#only alastor calls him husker apparently
chaoticace2005 · 4 months
Rules for the Hazbin Hotel, authored by Vaggie:
1. No drugs.
2. No fights.
3. No pranks.
4. No problematic language.
6. No smuggling in of drugs. Not by sticking them up your ass. Or by hiding them in a pizza box. Or by slingshotting them to the roof. Or getting someone else to. Not at all.
7. No sexual rendezvous with outsiders in the hotel. No SHOWING sexual rendezvous with strangers to people of the hotel either.
8. Make sure the pig/future pets stay in the patron’s room. (This includes eggs!!)
9. No singing Limit singing to once twice per day
10. Stop flirting with the bartender Angel
11. Don’t call Husk “Husker” unless he allows it.
12. No harassing the staff at all. This includes asking who tops.
13. Don’t suggest anything sexual/romantic to Alastor unless you want your head cut off.
17. Don’t ask me to put my spear “inside you” Angel, what the fuck?
18. Don’t turn the interior of the hotel into a swamp?! Keep it contained in your room if you must!
19. No stabbing staff or residents. No matter how much they look like bugs! (OR IF THEYRE NAME IS ANGEL)
20. Don’t try and stab bugs if they’re within 10 feet of another demon.
21. Don’t call anyone a “bitch” OR TALK ABOUT HOW MY NAME SOUNDS LIKE “VAGINA”
22. Limit Niffty’s access to sharp objects.
24. No drinking. Limit drinking at bar.
25. No mentioning the Stock Market Crash of 1929. For everyone’s benefit.
26. Don’t blow a hole in the wall.
27. Try to keep roast battles OUTSIDE the hotel. (Or stop picking fights?? Please Alastor I swear to God…)
28. No spying on the hotel for outside sources or putting technology that can be used against us.
29. No evil laughing in the middle of the night, what the fuck Alastor?
30. No building weapons/war machines.
31. No eggs! (Fine the eggs can stay.)
32. Someone please keep an eye on Niffty. (And the eggs.)
33. Stop touching people ANGEL.
34. Don’t make other people storm off HUSK.
35. Respect boundaries.
36a. If Angel looks like he’s about to pass out/cry don’t comment. Let him do his thing.
36b. Don’t try to talk to Angel if he’s on the phone with Valentino. Honestly don’t even mention his phone calls with Valentino.
37. Please don’t call Lucifer “Daddy”
38. Don’t turn into a 20 foot tall demon-eating creature unless absolutely necessary.
39. Don’t cause angry loan sharks to show up at the front door.
41. Rule #2, “No fights” can be broken if the person you’re fighting is Valentino. Or Adam.
42. Don’t lie to your girlfriend or hide the fact you were secretly an angel.
45. Don’t give people makeovers while they’re sleeping, ANGEL!
46. Don’t pretend to eat someone’s pet, ALASTOR
47. Don’t die.
48. I never want to hear the words “cum-plete” again.
50. If Charlie is passed out on the couch LET HER SLEEP
51. No making bombs in the hotel Cherri!
52. Stop breaking rules and then saying it’s “FOR SIR PENTIOUS!”
53. Angel don’t try to shoot someone if they break spaghetti.
54. Don’t break spaghetti. Or “ruin” Italian food. Whatever the fuck that means. This apparently includes pineapple on pizza.
55. Don’t mention Valentino unless Angel brings him up first.
56. Don’t comment on Angel and Husk’s flirting.
57. Only call Angel “Anthony” if things are serious (or if you’re Husk)
58. Don’t use any of the nicknames Husk and Angel use for each other. This includes but is not limited to: “Whiskers”, “Legs”, “Kitty”, “Webs”, “Tony”, “Love”, and “Baby.”
59. It’s better not to question whatever facts Husk gives about his past.
60. Family dinners at 6 pm unless you can’t make it due to prior obligation. Game nights after on Sundays.
61. No hunting people for sport and NO KNIFE MONOPOLY.
62. Don’t attach knives to a roomba so you can have a “boyfriend” Niffty.
63. Keep Niffty away from Roombas.
64. Alastor, treat people with decency. Really, it’s not that hard.
65. No making giant ducks that breathe fire to chase people around the hotel just because they call you short.
66. Therapy. Everyone.
68. If Valentino enters the property you have permission to stab him.
69. “Hell is forever” is bullshit. You guys aren’t. You can do this.
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silversodas · 4 months
Interesting Alastor Insights
I think I may have figured out what was up Alastor’s ass in Dead Beat Dad. On one hand it may be a deeper issue that I am missing some context for, but I actually think it’s a little simpler then we think.
Even before Lucifer arrived, Alastor was clearly not happy about him coming over, and yes Alastor was 100% full of shit in the dad off song, BUT! Something note worthy is that he was not only being possessive of the Hotel (claiming to be its host and even greeting Lucifer as the master of the house does) but is also weirdly possessive of Charlie
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And right down to the “fuck you” to Lucifer’s face it was projecting “get your feet off of my damn coffee table and get outta my house” energy. At first I was wondering what crawled up Alastor’s ass and died, and then Hell’s greatest Dad starts playing and..
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“Who’s been faithful as a Nun? Who’s been here since day one?”
And it dawned on me and I was like “Alastor, why are you acting like your being replaced?” And Charlie is just as confused at Alastor’s behavior, like this came out of nowhere. Apparently Alastor was determined to show Lucifer who the Genie of this bottle is. But I didn’t believe it at first, I was like “nah it has to be something else” but then Mimzy gave some VARY interesting insight
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When Mimzy first arrived, Alastor has a look that says (oh this is all I need right now) but he still seems happy to see her
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Like holy shit, he happily reciprocates the hug, but that’s not to surprising if you know who Mimzy is if you have been fallowing Viv for a while
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When she mentioned that he frequented the club (speakeasy)that she preformed in I was like “oh! They are drinking buddies!” Drinking Buddies are someone you generally only know the fun side of because you only hang out together at the bar, but Mimzy highlights a different side to their relationship
“Put on some Jazz, and pour a few fingers of Rye, and he becomes a kitten”
This gives me insight that while they were alive, she wasn’t just his drinking buddy and dance partner, she was his comfort zone. The way she phrased this sentence, made it sound like this was something she used to do for Alastor when they were alive, maybe she was a soothing presence as well as an entertaining one in Alastor’s life. But bar friends can sometimes be pretty high maintenance friends outside the bar, actually I think a lot of us have had something close to a friend like Mimzy in our lives. Apparently she is so bad that even Husk is concerned enough about Alastor to try and talk to him about her
“You and I both know Mimzy only shows up when she needs something. That bitch is trouble, and who knows what demon she fucked with to come running to you this time”
Alastor’s response threw me for a loop
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“It’s nothing I can’t handle, don’t worry Husker, who would cross me?”
So Alastor is not immune to having toxic friends? I always assumed he would just drop anyone who became to much trouble, this is an interesting surprise. And on top of that he’s…an enabler!? Huh…that is super interesting to know. Putting a pin in the rest of this interaction for another post because there is a lot to unpack with husk and alastor. Except for the being on a leash thing because it made me realize something.
What if the reason he felt upstaged by Lucifer was not because Lilith told him to keep him away (yeah I am subscribing to the Lilith theory, it’s to much to Be a coincidence) but because he is legitimately afraid of no longer being needed by Charlie? What if, if he isn’t needed by Charlie then he has to go back to wherever he was the last 7 years? Everyone assumes he is free because he acts as such, but is he? Like real question, what if he was a straight up gift to Charlie in a way? Even if it was a “look after my daughter” command I would still call that sending a gift.
And oh man, what if he was suppose to tell the whole truth to Charlie but gave the whole, “I am here for entertainment” speech instead.
And your probably thinking, Charlie wouldn’t tell him to leave. Yeah but does Alastor know that? And he probably thinks Lilith might call him back anyway if he is not needed but just hanging out. But as we have seen, he cant even except his own situation
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I will unpack this whole encounter later, but for real I don’t even think he is that mad at husk, he was mad at the reminder that his soul doesn’t belong to him any more. Like look at his face, it’s the most upset we have ever seen him, and it’s so detailed. He looks enraged, but also hurt at the same time. He and Charlie are not friends, yet, but I think he does feel some what safe at the hotel and maybe that’s enough for now
I also think there is some stock in Alastor hating that Lucifer is a bad dad theory, because that contempt was so raw and he did calm the fuck down a little bit during the “more then anything” song
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But those are my random insights of Alastor, there were more but this is already to long I just hope it’s coherent
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hellish-sunsets · 3 months
Hi, so, can I ask for husker x young reader (platonic)? Readers father knocked at the hotels door when reader was a very young girl, 5 or so, saying that he’ll be right back, and left before the door was answered by the hotels owner, Charlie. 11 years have passed and everyone has become like family to reader, mainly husker, who’s basically become like her father. So what if one day readers bio dad comes back (reader doesn’t know he’s her dad) and tries to get himself back into readers life? Husker knows who he is, and doesn’t approve at all. What then?
Too Late
Husk was the one who ended up answering the door. He was the only one in the lobby at the time. He sighed and grumbled, but opened the door regardless, only to met with... a child?
She didn't look to be in the best condition, honestly. She was thin, her hair unkempt, and her clothes flitby and falling apart. She jumped when the door opened, looking up at Husk with big eyes. She looked off in the distance behind herself, then back at him. Tears welled up in her eyes, her face scrunched up as she started to cry.
Husk was not good with kids, but even an idiot knew you were supposed to comfort a crying kid.
He picked her up, glaring at the surroundings to see if he could spot who had left her here, but closing the door when he found nothing. His focus shifted to figuring out what to do with the kid.
He ended up settling her on a couch in the lobby and getting her a glass of water until she had calmed down. Apparently, her father had left her there. Great. He got her a blanket and pillow and watched over her while she slept. He would talk to everyone else in the morning and figure out a more permanent plan.
Well, considering the people who were there, he probably shouldn't have expected much. They all just decided to hold on to her and take care of her themselves. Which worked out mostly, but it left Husk doing the majority of the proper parenting.
It happened so gradually, he almost didn’t even notice that's what happened. And by the time the kid first called him Dad, smiling up at him from her bed, he found he didn't mind.
So, she grew up in the hotel for eleven years, becoming a fixture everyone loved to see.
Then came the day a man walked in.
He walked to Husk at the bar and he could immediately tell something was off. He narrowed his eyes at the man, managing to stifle a growl. Y/N was behind the bar counter as well, now a teenager. She looked weary as well, glancing up from her phone between the man and Husk.
"Can I help you, sir?" Husk asked.
The man went on to say he was looking for someone. Husk's fur stood on end as he heard the man describe how he abandoned his daughter here so casually, like he hadn't even done anything wrong. His wings puffed up and spread out, protectively blocking her from him.
"Any chance she's still here?"
"What exactly are you going to do if I say no, hmm?" Husk asked, crossing his arms. "What do you want with her?"
The man didn't give an answer, just asked again if she was here more sternly, a cross look over his face. Husk refused to answer, and the man only got more angry. There was about to be a fight in that hotel lobby, but you step in. You had to process what was going on first.
You didn't remember anything about your life before the hotel. You vaguely remembered the night you were left here, but Husk had told you how he found you on the hotel porch. You were smart enough to recognize the connections from that story and this man's ramblings.
"Sir, your daughter isn't here. Kindly fuck off before we have to sick our overlord on you."
"The fuck did you just say to me, bitch?"
Husk felt his heart stop as that man growled at her, standing off. He put a hand on your shoulder.
Thankfully, Alastor decided to show up, appearing behind the man through shadows and placing a hand on his shoulder as well.
"I believe you were told to leave."
The man turned with a scowl, but went pale when he saw who was standing behind him, grin stretched painfully wide. He all but ran out of the hotel.
You gave a deep breath, deflating now that he had left.
"Fucking jackass..." you muttered, returning to your stool behind the counter.
"Hey, are you going to be okay?" Husk asked with furrowed brows. You just shrugged.
"It's fine, he left. Besides, I already have a Dad, and he's a fuck ton better than that guy."
Husk smiled and nodded, returning to cleaning his glasses with a new lightness to his steps.
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dealwithadeer · 4 months
Husk has not always hated this body he was given when he entered Hell. Sure he was, ironically enough, not that mch of a cat person during his lifetime but he had thought and seen how having claws and wings could be useful in a place like this. And aside from the hundreds of 'here kitty, kitty' and other cat related jokes he had to endure things were not that bad.
During the time he had established his own casino and even became an Overlord of sorts through gaining the souls and the employment of quite a few who entered said casino he even took really good care of it. Tried his best to keep his fur all clean, took good care of his wings and tried to find an outfit that in his own opinion worked with his new body type.
