#every time these two interact I can Feel ten years being added to my lifespan I hope their crops flourish forever
yeonban · 6 months
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@isolov asked: do you want to see what i can do? ( kenji asking marin if he wants to see him lift a bus one handed or smth lol )
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Though the runaway stares idly at the group of ruffians seemingly intent on making the poor decision of brandishing their weapons at them, no sooner is the query asked of him than Marin turns his head towards his friend at the speed of sound, almost as fast as the gasp that leaves his mouth at the proposal. ❛ --- Yes!! ❜ He may have seen many abilities of all sorts during his trips abroad, but none of them had stricken him to be quite as heroic as the blond's; nor had any of them given him the same feeling of safety as Kenji's has. Had Kenji not been here with him, after all, he would have long since ran away.
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Whether the foolishness of youth or the excitement of seeing his first friend (properly) in action for the first time is the cause, the glint in Marin's eyes is nonetheless wholly fixated on Kenji's face as he scurries closer, reaching to temporarily grab the other's hands in his own as if entirely forgetting their unpleasant company. This was going to be so cool! ❛ Have you ever tested the limit of your ability, Kenji?? How many kg can you lift? How many people could you hold at the same time? How long can you keep your ability active? ❜
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I read every single Emerald fic on FFN so you don’t have to
There are 66 fics with Emerald listed in the tags. 
First, I took out any fic that was either not in English or actually gameverse, leaving me with 38 fics-- though I will say, the Spanish fics look like they slap
After filtering out “everyone appears” fics (I skimmed them to make sure) I was left with 26 fics. (While I would like to include “everyone appers” fics, I do not have the time nor motivation to read 30,000 words of derring-do and melodramatic heroics seventeen times in a row for Emerald to show up, deliver 2 lines, shoot something, and leave)
From there, I sorted them into various categories based on whether Emerald was a BG character or not, whether the fic had romance, whether Emerald was actually PART of that romance, etc. Then, finally, I was ready. 
Below the cut are the reviews of all twenty six fanfictions!
Category 1: BG Emerald      Every fic needs side characters, whether to provide extra voices or comedic relief or just a foil for the MCs. These fics don’t feature Emerald in a huge capacity, but he’s there and that’s what matters to me. I came into this site expecting anything: third wheel Rald, wingman Rald, Im-only-here-to-complain-about-your-flirting-Rald... I found everything but! It seems the most cliche writers among us don’t like using the Emerald tag, bc the few Frantic-with-BG-Emerald fics with I did find turned out to be spectacular! I’m pleasantly surprised and impressed. 
1. That Special Someone - Team Cap      Cap is on this list like 30 times so get used to it. This fic is mostly about Ruby refusing to shut up about Sapphire and how much he loves her (and how Emerald finds it infuriating). The details of this fic are super cute and the way Ruby and Emerald interact added 3 years to my lifespan, so I highly recommend this one if you want a nice, relaxing read involving the Hoenn boys (dare I say best boys?). In short, read this fic and all of Cap’s other fics while you’re at it.
2. A Picnic - Team Cap      Oh look. It’s Cap again. This fic, surprise surprise, is also good, and while it’s a little more basic than the others (Emerald runs into Ruby/Sapphire at a park and they mess around), it’s still cute and I still love it! Not really much else to say here... but the fic is good and I recommend if you’re in for some light domestic reads. 
3. High Hopes and Checkered Skies - aromatisse      I’ll be honest: my general opinion of frantic fics with BG Emerald is... low. A lot of them shoehorn my poor boy into whatever the plot requires at the cost of his characterization but this fic really surprised me in the best way! This one features Sapphire bringing Ruby to a “special place” the two of them arguing, and Emerald having to patch things up (mature Emerald? I don’t believe it!!). I found this fic while making this list and immediately bookmarked it bc THIS SHIT GOOD FAM. Please read this. 
4. Alpha and Omega- Ruby and Sapphire's Thoughts - Shadoweevee70     Not much to say about this to be honest. It’s exactly what it says on the tin. No plot, no development, not even 500 words. Emerald has a line. I think two. 
5. Boundaries - Team Cap     This fic hurt my heart. Though it focuses on Wally’s one-sided crush on Sapphire, there’s a touch of Emerald in there acting as Wally’s emotional support buddy, which tells me that either Emerald has matured or Hoenn is just devoid of emotionally stable individuals. Regardless, this fic is heartbreaking and beautiful but contains very little Emerald, so therefore I have very little to review. In short... not a lot of Rald, but you should read it anyway. 
6. Summer Days - eonentity      Crystal and Silver go on a “date” and Gold + Emerald try and stop them. It’s cute, it’s honestly kind of creepy if you think about it, and it involves Emerald. While the premise is kind of sketch, the banter between Gold and Emerald is incredible and I really like the general progression of the plot (especially the ending!) This is a very cute fic if you’re looking for something simple to read. Highly recommend, utilizes Emerald as a character really well!
Category 3: MC Emerald (gen)       This... this is my bread and butter baby. These fics run the gamut from friendship to domestic to drabbles to angst and everything in between, but the gist of it is that it includes Emerald as a focus without pairing him off. Not to say this is my favorite category... but it is. I’m biased, sue me. 
1. Family Inclusion - Team Cap      They say to leave the best for last, but I disagree. You’ll realize pretty quickly that Cap is one of my favorite authors to appear in this tag, and this fic is one of her best! I’m focusing on Chapter 3 (that’s the part with Emerald) where he has to entertain a shiny baby Ralts while Ruby and Sapphire are away (everybody say awwww). The fic is stupid cute, and while it doesn’t really offer much in terms of character development or stakes, it’s the type of domestic fluff you can read over and over and still find just precious each and every time. Also... Emerald takes care of a baby pokemon how can you NOT love that. Seriously. Look at this. 
