convincingly argue for any number of things to be labelled as such so whatever answer i give will have to be transient. 
fav fic is really tough bc i would call myself a fairly... eclectic writer so comparing is very apples/oranges. my TSH fic is up there because it was a real labour of love and also v cathartic to give myself a continuation that rang true to the tone of the book but left off on a less grim note. some of my shorter todobaku fics i still find very funny on re-read. and i have a soft spot for my free! fic because it’s something i thought of writing back in like 2014 so it tugs on my nostalgic heart-strings. it depends on the day honestly.
fav characters/ships to write for is also hard... i mean i enjoy every ship i write or else i wouldn’t write so much, lol. some of my fav characters to write are side characters in my fic, though, which is maybe a more interesting answer. like- judy poovey in TSH content, or camie, kirishima and ochako in todobaku works, or jerry in my anne of green gables fic. i think it’s because i enjoy their dialogue a lot.
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quidfree · 2 years
i already left you a comment on ao3 but i just wanted to say how much i love your tsh fic. it’s better than anything i could have imagined and the relationship is done so believably?? i basically see it as an extension of canon now—i finished rereading tsh a bit ago and i thought to myself “and then richard stays in boston!” also i love how you expanded on a lot of the unsaid things in the book, particularly richard’s romanticization/deification of the study group, which is something i thought a lot about but was never able to put into words as lovely as yours. i also think you portrayed his complicated relationship with both camilla and francis beautifully, and i loved getting insights into his mind that we didn’t get in the book because he’s so good at shaping his own reality. also, all your characterizations were absolutely spot-on!! not to mention your absolutely gorgeous prose. i think this is my favorite tsh fic ever, i’ve been looking for something that expands on that wholly unsatisfactory conclusion for so long and this. this is perfect.
thanks so much for going out of your way to write this! your comment on ao3 was very rewarding and this is equally thoughtful.
i very much wrote sober ii because i wanted something to lend more bittersweetness to the story than the grim ending of tsh proper, and in my head it now exists in the realm of possibility after the final page closes, so it makes me happy that other people have taken it as such as well.
as for exploration, i think a lot of people read tsh and formed thoughts on the richard-beauty thing, which is probably due to donna tartt’s mastery of theme and of frustratingly repressed narrators, so i’m glad you felt that was handled well in the fic because i was being very self-indulgent in turning subtext to text, especially by relating it to the adjacent camilla / francis thing. i find richard and his myriad hangups endearingly insufferable so i had fun running around his psyche, especially when francis was helpfully voicing his problems out loud. and thank you re: prose and characterisations- tartt is such a good writer that emulating her is a risky game :)
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