Everything changed when he lost his soul to Alastor, the Radio Demon. Apparently one of the reason he was not the next 'singer' on the Radio Demons broadcast show of has-been-Overlords was his body. Alastor, in contrast to 'Husker' as Alastor had taken to calling him, had been a bit of a cat person during his life. A fact that had apparently only grewn in the afterlife due to being torn to shreds by dogs of all things although Husk would find out about that little detail much later during one of the few drunken nights his Boss had. Alastor, especially when the Radio Demon was feeling particularly bored, really liked Husks body and he had made Husk feel it. Here and there a pet, a tug at one of his feathers to see how attached they were to his wings, a regular invasion of his personal space and after a couple of months Husk began to see less and less the man and the Overlord he used to be in the mirror and more and more 'Alastors cat demon'. He had, of course, continued to tell Al that he may own his soul bu tthat he was still a man, his employee of sorts, and not his pet. This much to Husks anger really seemed to amuse the other demon.
Now, by the time of Alastors return and Husks new job in Alastors newest project he had become very sensitive about anyone pointing out what he was, any cat pun, any touch of his wings or whatever could be interpreted as a 'pet' reminded him of things he drank to forget about.
So when Angel at first made comments about it constantly, he got quite angry but after having gotten to known each other, things changed again.
For the better this time. Because Angel still continued to make jokes about him being a cat demon, he even heard him call him 'kitty' once when they were out in a club but because Angel had added 'I'll explain later' it .. did not seem that bad. When Angel called him 'Whiskers' it did not feel like a demeaning joke or 'pet' name. Here in this Hotel he found that he began to no longer mind looking in the mirror, he did not mind having someone have an arm around his shoulder and take pictures with him. He liked it. Because here in this Hotel he was Husk, the bartender and, dare he even say it, friend. And not really Husk, Alastors 'cat'.
Well, as he unfortunally was reminded of, he may be seen as his own person by most everyone in the Hotel. Everyone, that is, except Alastor.
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mayorofthegalaxy · 3 months
The Cat Part I
A/n; I thought I’ll jump on this trend with a short story, hopefully I didn’t get too carried away… I also don’t never posted on tumblr and I don’t like the writing format or maybe I did something wrong? Not sure, tell me your thoughts.
Warning; the reader is amab, older brother to Charlie, and is the dominant partner over Alastor, mentions of lingerie on Alastor’s part, that’s it.
It’s been a week after the battle with Heaven Exterminator’s and Adam, Dad and you have been visiting Charlie more mending a bond that is not completely lost…
Though you both notice the change in atmosphere when you visit, you chalked it up to differences after not talking for so long, apparently not when Alastor leaves the hotel after another great shift complete his words not yours, he tells you how Charlie and even Angel and Husker are down in the dumps over Sir Pentious’s departure from Hell.
So like the best older brother you are if you say so yourself, and needing a break yourself from your never ending duties, you had Joanne clear your schedule a week in advance and told her to call the Imps that are station there to buy groceries, for the Morningstar cabin in the fifth circle in Pride.
“I know, just tell them to pack a bag for a week… If they don’t have it I’ll buy it myself… No Charlie I’m not telling you where we going… Yes pack a swim suit… Yes Dad is coming, he, Alastor and I organized this trip… we’ll meet you all outside the hotel… Okay good bye, I love you too..”
You sigh, at least you didn’t give away where you all are going, you jolt shivers running down your spine at the thought of your lover in a swim suit… well why wait~? You start prancing out your study and bounding up the grand staircase to your shared room with Alastor.
“Mon Cher, I told you, I did not want you to see what I’m packing and—” His ear flicks as he snaps his fingers stuffing and closing the suitcase.
“And you’ll come to me.” You both finish knowing exactly what the Deer demon said but couldn’t hold yourself back from prancing to him, his ruby eyes not leaving you.
You keep your eyes glued to his as you kiss his nose in greeting, you feel his hands on your shoulder as you let him lead you where now your back is facing the bed where his suit case lays. You narrow your eyes your vision not reaching the packed clothes, some damn lingerie better be in there if your inamorato doesn’t want your input on his outfits for this week, you feel his cold thumbs rubbing at your cheeks it draws your orbs to his once again.
“Don’t make that face sirop de pomme, I highly doubt you’re fully packed and ready~” He adds with a nip on your jaw.
You scoff and roll your eyes, your hands find hold of his wrist to take them off your cheeks, his eyes following your movements to stare intensely at your reflection in the large three mirrors angled to look at your form completely. Your hair isn’t out of place from when you styled it this morning, your outfit while simple and comfortable for this car ride you’re glad Alastor chose it, his taste is impeccable.
Alastor grins with a giggle as he successfully changed your attention once again, now he can finish packing his tail flicks at the mere thought of what’s to come~
->Time Skip<-
You got out your car arriving at the doors of the second stop for today and bound over to your lovers side and open the door for him your lidded eyes never leaving his as you wait for your payment, he only chuckles his thin lips kissing your cheek.
“Ahem” You both turn your heads to the sound you grin “Hey Dad!” “Lucifer” Alastor’s tone flat as you keep his door open bounding up to your Dad for a hug before he gets the chance to squeeze you, you lift him first and squeeze till you hear let out a squeak and laugh patting your back, you laugh too putting him down.
“Golly you gotten faster! That’s my boy.” He says his orbs shining at you rubbing your shoulder, you smile picking up his suit case about to ask where’s sister before you feel Alastor’s arm around your neck bringing your face close to his, his eyes glowing with smugness?
“I’ll go get Charlie and the others, poor things must still be packing.” He announces laughs trailing after him you didn’t miss your Dad’s eye twitch when your eyes follow your lover’s form staring intently at his tail and that ass in those shorts, you sigh and let a finger pull at your collar smirking as you won’t let this slide.
“Apple sauce, I’m happy you’re happy, but does it have to be him? Perhaps it can be negotiable?” Dad suggests raising a broad brow to you, “Nonnegotiable Dad.” Laughing as you move to your trunk, he follows finally taking notice of the luxury vehicle he’ll be riding in for two hours. If you’re finally driving safely that is.
“Hey isn’t this the car you got and we fixed together?Ha! It is!” He laughs, you snap your fingers opening the trunk to fit his and soon to be others cases as you hear them coming as Dad run his finger over the side of the trunk seeing for dust, of course there isn’t and laughs again at the license plate IN22•6NCD.. remembering the time you all watched the movie series even if Charlie was afraid of dolls for awhile…
“Hey, Short Prince! Control smiles over here!” The spider growled out, Fat Nuggets in one arm while the rest pointed at the deer demon, you both look over seeing them all walk out with various faces but for some it’s normal, you then see Alastor last one out with a closed mouth smile and his arms behind his back and is his head at a tilt too? You can’t help but coo silently at the sight.
“What happened?” You ask sharing a look with Dad who shrugs and winks before disappearing, Angel then takes his place his form leaving no sight for anyone else, “He popped up in my room no knocking or anything and sped through the process of packing! You know a star like myself have to look great don’t you?”
You blink as you take his suitcase from his hand and placing it inside, “What ever you need I’ll get for you, alright Angel? It’s not like we won’t be a snap away from a mall.” You say laughing and waving your hand.
“I did knock, so what’s a demon to do against loud music~?” The demon in question pouts at you with a hand on his chest his ruby eyes looking to innocent then they should at you, or perhaps it’s you? You let a hum at the thought..
Angel huffs rolling his eyes, pulls out his sunglasses from his fluff and stomps away intent on at least getting a comfortable seat then watch this bullshit.
“Maybe you should apologize Alastor, you did give us all a scare.” Charlie chimes while smiling her eyes follow Angel’s form, your orbs peer up at the demon in question chuckling “Don’t tell me you ran them all out like a bat out of Hell, I thought you have more manners than that?” You jibe.
“Not even manners can save excitement! My dears.” He states, watching Husk come between him and Charlie placing the last two bags inside and closing it.
“Are y’all done yapping, I don’t like cramp spaces.” Husk says, glaring at you both. You smile putting an arm around Alastor hips leading the group to the doors of your luxury SUV that should be comfortable enough for them all. You watch as they climb inside closing their doors for them you whisk yourself in the drivers seat, finally starting your week of vacation….
End of Part One
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fenikorg-talks · 3 months
Alastor couldn't believe that Husker of all people had convinced him to do this.
He really didn't want to do this, but apparently, there was "no one available to do the job". What a lie. Literally, anyone in this goddamn city would have been able to do this if it wasn't because the damn tv was nowhere to be seen. Valentino had a rage sprout during the blackout and Velvette was getting him distracted before he actually hurt Vox in the process. What a bunch of losers. Who in their right mind let those three take control of the city while he was away? Lucifer wasn't doing a good job, it seems. Well, who was he to judge.
While walking in the dark streets he encountered all kind of sinners. The kind that took advantage of the darkness and the kind that panicked about it. Some of them were upset of having no signal. That's what happens when you put all your trust in an unstable individual. Charlie had told him to get to Vox's tower as fast as possible, but a little time spent in the darkness wouldn't be too bad for their health. Their brains had already rott with those screens, they should touch some grass.
Vox's tower was defended with all its artifacts and armaments, so Alastor opted to use his shadows to get into the building. Inside it was as dark as his shadows. Alastor followed the halls that he remembered leading to Vox's office. It was exactly where it was seven years ago, and when he managed to get in, it was the same as before, but a little more full of monitors. Vox's sharks and some sparks from the cables were the only sources of light. Alastor walked to Vox's motionless body, resting in his chair. He would never admit that he got the goosebumps, but he saw how the cables were still pressed against Vox's TV head, and that something was twitching in the monitors.
"Vox", he tried to call his old pal, but there was no verbal answer. Instead, one monitor glitched and, with the screen still dark, one single little red light turn on. He was listening. Good. Alastor remembered when this kind of thing used to happen before; Vox would try to use more power than he could handle and end up lost on his wires. Alastor always helped him get out. But this time, it wasn't as if he was stuck, no, it looked as if he was hiding from something. "It has been a long time, hm?" There wasn't anything to say, either way. Vox didn't look like he wanted to talk, less to Alastor of all people.
"Just so you know, I was practically forced to be here, so don't get your hopes up," he remembered when Vox used to be so hyped by the mere fact that they were gonna be sitting next to each other on an overlord's meeting. He hoped that hadn't changed between them. Then again, they did have a fight right after he got back.
"Get out of there and bring back the light to the pentagram already, Vox," he was getting tired of this, there was no way this prick was gonna listen to him anyway. The lights, slowly but steadily, started to return to every house in the pride ring. Well, that was something. Still, Vox was on the monitors, doing who knows what. Alastor sighed, of fucking course this asshole didn't have the guts to face him again.
"I doubt the Radioo Demon was just forced to come and calm down a pathetic crybaby," Vox's deep voice said through the speakers. His voice was hoarse, Alastor noticed, as if he had been crying. Vox was right, tho. He wasn't completely forced, but he had been convinced by a very persuasive bartender cat who knew how to read him like a book.
"It's not as if it was my first time seeing you this way. Besides, your partners were somewhat busy at the moment, and there is no one else who knows about your little addiction to getting lost on those electronic snakes."
"Wires," he corrected but otherwise said nothing. Alastor picked at his nails waiting for Vox to do something. He did nothing.
"Well, time's up! I came here with a job and it's done. Have a nice mental breakdown, my dear fellow, may we never see each other again!" Sparks and glitches surrounded the monitors and an electronic wave passed through the wires until getting on Vox's head. His screen tilted on and his face appeared, but he didn't move. Alastor knew that it took a while for Vox to regain full control of his body so he took advantage of those seconds to examine him. His face was drawn in the most boring, disinterested look Alastor had ever seen him do, he wore big eyebags and looked sick overall.
Sometimes, Alastor wished to not smile at all. This wasn't a moment in which he should be smiling, and yet he was. It might have been convenient for him in numerous times, but with Vox, he just felt fake. And Vox knew that.
"If your face wasn't sewn, would you truly be happy to see me?" Vox didn't look up when he talked, but Alastor could see his disappointment in his monotone voice. How he changed in the seven years they were apart. It was almost as if he was a completely different demon.
"Like this? ...No," he summoned his shadows and got out of that sad pathetic tower. On the streets, he took one last glance in his direction, dropping his gaze. He had expected to be meeting his number one fan and only friend. Instead, he met a depressed overpowered overlord who didn't remember when was the last time he truly smiled. And to be honest, Alastor didn't remember when was the last time he was truly happy either.