2. At the Amusement Park - Team Cap       Oh wow, another Cap fic I really like. What a surprise. I’m astounded /s. This fic focuses on Emerald’s dilemma of being short at a place where height restrictions mercilessly mock the vertically challenged and how he deals with it with the “help” of Ruby and Sapphire. Though there is background Frantic (which shouldn’t really come as a surprise), this fic mostly focuses on Emerald’s insecurities and his relationship with the trio. It’s introspective, it’s wholesome, I’ve read it six or seven times (I lost count). Regardless, it’s good, and like every other Cap fic on this list, I demand you read it. That is a threat. 
3. Frantic Fight - Puph17      Any fic that drops a line like “margarine is in vogue” within the first three lines is immediately propelled to my top ten fics of all time list and this is clearly no exception. Despite the name, this isn’t franticshipping, just Ruby and Sapphire bickering and Emerald / Wally being annoyed about it. This fic, hands down, is one of the funniest pieces of fanfiction I’ve ever read on this godforsaken site. I am begging you to read this fic, if not for Emerald with a megaphone for the sheet amount of laughter it will cause. This fic may not be deep but it sure as hell is hysterical. ... Well, what are you waiting for? Why are you still here? Go read the fic, we’re wasting daylight. 
4. Weird War - storm-aurora      This is another fic I think I’ve probably read a dozen times and refuse to get tired of. Emerald and Sapphire are having a paintball fight in Slateport market, and I literally could not ask for a better friendship fic. The writing is high quality, the characters are very accurate (altho bc this is fanfic it doesn’t matter all that much), the friendships feel real, they’re having a paintball war.... everything about this is ideal. This is the quality content I live for. Please PLEASE read this fic, you’ll be happy you did. Close this tab and go read it immediately for your sake and mine. 
5. Skydrop - ayasato      Not a lot of people write about Emerald. The ones that do, for whatever reason, seem to do it very, VERY well. This fic, which is so long it might as well be considered an epic, is probably the piece de resistance of Emerald friendship fics. While not as snappy or funny or domestic as some of the other fics in this list, it more than makes up for it with a beautifully built slowburn friendship between Emerald and Sapphire, my favorite take on his living situation I’ve ever seen, and enough introspection to make your high school English teacher swoon. This fic is a must for any Emerald fan, even if it takes like an hour to read in full. It may be long but it’s magnificent.
6. Croissant Kings - ayasato      The fact that this fic is discontinued is irrefutable proof that this is the timeline god abandoned. Emerald and Pearl running a croissant stand is quite possibly the single most absurd fic concept I’ve ever heard but... it works. Somehow? It works. This fic is perhaps, hands down, one of the most ridiculously entertaining concepts and executions I have ever seen in my life. Everything about it, from the setup to the writing to just Emerald being Emerald is so raw and so ridiculous that I smile fondly when I think of it. I wish there were more than 3 chapters, however...
7. Perfect - Micah Debrink      I’m gonna be straight with y’all: I don’t like this fic. I’m not too sure what the plot is, and it was certainly an interesting read, but not my cup of tea. It’s good, don’t get me wrong; the writing is mature, very well paced, and overall well-written, but something about the characterizations is just not vibing with me. Thus, I’m not gonna pretend I thought this fic was perfect (har har) but I will say it’s something you should give a try. I’m admittedly a very biased party, so maybe you’ll enjoy this fic more than I did. For sure give it a shot, because maybe you’ll like it more than I did. This ain’t my jam, but it’s quality preserves nonetheless.
8. Roost - ayasato      This is short and sweet and may have some Sapphire/Emerald crushing if you squint, but overall a fun read. Very short, very good, give it a shot. This author is very high quality and that’s that on that. 
9. One Day - Jian-Kenkoku      This is short yet again but has a super interesting (if poorly explained) premise: Emerald gets adopted by Gold / his mom! This short oneshot details his first day, and while it is a tad rushed, it gives me the Emerald family content I have been sorely lacking. Not sure if this is one of my “reread until my eyes bleed” fics, but it’s certainly worth the trouble of reading through! It’s very cute and I recommend!
10. Emerald: Lying to Himself - reminiscent-afterthought        Very poetic and extremely well-written, but less than 200 words. This fic took me thirty seconds to read and it feels like time well spent. Please read it, even if for the sole reason that it’s super short. It’s also a super poetic way to talk about the Emerald arc. 
11. Go Away Gold! - jayfeatherelle      Ah yes, the “little brother enlists the help of a prankster to keep apart his sister and her boyfriend” trope... This may be cliche, but it sure as hell was enjoyable! Emerald enlists the help of Meddler Blue (side note: where did this trope come from bc she never does anything in canon that would be qualified as meddling other than just messing with Red at any given opportunity). Anyway, this fic is adorable, has a lesson at the end (that surprised me), had a really mature conclusion, and gave me Blue / Emerald friendship I really didn’t know I needed. In short? This is a cliche done well. It’s predictable, sure, but that’s not a bad thing! If anything, it’s a great nostalgic read. 
12. What if: Emerald never met Crystal - LetEveryoneOveraRip        This fic stole the last little bit of hope I didn’t even know I still had. You thought it couldn’t get more violent or sad? You were wrong. Everyone dies. This fic made me sad for like 45 minutes and I feel emotionally manipulated. I guess I should have seen this coming. Not much else to say except that this fic made me really sad, which, of course it did, but I still feel cheated out of a happy ending regardless. 
