#etoiles getting into heavy rp???
doubleslashkarma · 8 months
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whitmore · 8 months
hoping and praying the stealing chestplate via command and robbing etoiles’ body of his shield has good lore reason, and wasn’t just bc it’s ‘op’ for him to have bc not only did he attain them via the admins in the first place but it’s not like the server has issue w players being unfair to each other or (to further individualize the situation) etoiles using those items to ruin the vibe or other people’s experiences on the server . if it is genuinely bc the items are overpowered it doesn’t make much sense story-wise or at all
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bitcell · 7 months
i hope, like if we ever get to a clear end of a major plot line or get to kind of a wrap up point where answers are clear and mysteries are solved, quackity hosts a sort of reveal stream where the admins can tell what they were going for and how plots were imagined to go vs how they ended up, and how they put together the enigmas. because im like the mysteries are so good and so interesting and so well done but i feel like there are so many things that dont have answers and idk if its like were waiting for them to be revealed later or if there was a decision to drop a plot you know? and we know the qsmp plots are meant to be long like how it was revealed that the guy who contacted maxo all those months ago was part of the resistance etoiles is now learning about. but how do they decide that pacing? how is what bagi is doing now going to tie back into other plots? i need to know
i think it's more about how these open endings can be come welcoming doors for other people to join in. when maxo was contacted by the weird guy, if i remember correctly, etoiles wasn't even part of the qsmp yet. if they had wrapped that up, we wouldn't have all the built up of etoiles fighting with the codes until he's invited to be part and work for the federation.
the amazing thing about story-telling on smps that are rp heavy is that the more open endings they give us, the more questions we have, the more you can build on that.
if they give us everything, there's nothing to be tied.
it's like the loose ends are there for somebody to pick them up and continue the thread, not to tie them.
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haphazardcorvid · 8 months
I don't usually post anything about qsmp (or post at all because I have difficulties with communicating myself online, so if the tone or wording is weird or off-putting, I apologise) but I kinda wanted to share some thoughts on how the Meta unintentionally affects the rp, especially in the case of members going missing.
(Also this will be Long. I'm sorry. Concise writing is a gift I do not possess.)
This isn't like, the fault of the members or storyline, but I think it what inevitably happens on a server where RP and planned character lore blur with complete casual play where it's just... Real people interacting. This isn't even really criticism, just observation, because there's really no blame or fixable issue. Nobody is at fault, it's simply A Thing That Can Happen, especially when the server prides itself on spontaneity and leaving the characters AND creators in the dark (which is a thing that overall makes the qsmp really exciting) about the larger lore and other characters lore.
The Meta of real life can really influence the rp reactions, however unintentionally, and I'm mostly noting it in the case of characters going missing. For what I think is the best example, when q!Baghera was missing for AGES, I genuinely think there should have been a much bigger in-character server reaction than the one we saw? Especially considering how active she is and her wide array of friends and family. (Correct me if you saw otherwise, it just seemed more minimal from my non-french speaking pov, maybe I'm wrong).
The issue seems to stem from the creators themselves knowing that the other creator is simply on hiatus because of real life things, and that bleeds into the rp unintentionally, especially when their character didn't see the missing one actually go missing. It felt similar with Jaiden, but also less so, because she wasn't as active as Baghera and wouldn't be interactive for long periods after Bobby's death. She's still a good example though.
So the characters don't know where their friend is or even if they're not around for a bad reason, but the players know the fellow player is doing Stuff and can't come online, and it seems to muddle the rp reaction. Probably because it's not heavy scripted RP - they react blindly to events and often their characters are just extensions of themselves. (Tbh it didn't help with q!Baghera that they just got new people, and then the eggs disappeared, so all other thoughts just flew out the window). I just wish she'd gotten a stronger reaction, and genuinely think real life meta affected that. Like with some perspectives (q!Phil, for example) it was hard to know she was actually Missing missing (nobody mentioned it).
I think this is inevitable when the approach to rp is more heavily Reacting rather than Acting (there's acting too, but qsmp scripting seems to act more like guidelines than dictated interactions). It pops up a lot - when Etoiles was in America (tbf his character is more Lone Wolf, Mr 200k), Jaiden, etc. Then, because that person physically can't come online in real life, and there's often zero clues or puzzles about their whereabouts, it flatlines or peters out until their return because nobody can do anything and their characters don't know anything (often the creators too, it seems, because everyone is very averse to metagaming for good reasons). The casual side of gameplay means it becomes just people waiting for their friend to be available again.
On a funny note, you can get around some of this the Pac Mike way, by simply being kidnapped/vamoosed directly in front of your loved ones/friends. Instant Oh Shit reactions, the possibility for extending angst (q!Pac you sad angsty legend) the whole shebang - although you can still get the side effect of characters seeming to care less too fast, because it blurs with the players just comfortably waiting for their friend to come back from hiatus. In fact, it seems the best way to get a reaction from a Missing storyline is to vanish in front of someone, or leave breadcrumbs before or after the event. The Brazilians do that super well.