(I don't know what kind of crack was I on when I wrote this but I found it on my notes, so I edited the fucking grammar and now here it is, enjoy)
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burning-fcols · 4 months
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Husker was near clawing down the walls of the hotel, the sudden ban on booze driving him out of his fur in the worst torment possible. Pacing about the lobby, his bar now empty (which he swore was meant to mock him, seeing as Alastor very well could have just gotten rid of it all together instead of clearing it out), his paws were beginning to hurt in a near manic need to move. "This is fucking bullshit, I'm losing my fucking mind over here!" Turning to Angel, Husk's arms moved about in tandem with his words, hoping knowing that the spider would be one of the only ones there that might understand what he was going through. "My fur's fucking crawling, a-and I can't stop fucking shaking!" Sure enough, there was a constant tremor to his body, a feather breaking loose from his vibrating wings every so often to flutter about the floor where it would soon be kicked up by his pacing. "I can't fucking think! Everything just feels, fuck I dunno, warm? No, fucking burning all over, a-and tingly. Even when I was alive, it never felt like this when I was dry..." - ✧ ˖ ˙ 「 @ʜᴇʟʟꜱ-ꜰᴠʀʏ 」 ˙ ˖ ✧
「 ☆ 」 This has to be one of the STUPIDEST ideas yet... and that's including the whole premise for the hotel. Angel can understand the logic behind wanting a squeaky-clean persona for the place. It's sort of hard to preach ❛ redemption ❜ and freedom from vices when actively PROVIDING one right in the main lobby. Yet it hardly matters how well they practice what they preach if no one is around to learn. Angel knows that he's just there to fill a bedroom, ❛ progress ❜ or not. It's a pipe-dream with him, and it's not even his unattainable fantasy. Dreaming of angel wings sprouting from his back and a glowing halo hovering above his head is Charlie's schtick. Pentious is no better, the snake starved for praise not piety.
No, he can't imagine it working for either of them... Or anyone else, if he's being honest. But especially not the patrons they currently have. Lack of liquor isn't going to have people breaking down the doors to get in. It's also not going to stop Angel from indulging in his desires elsewhere, dangerous a decision as that may be. It's a shame, really... He had been enjoying having a place he could grab a drink without wondering when it was going to be spiked. Bartender is pretty cute too.
Speaking of which...
Sitting on a stool by the booze-less bar, he watches Husk practically wear a hole in the floor with his pacing. Gaze follows a feather's sad descent as it shakes lose from a trembling wing. Brows knit and a concerned bite to his bottom lip, Angel's fingers drum on his crossed arms as he mulls over the most delicate way to clarify the others... situation. It's painfully apparent that Husk has no clue what's going on. An affliction that Angel's enhanced senses had pegged as soon as he got near the fidgeting feline. It was overwhelming, the fog of pheromones surrounding the poor guy. Were it when Angel only recently arrived in Hell, he'd have gotten dizzy from how thick the air became... Thankfully, he has a better hold of himself now.
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Practice makes perfect, he guesses. That and overexposure to the stuff thanks to a certain aphrodisiac-addled moth. ❝ I, uh... I got a pretty good idea why that is. But you ain't gonna like it, Whiskers. ❞ Angel begins when Husk has finished spewing his shaky woes. One leg crossed over the other, he bounces his knee in a small fidget. ❝ When you were alive, I'm guessin' you weren't exactly... a cat. ❞ A finger lightly motions at Husk with the statement. ❝ An' bein' THIS comes wit' a few— eh, let's call 'em complications. ❞ Normally he'd jokingly refer to it as a ❛ perk ❜ , but now isn't the time. Not with Husk.
Standing up from his seat, Angel then rips off the bandage with a blunt, ❝ Sorry tomcat, yer in heat. ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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aestheticallyuncanny · 4 months
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Did some more art to express Esperanza's story! Long reading ahead!
The first image is when her father's best friend, Enrico, found her outside his apartment building. He thought someone was trying to break in, but when he realized who he was looking at, the kind man immediately scooped up Esperanza in his arms, getting her cleaned up.
Esperanza was beyond relieved to see the man she considered her uncle, the two embracing each other with a sense of relief. Though, they both were confused as to why the other was there.
After Esperanza expressed her sins, she listened to Enrico as he explained his own. Apparently, while he was alive, he saw that her father, Manuelo, was struggling to provide for his little girl while also trying to fund his shows.
Wanting to help, Enrico did the unthinkable, and got involved with the mob. He stole money, and gave it to Manuelo, but would find himself drowned at the bottom of a lake for snitching on the mob.
After hearing this, Esperanza begged Enrico for forgiveness, apologizing and blaming herself for all the tragedy that befell their family. Enrico reassured her that he did not regret it, because he got to see his niece happy and fed before he died, and his best friend stable. And that made it all worth it.
The two would live together for 3 years, happy to have family again. Enrico would begin to help Esperanza get gigs at the clubs in hell, so she could provide income for their rent. Sadly, Enrico would pass away protecting Esperanza during an extermination, leaving her alone once again.
For 30 years, Esperanza gained popularity and was being bought out to perform at the various nightclubs, until a certain charming overlord would take notice of her, and offer her a deal.
Wanting security, and knowing if she worked for an Overlord she would be a lot safer, Esperanza signed her soul to a deal with Husk. She would perform and use her popularity to bring people to the casino, while he made sure she had everything she needed and wanted.
During their time together, like I said in the last post, the two became very close friends. Esperanza trusted Husk, and not once did he ever take advantage of her. He was a gentleman, and cared for her very deeply.
She would often tease him about the bell-bottom jumpsuits he would put her in, considering he died in the 1970s and liked the look on her.
The two would spend many night together, talking and laughing as they shared stories of their lives. Someone did once ask Husk if she was his "broad", or a plaything, but he made sure to put that demon in their place.
"Babydoll ain't no toy. And she isn't a fucking pet either. She's someone I trust very deeply, and you better fucking respect her unless you want this bottle broken over your damn head."
And this bond would remain even after Husk lost his soul to Alastor. When he relinquished Esperanza's soul back to her, he told her to run and get his other loyal employees to safety.
At first, Esperanza didn't want to leave Husk, willing to lose her life for the man who kept her safe and made her feel happy again, but Husk yelled at her to leave. That he wouldn't forgive himself if anything happened to her.
With tears in her eyes, she gathered her friends and got them all to the safehouse, where she used the key he gave her to access all their funds.
It was because of Enrico, and because of Husk, that she got to where she was. She used every penny she earned to build her club, and she still attributes her success to those who took a chance on her.
She felt it only right to name her club 'Manuelo's', after her father, but made sure to honor the other important figures in her life as well. The swing band that plays in her club is called "Enrico's Ensemble", the members being made up of some friends she made while working under Husk. They heard her story, and were happy to help her achieve her dream.
Meanwhile, the signature drink at her bar is called "Husker's Vice". And it happens to be her top seller.
She performs almost every night at her club, never having grown tired of the thrill it gives her. Even after over 70 years of it, Esperanza doesn't plan on retiring her pipes anytime soon. ♡
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whaliiwatching · 3 years
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it’s ok husk didn’t wanna babysit anyway
humorous speculation on ages and age gaps below!!
so i was reading radiodust fic, as you do, and the topic of ages was brought up for like one sentence but it got me thinking: who’s older, angel or alastor?
now. a quick search gives me the hazbiverse timeline and reveals to me that both angel and alastor were born in the 1910s (which means they grew up in my favorite decade, the roarin’ twenties!!) and are both biologically in their 30s. it also told me that alastor died in 1933 and angel died in 1947. fourteen years later
we assume that age in vivziehell—which, reminder, includes little life experience and is also hell so there’s not much room for mental growth—is static; otherwise half the cast would be geriatric. so, also assuming the absolute extremes (alastor born in 1900 and angel born in 1910), alastor would be thirty-three and angel…. thirty-seven.
angel is at least four years older than alastor. he could, canonically, be up to nine years older (if alastor was born in 1903 and angel in 1908). but i’m not done. i did some quick dirty andy-weir-would-be-disappointed-in-me math and, if they weren’t canonically 30somethings, angel could be twenty-four years older than alastor. as in forty-seven to alastor’s twenty-three.
twenty-four years. that’s fucking hilarious.
does this matter? no. mentally, everyone in this hotel is six, fighting over toys, and that one kid really wants everyone to get along and that other kid wants to kill the opposition. but the idea is just so goddamn funny
bonus fact: husk was born in the 1890s and died in the 1970s. he’s legally a senior citizen
bonus bonus fact: alastor and angel don’t have the biggest age gap. vaggie, who was born in the 1990s and died in 2014 (she’s in her 20s), is dating charlie magne, who is over two hundred :D
disclaimer bonus fact to reiterate: none of this matters cos they’re all fictional!! i love these characters dearly and will continue to ship them enthusiastically. i’m not dragging them and i’m not at all insisting people adhere to these ages in their fanworks. this is all just for fun!!! go forth with this information and laugh!!!!
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raeynbowboi · 4 years
Why I Believe Angel and Husker Will (or Should) Be Endgame
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As a shipper and a writer, I pride myself on finding the meat in shipping material, and despite how little official content for it is available, Hazbin Hotel’s juiciest pairing (by my observation, and not counting Charlie x Vaggie cuz that’s already canon) is Huskerdust or Angelhusk, the main mlm pairing in Hazbin Hotel between Angel Dust and Husker. While I’m a big fan of any mlm pairing no matter how small the serving size, this one is an absolute feast, and I want to explain why I think that is, because Angel flirts with multiple men in the first episode, namely Sir Pentious, Alastor, and Husker. So he just comes across as a relentless flirt, but I believe his destiny truly lies with the grumpy sourpuss bartender.
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Given what we’ve learned about Angel Dust from the Addict music video and the prequel comic, it’s becoming clear that Angel doesn’t exactly love his situation. He pretends it’s fun and glamourous for his image, but it’s all an act. In the very last pannel for the comic, we can even see a box of dildos in his room with the words “for fun” crossed out, and the box being relabled as “work stuff”. I believe that Angel’s arc and character growth will be strengthened by having a love interest who cares about Angel as something beyond a sex object. Travis and Valentino clearly only see Angel as a piece of meat. Even Tom Trench one of the... less horrible denizens of Hell we’ve met, only recognizes Angel as a porn star, implying that he too only values Angel for his body. The creators have even verified that Angel will have a love interest in the series. So, that’s the easy part. Angel’s very clearly a gay man, and him having a love interest will help put the romance back in relationships with men for Angel. No surprises there. So why will/should it be Husker who fulfills that role as Angel’s redeeming lover?
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In the simplest terms, it’s because their needs fit together perfectly. Angel needs someone to care about him romantically that also values his emotions, mind, and autonomy instead of just his body. Husk has likewise pretty much spelled out the flaw he needs to fix. He lost the ability to love years ago. Whether he just shuts out his emotions, someone broke his heart and now he’s jaded and bitter, or he freezes out his feelings so he won’t get hurt again, Husk has rejected love and his feelings. Learning to love and open up to Angel helps Husk to overcome those toxic coping mechanisms. Especially because his other vices such as drinking, are an extension of his core issue. His hang-ups with love. He drinks to forget and suppress. Overcoming his issues with his emotions will help Husk free himself of other sins in the process. Now the important issue though, does Husker even like boys? Yes, he does. Husker was confirmed by members of the crew to be pansexual, so he is capable of finding Angel attractive. Also, on a related note, Alastor is both Asexual and Aromantic, so he’s very unlikely to give Angel the core thing he needs, the tender appreciation of his romantic partner. That’s not to say Asexuals and Aromantics can’t date, it’s just less probable. And all the other males are either villains, or objectify Angel already. Which kind of leaves Husker as the best candidate for Angel’s love interest, at least currently. In fairness we know very little about Baxter, but that’s the thing. Without knowing anything about him, we can’t really weigh him against the other options.
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Character design is very important, as it can provide visual cues about a character. Looking at these two, they share a lot of similarities. Starting from the top, while not visible here, there is a heart-shaped spot on the back of Angel’s head, and this heart appears as well on Husker’s forehead, palms, and wings. More importantly, I may be wrong, but I believe the only characters with hearts in their design are all connected to Angel. Only Travis and Val share this heart motif, two men Angel has had sex with, though in Valentino’s case, it's not always willingly. They share their wearing of a bow tie, but to be fair, Charlie wears one too, as does Sir Pentious, so it’s a weak connection. Color theory also matters. Firstly, they are Yin and Yang. Angel is mostly white with a few dark accents, while Husker is mostly dark gray/black with white accents. Angel’s left eye, bow tie, and shorts/skirt are also the same color (or pretty close) as Husker’s darker fur patches on his forearsms, ankles, ear tips, and whiskers. The stripes on Angel’s top also repeat in Husker’s ears. Finally, while not repeating on Angel’s design, Husker’s fur on his ankles resembles spats, a fashion trend from the early 1900s. Although this trend was pretty dead in widespread use by the 1940s, it remained popular with gangsters and mafia, so much so that it’s almost a streotype of mafia. Angel’s family was an Italian crime family involved with mafia dealings. So while it makes little sense for a man who died in the 1970s to be wearing spats, it connects him to Angel’s ballpark of time as well as drawing connections to Angel’s past and his family.