13. Emerald Owner’s Guidance and Maintenance Manual - Pokerescue18    Nothing happens in this fic. It’s literally an instruction manual and it’s well written and all but also has no plot. It is quite literally what it says in the title, so perhaps this should have been obvious but even still, I was left confused after reading this. I think I need a nap. 
14. Through My Eyes - Kaith1    Relationship angst that hurt my heart. This is less than 400 words so again, took me only around a minute to leave but the emotional impact scarred me for life. Very well done! This fic details Emerald’s inner turmoil as Gold and Crystal get together and Emerald worries he’ll be abandoned again. While I do feel like Emerald hating the two of them for getting together is a little ehhh, this fic does a great job of showing why Emerald would be so upset about it and his inner motivations for being so hurt by it. While I don’t agree, the author made me “get it” a little more, and for that I say bravo! 
15. At the Fair - IanDonyer      This one is short and focuses on Emerald meeting a security guard at a Halloween fair kinda deal. It’s also one of the first Emerald fics on FFN, released far before the remakes even came out! While obviously it doesn’t contain much in terms of character development, it also was written with only the Emerald arc to go off of-- so I can easily overlook any character inconsistencies. That being said, this fic is really cute and uses the OC pov really well! If you’re looking for a blast from the past, check this fic out! 
Category 4: Emerald shipping fics      On the rare occasion where the blue moon hangs melancholy in the sky, the planets align, and starlight rains down from the heavens... someone ships Emerald with another character. Romantically. Not sure where the aversion to shipping him came from, but for whatever reason everyone prefers him single. These authors, these brave knights, they’re changing that. Hell yeah for romance. 
1. Left Out - RedCharmeleon       Not to be like “this fic is painfully straight...” but yknow. Emerald is upset at Gold/Crystal’s wedding because he’s the only single one and needs a girlfriend. There’s also a “what are you, gay?” joke in here, which soured my mood for the rest of the fic. I’ll be honest, I never really liked the “all male protag / female protag ships and then taking Silver, Pearl, and Emerald and pairing them off with OCs” deal, so I’m heavily biased against this fic, but the writing is decent and the plot is fine. If you enjoy this style of plot (everyone needs to be paired up, blushing galore, love at first sight, everyone acts like they stumbled out of a hallmark movie script) then this is the fic for you!
2. Glances - Diemerald      A collection of drabbles about Emerald and Wally becoming friends and falling in love. I’ve read it seven times now. While the plot is a tad disjointed because of the format, this author really NAILS Emerald’s character. Emerald (and Wally) show a lot of growth between the snippets and god it’s so beautiful I need more of it. Please read this fic. Tell your neighbors about this fic. This fic is fantastic. 
2. Revolvershipping Cuddles - Charmerruby     You’re never gonna guess what this one is about. It’s very cute but it’s literally just fluff. Very cute, like marshmallows. This is kinda short so there isn’t really much to say, but I will am starving for Emeruby content, so though this be but little, it be fierce. And fluffy. Did I mention cute? This fic is so filled with love my heart grew three sizes after reading it. I could keep calling it adorable, but I don’t think that’s productive. Spend the time reading this fic instead. 
3. Misunderstandings - Pokeluv101      Reading this was very weird because I know the person who made the OC the story is centered around. Reading even the names thrust me so violently back into my middle school days I can almost taste the edge. It’s very good, and I suggest giving it a read even if you’re not a huge dexholder/OC fan. Also tsun Emerald is good Emerald. 
4. Unexpected - Diemerald     A fic about Emerald and Yellow falling in love. Not exactly my cup of tea so I skimmed it but this author is really good so it’s a great fic, even if it’s not to my tastes. I suggest giving it at least a once over because this author worked hard and I respect them, even if this isn’t really... my thing. Check it out!
5. Big Changes - Aquatales     You know how I said I would read every Emerald fic? I lied. This one is about Emerald getting genderbent and immediately shipped with Wally against his will by his friends. Reading the summary gave me hives and I could not bring myself to read it in full.
Final Thoughts      While I’ll be honest and say that I did find some of the the cliche fics I was expecting, I was incredibly and happily surprised to discover that more often than not, the people who bother to publish Emerald fics really care about his character and publish some pretty high quality stuff, and that’s pretty damn cool. There are shipping fics, BG Emerald fics, MC Emerald fics, and most of them are pretty fantastic! Way to go spe fandom writers, you did my boy justice, all..... 10 of you.
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colony22graphics · 4 years
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            ❝Shine on,                  diamond.❞
◆ member since: nov. 22, 2013 ◆ longest character: alexander donovan ◆
@alexander-donovan, Well, here we go. 
Rory, there's no way on earth I could possibly describe what you've done for this community. Aside from making it all in the first place, constructing the post-apocalyptic sandbox we all hold so dear, you also pay attention to how it's executed---from basic principles of operation and how we ought to respect each other as players, down to the smallest, weirdest headcanon. It matters to you---which I think is probably the best way to summarize your energy and wisdom, the Rory-ness of it all: 
Things matter. People matter. Caring matters. 
In a world where we're pretty damn used to moving from one diversion to the next at a moment's notice, you make something that's absolutely set apart by saying, resolutely and passionately, that what we do here really matters.
And you're right, to think that. If you need any further proof that you---Rory---matter, you can look at me writing this damn letter (and swearing every three sentences, sorry). But you in your extremely Ro way, said hey, six years fucking matters, and so do all the people we play with, so let’s get mushy on the main and tell them. And I can tell you to your face you're right and this was a stellar idea because... I do that now. Because of your influence, I'm a better person, one who does actually try and tell people what I think. 