This meta bleed could also go the opposite way, which is why I'm so curious about q!Fit and q!Tubbo noticing q!Phil's disappearance. In that case it might mean they notice he's gone (in rp) unnaturally quickly, because they know his schedule of streaming and the fact that he's not going away in real life this week, and that he was most likely going to stream on monday, which could tip them off, but isn't necessarily an in character reason. There are other in rp explanations - he tells them whenever he's going away, they've antagonised the feds, he said he'd be around, etc - but I'm curious about the Meta, because realising today would be very fast. It's why I think it would be good if there were more breadcrumbs left so it isn't so affected by real life (because they could also lean the other way and ignore it too much because of metagaming). Hints or something of that ilk.
There's also the matter of scripting. Like I know Phil and Forever have been messaging about lore to ensure rp etiquette isn't broken and they get to do all the ideas they have planned. It does turn reacting into acting, but eh, I think a good balance of both is necessary, as much as we the audience love genuine shock and discovery. The creators absolutely plan things behind the scenes, and maybe Baghera didn't put so much weight on the rp reactions to her being gone? I don't know their minds, so I can't speculate. Doesn't change what I think about the Meta affecting it though.
I dunno. This is just one long ramble, because I was disappointed in the more lacking reactions to long absences, especially in the case of Baghera, and wanted to dissect one of the things I think is influencing it. I could just be chatting rubbish. It's not a blame game of 'oh they're doing this wrong' but genuinely something I find interesting. I love the server and the way we react to discoveries WITH the creators themselves, not just the characters, it's just an interesting thought. I just wish there had been more storyline connected to other ccs about Baghera being missing, because her lore is SO good. I wanted the Angst, goddamit.
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comradeboyhalo · 9 months
its actually a crime bad doesnt get more op fights 😢 i totally get why the admins cater to etoiles because hes 10x more focused on the fighting element than bad is, and doesn't like heavy rp. but at the same time, it breaks my heart a lil every time bad sounds so jealous about all of etoiles' cool dungeons!
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mihidecet · 7 months
I am experiencing many thoughts head full. I will try to put them in words - consider them observations, theories and like ... plot points? All of this is based on what I have understood and interpreted, so if anything I say is wrong or sounds wrong, please do feel free to correct me.
So, Purgatory day one.
An important prelude is that I was watching Philza, so my POV was of Red team.
I did not get to see it till the end, but I did catch some clips - including the one where he gets killed by Fit while surrounded by others and not even fighting back.
And the cognitive dissonance of seeing Charlie screaming while everyone else was silent was so strong?? I had almost forgotten they all went into separate discord channels.
And like - they never do, at least not that I remember? Even when they were split in teams in past events, they used proximity chat still, right? So they could still hear others.
And the whole thing about collaboration and communication being thrown out the window?
I assume that this is part of the Federation's plan and it is working TOO WELL. Telling them their kids lives are on the line was perfect.
[Potential spoiler if you haven't seen Quackity's stream]
Q was even told he'd be sowing discord between them and such, but like ???? he doesn't even have to do anything.
HOWEVER as I mentioned yesterday (in tags, I was in a hurry) I feel like there is a pretty clear way to approach this situation - and that is collaboration.
Why would they go through all the effort of killing each other and compete when they could simply help eachother? it's not like they're strangers to each other. it's not like they can't communicate.
I'd wager it would potentially be much more easy to complete the tasks if they helped eachother. And from what I remember, the recording did not say anything about not helping eachother.
Furthermore, it would be extremely useful to not have a losing team. And that, to me, is quite obvious since the losing team risks losing their eggs.
And except for BBH and Fit, every parenting group is split between the teams, right?
So why wouldn't, say, all the brazilians want to make sure none of them lost? if any of them did, they'd be risking Richa's life!
With all of this (kinda little and silly) reasoning, what I'm thinking of right now is: if this were to happen (aka if somebody were to try and spark collaboration between teams), who would it be?
The first trio that I thought would do this were Jaiden, Bad and Foolish, since they used to be pretty close in canon - but Jaiden and Foolish are on the same team, and BBH killed Charlie which was in my opinion one of the first pushes to the downfall of team red into chaos and despair (I wish I was exaggerating).
Tina and Foolish, or Phil and Etoiles, are also some people that come to mind as people that bonded really strongly and are not currently on the same team.
Then there's the canon/fanon ships.
I have to admit that I don't know if Cellbit and Roier fought yesterday - and if they did, I don't know how it went.
But after Pac put up posters to keep away Cell and Fit promised to keep him safe ... I cannot imagine Pac would be too thrilled to see Fit looming over him ready to kill.
And like so many others but my brain is not collaborating atm.
The only thing that I think won't happen is any attempt at collaboration coming from red team - they're the underdogs and they got burnt real bad yesterday, so I feel like they'd be extra suspicious of anyone not part of their team. Which is a shame, since they're also some of the most rp heavy players.
Don't really know where I was going with all of this.
I think overall I just hope to see them all together again - yesterday stream was fun but also kinda stressful xD
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