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Hazbin Hotel has Instagram accounts for the characters, and using Husker (bar_cat75) Angel Dust (angie_fluffy_bootz) and Niffty (babyfeathrdustr), we can put together further developments in their relationship off-screen. Starting with one of Husker’s posts, we see Angel leaning on the bar offering him a ticket to his “peep show”. The next post shows Husker still at the bar, but now there’s drool on the counter, and we can see the back of one of Angel’s legs and the red smoke from the Addict video trailing behind him with the line “Fuck, I passed out. Did I miss something?” Next, there’s a post from Niffty of Angel leaning on the railing smoking as he does in the post-credits sequence of the Addict video. Granted, I can’t tell how much of Addict is prequel and how much is happening in real time following the pilot, but we know at least the ending is canonically after the pilot episode. Seems like Angel wanted Husker there (we don’t know if he offered tickets to anyone else) and he seems bummed that he didn’t go, with a later message from Husker (that I can only seem to find in Tumblr posts) with Husker realizing that he missed Angel’s show and feels bad about it. As “owing” Angel a favor for missing his show, Angel leaves his beloved pet pig Fat Nuggets in Husker’s care, who proceeds to eat all of Husker’s limes and cherries. Now it is very important to point out that Fat Nuggets seems to fill the dual role of “purse dog” and emotional support animal for Angel, so leaving him in Husker’s care shows a lot of trust because this animal means a LOT to him. There’s also apparently rumors that Alastor keeps trying to eat Fat Nuggets which... I haven’t found a credible source for. But if Angel is worried about Fat Nuggets’ safety, him trusting Husker to protect his pig only further demonstrates his trust in the grumpy old booze cat. Upset about all the fruit Fat Nuggets ate (because it’s not easy to get in Hell) Husker wants Angel to pay to replace what the pig ate, but Angel argues that because Husker owed him a favor it’s not his responsibility. Angel says he’ll pay him if Husker agrees to come to his next show, and they compromise to get milkshakes instead. The creators said Husker was a Tsundere, and it shows. Someone called their outing a date, and Husker was QUICK to shout that it wasn’t a date, just settling up on a favor. This almost plays out like an episode 2, turning the Addict Video into the jumping off point for a second story in the hotel. I don’t know how many full narratives will come out of the Instagram accounts like this, but it’s really cool how they’re approaching this almost like a multi-media story, and I’m curious to see if this will continue when the show starts airing on television. One last thing of note is that in Angel’s latest post, there’s pictures of Fat Nuggets, Cherri Bomb, and Husker on his bedroom wall, much to Husker’s annoyance. In all of these Instagram posts, Angel seems to now be training ALL of his attention on flirting with Husk, to the point that unless another character sweeps Angel off his feet or causes Angel to start flirting with them instead of Husker, I think this pairing is sailing quickly and unopposed toward the canon zone.
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I hope I’ve provided sufficient proof to back up my wild accusations, but I sincerely believe all of the building blocks have already been assembled to create a compelling romance between these characters. The flaws they need to overcome interlock with each other perfectly, their designs draw connections between them, and their Instagram accounts weave together a narrative for a soft Episode 1.5. I believe all of this together points that these two are meant to become a romantic couple, and if they aren’t, then maybe the showrunners should consider it.
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kathyprior4200 · 3 years
Kathy Prior Comforts Alastor
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Another ordinary day at the Hazbin Hotel. Having died in the 2020’s due to covid, I appeared as a watered down human, not quite a demon unless influenced by Alastor’s dark magic. Originally I was going to be transformed into an angel reminiscent of my supposed spirit animal. But Heaven’s elitism rubbed me the wrong way, thus I refused to submit to God. I was banished down to Hell, living in a cardboard box. I was soon fleeing from the exterminators not too long afterwards. If they had gotten me, I’d either be killed or sent back to Heaven to be brainwashed as a white Exorcist. Then Alastor of all people decided to take me in and I arrived at the Hazbin Hotel. There I was good friends with Alastor, Charlie and Niffty, half convinced that they were the voice actors playing some kind of trick on me.
 Aside from my demon form that is activated by Alastor’s magic, my afterlife form wasn’t very impressive. I looked like I did when I was alive, except my skin was ghostly pale, my long hair was gray and my eyes had black sclera, purple irises and white pupils. Although I didn’t fit in with the other demons, I could see in the dark and my instincts were heightened.
 It’s not a lot of fun when Alastor possesses me or when he decides to swallow me whole. Apparently, there’s something powerful about me that allows him to heal, feel full and even get some rest. Often times, he sits me in front of a radio and has me listen to several of his favorite jazz songs. The little speakers start to glow and static buzzes in my head. His soothing voice washes over me and I find myself in a daze. My eyes glow red with moving black radio dials and my remaining thoughts are shoved to the back of my mind. Alastor soon has control of my body and mind. He calls the process “getting tuned in.”
 I then transform into an alligator/red doe hybrid demon named Cerva. In this form, I’m a vicious killer and cannibal who accompanies Alastor, Husk and Niffty on various missions. Using my sharp claws, teeth and some dark magic, I take down pedos, rapists, criminals or anyone that stands in the Radio Demon’s way. My scaly skin helps protect me from most attacks, though I can still be killed by angelic weapons like everyone else. When he releases control of me and I morph back, it feels like a great weight is lifted off my chest. I cannot remember what I did before.
 Like Husk and Niffty, I’m stuck under Alastor’s contract for a while. He persuaded me to work for him at the hotel and that “It’s a dangerous world outside.” Naturally I agreed.
 Today was fairly busy. Charlie had a meet and greet event to welcome the newcomers Crymini, Mimzy and Baxter. When I wasn’t greeting any guests, I helped Niffty clean the rooms, make the beds and sweep up the floors. Sometimes I would help Alastor and Niffty make tasty jambalaya (with spicy sauce) and other dishes to serve to all the clients. I wasn’t very good at poker but it was still fun to play and watch as Husk skillfully won almost every game. Often, the characters would mostly talk amongst themselves, me fading into the background, being an OC. I was fine with that…it was almost like watching the show I dearly loved on Earth…except now I was a part of it in a way.
 After I finished cleaning beer bottles at the Jackpot portion near the lobby, I heard Alastor and Husk talking not too far away by a pool table.
 The cat demon let out his usual grumpy sigh. “Man, what a ruckus. I just served dozens of drinks to these annoying tourists who didn’t even stay. What’s the meaning of that?”
 “Why Husker!” Alastor said with a laugh, “Ever since our three new demons arrived and signed up for Charlie’s program, more folks are becoming curious about it. Providing them with drinks and entertainment is surely the way to go!”
 “Without any breaks?” Husk scowled. “And why’d you make me stretch my wings and do a stupid dance onstage when I got wasted earlier?”
 “It was so funny, I had to!” he chuckled. “Even when you’re getting drunk, you can still do your new job well.”
 “I’m here to serve drinks and get my money and booze. That’s it. I’m not some fucking clown you can roll into every little scheme of yours.”
 “Hmm…maybe you are.”
 “I don’t think so. Remember I’m only here because you bribed me with booze. But even that will only go so far.”
 “Come now, my friend, why not liven up a little!” Alastor spoke in a loud voice, making Husk’s ears flinch back. “I provided you with some resources to make your life down here more…livable…or rather less dead.”
 Audience laughter came from his microphone.
 Husk rolled his eyes and muttered. “Your dad jokes make you a fucking joke.” Alastor snickered. Husk seethed, “Ugh great, now it’s rubbing off on me!”
 Alastor pulled Husk in close with his arm, much to the cat’s disgust. “Just have some fun and follow my orders and things will go smoothly. You are my good friend after all.”
 Husk’s white furry face turned red as he hissed and shoved Alastor away. “I’m not your fucking friend! You’re nothing but a red psycho freak I happen to unfortunately work under. If I had my way, I’d be a rich free man who could gamble and do whatever I want! Better yet, I’d be far away from all you morons.”
 Husk picked up a few cards and shuffled them in his hands. “I had a full house and was about to win the pot. And then you pulled me out of nowhere and placed me in this dump for your own amusement.” He pointed a claw into Alastor’s chest a few times, making him flinch a bit. “When ae you gonna get it past your egotistical head that I. Want. To. Be. Left. Alone?!”
 An uncomfortable silence followed. Niffty briefly looked over while she was busy dusting a bookshelf with a white feather duster.
 “Looks like our pussy cat’s in his usual bad mood,” Alastor mused in his radio voice. He tilted up the corners of Husk’s mouth into a smile, which quickly fell when he let go.  “You know I love to see that smile…”
 “Shut up!” Husk pounded his furry fists onto the pool table, making the colored balls rattle. “Just shut the fuck up! I’m sick of you touching me all the time and getting into my face. I’d say you’re lost in this ridiculous musical world of yours…you think you can do anything you want but you don’t seem to be aware of who’s right in front of you!”
 The large yellow smile remained on Alastor’s face, though his red eyes looked concerned and confused.  
 “You’re delusional, thinking Hell revolves around you like some sort of audience.” Husk’s eyes had faint red veins popping out. “You may be powerful, but guess what? You can’t have your way all the time. I learned that lesson the hard way. I may be in your partnership for a while…” He hiccupped, “…but here’s what I really think of you…”
 Husk’s breath smelled of booze as the cat spilled out his previously hidden angry thoughts.
 “You’re an insufferable…”
 Every word was a jab to Alastor’s chest…
 He felt the shoves of surrounding boys in a long ago life…
The taunts of “dirty boy” and the n word…being forced into a tub of water, scrubbed all over roughly and feeling like he was drowning…
 Authority figures looking at him in disapproval as he auditioned for various radio stations…
 Alastor slashing down his hunting knife onto a helpless victim in a snowy wood…
 Alastor dancing and flirting with pretty women but turning away when they tore desperately at his clothes…
 Running away as police dogs bit and tore at his legs…
 Pounding on a door in a cold empty asylum room, cold stares from the towering wardens and nurses. Words like “loon”, “wacko,” being mouthed at him as the gray walls closed in…
 A sharp record scratch pierced the air.
 A black and red gloved hand clutched at Husk’s throat. A tight grip lifted the cat several inches off the ground. He struggled to pry off Alastor’s hand, but his hold was firm. Husk struggled and gasped as he frantically tried to gulp for air. The room darkened and soon filled with radio static and floating red Voodoo symbols. Alastor’s large orbs turned pitch black, with small red dials twitching menacingly. He slowly brought Husk close to his face until they were almost nose to nose.
 He spoke in a low demonic radio voice, his mouth not moving.
 “Remember who you’re dealing with. I gave you your privileges, and I can easily take them away.”
 Just when Husk was about to pass out, he casually tossed him aside. He landed with an “oof” onto the floor. The static and symbols vanished as Alastor’s eyes returned to their normal shade of red. Husk groaned and stood up on shaky legs. He took several deep breaths and glared.
 “Guess cats don’t always land on their feet,” Alastor mused as more microphone laughter followed.
 “Get ready for another big day tomorrow!” Alastor called cheerfully to Husk as if nothing had happened. Husk flipped him a middle claw in response as he slouched away. Alastor walked on.
 “Oh Husk,” Niffty called out. “Don’t forget that you need another bath tomorrow. I‘ll be happy to clean you all up!”
 “Suck it, shrimpy bitch!” he yelled.
 “Language, kitty!”
 Niffty hopped down from the bookshelf and scurried toward Alastor. He looked down at her.
 “Well hello little darling!” he greeted to the cyclops maid.
 “Hello Alastor,” she beamed. “I was just finishing up my rounds for the day when I heard you and Husk talking. It sounded like arguing…”
 “Oh it was nothing, my dear! Just Husk in his grumpy cat mood as usual. I was trying to cheer him up.”
 “Okay,” she said. “I’m looking forward to tomorrow, so much stuff to do! Is there anything else I can do to help out, sir?”
 Alastor waved his hand, “Nothing at all. You did a splendid job today.”
 “Are you sure?” she asked, her large golden eye darting back and forth. “You know, you look pretty dirty, no offence. Perhaps you could use a nice clean…” She looked over at his staff, then stared at the area around his legs a little bit too long. “Your staff I can so easily reach…”
 She extended her hand with a hungry expression.
 “Ha! No.”
 Alastor instinctively stepped back, his frozen smile still on his face. He walked briskly past her without another word.
 “See you in the morning!” she trilled with a happy wave before scurrying off.
 The room was quiet and empty.
 What in the world just happened?
 A nagging feeling spread through me as I walked in the same direction as Alastor. It was a strange urge to go and talk with him. His tall frame strolled down the hall and up a flight of stairs. I silently followed, careful to stay a distance away and out of sight. As I almost entered my room, Room 42, the feeling compelled me to wander towards Alastor’s room instead.
 His room was across from Charlie’s and Vaggie’s, not too far away from Angel’s. The black door was etched with red Voodoo symbols and had a golden deer knocker. Strangely enough, he left it slightly open. I inched closer and peered through the opening into a dim room.