You challenge people to care, and to translate their caring into something others can recognize, and reciprocate. You’re never afraid to point out the importance of saying things and leaving a meaningful mark, becoming an active part of our community instead of staying in our own heads (as introverts on the internet are prone to doing).
You're also a hell of a writer, which is inspirational in itself, and I can’t leave that out of it. Your dedication to your characters, to their motivations and struggles, shines through in every post you make, and you don't let fear or insecurity take root or stop you from doing what you love. You know it's not about achieving perfection, but about collaboration and growth. The way we write is an exercise in discipline and embracing the joys of language, it's not meant to be fine art (though a lot of the stuff you come up with off the cuff blurs the line between the two on a regular basis.) It's really very rude how talented you are. 
I won't talk too much more about you and me personally because you already know it pretty well, but I will mention that when I offered to help out with tech stuff, you don't even know how impossible being a full mod felt for me, at the time. I'd just come out of some rough experiences and was ready to never do that again. But over the years, you gave me steps that I could take only when I felt comfortable, and let me accept only the responsibility that I thought I could manage (though you always told me you knew I was more than capable of handling it). In a very real way, with your patience and understanding, you gave me back my confidence, and my willingness to be vulnerable. That's something I won't ever forget.  
You have my respect and my friendship, always.
And dear lord, if Tumblr has managed not to self-destruct in the next five or ten years, I really hope we're still around doing this shit. No place I'd rather be.
Love you, Ro.
<3 Lottie.
(Oh, by the way, I took the liberty of adding something else, under the cut. I knew that I would never be able to cover everything, and that I’d run out of words, so I turned to others to fill in the gaps and maybe it’ll help convey it all a little more properly. Many thanks to everyone.)  ❤
         —-     Happy Colony 6th Anniversary      —-
     RO, YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE GIFT. I’m incredibly grateful all those years ago I saw that Bones bio and decided to join this crazy little family because that is exactly what you have created with the Colony: You have made a family. You have always been a pleasure to write with, a hard-working and careful admin, and now this second go-round I'm happy to call you a good friend. I wanted to mirror your sentiment on my anniversary post, it is amazing how time rewards our patience with this second meeting! I owe you a very real debt because thanks to this group when a friend let me down whilst I was on a different goddamn continent, thanks to you, I found Cassie there to help me out! The group is an extension of you: thoughtful, kind, emotional, and funny as hell.                                                                                                             - Nicola
     Rory, your dedication to the Colony (and previously Belvedere) astounds me every day. Writing with you is an absolute joy, thank you for all that you do for us!!                                                                                                             - Cassie
     RO HOLY COW!! It's insane to think of being part of something so wonderful for so long, I can't imagine how proud you must be to call this place home. I absolutely love writing with every character I've gotten to interact with, you approach your characters and this RPG with such a passion, it's always made getting to be part of it all the more special to me! To many years to come!                                                                                                              - Molly
     The things I admire most about you are your kindness, your compassion, your understanding and the way you always make the best of a situation. You've been nothing but welcoming and kind to me since I've had the privilege of joining this insanely talented and incredible group, and every day I am in awe of the love and care and detail you pour into the rpg. You have been so supportive over these past few months, every day I consider myself insanely lucky to have met you. I adore you and I'm so happy for you that you've come so far in your own personal journey, you truly do deserve all the happiness in the world.                                                                                                             - Lou
     Ro, you’re an absolutely wonderful mod and person. I’ve never met a more dedicated and creative mod in all my years on this website. You’re an astounding writer and creator who leaves me wanting to be better. You’re a wonderful person to write with and an even better friend. I love you and all the work you do for everyone in this group. Thank you for creating this fantastic place and starting this wonderful family.                                                                                                              - Lee
     Thanks for always being so open and welcoming! It's been such a blast writing with you.                                                                                                             - Ren
     Your commitment to this game and its players is absolutely next level, and it shines through in literally everything you do for us. I haven’t felt so at home and so comfortable in an RP in such a long time, possibly ever, and I know so much of that has to do with the amazing environment (both IC and OOC) you’ve spent such a long time painstakingly and lovingly cultivating. This RP wouldn't be the incredible space it is without such an incredible and dedicated team of mods. I hope you know how much I appreciate all you do, and how much I flippin' love ya!                                                                                                              - Alex
     Rory, you're a perfect admin and an amazing friend! You've always made me feel so welcome here, from day one, and my heart feels warm and fuzzy when I think of you. I utterly adore all your characters and your writing is just brilliant, it's always so much fun to brainstorm and write and plot with you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!                                                                                                              - Ellie
     When an rp has a lifespan of not just a year or two, but SIX FREAKIN YEARS, you must look to your leader. Ships don’t sail without a captain, and you have been the most loyal, loving, and adventurous captain to your crew. Congratulations on this amazing accomplishment, love. xoxo.                                                                                                              - Amy
     Rory, I just wanted to thank you for how welcome you've made me feel since I joined the group. It takes a special person to be an admin (dedicated, patient, and just a little bit weird), and the six years you've been running this group is a testament to how well you do it. You've got incredible creativity and passion, and I know I'm not the only one that feels so lucky to write with you in this world you've built. Congratulations on six years! Here's to many more.                                                                                                             - Nick
     RORUUUUU. I literally have no idea where my life would be now if I'd never met you. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you inspire me to be braver and stronger and more self-loving. Thank you for being my friend even after all these years.                                                                                                             - Mika
I don’t think I can concisely put into words how much you mean to me, but I’ll try: we first met in 2012 and through all these years you’ve continually inspired me with your talent and hard work. You’re more than just an incredible friend, you’re an ICONIC leader that has the determination and talent to keep this group running for six amazing years (with the help of your equally talented and wonderful co-mod, naturally, wink wonk). The Colony is a family to me, and I think to all of us, even before it’s a writing group. It couldn’t be what it is today without someone as tirelessly understanding and creative at its helm. You’re an absolute gift, you’ve been there for me through thick and thin, and I’m grateful every day that I get to call you a friend.                                                                                                             - Maddie
     Ro, you have been so kind and amazing since day one! You have this astonishing energy and a kindness that honestly makes the colony feel like another home. You’re such a phenomenal writer, and have made this rp a community like no other. I can’t quite put into words how much I appreciate you, and how much effort you put into everything you do. You’re so talented and I feel incredibly lucky to say I’m a part of this community. Thank you for being you. xxx.                                                                                                             - El
     The Colony has been a living, breathing world in which to create, and the key piece - creativity - is embedded in your DNA. You aren't just an enthusiastic mod. In some aspects you are the Col. I know you want everyone to feel included and allowed to be inspired by the writing of others rather than hemmed in by rules and egos so many other groups have. Thank you for throwing all your characters at me when one of mine has some wild scheme. I've said before your writing is cinematic in its expression and it always challenges me to want to (try to) write on a higher level. I'm grateful to have you as a sounding board when I get stuck in the mud of my own self-doubt with writing. Thank you for just being a friend as well and letting me ramble too. It is impossible to sum up this wildest of rides out of all my writing adventures so, much love, as always. xx.                                                                                                             - Cat
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evadnyx · 6 years
Eev’s Bell (A Short Story)
When a man moves on to the afterlife, it is said that they hear a soothing bell chime, like a distant toll from above, as though a ringing from the Gates of Heaven.
