#eyeglasses for migraine
oqal · 1 year
damn ya girl is SICK sick
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doberbutts · 6 months
your new glasses look so cool!!! I just needed to pass that on! (also where did you get them if you are comfy sharing? I've been looking for that shape with little luck)
This is the exact frame. You should note that the listed price is JUST frames- lenses will add to the cost as well as any specialty coatings like the pink migraine-reducing color or making them into sunglasses or night driving glasses. I ordered the same frames for all of the above + my regular, non-tinted glasses and they ranged anywhere from 20 dollars (regular, non-tinted) to 65 dollars (sunglasses).
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softskyburial · 22 days
Last time I bought eyeglasses I was being cheap. I was buying blue blocking lenses, migraine lenses and plain clear lenses. The specialty lenses were expensive so I went cheap on the clear lenses and didn’t get the coating on them. Like literally the $3 lens coating.
And I was so proud of myself for saving $3. Well now they’re really kind of unwearable because of how constantly they’re dirty and there’s all kinds of reflections that make it annoying to drive. I’m back to wearing my old glasses and I’m so much more comfortable in them. But now what about the other glasses? They’re almost completely unusable. Because I couldn’t convince myself to spend $3.
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mingos · 4 months
hc + sunglasses
[ send me hc + a word & I’ll write a headcanon based on it ]
the #1 secret doflamingo is the most violently protective about is his absolutely garbage eyesightーthe extent of which only rosinante, vergo, his three executives, & law know. though, law only knows because i imagine he was the closest thing the donquxiote pirates had to a ship's doctor, and boy does this flamingo need a doctor.
he's myopic (near-sighted) with a vision acuity of less than 20/200, the base criteria for legal blindness. he also suffers from migraines (especially ocular ones) that fuck with his vision even more, and because the universe hates him (deserved) he's extremely sensitive to light, which is why his lenses have a special red tint to them.
(he's ashamed of it and so violently protective of the fact his eyesight sucks because he despises weaknessーincluding weaknesses in himself. bad eyesight isn't something that he can train away or will himself to get over; he's stuck with it and that drives him crazy with shame. he's supposed to be a god, perfect, above everyone elseーyet, his eyesight is this bad, and disorients him that much? oh, he hates it.)
when he was twelve, he broke his glasses and needed new ones. but obviously his eyesight is so fucked he couldn't just rob an eyeglass store & steal the first pair he saw, he needed glasses tailored to his specific prescription. which he didn't know, so trebol did what any normal supportive caregiver would do: held an optometrist hostage and forced them to give doflamingo an eye exam.
this optometrist is the person who told doflamingo that red lenses would reduce his eye strain (and, hopefully, migraines) significantly, so that's what he went with. and, with such distinct lenses, he wanted distinct frames, too. and in his edgy 12 year old mind, he wanted something that made him look off-putting & intimidating, hence the extreme cat-eye lenses. he wanted to look demonic. he's always been an edgy loser.
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sarasa-cat · 8 months
That vid I added to a post I reblogged a little while ago about Truffles the Cat who "works" as an eyeglasses helper for little kids, under the care of an optician? The one where the optician made red-green color blindness correction glasses for the cat?
Worth it.
Better than a migraine pill or something to settle my stomach.
Fascinating as all hell too, watching the cat's behavior and listening to what the optician had to say regarding the cat's normal behavior and the behavior of very young kids fitted with baby/toddler glasses.
Feeling reasonably convinced that the cat was cat-cognitively fascinated by how this special pair of glasses changed its visual perception of the world.
Makes me want to experiment too. ;D
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
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Me: I should walk the 15 minutes to the bus stop so I can take the bus to the bus that will take me to the eyeglasses place where my new eyeglasseses wait.
Me: That sounds exhausting. I need wine. Come here, weed.
Me: The glasseses will still be there.
A small local apocalypse: Just wait until I happen.
I think the migraine is over, anyway.