 “Come in, dear.”
 The door opened wider on its own, revealing Alastor sitting in a dark red throne-like chair on a small balcony. He was facing the sunset sky, but must have sensed my presence. He had taken off his red pinstriped suit and had it neatly folded on a chair, near where his staff was. He appeared to be wearing a dark red old fashioned nightgown with slippers made of deer fur.
 In the room, there was a king-size bed with red satin sheets on it, an elegant bedside table and dresser to match. A small chandelier made of bones hung from the ceiling in the center, illuminating blood red carpets decorated with small golden eyes and antlers in rows. There was a large vanity mirror framed by round theater lights and an array of softly lit candles here and there. And of course, there were old fashioned radios all over the room in various sizes. A four-eyed deer head stared back at me from a plaque on the fancy red wallpaper. More disturbing were the various skin-stitched Voodoo dolls and skulls hanging from the ceiling.
 A cool soothing evening breeze met my face as I stepped outside into the inferno air. I sank down into another chair next to Alastor. The sky was painted a brilliant red and orange, the magenta pentagram glowing and moving above like a revolving clock.
 “I didn’t mean to disturb you sir…” I began. A small radio sat beside Alastor, emitting radio noises and various sound clips. Strangely they sounded almost the same every time I heard them. In fact, his habit of using his microphone for sound effects…it was almost like a comfort mechanism for him.
 “Well usually at a time like this I do prefer to be alone, but since you were nearby…”
 “I just…wanted to make sure you were alright.”
 “I’m perfectly splendid, sweetheart, no need to worry.”
 For a millisecond, his eyes told a different story. Not only did I have better senses, I could read expressions and sense intentions better as well.
 “I believe there is more than that. I heard you guys arguing. Frankly, Husk was being a bit of a jerk.”
 Alastor waved his hand. “That’s what he does.”
 “But it was different this time, wasn’t it?”
 Alastor just shrugged.
 “Charlie and I were talking today and we both can agree: you can’t hide your feelings forever.”
 “Whatever are you talking about?”
 “I can sense that you are lonely, deep down. You want to find a place to belong but your sadistic nature makes others afraid of you. You’re afraid to trust other people.”
 He turned to me with a deadly glare but I remained where I was. “If you’re planning on killing me, there’s no point as I’m already dead. Hear me out for a second.”
 He paused and leaned back to listen.
 “I’m not saying you should reveal your sad secrets to everyone. I’m just saying you should embrace the fact that we all have vulnerabilities and bad days. It’s perfectly okay to cry once in a while. Perhaps your search for entertainment is more than just that. It’s a search for your mother, your friends, a search for your true place on the stage of life.”
 “I’m never fully dressed without a smile,” he seethed with his plastic smile. “End of story. Since when has an audience member gave the star of the show directions?” he inquired, eyebrow raised. “You don’t know anything about me.”
 “Well perhaps you need a better script,” I added, arms folded. I stared at his long yellowed nails, his gloves off for a rare moment. “And serious bodily care.”
 A brief silence. Had I been anyone else, I’d be a pile of ash.
 I continued. “Husk did have a point, though. He wanted to be left alone but you still decided to invade his space. You told Charlie that you want to see people fail, despite her not wanting to hear it. Plus, I’d expect an evil killer like you to take joy in the fact that people run away from you in fear. But you don’t like it. Because you seek something more.”
 “I don’t need to hear your delusional words.”
 “I’m more observant than you think. You created me to be submissive, but also tough and smart. It’s my duty to serve you and the hotel right now. And you bet your bottom dollar that me and your friends will try and do what’s best for everyone.”
 More silence as we watched the sunset in deep thought. After several minutes, I turned to him and couldn’t believe what I saw. I spotted a stray tear fall from Alastor’s eye…and his smile slowly faded.
 I covered my mouth with my hands as I let out a soft surprised gasp.
 His look alone told me that I’d be demon meat if I told anyone else. Fortunately, I never break my promise.
 I thought of all his behaviors I noticed and it suddenly clicked. There was the feeling again, a sense of a peculiar deep connection between me and him. And I figured out what it was.
 “Alastor…do you know what autism is?”
 He gave me a perplexed look. “Stop making things up.”
 “It’s a real thing…but I imagine no one talked about it in your time. Autism is one of many developmental disorders that impairs socialization. Your behaviors appear to be very similar.”
 Alastor growled, teeth bared in warning. “I can assure you that I’m perfectly talkative enough. You call me dumb and I can easily…”
 “I know because I have it too.”
 Alastor’s eye twitched. “What?”
 “Do any of these traits sound familiar to you? Being a nerdy child lost in your own world? Being preoccupied and very skilled in your many talents as you grew up? Never quite fitting in with your peers no matter how hard you try?”
 Nothing was heard but the sounds of radio glitches. Orange light glinted off his monocle under his right eye.
 “Those with autism are often very knowledgeable, setting their minds to something and never letting go of it. But they have a hard time seeing things from another person’s perspective. It’s not that they are antisocial and heartless. Rather, they feel things deeply…but they don’t know how to communicate properly with others around them. Some of them aren’t interested in romance, either.”
 Alastor rolled his eyes. “I have shows to plan for my demonic audience. I don’t have time for feelings and…”
 I continued on. “You’re content with living in your own world of radios, music and murder…because for you, it was the only way to survive and make yourself known in your previous life. Communicating through the radio, playing music, dancing and singing on stage… that is when you feel truly alive. Because your listeners hang onto your every word, not caring who you are on the outside.”
 His pupils grew slightly. “You’re making assumptions. You’re forgetting about murder…”
 “Bringing joy to others outweighs bringing suffering...at least that’s how it should be. There’s nothing wrong with doing what you love…except when it causes harm to others.”
 “Demons kill and eat other all the time. Surely you must know that sometimes death and torture are necessary.”
 “You do have a good point. But…I’m talking about your previous life, and why you were sent down here…”
 “I killed those racist bastards for good reasons. When you discover there’s an afterlife full of magic, you go out of you way to make deals for power. It’s what I’ve been doing for years. It’s impossible to be sinless, for sinners lost their chance to ascend the moment they died on Earth!”
 “But it doesn’t have to be that way. Say we take the necessary steps to prove Heaven wrong…”
 “Heheheh, there you go, sounding delusional like Charlie.”
 “Just be glad I’m not as distrustful or hateful of men as Vaggie.”
 “Angel Dust is probably worse…”
 I chuckled out loud at that. “Personal space isn’t in his vocabulary.”
 I took a breath. “Look Alastor, I’m not saying it will be all be rainbows like Charlie claims. I’m just saying it’s not impossible to redeem sinners. Back to the main topic: we both have autism. Your special interests are radios, entertainment, murder and dark magic.”
 Alastor made a face and shook his head. “That term you mentioned didn’t exist when I was alive,” he said. “Anyone who was considered strange or deviant were ignored at best. At worst, they were arrested, killed or thrown into asylums. If it weren’t for my beloved mother…I would’ve wasted away a long time ago. And despite enjoying the company of beautiful ladies, I’ve never had much interest in intimacy. My broadcasting career was my life.”
 This time I listened quietly. He continued. “I’m only telling you all this because you technically don’t exist in the Hazbin timeline. And because…I can trust you enough, like Charlie and Rosie and Mimzy…”
 He sighed again. “Like a skilled actor, I learned not just how to present myself on the air. Thanks to my mama, I learned how to socialize and mimic others around me. It was a way for me to be confident in the face of daily disdain. Smiling became my way of life…my survival skill. If I were to cry and appear weak, who knows what might’ve happened to me. Eventually I became famous for my broadcasting and my music all throughout Louisiana, but it still wasn’t quite enough. I then found another coping mechanism…”
 The aura around him grew red…
 “One that made me feel like I found my place in the world. How good it felt when I could hear their screams…see the life leave their eyes. How from the moment their bodies turned cold, I knew they could never take advantage of me and my family again…”
 His black antlers arched slightly past his face. He lowered his head as static faded in and out. Here was the infamous and ferocious Radio Demon pouring out his secrets to me. I almost didn’t know what to say.
 He covered his eyes with his hands, long fingers in claw shapes almost tearing at his pale gray skin. His voice broke in a record scratch…and this time he spoke without the radio effect, barely audible: “I miss her so much.” His fluffy ear tufts briefly drooped as he conjured the loving smiling brown face of his French Creole mother in his head.
 We sat in silence for a while. “I hope you can see her again,” I said. “But…you need to have faith. Not in Charlie’s program per se…but in yourself. I know change is hard…I’m not saying go play with dogs and use new technology. I mean, don’t be afraid to explore your feelings, figure out what you truly want in your second life.”  
 Alastor’s remaining tears sizzled off his face and his tufts lifted back up. “That’s easy. I want to entertain others and have everyone do what I want…endlessly feast on flesh and never be bored…”
 “We both know it doesn’t work like that. What you want is nothing compared with what you need. You need love. Friends. The joys of music and a purpose. Instead of killing individuals…you need to kill off your own barriers.”
 “Easier said than done. What if I don’t want to change?”
 “You’ll either spiral downward into madness, or you’ll slowly change for the better while still retaining your good qualities. If you want to see your mother in Heaven, you’re gonna have to put in some effort. I may sound like Charlie when I say this but…I know you can do it.”
 Alastor gradually relaxed, his antlers retreating back to their usual stumps. He soon stood up, anxious to have some space. “Thank you for this lovely chat. Now I’m off to read my scripts and go to bed for a little.”
 I stood up and followed. “How long do you usually sleep?”
 “Thirty minutes,” he shrugged. “I rest by the wall with my eyes open.”
 I gasped out loud and bared my teeth. “Not on my watch, mister. Get into bed, now!”
 “Deer don’t need sleep.”
 I put my hands on my hips. “Everyone needs sleep, especially you! I promise nothing is going to happen. Your shadow will guard your room and suck the soul out of any intruder. Plus you have several friends and kingpins who are loyal to you. You want to truly be the star, Alastor? Start by taking care of yourself. You are the most important person in your life.”
 Alastor smirked. “Like I don’t already know that.”
 “Good. Now rest.”
 I turned to leave before I freeze. Gathering my courage, I turned to Alastor who sat on the bed. “Alastor…may I give you a hug?”
 He stared at me, taken aback. No one had ever asked him for a hug before. He almost flinched when I slowly walked toward him.
 After a moment, his face softened. “Just this once.” He leaned into my arms and chest. I got over my brief surprise by returning the embrace, my eyes closed, tears falling. I opened them and saw to my utter delight, his fluffy red and black deer tail wagging a bit! We soon parted and he wiped the tears from my face with his fingertips.
 “Now darling, don’t forget to smile! You’re never fully dressed without one.”
 I laughed through my tears. His charm worked every time. “Hey, don’t forget to ask people if they want to be touched before you do so. That’s lesson one.”
 “You’re my servant, not my teacher,” he spoke up.
 I spread out my arms. “This is Hell, Alastor, we can be anything. The world is a stage after all!”
 Alastor chuckled, but I sensed that he wasn’t content with taking my advice any time soon. But I had tried nonetheless.
 We bid our goodnights, me feeling slightly better. Just before I closed Alastor’s door and headed for my room, his whisper of a voice floated by my ears:
 “Thank you Ms. Prior. Stay tuned.”  
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bleachanimefan1 · 3 years
Oblitus Chapter 14
Are You Ready!
Alastor, Angel and Anna walked through the door to Alastor's room and were now in the hallway of the hotel. They headed towards the elevator riding it down. As the elevator dinged, making it to the lobby the doors opened revealing Charlie and Vaggie. Their eyes widen in surprise
"Whoa, what happened to you guys?" The princess asked as the three stepped out of the elevator.
 "We...had a little fight." Alastor explained. "It was certainly entertaining too!" Vaggie narrowed her eyes glaring at him.
"Well, you're little fight is tracking mud all over the floor!" She growled, irritated. 
Seeing a quick blur darting past, Anna turned her head to see Niffty mopping and sweeping up the mud tracks that she and Alastor had left. She cringed feeling bad for having the little cyclops clean the mess up. Anna turned her head back when she heard Charlie spoke.
 "Get cleaned up." She said. "Already done, my charming demon belle!" Alastor snapped his fingers and he and Anna were completely spotless and clean.
"You'll never believe who's here!" Charlie continued. Anna could see that the princess was more fidgety and nervous than usual. 
"Who's here?" Angel questioned.
"My dad." Charlie answered. 
"What?!" Alastor stood frozen in place with a grin on his face while Anna and Angel stared at the princess in surprise. Charlie nodded her head.
"I guess he finally got my messages."
"Charlie, if you don't mind me asking, who is your dad? Should I be scared?" Anna asked, nervously.
"Well, he is called by many names. He goes by Lucifer. But, there is one that you humans are familiar with,...Satan." The princess answered. Just as Charlie finished, Anna's eyes widen in horror as she stepped away. She felt sick to her stomach.