We’re not entirely sure why we were made.
We’re magical beings, you see, and our purpose is what keeps us alive. It is now the 21st century in the humans’ sense of time and the mermaids, gargoyles, dragons, elves, and dwarfs have all vanished, along with so many others. They’ve lost their purpose in the human realm, and Echidna was commanded to extirpate her own children when the Olympians found it fit. All monsters are aware of this, and most of us have accepted that such time would befall us all one way or the other.
Our kind had come to existence around the time the humans appeared. We constantly fear that Zeus would order our mother to annihilate our kind soon but nevertheless we continue to thrive as the Fates keep our threads intact…for now.
Ha-ha. The humans are so much more pitiful though. With such a limited lifespan of only a century at most, I truly wonder how they make the most of it. We Helvs are able to live for up to ten times longer than them, and ours is a rather short lifespan already as most monsters can live up to fifty times more. Yet, the gods favor them so much. If anything, the monsters are only made to exist for these insufferable beings to slay, to capture, or to marvel upon like some sort of display!
Just how cruel must the gods be to our kind? What grave wrongdoings have done to them? Must we be treated as such, as though mere accents to spice up the lives of these easily dying fools?
The Helvs know more than any other monster how quickly these men pass on to Hades’ realm. After all, we rang the bells. We ring the bells that summon Thanatos to fetch the detached human souls before He led them to the After Life. My hatred for the humans fed my love for ringing the bells. I knew no greater pleasure than to see one less despicable soul on the face of Gaea. I felt a sense of pride whenever it was my bell that summoned the great Thanatos. The satisfying chime of the protrusion on my back reverberates to my ears down to the core of my being, making my body hiss like a tub being filled with steaming water after eagerly waiting all day for the onsen to open.
Yet, these pleasurable moments came so few to me. I’ve now lived two centuries with my mother and father who were now both at their ninth. We lived under the floorboards of a human’s vacation home. Being far from the hustle and the bustle of busy city streets (where so many humans die almost everyday) has made my bell ring but only once.
My mother insisted that we live in such a decrepit place. “It makes it easier for us to hide,” she’d said. “And we’re always guaranteed to be around a human from within a hundred meters if we stay here.”
I agreed with her on the part that we don’t have to deal with so many repugnant human beings everyday (other than the part that monsters must remain in hiding in this age…or else meet Echidna) BUT it made me feel so unfulfilled! After tasting the pleasure of my bell ringing a century ago, I’ve since felt like an addict who has been deprived of his dose.
I starve.
I thirst.
Each ticking second from that god-awful clock in the living room made my heart race in anticipation, made my eardrums crave that sweet sound which encapsulated me in sublime ecstasy just one. More. Time.
However, they did not want to leave. There was no convincing them.
“These are trying times, Eev. Monsters aren’t allowed to be as rampant as we were back then,” Mother said.
“We may be small, but the fact that we look like tiny humans will wreak chaotic curiosity if humans find out about our existence--or even worse--capture and experiment on us!” Father replied.
“Oh, golly! Anything but that! That would guarantee our species’ annihilation! That’s why we must lay low, Eev. Let us stay here…where we are safer.”
“There are no safe places anymore!” I exclaimed. “Why must we hide? Why must we hide?! WHY?! I refuse! I will not stay here and rot!”
I ran out of the house and into the forest. Far, far away, I thought. I would go to a place plagued with dying humans…
As I kept running, my parents running and shouting after me gradually fade in the distance behind me.
My feet started to feel like lead; my breath ragged.
I was forced awake when I heard my name. Where was I?
“Oh, thank goodness,” my mother gasped and hugged me tightly.
“Don’t you EVER do that again, young lady! If it weren’t for the kind forest spirits that found you collapsed on the ground, you could’ve died.”
Oh. Now I remember. I had run away from home out of frustration. I had forgotten the fact that being out of 100 meters from a human weakened us and made us slowly die. The thought made me bitter. I hated the humans so much I wish they’d just all die, yet I was ironically dependent on them to stay alive.
“Yes, Mother. I won’t do it again,” I answered, while hot tears fell down my cheeks.
