sunnycapmoon · 8 months
ok, so Im looking for this Tumblr who did me a great reading back then. I think her nick is Sapphire. She does general chart readings, but possibly more now. She is great at what she does and I wanna find her.
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I love stories where two secret lovers learn they are both being forced into arranged marriages, only to happily learn they are to marry each other! What about one of these with an omega and beta?
If that is too much I understand✌🏼
AN: I enjoyed writing this. I may have tweaked it a little but I think it was worth it :)
“Katy, it’s a disaster!” Jacob enters their secret garden, swinging open the iron gate hidden behind vines on the castle’s outer wall exactly where he knows it will be. Kathryn looks up from the book she is reading. Her fingers running over the golden lining on the book’s cover, her simple turquoise gown draped over the stone bench she’s sitting on. She closes the book as Jacob ignores any dirt on the bench in favor of taking off his deep blue velvet coat and sprawling across the empty spot next to her, his head resting slightly on her thigh. His touch comforts Kathryn, as it always does, and she feels her shoulders relax as she puts the book down on her lap in favor of using her hand to card through his sparse hair.
           “What is it this time?”
           Jacob makes a whining sound in the back of his throat and leans his neck up to look at her. “I’m getting engaged!”
She stops caressing his hair. “How’s that a disaster?”
           “How’s that a disaster?!” He pitches his voice to mimic her, “How’s that a disaster!? Katy, it’s the worst disaster imaginable! Do the years of passion and secret rendezvous mean nothing to you?”
           “Well, you don’t seem very concerned about it if you have time to run around like a chicken with its head cut off.”
He halts in response. His muscles tense and untense, deciding what action to take. He gently reaches up and pulls her hand down to his lips. He squeezes it reassuringly at her questioning look, looking lost himself. “If I get married, I won’t be able to provide for you financially like I planned. Mama and Papa say my bride will need my support, as she is an Omega and cannot take over her parents’ business, and what with me being a Beta and next in line to my family’s fortune it’s my duty to assist her.”
“In a way that benefits your family as well.” She finishes his thoughts after a stretched silence. He nods solemnly.
The stillness is broken when Kathryn snorts, her lips pull upwards against her best efforts.
“Your fiancé sounds a lot like me.”
Jacob’s face becomes confused. “Yes, but… Why bring that up?”
“Did you ever bother to ask her name?” Her torso leans forward with a giggling fit. The lady barely able to get out the last word.
“Why are you laughing? -”
“Jacob.” She interrupts him. “Jacob, her name is Kathryn.” She grabs the lord’s dumbfounded looking face and moves it around with each enunciated syllable. “Her name is Kathryn Ethelwood.”
There’s silence. A bird squawks over-head. Eventually the young man’s squished chipmunk face dumbly says, “That’s your name.”
Kathryn bursts out in laughter and embraces him. He hugs her back just as tightly, nuzzling his nose against her neck.
“Yes, it is.”
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