"You mean HIM?! You are the daughter of Satan!?" She cried. Charlie cringed. "You didn't let me finish. Yes, he is the devil. But, he and Satan are completely different people down here." Anna frowned. Charlie continued as she explained.
"He is one of the seven ring leaders of Hell and also the king. This is the only way. If he can find out a way to get you back to the living world, he can." The princess answered. But, Anna didn't hear her as she continued rambling on as she had a nervous breakdown. 
"There is no way I'm talking or saying anything to him! There has to be another way!"
Angel placed a hand the woman's shoulder. "Doll face, I know that you want to go home. But, now's not a great time to be a speciest." Angel replied. Anna sighed. What else could she do? There wasn't a lot of options to go with. If this was the only way, then so be it.
 "Fine." She said. "I'll listen to what he has to say."
 "He's in the management office." Charlie said as she and Anna walked away. "I'll show you the way."
 "I'm going to go check on Nuggsy." Angel said, heading towards his room. "Poor baby's probably missing me."
 Alastor turned his head towards the bar seeing Husk making a drink. He could use one. Alastor walked over as Husk bent to grab his phone to take a picture of his masterpiece. Once he stood up, he noticed that it was gone. Then he saw Alastor, sitting in front of him, drinking it. 
"You bastard! You ruined it!" Husk shouted, angrily.
"You shouldn't have left it unattended." the radio demon said as he finished his drink, slamming the glass on the counter. "How was I supposed to know?" Alastor responded with a big grin shrugging his hands.
"You fucking knew!" the cat demon snapped back, growling. "You do this every freaking time! And why are you up? You should be lying down."
"Oh Husker, I'm shocked that you would say that. You really do care!" Alastor replied with a smug grin, rubbing his cheek against the cat's. Husk shoved him away.
"Get off me!" Husk shouted as he pushed him. The cat demon grabbed a bottle of liquor and starting chugging it down. "Geez, you're more annoying than usual! What's gotten you so gay?"
"The dame's quite the entertaining little thing, especially her fiery temper."
"You mean the dumb dora?" The cat demon questioned. 
"The very same." Alastor said. Husk laughed.
"I don't believe this! She's turning you into a sap!" he continued. "If everyone could see this you'd be the laughing stock in Hell!" 
Slam! Husk jumped as Alastor slammed his hands on the counter. Radio static was heard as it echoed in the room throughout the hallways. A dark shadow towered over Husk as Alastor looked down at him with a scary grin on his face.
"I'd be careful with what you'd say next, Husk." Alastor said. "It may be the last thing that you'll ever say."
Charlie and Anna were now standing in front of the door to the management office. The princess turned to her "Okay, once you meet my dad. Be careful with what you say." 
"Why?" Anna questioned.
"He has an explosive temper." Charlie answered.
"This is not making me feel any better." Anna replied. She saw Charlie playing with her hands, nervously. "Why are you nervous about your dad?" 
"Let's just say that we have different views and opinions."
Charlie opened the door  and she and Anna walked into the room. Anna immediately froze as she saw a man, looking like the the man in the family portrait, sitting in a chair with his feet resting on the desk, Lucifer. He saw the two walk in and he stood up walking over to them. Anna's eyes widen in surprise seeing how short he was. She snorted and quickly covered her mouth trying not to laugh. He only came up to Charlie's shoulders. He was definitely not what she had expected. For some reason he reminded her of a twisted version of Willy Wonka, which only made it harder not to laugh.
"Charlie, dad." Charlie corrected him. She gestured her hand to Anna. "This is Anna. The human I've been calling you about." Lucifer turned his attention towards Anna with a strange grin on his face, looking her up and down.
"I see, so this is the human pet." 
"She is not a pet, dad. Now that you've been introduced. Let's talk about how-" Lucifer interrupted. "Yeah, that's nice darling. Now run along. The human and I need to talk alone." He finished as he shoved Charlie out of the room, slamming the door behind her, locking it, before she could say anything else. Anna stared in silence, nervously, looking at the being in front of her. He turned to her with a dark grin on his face, walking slowly towards her.
"So, who sent you?" He asked. "Was it HIM?" Anna backed up only to back up into the desk behind her. She looked at him with a confused look.
"What?" She questioned. "I don't know what you're talking about. Nobody sent me."
"Turn around and pull up your shirt."
"Pull up my shirt? I'm not going to do-" Anna was whipped around, forcibly, as she felt her shirt being lifted up over her head. "Wha-Hey! Stop! What are you doing?!" Anna felt hands roam all over her back as Lucifer scanned it to find that there were no wings hidden. His eyes trailed down lower towards her butt, seeing Anna's tail began to wag side to side. Lucifer chuckled.
He sighed and released Anna letting go of her shirt. "Okay, so he didn't sent you." He walked to the desk and took a seat in the chair while Anna fixed her shirt, pulling it back down.
"What was THAT all about?!" She exclaimed, angrily.
Lucifer made a mischievous grin. "I had to make sure that you weren't a spy from the big guy." He said resting his elbows on the desk with his hands clasped together. "But, all checks out. What's more interesting is why you're here, especially looking like that. You're still alive."
 "Well, thanks for pointing that out." Anna replied, sarcastically, glaring at him. She wanted to slap that smug grin off from his face. She felt violated. "Look, if you know of a way, any way for me to leave this place. Please, tell me. I just want to leave." She finished. Lucifer hummed as his grin began grow to larger. His eyes peaked with interest.
"Now, why would I do that?" He asked pointing his finger at Anna.
"You have to-!" Anna cried. Lucifer let out a dark chuckle.
"I don't have to do anything."
"Please..." Lucifer stared silently at her. This human was very persuasive.
"There is a way..." Lucifer replied. "I have a book that will be able to open a portal to the living world. However, it's gone missing."
"Missing?" Anna questioned.
"Somebody has stolen it from me. It is a dark blue book with thick leather casing, with some latin inscribed on the cover. If it can be found, then that is your way back." The king explained. 
"Then that's what I'll do. I'll find the book and bring it back. Then you will be able to send me back?" Anna asked. Lucifer made a twisted smirk holding up his hand, stopping her.
"I will do it. BUT! There is one thing you must do for me in return..." He replied. His grin growing more sinister.
 "And what is that?" Anna questioned, not liking where this was going. There was a long dead silence until the king spoke.
"Make sure my daughter's hotel plan does not succeed."
Anna's eyes widen.  "What?! why would you want me to do that?!"
"She's your daughter! Don't you want her to able make demons redeem themselves? Don't you care about your people?"
"I can care less what happens to them." Lucifer replied.
"Everyone deserves a second chance!" Anna exclaimed in disbelief. She saw Lucifer narrow his eyes nearly into slits as he glared furiously at her.
"Then I will not help you." Lucifer replied. "Apparently, this has been a waste of time for the both of us." He began to walk away heading towards the door and was about to open it when Anna spoke.
"Some father you are..." She murmured under her breath, angrily. "Do you even love her."
As she looked up, Anna nearly jumped out of her skin to find yellow slits staring right back into to hers, enraged. She stared back, shaking. 
"DO NOT TEST ME HUMAN!" Lucifer roared. "If my daughter wasn't here, you would be dead where you stand. Do not meddle in things that isn't any of your business!" The door slammed hard as Anna stared with wide eyes wondering what just happened.
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ask-bax-n-al · 4 years
so, i made this little fic here yesterday to get the blog going, i haven’t planed to follow a plot in this blog but it seemed such a cute idea lol.. also, forgive if this have typos or if my english is poor, since it’s not my first language. anyways, please enjoy. ^^
Log date 451
I and the so called radio demon have been in a “relationship” for quite some time now. My research on romantic relationships is almost done and he hasn’t made a move yet. His “confession” definitely came by surprise, but it was a deal I just couldn’t refuse. A partnership with one of the most powerful demons of hell? No way!
I’m not a fool, I know that in this twisted place even my brilliant mind can’t protect me forever. Even though I can’t help but wonder, ‘why me?’ these thoughts are making me crazy! What if it’s some sort of plan do deceive and kill me?
He said that he, himself, doesn’t understand these feelings and hates looking “this weak”.  But then again with that composed yet unbearable powerful aura, he rose up and proposed that he’d offer me protection from the other demons and in exchange I’d be “his, and his alone”.
“With my power and your genius, we’d be invincible! What do you say?”
Is what he said.
 Baxter turned off the pocket radio were he documented his experiments with a sigh, he was still confused about what all of this was about.
He went down the stairs of the hotel for the first time in weeks, the red light of the underworld sun hurt his eyes a little when he first opened the door, but he made it till the first floor were the others were hanging out.
Angel dust and niffty were being chaotic while vagatha was trying to calm them down, husker and crymini were at the bar complaining about something, and alastor… was as close as ever with Charlie. They seemed to be working on the hotel management or something.
Alastor saw him behind the doorframe with the corners of his eyes and baxter hid himself quickly out of instinct. When he decided to go back to his room/laboratory after all, the first thing he did when he turned around was bump right into the radio demon.
-          It’s not polite to not greet people when you see them, you know ~?
-          AGH! STAY BACK I SAY!
He pulled out his lazergun even if it wouldn’t help him at all. Alastor just put it down with a finger and kept staring with that large eyes and creepy smile.
-          Oh why… how cold~ that’s not how you talk to a lover.
Baxter felt his cheeks burning and his heart racing for no apparent reason.
-          I-! you just startled me! No big deal!
-          Well, I’m sorry then, it wasn’t my intention.
-          Um, well, it’s okay, I’ve decided to forgive you. But still, I’d like to ask you a question.
-          I’m all ears to you my dear.
They sat down in a sofa that was in that room.
-          About that day, did you really mean it? What do you even like about me?
-          Oh well, were do I begin? First off, you’re smart, not an opponent I’d look down that easily.  Then, there’s our date of death, I feel that we can have a lot in common because of that. Your reactions to the things around you are also the most amusing! Ha! I really enjoy the happy-go-lucky type, but it gets predictable after a while. And there’s this little curl the corner of your mouth makes when you smile and it’s adorable haha….and how all of that makes me want to tease you… hurt you… in weird ways… I’ve never experienced anything of the sort…
-          Alastor…? W-what if I told you I’ve been doing research?
-          Research?
-          It seems you’re experiencing other kinds of lust other than bloodlust, since Charlie asked you to not kill anyone.
-          Oh… really?
Those hypnotizing eyes came closer, Baxter was feeling the fabric of his glove under his chin, forcing him to not look away.
-          Y-yeah, I believe so…
He gulped, frowned and fixed his glasses.
-          It’s the only logical rea-
Their lips were touching now, baxter’s brain went full radio static at the time.
-          Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhh……… what are you guys doing?
It was the most humiliating heart attack baxter had ever experienced, he just jumped out of alastor and fell on the ground, while alastor just cracked his neck to look in the direction of a very confused vaggie and angel.
-          Shit.
Both said at the same time.
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dealwithadeer · 4 months
OOO hi love your radiohusk takes they're so very interesting
I am not quite sure what you mean by delusional!alastor so I'm sorry if I've misinterpreted: but what if a delusional!alastor who thinks Husk surely must love him back (platonically or romantically) despite his treatment of him
Alastor is, in his own humble opinion, perfect. Or at least he knows better than most other people how to hide is potential flaws and weaknesses. So anyone who managess to gain his interest beyond the thought of what he might gain from them should consider themselves very lucky.
With Husk it started out when Husk was still an Overlord. The cat demon had caught his eye and much to Rosies amusement he had apparently not been as subtle about his interest in him during the meetings as he had thought he was.
Apparently by the cat demons body language (Alastor hated that you could see some of his true emotions through his deer ears if he did not pay special attentions to them but he found it actually quite endearing in the other) the nature of his interest was a bit .. misinterpreted. Althogh Alastor did not really blame Husker ("How many f*** times do I have to tell you not to call me that?") for his reactions, Alastor had a regular broadcast about what usually happened to Overlords he had paid attention to.
So he actually started approching the cat demon more often, frequented his casino and despite Husker not being te most cheerful fellow and almost honest to a fault, Alastor actually liked him. And he was sure that despite Husks strange insistance to leave him alone that the other felt the same way. Especially after Alastor had found out that if you manage to scratch Husker just right behind the ear that the cat demon (very involuntarily) would start to purr.
The Radio Demon wanted him and the Radio Demon was going to have him. Simple as that. Although he had expected to be Husks last hope when he was already on the streets and maybe even then Alastor would have to coax him into a deal.
But no, Husk has come to him after only a month of carefully orchestrated lost games.
When they set up the rules of their games Husk had thought of mentioning a lot of possible ways Alastor could cheat. He had however neglected to make 'don't use your shadows to spy on my cards' part of the arrangement.
What was a loss of rational thinking in the face of true despair was a clear sign to Alastor that Husker actually wanted to lose even if Husker himself was not entirely aware of it.