The days passed by without a hitch (nor a ring of a bell). I delighted my parents, of course, that I had suddenly become an obedient daughter--yet they were left unaware of what I did behind their backs.
The human vacation home where we resided had only one occupant--a maid, who spent her days routinely cleaning the whole house if she wasn’t eating or sleeping. A delivery man occasionally visited to supply her with food (from which we stole during the night) but lately (perhaps because she was now a middle-aged woman) she took naps more frequently, not to mention she slept longer for every passing day. We lurked and stole food during the night and slept during the day, but as of late I had been secretly observing the human as my parents slept. I have attempted about seven times now, to try and kill her--all in hopes of making my bell ring--but to no avail. She had managed to dodge every single time.
The days have begun to get warmer again. Summer. I’ve lived for so long a time I’ve lost track of the summers that passed me by. It’s been the 23rd day since I started keeping an eye on the human until it hit me: SUMMER!
Summer has finally arrived again! The time when it wasn’t just this measly and old yet does-not-easily-die hag who was in the house. The time when the vacation home was teeming with humans. The time when my bell first rang.
Ah, that heavenly memory! It was time for it yet again! Year after year I’d pray to the gods for summer to quickly arrive, and year after year I was always left disappointed…but the ringing memory thumped in my ears so loudly whenever summer was around. The memory of the sound would ring so clearly in my head I’d begin to doubt if it was now actually real, and that kept me all hyped up.
It was a woman of old age, the human my bell rang for. She had come to the vacation home that summer a century ago with her children, grandchildren, and a lot more relatives. She was constantly sitting on a chair with wheels while it was maneuvered by a young lady. I could remember the downcast teary expression of the young lady as she gazed down on the old woman, but the old one always had on her face a smile--a genuine smile--I could sense it.
3 A.M. My bell rang.
It felt like every nerve of my being was jolted by a thousand bolts of lightning. It was painful. I cried and wailed, unaware of what was happening to me…
“The pain will pass, Eev. Hold on,” my Mother whispered soothingly as she embraced me tightly.
“This is what we’ve been created by the gods to do. Endure it,” my Father added, his reassuring hand gripping my shoulder tightly.
I’m a Helv, I’m a Helv, I thought over and over in my head to try to forget the pain. I’m a Helv and this is my purpose.
After what felt like forever, the bell attached on my back stopped ringing and my whole body relaxed. I felt like jelly and I collapsed on my Mother’s arms. She made me sit down and said, “Tomorrow in this same hour, your bell would ring again and your purpose would be complete. Rest now, my dear, and do not fret. The second won’t feel anything like this.”
Soon, my Father moved me to lie down on the mattress. I tried to close my eyes to sleep but I felt so awake. I couldn’t name the sensation at first but I soon realized that I was subconsciously craving for the second bell, even if the first was unbearably painful. Even if I didn’t know for sure how the second one would feel. Even if I could barely twist or turn in bed with the unfathomable pain that still lingered.
I lay there staring at the ceiling, my body aching with pain and longing.
How long have I been waiting?
How much longer still?
Without warning, all pain was gone from me. I stood up, astonished from my newfound strength.
That was before I caught sight of the tall dark hooded figure looming over me.
In the flesh.
I was finally seeing the god of death Himself. I hated the humans. I hated the gods. But Thanatos was different. I held so much respect for Him. It was because although the gods spoke of favor to men, they hardly interacted with them. However, Thanatos did that. He knew the aggravation of actually dealing with humans like we did. Everyday. If I’m not mistaken, he probably does not rest even for a second before another person dies elsewhere in the world…
He looked at me for a moment longer before he proceeded to the old woman’s room. That’s when I realized the other humans were wailing in grief, and I knew it was that lady who always pushed the old woman’s chair whose cries reverberated throughout the household.
It was but a few minutes later when Thanatos walked out of that room, the old woman’s soul in tow and in mere moment they’d vanished.
It was done.
I had fulfilled my purpose--on to the next soul.
Suddenly, my mother came rushing to me. The sight of the god had almost made me forget I wasn’t the only Helv here.
“Did you see Him, Mother? Did you see Him, Father?” I asked, unable to contain my bliss.
“We’ve seen Him countless times before,” Mother replied. “But only the Helv whose bell rings can see Him when He arrives, Eev.”
“You’ve done well, my dear,” my Father told me.
To lay eyes on Thanatos gave us Helvs inexplicable rapture and fulfillment. It was Thanatos that blessed Helvs’ souls, it was the sight of Him that made us anticipate and hunger to see another man die. What I would give to have a human die today!
Tires screeched on the pavement outside the house.
They have arrived!
I ran outside, not daring to wake my parents up and as soon as I stepped outside I hid in the bushes. I watched closely as they filed out of the car one by one. First, three kids came rushing out and ran so fast into the house. Next, a couple, the man caressing his partner’s bulbous belly. Two teenage girls giggling at each other and one teenage boy staring and fiddling intensely at a box he held with both hands. Lastly, two more couples in their middle ages.
The van they rode must’ve been rented, because soon enough it drove away.
My heart sank.
This summer yet again was a disappointment.
I sneaked back into our house under the floorboards, my parents already awake.
“They’re here now, aren’t they? How many children came with them?” Mother asked.
“Yes. There were three.”
“Three!” she exclaimed. “We must be very careful now. The children are able to sense our presence. Thankfully, we’ve stored enough food to last us the summer. Do NOT leave this room now, Eev. Do you understand? We must hide until they leave,” my Mother ranted on.
“Yes, mother,” I said and sighed a little.
My father noticed that and told me, “Don’t worry, Eev. You’ve barely been a Helv for long. This might not be the year your bell rings again but it soon will. I promise.”
