#except for husk i'm never drawing him again (affectionate)
whaliiwatching · 3 years
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it’s ok husk didn’t wanna babysit anyway
humorous speculation on ages and age gaps below!!
so i was reading radiodust fic, as you do, and the topic of ages was brought up for like one sentence but it got me thinking: who’s older, angel or alastor?
now. a quick search gives me the hazbiverse timeline and reveals to me that both angel and alastor were born in the 1910s (which means they grew up in my favorite decade, the roarin’ twenties!!) and are both biologically in their 30s. it also told me that alastor died in 1933 and angel died in 1947. fourteen years later
we assume that age in vivziehell—which, reminder, includes little life experience and is also hell so there’s not much room for mental growth—is static; otherwise half the cast would be geriatric. so, also assuming the absolute extremes (alastor born in 1900 and angel born in 1910), alastor would be thirty-three and angel…. thirty-seven.
angel is at least four years older than alastor. he could, canonically, be up to nine years older (if alastor was born in 1903 and angel in 1908). but i’m not done. i did some quick dirty andy-weir-would-be-disappointed-in-me math and, if they weren’t canonically 30somethings, angel could be twenty-four years older than alastor. as in forty-seven to alastor’s twenty-three.
twenty-four years. that’s fucking hilarious.
does this matter? no. mentally, everyone in this hotel is six, fighting over toys, and that one kid really wants everyone to get along and that other kid wants to kill the opposition. but the idea is just so goddamn funny
bonus fact: husk was born in the 1890s and died in the 1970s. he’s legally a senior citizen
bonus bonus fact: alastor and angel don’t have the biggest age gap. vaggie, who was born in the 1990s and died in 2014 (she’s in her 20s), is dating charlie magne, who is over two hundred :D
disclaimer bonus fact to reiterate: none of this matters cos they’re all fictional!! i love these characters dearly and will continue to ship them enthusiastically. i’m not dragging them and i’m not at all insisting people adhere to these ages in their fanworks. this is all just for fun!!! go forth with this information and laugh!!!!
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