#evoking the cat gods power had cursed us as well (lena facts)
amoungwildflowers · 4 years
Lena & Simone Facts :: Lena’s favorite holiday is Halloween. She loves the spooky vibes the holiday gives off and she enjoys making sweet treats and candy inspired by the holiday. She likes to deck out the Manor in Halloween Decor, even though not many people get to see the stuff. She also likes dressing up in cool costumes.
Some years, she’ll go to the mainland and pass out candy to some of the children - most of which having been homemade by Lena herself.
Halloween is the only holiday that she and Simone openly celebrate. They tend to ignore most of the main stream ones and often stick to their own traditions holiday wise.
One holiday in particular is one that is similar to thanksgiving. It takes place a day after the harvest moon and lasts a few days. The women have a celebration of sorts and decorate the house. Lena cooks a lot of home cooked food and they feast for days as a way of saying thank you to the cat god. Simone also has Lena prepare many cat safe dishes that they share with the many cats that live on the island.
On occasion they will celebrate the 4th of July, but the women do not participate in the lighting off of Fireworks. It’s too dangerous to do such a thing on the island and it does tend to scare off the cats. Instead, they have a nice home cooked meal and recite the pledge of elligence.
Lena has also gone to marti-gras a few times in the past, but it is not something she does every year. Simone never goes with her to that event and the blonde prefers to stay on the island.
Simone is not as big on the holidays as Lena is and prefers not to fuss over them. The only one that really holds meaning to her is the one that makes place after the harvest moon. The rest of them she could care less about.
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amoungwildflowers · 4 years
5, 24, 34 ( unusual headcanons for Lena )
5. how many blankets / pillows do they like to have on their bed?
Lena’s bed has many blankets and pillows on it. Most of them are just for show, to make her room look nice. She’s got a sheet pulled over her mattress with another thin sheet laying atop of that one. Followed by that is another blanket - this one a bit thicker than the sheet. Over that is a thick hand made quilt. At the end of her bed is a folded up knitted blanket. She has two plain pillows with white cases covering them. Followed by two larger decorative pillows that rest on top of them. In front of the decorative pillows are two square throw pillows. In front of the throws is a cylinder shaped throw pillow.
24. dothey have a short temper? what’s most likely to set it off?
Unlike Simone, Lena is very good at keeping her temper in check - especially when it involves luring people to Moonscar Island. She may not be a good person, but it’s easy for her to feign kindness. Usually if someone says or does something that hurts her feelings, then she will get angry.
34. are they the jealous type? what are they most likely to be jealous of?
Yes. I’d say that Lena can get very jealous. She often views her immortality as a curse and sometimes wishes she could be normal again. Lena is envious of the humans she brings to the island and that fuels her rage when the time comes to end their lives. Once they are drained of their life, then they have to live as an undead creature forever.
@ofroutes :: Send me a # to learn an unusual hc about my muse.
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amoungwildflowers · 4 years
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a dark temptress ready to use her voodoo magic on you (lena dupree)
evoking the cat gods power had cursed us as well (lena facts)
it’s terror time again you got me running through the night (lena aesthetic)
we’ve been getting away with it for 200 years (lena replies)
you don’t need friends when you can have cats (lena’s main verse)
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