I just gave him a small smile and we all went to bed. It was still morning, after all.
The days passed without events and for a moment I’d even forgotten the feeling of anticipating my bells’ ringing. I had to wait another summer to be fired up again.
All we did now is eat and sleep, and sometimes cleaning up our abode. Summers bitterly reminded us that this is how lowly the monsters have become: creatures forced in hiding.
Day breaks again and we get ready for bed. I hope I dream of that day again, I thought.
However, before I could shut my eyes, a sharp pain jabbed my back. It was 12:51.
“Ack!” I screamed in pain.
My bell was ringing! IT. WAS. RINGING!
I was still screaming even as my mother gave me cloth to bite on and muffle my cries.
It was no longer as painful as the first time around, but my longing for the second bell only grew stronger.
As the ringing ceased to a stop, I was finally able to try and think of who was about to die. The children were healthy. The teenagers, too. One of the middle-aged ones must be suffering a terminal disease, I thought. Eaither way, it didn’t matter.
I would see Thanatos again, I thought as I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.
Sirens wailing woke me up. It was 12:36, only a few more minutes before my second bell would ring. My strength still hadn’t returned to me, but I still hadn’t figured out whose death I was ringing for. It bothered me so much I stood up from my bed and walked limply but quietly.
I saw a couple of medics rush through the front door and enter the only lit room in the house at this hour. It was the same room where the old woman had died a century ago.
“We must do it here now or she’s never going to make it!” I heard from inside the room.
“I don’t trust you. Their lives are at stake!” another man replied in an exasperated tone.
“Even if we rush her to the hospital now, it’s too high a risk. The hospital’s too far away, sir, please,” the first responded.
“Please…please just…save her,” a woman’s weak voice said in between sobs.
For a few moments no one spoke and only the sound of sure footsteps, wheels, and metals clinking against metals could be heard. They had probably began operating now, but my head still couldn’t figure out who was going to die tonight. And why did the second man keep saying “they”?
My face paled.
No. No. No. Not this.
Unannounced, my second bell rang and my strength came rushing back. In an instant, Thanatos was right in front of me.
I did not feel bliss. I did not feel a single emotion akin to the first time I saw Him. For the first time, I felt sorry for a human. A human! Can you believe it?!
For the first time, my hatred for the humans was replaced by my respect for all creatures under the gods’ reign. Just as we were unfairly judged by Echidna if we didn’t follow the gods’ will, the humans were faced with their own unfair judgment as well. I was overcome with despair.
I went down on my knees before Thanatos and barely managed to utter, “My lord…won’t you spare this life?”
He looked at me for quite a long time before he spoke, “Not even Time stops for Death.”
Helpless, I could only look on as He entered the room.
I listened closely, still hoping to hear it.
But there was no baby’s cry. Just a woman’s tormented scream.
 Author’s Note:
This story made numerous references to creatures from Greek mythology and the Japanese word onsen. Onsen was deliberately mentioned in the story to give a hint that the story takes place in Japan. Also, the idea of the Helvs was derived from the Japanese animated film, “The Secret World of Arrietty” (Studio Ghibli).
Onsen – Japanese hot spring
Echidna – a half-woman, half-snake creature in Greek mythology; also known as the “mother of all monsters” as she gave birth to most of the Greek mythical creatures
Olympians – a group of 12 great gods (including Zeus) that are above all the other gods hence their word must absolutely be followed by the lesser gods
Zeus – the King of the gods; he is the highest deity in Greek mythology
Gaea – in Greek mythology, she is the personification of Earth itself
Thanatos – god of Death; although Hades is the ruler of the Underworld in Greek mythology, it is the god Thanatos that oversees the souls that have passed onto the After Life
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blazardragon · 7 years
What are your least favourite and most favourite Assassination classroom pairings?
You know, usually when I see a post or meme about fandom, Imust nod my head in embarrassment and agreement. I get absolutely ecstatic whenmy favorite characters appear on screen for even a single millisecond, and Ifeel like sobbing tears of joy whenever something good happens to them.However, one of the only things where I feel like I’m not on the same page asthe rest of Tumblr is pairings. I’m just not much of a shipper. Mentor/student,parent/child, and sibling relationships have always been the strongest forcesin my life, not romance, so those are the relationships that tend to capture myheart. Hence all the Asano family antics in my art. I’ve actually contemplatedmany times making artwork for this ship or that ship, but I get artist blockwhenever I try to actually make something.
A side effect of my lack of shipping is that arguments aboutOTPs and NOTPs confuse me. I know that chemistry doesn’t occur between everypair of individuals, but it doesn’t bother me to see a character paired withdifferent characters. I’m always happy to see my favorites interact with othercharacters since those interactions bring out different aspects of theirpersonality, so seeing a wide range of ships for a single character is excitingfor me, not anger-inducing. That being said, I do have a few preferencesregarding pairings, which you can read under the cut if you’re curious about myopinions, but they’re mostly based on character representation. It’s a littlelong though. I divided it into three categories instead of two: my mostfavorites, my least favorites, and my non-negotiable nopes  
My most favorites (andothers I like)
Anything featuring my favorite characters being happy to behonest. They can suffer a bit too, pain is part of what makes them who they areafter all, but as long as I see my favorite characters getting attention andlove (from both the character they’re interacting with and the writer/artistbehind the scenes), I’m as happy as a clam. The only exception is if the shipinvolves what I listed under my nopes.