When every hellish possession that had once been Huskers found themselves in Alastors possession, Alastor had been tempted to make Huskers soul the next bargaining chip. That was what he was after, after all.
But to keep the cat demon a bit longer on the table, he was willing to take his powers instead, make him truely desperate when he would come crawling to him a second time for the soul deal.
Husk was the one who instead offered of him soul. And he really did offer up his entire soul to Alastor in exchange for his powers. He had not even asked for the less.. strict version of the deal but had offered himself on a golden plate just for Alastor without any sort of tricks or loopholes.
A few days later as Husk has begun to accept his loss (hey he had lost the game, and now he was going to be in this other demons employment for a very long time if he was (un)lucky. But that was just how things worked down here) but it was only when Alastor had decided that he needed a change of wardrobe that he learned just how f** he actually was.
"Oh don't be like that, Husker" Alastor had told him with a grin and a look in his eyes that 'Husker' did not like at all after the cat demon had made his displeasure about apparently only being allowed to wear pants a red bowtie and a hat with an equally red ribbon tied around it known.
"This is what you truelly want after all. You want to be mine. In fact, you were even begging to be mine with the way you offered up your soul."
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irrlicht-ghostfront · 4 years
a stray cat
Characters: Alastor, Husk, Angel Dust, Charlie
Pairing: Alastor & Husk, Husk/Angel Dust (implied), Charlie/Vaggie (mentioned)
Summary: Husk tended to fall asleep in places Alastor had accesses to. So naturally, to wake the cat up, he’d use an air horn. However, it’s been a few days since he found Husk asleep anywhere. He overheard a conversation between Husk and Angel Dust talking about Husk performing more magic on Angel this night. The implication made Alastor upset and he can’t quite figure out why.
A/N: Enjoy this piece of something I have written. Also, if any of you have something for Husk and Alastor in mind, do tell me. I’d love to get my grabby hands onto any- and everything.
Alastor came to understand that Husk was what one would call a stray cat. The only place that Husk would stay at consistently would be the bar, and he wasn’t sure if that was even a conscious choice in the first place or if Husk simply passed out there and nobody bothered to move him somewhere else.
So when one day someone pounded at his door, he was rather surprised to see Husk standing there, barging his way in. He was clutching an – presumably – empty bottle and was rather wet, as it had been raining most of the day.
“Do you need something?” he asked then to which Husk didn’t really reply – he simply shook his fur and got water everywhere. That was quite disgusting, to be absolutely honest, but luckily Niffty would surely clean everything up in a heartbeat. Husk then finally turned to him.
“Bar’s closed today.”
That was it; the cat didn’t offer more information. Surely Husk would not consider his home to be a replacement bar? He did have alcohol here, yes, but it was not for public consumption. Husker tried to take a drink out of his empty bottle before he realised it’s empty. He let out a disappointed sound, but didn’t ask for more.
“Part of the owner’s family got killed during the last Extermination, so the bar’s closed for the moment. And it’s raining, as you sure have noticed.”
Maybe Husk was expecting him to turn around to look and verify that yes, it was indeed raining, but he would not get that satisfaction here. For a moment, they both stared at each other, each willing for the other to give up first. Husk gave in first, heading towards the couch. Without much questioning, he plunked down on it and for that day, it was the end of the discussion. In fact, it was also the end for every discussion after that, because soon enough Husk was able to get inside the house without knocking. Alastor slept very rarely, so he would notice the cat getting in most days. But some days he’d wake up and Husker would simply be there, purring on the couch. The Radio Demon found he truly didn’t mind.
In fact, he found that having the cat lounging on the couch was somewhat reassuring. And, obviously, he’d blow an air horn next to Husk’s face.
 And now they stayed at the Hazbin Hotel – Charlie still called it Happy Hotel and yes, he realised that was still technically the name of it, but he simply didn’t care – and they each had their own rooms. He still caught Husk sleeping at the bar enough times to make it feel like a real home. He was nice enough most days to leave his air horn in his room while he went for his morning walk. If Husk was still asleep by the time he returned, he got his eyebrow plucked. It was, after all, Husk’s own fault for being so sensitive to all and every form of teasing.
 It was very hard to get Husk truly drunk. While he might be severely intoxicated, Husker being black-out drunk was something Alastor hadn’t seen as of yet. He’d always stopped before that happened for some reason, and he’d always been curious.
“How am I supposed to get home if I don’t know where I’m going?”
So Alastor simply concluded for himself that it probably had something to do with how Husk died – he didn’t know. Asking would probably lead to be asked himself and that was just not a topic he was interested in sharing. Sure, he could always just not answer, but Husk would still have asked and it would forever taint the room. So it was best it remained a secret – perhaps would share one day without him having to ask in the first place.
 He found Husk several times in front of his door, deep asleep, usually hugging an empty bottle of the favoured alcohol for the night. After waking him up – with an air horn, of course – the cat would usually shuffle off with a very casual “fuck you” and that would be done.  Then, one night, he let the door unlocked as a test. And sure enough, come morning, he found Husk asleep on a chair in his room. He didn’t know why he came here when he had his own bed just next door, but he wouldn’t let the opportunity be taken away to dump a bucket full of ice-cold water onto Husk’s head and see him jump. After all, what did his friend expect?
With all the pranks he could pull off on Husk, the cat was a giving bag full of wonders.
 But now it’s been several days since the last time. When he went for his morning walk, Husk was not lying atop the bar asleep; and he also didn’t come crawling to his chair in the middle of the night anymore. Alastor surely missed his daily morning routine of pranks. Now, he would find Husk in front of the fridge when he returned in the morning; surely looking for cheese – for some reason, Husk really loved cheese.
He could, of course, simply assume that Husk finally learned to sleep in his own bed. But – something told him that that wasn’t the case. Husk never cared where he slept – in fact, he has found him in questionable positions all throughout. And – he believed, that somewhere deep down, Husk was looking forward to the teasing he received.
“Husk”, he said in the kitchen. “It is so good to see you finally learned where your own bed is.” It was supposed to be a jab, but the cat just growled at him, took the cheese out of the fridge and left the kitchen, heading over to his bar without a doubt. It sure left a sour feeling in his chest. No matter, it was time to brew some coffee.
 “Will you perform some more magic on me tonight?”
“I think you’ve seen the best of it by this point, Angel.”
“Oh, come on, there’s gotta be some more! It gets me all excited.”
“Fine, but we gotta do it somewhere else than your fucking bed this time.”
 Huh. Now that was an interesting titbit of conversation to overhear. So that’s where Husk had been spending all his time – in the bed and general company of Angel Dust. Of course, he himself had always stayed far away from any such activities, but he had thought that Husk did the same. After all, the only thing the cat was interested in was drinking and gambling – right?
Well, apparently not. Alastor wasn’t even sure why it upset him so. Let Husk do whatever he wants, as long he would still be available for menial task. So – so why was it so upsetting? Husk wasn’t really a friend – he was simply an asset that had proven itself to be very reliable. He wanted to break something, but he didn’t know what. Maybe he should go out. Yes. That might clear his head and if he was lucky, he would even come across a random demon he could tear apart.
 The air outside calmed him down rather effectively. It was starting to get late, and he should be making food technically, but he didn’t care. If someone helped her, Niffty was a good enough cook. So he strolled down the road, on the way into the city.
He didn’t really have a haunt to visit regularly. Normally, he would visit Rosie, but she was out of town. And besides, he didn’t really have the mindset to share his thoughts with someone. He was unsure what to do about the Husk-Angel-situation. He probably had no right to intervene and realistically, why would he even want to? It would only be beneficial. If people trusted Husk, they would also trust him. The cat integrating into these people seemed a perfect fit. Still, it made him upset thinking about Husk in that fellow’s room.
“Hey, handsome, you’re here for a good time?”
He turned his head and saw a female demon saunter over. She wore very little clothing and he wondered why that was. ...oh, she was probably in the same profession as Angel Dust. She came close to him and put her hands on his chest. What a disgusting pig.
“I could make ya a good offer...”
Hm. Maybe she could offer information while she was still alive.
“If I asked you to perform magic on me, what would you do?”
She seemed taken aback by that for a moment before regaining her posture.
“Well, if you’d have me, I could show you all the magic in the world, for a very nice price.” So, it was something of the sort. Simply the thought of Husk and Angel Dust actually engaging in that disgusting behaviour set him on edge. He grabbed both of her wrists and come closer to her. Maybe she realised who he was, just now. What a poor little soul this sinner was. It was way past dinner-time, as well.
“Oh my darling, I could just eat you up.”
 He returned to the hotel, somewhat sated. Of course, that demon had been very low quality, so she tasted exactly like that. But it had satiated his hunger for the most part at least.
Husk was not behind the bar when he returned, and given the time, he was probably in Angel Dust’s room. It set him back on edge right away. He tightened his grip around his microphone, so much in fact it started to complain. It was such a useless thing. He let it disappear. He didn’t need any more annoyance right now. Now, he decided to be stupid.
Alastor went upstairs and instead of going into his own room, he went into the direction of Angel Dust’s room. There were sounds coming out of the door. It sounded like someone squealing and another voice chuckling. The first voice probably belonged to Angel, and the second one must be Husk’s. Alastor himself never really heard Husk chuckle or even laugh; mostly it was a bunch of yelling and growling.
He left.
 The next morning, he sought out Charlie. He needed answers and he didn’t know who else would be able to provide them. Normally, he’d ask Husk because he wouldn’t care why Alastor asked things. Obviously, that wasn’t a possibility right now. Charlie was the only option he truly had. The chances of Niffty telling Husk were just too great to risk it.
The girl was sitting in the kitchen, drinking her morning drink. He clearly startled her, but that hardly mattered.
“Oh! Good morning, Al!”
He hated that name. But, he didn’t want to correct her. It was a nickname, and nicknames meant at least some sort of affection. Also, Husk used it too, along with many other names. Strangely enough, he didn’t hate it as much whenever Husk used it. To be fair, the nickname usually followed some sort of insult, so it hardly mattered.
“I have questions regarding sexual acts. You are in a sexual relationship with Vaggie, correct?”
That made her spit her drink out. She went beet-red and he didn’t understand. He hadn’t said anything wrong, had he? Husk and Angel both had called Vaggie and Charlie girlfriends.
“W-w-w-w-w-w-why would you ask that, what the hell.”
She stuttered and gaped like a fish. He tilted his head. He wondered if that sort of reaction was common. Perhaps he should launch an experiment on Husk, once this was all sorted out.
“I am simply curious as to what sounds would emit from such an act.”
She went even redder if that was even possible and her mouth moved without purpose. Was it perhaps a difficult question? He could retell all the sounds someone made when he tore them apart. Maybe intercourse was something more difficult and complex in retelling. But if that was the case, everyone seemed quite obsessed about it. Perhaps he should’ve asked the female demon before killing her. It was too late to do that now, however.
Charlie just ran out and left him standing. His only hope now was that she would not tell Vaggie. He closed his eyes briefly to regain his composure.
 Later that day, he sat at the bar and enjoyed a drink Husk had given him. The cat was trying to learn how to mix new cocktails, and was giving his tests out to anyone who wanted them. Alastor, so far, thought them all to be too mild and Husk said that was the point.
“Hey, Al!”
It was the obnoxious voice of Angel Dust sounding through the lobby. What could the spider possibly want with him? He decided to bear with it though.
“Hello, Angel Dust. It’s lovely to see you.”
Angel slid down into the seat next to him, soon to be served another of Husk’s new recipes. He grinned like he knew something and winked at Husk who paid no mind. Alastor doubted he even saw the wink and half suspected it was aimed more at him.
“I heard you asked Charlie about the do-do. Why not come to me and ask me all the sexy stuff?”
Oh. It was even worse than Charlie running to Vaggie; she had run to Angel Dust. Husk stopped in his actions and looked up, lifting an eyebrow questioningly. If Alastor would be a sweating type, he’d be doing it now. Luckily, he was not.
“I wanted an explanation, not a demonstration.”
Angel Dust laughed and hit two of his hands on the table. He quickly turned back to his glass, mainly to avoid Husk’s gaze. How should he explain? It was sort of embarrassing. But there was no backing out now.
“I was simply curious as to what sounds such an occasion would produce.”
Angel was wheezing now and Husk was still glaring at him. It was hard keeping his composure. Angel stopped laughing and decided to be – “helpful”, as he demonstrated various moans, screams and sighs. Alastor broke his glass, got up and left.
“Now you’ve done it, shithead.”
“Yeah, but now we’ve got more time for us, sweetheart.”
He didn’t hear Husk’s response and he didn’t even want to. He was fuming.
He went out again.
It was a shame, letting all that food go to waste.
 Alastor didn’t return until the next day. He didn’t bother to clean up, he was still angry. He was angry at Angel Dust, angry at Charlie and angry at Husk. And he didn’t know what to do about it. Could he tell Husk to just stop?