Examples of ships involving my faves that I have had the privilegeto enjoy include:  
Gakuho x Karasuma:Since Karasuma is even more serious and reserved than Gakuho, I get to watchGakuho put some effort into this ship. Also, Gakuho teases Koro and Gakushuu inthe canon sometimes, yet even though I’m sure he would have done the same withKarasuma, who’s probably the easiest character to joke around with, it neverhappened. This ship fixes that.
Gakuho x Korosensei:I’ve always loved the way Gakuho calmly accepts Koro’s spazztastic antics inthe canon, so seeing that expanded upon is fantastic. The mutual respect theyhold for each other is also a big plus. Bonus points because Korosensei is alsoone of my favorite characters of all time.
Gakushuu x Karma:Where I get to see Gakushuu’s fiery side. I’m pretty competitive myself, so I likerivals in general. They can both challenge and support each other to do betteras equals.
Gakushuu x Kevin: Ilove how Kevin attempted to defend Gakushuu in the canon, so seeing this big,warm-hearted American boy bring Gakushuu’s feelings out a bit more makes mesmile.
Gakushuu x Nakamura:I like seeing Gakushuu interact with her because they’re both successfulacademically, yet their core values couldn’t be more different. Nakamura wantedto be normal, but Gakushuu wants to be as exceptional as possible, and thatclash of ideals is fascinating. I’m sure they could both learn a lot from eachother and grow to appreciate each side.  
But you could probably write a story about the Asanosand a cactus and I’d probably like it. I’m really not picky. None of these haveto be romantic for me to enjoy them either.
 There are a lot of ships I like that don’t need to involve myfavorite family as well. All you need to do is draw/write a healthyrelationship about any set of characters in AssClass and I’ll probably like it.Examples include:
Takaoka x GoD (2ndgen):  Two characters that I didn’t reallycare about in the canon. I didn’t feel like I had anything in common with them,nor did either of them ever inspire me to become a better person. That’s about theworst start a pair of characters could have in my heart, and yet there’s somuch fanart of them having fun together that the pair now feels canon to me. They’relike the friendly, happy newlyweds living next door, and I feel like I mustsupport them.
Mimura x Sugaya: There’susually at least one reason to like each student in Class E. In the case ofthese two, I always have a soft spot for artistically inclined characters. Watchingthem draw out each other’s creativity and inspire each other to keep reachinghigher is something that resonates with me. Maybe it’s because my sister is anartist. ��
Terasaka x Takebayashi:Going to maid cafes together seems like a great way to bond. These guys share aunique common interest in spite of their physical differences, which I findquite compelling.
Yuuji x Nagisa:Yuuji really grew as a person after meeting with Nagisa, and I’m sure there’sroom for even more growth. They both seem like rather gentle people too, so readingabout them hang out and relax, whether as friends or as more, is prettyenjoyable.
There’s a lot more, but these are the ones I get to enjoythe most since they end up on my dash a lot ^^;
My least favorites (whichare still negotiable)
Gakushuu x Lea:  It feels weird to say this because I’m theone who posted the English translation of Korotan C, but it felt like Lea wasintroduced as a character solely to give Gakushuu a female love interest. I don’twant to be too harsh on her since she barely had a chance at character developmentto begin with, but I never got a chance to love this girl. I generally don’tlike forced relationships for the sake of having relationships, and it’s a forcedrelationship involving my orange son, so this is probably the closest I’ll everget to having a NOTP. However, if someone were to appear in the fandom and startwriting fics or drawing fanart depicting the growth of their relationship in acompelling manner, I could probably grow to like even this ship.
The only other pairing that comes to mind as one that I feelless than neutral about has more to do with one of the characters more than theship itself. In spite of the mutual respect established by Karma and Nagisa inthe canon, why is Nagisa treated so disrespectfully so very frequently inKarmagisa works? I’m sure that Nagisa would be able to protect and provide forKarma as much as Karma could for Nagisa. I don’t dislike Karmagisa as a concept,but I do dislike it when Nagisa devolves into a crying sex toy, and thathappens enough for me to hold a certain level of fear in my heart when I seefanfiction tagged Karmagisa. Have mercy on Nagisa.
Non-Negotiable Nopes(or NNNopes)
I love Gakuho. It’s been ten years since I’ve loved a characteras much as I love Gakuho, but boy oh boy, looking through his fanfiction islike stepping through a minefield. He somehow manages to cover all of my nopes.For example:
Teacher x Student:  I really like mentor/student relationships,but not THOSE kinds of relationships. Mentors are there to unselfishly supporttheir students, but adding sex/romance to their relationship adds an element ofselfishness that really shouldn’t be there. And yet, Gakuho keeps gettingshipped with Isogai.  This same line ofreasoning also applies to Parent x Child relationships.
Relationships withNon-Con:  I’m pretty much okay with anysituation if the characters are okay with it. Similarly, I hate reading thingswhere one of the characters doesn’t like it. Simple.  I’ve read some fics where Gakuho startsphysically torturing someone (usually Gakushuu, goddammit), and I nope out ofthere as fast as I can, but I still feel like I lost a few minutes of mylifespan.  
I’m not going to personally track down a person’s blog and sendanonymous hate messages to anyone for writing these. Exploring differentemotions, even the darkest, is probably a necessity for some people to understandand tackle their own darkness. It probably takes some practice to write aboutdark themes in a responsible way too, I’m sure (I’ve never written a fic so I’mactually not sure). But will I ever read any of these? NOOOOPE  
 Thanks for the ask :D  I hope it doesn’t feel like I dodgedthe question since I didn’t list any ‘most favorite’ pairings, but these are myhonest feelings on the subject. I like a lot of characters in AssClass, so aslong I feel like those characters don’t get horribly misrepresented, and aslong as they look happy together, then I’m happy too. And if it involves acharacter I love, I love it!  
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