“You look like shit.”
He looked to his side and saw Husk sitting in front of the bar, scowling at him. He had various playing cards in his hands and seemed to be Angel-free at the moment. He chose to ignore the cat’s comment and strolled over.
“What are you doing?”
Husk shrugged and showed him the cards. “A week or so ago, I showed Angel one of my magic tricks. And ever since I did that, he’s hot on my fucking tail to show him another one. So, I’m practicing again. And also, I try to teach myself some new tricks I can show him.”
Alastor stood in front of his cat as he went on and on about the new trick he found somewhere.  Magic. Husk loved magic tricks. He’d completely forgotten about that. So – the “magic” Husk performed for Angel was just – was just magic card tricks. Now he felt like a fool.
“That’s what you’ve been doing at night?”
Husk just nodded.
“Yeah, it really cut into my fucking drinking time. I can’t be completely smashed for the tricks, y’know?”
Alastor just left. He went into his room, cleaned up and felt like a weight lifted from his shoulders. He made a complete fool out of himself, but now, it was over. Shortly after, he returned to the lobby and Husk had his back to him. Wonderful. He stepped up to him – luckily Husk barely turned around anymore when he heard him approach – and blew his air horn at Husk’s ear.
Yes, all was right in the world again.
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syntaxeme · 4 years
Sugar is Sweet (and So Are You) ch. 2
[First Chapter] [Next Chapter] [Read on AO3] [Support me on Ko-fi] Rating: T Summary: Plagued by jealousy toward the men Angel sleeps with, Alastor comes up with a plan to keep Angel from having to work the streets. He wasn't planning on becoming an actual client, but having Angel all to himself might prove too sweet to give up--for as long as he can afford it, that is.
— — —
Alastor wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself after his conversation with Angel, but he felt he should be doing something. After some time of pacing around his own room, running his mind in circles trying to figure out what was expected of him here, he was forced to concede that he simply didn’t have the information necessary to make that determination. So he would have to seek someone who did. He went down to the lobby to sit at the bar with a visibly-hungover Husk and asked for his usual—gin and tonic, hold the gin.
“Husker,” he ventured carefully, swirling the tonic water in his glass. His friend (though he used the term loosely) grunted in response. “Would I be right to assume you’ve had some experience with. Er. Filles de joie?”
“First of all, dial down the volume,” Husk grumbled flatly, squeezing his head between his hands as if that might alleviate his headache. “And second, speak English.”
“You know. Working girls. Ladies of the night. Cocettes? Streetwalkers?” How many ways could he say it gently?
“Sure,” Husk agreed with a shrug, resting heavily against the bar. “But what’s it to you? Since when d’you care about that kinda shit?”
“Oh, I don’t. In so many words. But I’ve always been a curious sort, and since I don’t have any personal experience of my own, I figure a secondhand account is better than none,” Alastor explained. The two had known each other long enough that inquiries like this weren’t entirely out of the ordinary, as there were plenty of things about society—mortal or demon—that Alastor had only seen at a distance. Husk, on the other hand, had seen and done quite a lot in his years and could be very helpful when he chose to be.
“Don’t know what you’re gonna do with it, but I guess it doesn’t really matter. Whaddaya wanna know?” He groped absently along the bar for the tumbler of gin he’d withheld from Alastor’s drink and tossed it back all at once, then immediately got dizzy and regretted the sudden motion. “Just. Keep it down.”
“It’s my understanding that escorts, like many other professionals, have regular clients,” Alastor answered, lowering his voice slightly, more because he didn’t want to be overheard having this particular discussion than for the sake of his friend’s comfort. “But I’m not sure what sort of relationship that constitutes.”
“Like you said, a professional one,” Husk told him. “It’s a job, and a client’s a client. No matter how many times ya see ‘em, that doesn’t change.”
“I see. So…that dynamic isn’t likely to develop into something else?”
He let out a dry laugh. “Somethin’ else like what? A gal doesn’t date a john if that’s what you’re askin’.” He was answering almost automatically, not bothering to question where this curiosity had come from. “I hear when a guy starts gettin’ ideas like that, most ‘workin’ girls’ are pretty quick to cut him off.”
Which was exactly what Alastor was afraid of, considering what he knew of Angel Dust. But then, maybe there was a difference if the escort in question had only one patron. Maybe whatever he was getting into with Angel didn’t have exactly the same rules. “In a slightly different vein, then, what about…” Even saying the word felt like an admission, like an embarrassment. But he truly needed some sort of reference point before he got into this, so he had no choice. “Sugaring. The sort of arrangement where—”
“Yeah, I know how it works,” Husk said, waving him off. “Not my thing, though. Too much commitment.”
Well. That was a positive thing, wasn’t it? In terms of what Alastor actually wanted from his interactions with Angel? Commitment, as far as he was concerned, meant exclusivity, which his jealous tendencies certainly appreciated. “Commitment. On the part of the client, you mean?”
“Sure. Once you tell ‘em they can rely on you, they’re gonna. And that means you hafta be able to deliver. Money. Presents. Dates. Whatever she wants, you hand it over.”
None of that sounded bad to Alastor, not if it was Angel he was spoiling; if his previously-idle money could provide enjoyment or satisfaction for the object of his affections, why not let it do so? ‘Dates’ would even mean they were enjoying time together. How could that be negative? “And in return…?”
Husk shrugged again. “She sleeps with you and pretends she likes you. Ain’t worth it if ya ask me.”
Alastor’s eager smile faded slightly. ‘Pretends’? That could be an issue. Even if he hadn’t yet expressed it, the attention and affection he wanted from Angel was the genuine sort, not something motivated purely by money. Maybe he was being greedy in hoping for something like that, when the point of this plan had simply been to stop Angel sleeping with other men. But after the spider’s welcoming attitude and that kiss earlier, he was now starting to hope (a four-letter word if ever there was one) that more might come of it.
As he was trying to decide how to word his next question, the lobby elevator dinged, and Charlie marched out of it, dragging a fully-clothed but obviously reluctant Angel Dust by his wrist. “Don’tcha have night classes or somethin’ I could take? You two givin’ out drinks at this thing?” he grumbled, trudging along behind Charlie without otherwise protesting. When he caught sight of Alastor, his expression shifted from annoyance to a sweet smile. “Hey, boys. Room for one more?”
“Come on, Angel, it’s bad enough that we’re late already,” Charlie scolded.
“What she said,” Husk muttered, his ears turning back and downward at the voices ringing through the lobby. “Get to your fuckin’ meeting already.”
As they walked past on their way to the conference room, where Vaggie and several of their other patrons were already gathered, Angel paused to steal another kiss to Alastor’s cheek, causing Charlie’s eyes to open wide even as he casually strolled past her. The Radio Demon refused to look anywhere near their proprietor, grasping his glass tighter and trying to pretend he didn’t notice her eyes boring into him. She must have taken the hint eventually, as she disappeared into the conference room and shut the doors to begin their meeting, allowing the tension in Alastor’s body to dissipate, at least somewhat.
“Y’know, no one could blame you if ya smacked him when he does that shit,” Husk pointed out, still dispassionate, illustrating with a swipe of his own dangerous claws. “After a couple times, he’ll get the picture, trust me.”
Now this was unusual. Alastor couldn’t recall ever having felt so violently vengeful on the behalf of another person before. He’d never borne Husk any ill will in the past. That said, the thought that he had at some point struck Angel instilled in Alastor a powerful urge to tear out his feathers one by one and then stab them all back in.
“I’m sure violence isn’t necessary,” he said instead, forcibly shoving those images to the back of his mind and reminding himself that Angel had proven more than once already that he could take care of himself. “Maybe he just needs a proper focus for his energy…”
“Hey, if you wanna volunteer, be my guest,” Husk snickered without smiling.
Their conversation was interrupted by an unfamiliar demon nervously slinking into the lobby, looking to check himself in. Alastor quickly shifted into salesman mode to secure another patron and get him set up in his own room. After a whirlwind tour of the establishment, which put him back in his element and did wonders to take his mind off any other concerns he might have at the moment, they made their way back down to the lobby.
“And if I’m not much mistaken, Charlie and the others should be finishing up another session just now,” he crowed, still leading the new arrival with an arm around his shoulders and gesturing to the conference room doors. “She’ll want to welcome you personally, of course, and discuss your goals and expectations for your stay.”
His prediction didn’t come a moment too soon, as the double doors swung open to release the handful of lesser demons who had been gathered for Charlie’s group counseling session. Alastor led the newest member of their merry band of misfits to the princess to call her attention. “Charlie, this fine fellow is—remind us of your name, my good man.”
“Knix,” the burly gent answered, apparently having some trouble with looking anyone in the eye.
“A new arrival!” Alastor concluded, and Charlie beamed at the thought, as always.
“Welcome to the Hazbin! I’m Charlie, and that’s Vaggie”—she indicated her partner, who was straightening up the conference room on her own—“and we run the group meetings. How did you hear about us? What inspired you to come in? Tell me everything there is to know about you.” While she was haranguing the poor fellow to within an inch of his life, Alastor conceded that his work was done and took a step back to watch Charlie’s protégés disperse to their own rooms.
He recognized one self-involved feline named Davronius, a rabbitlike misanthrope simply called Io, an elegant and aloof owlish demon who went by Donatella—but no spiders. Odd, considering how often Charlie held Angel Dust up as her ‘star pupil,’ the exemplar of the hotel’s efficacy. And he typically basked in the attention it got him. Maybe he was still talking with one of his fellow recovering sinners? What a ridiculous thing for Alastor to be jealous of. And yet…
A flash of color darted between the guests and into the conference room, then back out only a moment later. Niffty stood to one side of the doors, her face screwed up into a pout, her eye darting around the room to seek out imperfections. She must have been in a mood, further evidenced by her scurrying over to the stairs to fuss at a guest who was leaning against the banister. Once he had backed off, intimidated despite her tiny stature, she whipped a handkerchief from her pocket and started to polish his fingerprints off the otherwise-pristine wood.
“You know,” Alastor said, strolling in her direction, “the banister can’t serve its purpose if you won’t let anyone touch it.”
“Well maybe if they washed their hands once in a while, it wouldn’t bother me,” she answered testily. “Besides, Vaggie already cleaned up after the meeting, so I don’t have anything else to do. I have to do something.” That was a fair point; there was too much energy in her little form to stand still for long. If she tried, she might spontaneously combust.
“And the entire hotel is already spick-and-span from top to bottom?”
She shot him what he had come to recognize as her version of a glare. “What d’you think I was doing during the meeting? We only have sixteen occupied rooms, and all the empty ones don’t get messy. You don’t even let me go in your room, so it might as well be fifteen. The new guy just got here, so it’s basically fourteen! And now Angel’s not here leaving dirty dishes in the lobby or doing target practice in the common area—”
“N҉o҉t҉ ҉h҉e҉r҉e҉?” There was a scratch of static in Alastor’s voice that he tried to will away as he asked casually, “A҉ng҉el ҉isn’t here? Where is he?” There were only so many reasons he would leave, and considering his recent track record, Alastor was quick to assume the worst.
“He left with some lady while you were upstairs with the new guy,” Niffty explained, flicking her handkerchief briefly in the direction of Knix, who was still in mostly one-sided conversation with Charlie. “His manager, I think.”
That statement was confusing for a few reasons. First, the only person Alastor knew of who could be called Angel’s ‘manager’ was a fellow Overlord named Valentino—a man. Furthermore, Angel had mentioned some time ago that he and Valentino were no longer working together, and Alastor had noted the improvement in his mood since.
But most importantly, the manager issue shouldn’t have applied at all, considering what they had agreed upon earlier in the day. His time shouldn’t need to be managed. Or if anyone is managing it, it should be me. He realized immediately how possessive and controlling that idea was and chastised himself for it. Yet it didn’t change how he felt. This day had come to involve entirely too many feelings, the way he saw it, and he was beginning to get exhausted. Since Angel wasn’t there to explain himself at the moment, Alastor was sure to drive himself up a wall fixating on the problem—unless he had something else to do.
“Do you know what always lifts my spirits when I’m distraught, dear?” he mused, glancing in Niffty’s direction again.
A delighted smile lit up her face and banished any lingering frustration. “A good meal?”
“That’s exactly right. In fact—Charlie!” he called, striding across the room to meet his co-manager with Niffty on his heels. “I hate to interrupt your onboarding discussion, but would you be so kind as to let all our guests know that I’ll be serving dinner this evening?”
“You’re cooking? That’s great! I’ll make sure everyone’s there,” she assured him. With a sly smile, she pointed out, “You sure seem like you’re in a good mood today. Any particular reason for that?”
“When am I ever not in a good mood? Especially when we have a new guest to welcome.” He gave a brief pat to her head, refusing to acknowledge what she was implying, and swept off to the kitchen with Niffty to occupy himself with something he knew how to control.
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