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keladry-mindelan · 9 months
i don't know it is for you guys but i hate when i complain about how much eyeglasses cost and people try to give me advice on how to save money on glasses. Like I have a high and complicated prescription, plus I get migraines. It's not something I really want to buy online. What I actually want is for vision insurance to be accessible and for vision insurance to cover more than the absolute bare minimum
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chronicallyblogged · 2 years
I got my eyeglass appointment! Yay! For the first time in years I actually am gonna get glasses i like instead of ugly ones picked out of 5 pairs. I def have ocular migraines but otherwise all looks good. Lady I saw was very nice about my gender and partner. Which I'm glad since phone receptionist laughed when I said my name though to be fair I don't know what at. She referred to him as my person which i just went with seeing as a lot of people in her Era used discrete words like this and then quietly referenced to both of the womens and mens glasses for me. She even let me go outside to see my partner and show the glasses to my partner since they forgot their mask
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dallwilson45 · 5 months
Begin To Use These Wonderful Wine Suggestions These days
Maybe you have made with wine just before, or maybe you have desired that great very little red wine assortment you've found in other residences. Do you need to understand what you're referring to when it comes to wine. Effectively, keep reading to find out a little bit more information to create points less difficult to you. Go to several wine tastings that you can during the course of the year. This can be very helpful for you since it permits you to get a solid idea of several of the more modern wines that happen to be on the market. This will help you to acquire a better appreciation for all red wine is offering. Get acquainted with your red wine store. Everybody is unique. From structure to rates, every little thing could potentially are different from place to location. Especially if you certainly are a new vino enthusiast, a store that has many high priced wines is probably not your velocity. Locate a wines go shopping that matches you well. Usually do not be described as a vino snob with regards to new wine beverages. You may generate your nose area to bright white vino when it is offered to you, only simply because you possessed 1 or 2 awful eyeglasses the very first time close to. Its not all wines are created equal. You will find wine to match your taste through the vino spectrum. pappy van winkle Minimize your intake of red wine throughout the few days if you see that you are currently receiving a lot of head aches as soon as you ingest it having a dinner. Vino has sulfites in it which could lead to migraines often when they are taken. Ingesting in moderation is the best issue that can be done. Take into account your own personal preference when buying a package of wine. Although some specialist dispute over which vino is advisable, one and only thing that is important is exactly what you enjoy. Should you prefer a less costly bottle of vino, that is what you need to beverage. It's not about wines snobbery, it's about experiencing the drink that is certainly with your hand. A good suggestion when trying to check out wine beverages is to locate a critic or professional that features a similar palate for you. Everyone's choices are very different and that includes experts. Try to look for a critic that enjoys comparable wine and you'll be amazed because of the new wines you'll be exposed to. Do you want to handle the wine world? Do you feel confident in your understanding about vino? This article has offered you all you have to know. Take this data and turn it into measures so you can reap the benefits of these suggestions and change wine pleasure in a real art form.
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purplesurveys · 5 months
Do you think you could handle a job in the medical field? Why or why not? I considered it once mainly because learning about the human body was always fascinating to me, but I realized that was all there is it - I just like reading about it. Emergency situations are 100% going to send me into a panic, and I'm not so much a fan of the hours either.
Would you rather edit photos on your phone or computer? Phone because there are loads of apps that can hand-hold your way through editing. I tried Photoshop on my laptop for a few months as a teenager but we just don't make a good pair.
What is one electronic device you own that you have not used in a long time? The very first iPad. It's actually my mom's, but my siblings and I ended up using it the most. I brought it back to life briefly in college when my old phone died on me and we couldn't really allot some money yet to get me a new one.
What is one thing you are currently behind on? Cleaning out my bag.
When was the last time you wore a dress or a skirt? I wore my flowy white dress for work a few weeks ago.
When was the last time you had a migraine? Same, it was a couple of weeks ago I think. I was coming back to work after a long weekend and I guess my head hadn't fully adjusted yet that day. I was fully nauseated by like 2 PM and had to power through for the rest of the afternoon.
What is your favorite thing about Instagram? The reels, which is also how I know I'm getting older what with the younger crowds preferring Tiktok LOL. I like how the interface for reels is able to account for all my interests, so I can get a wrestling video first then have it be a BTS video next. With Tiktok you only get one feed and it's always a mix of your algorithm plus whatever Tiktok wants to show you, so I always find myself ending up scrolling through and ignoring everything and just closing the app altogether.
When was the last time you wore a flower in your hair? Maybe in like 2016 when flower crowns were in?
List three words to describe yourself using the first letter of your middle name. Inquisitive, impatient, (sometimes) indifferent.
Have you ever had a friend with the same middle name as you? No, not with a friend; but in general I've noticed it's a lot more common as a first name. I don't get to meet a lot of people with Isabelle as a second name, and especially with the same spelling.
What color was your locker in high school? It was blue for a couple of years but I also remember having gray and white ones.
How many framed pictures of you and a family member or friend can you see from where you're sitting right now? No, I don't keep any in my room.
What is the first thing you think of when you see the rainbow emoji? 🌈? Either simply the rainbow, or the LGBT flag.
When was the last time you got a new pair of glasses? My birthday. I needed to get a new prescription anyway but because it was my birthday I went for the eyeglasses that would be double the price because it was an official BT21 collaboration/endorsement, lol.
Do you prefer to play chess or checkers? Checkers. I have a vague understanding of the game. I never learned how to play chess, no matter how often I've asked my cousins to help me.
What color was your first cell phone? I think the phone itself was gray, but it came in a red Winnie the Pooh case from the moment I received it s I've always known it to be red.
Do you remember when smartphones were a new thing that had just come out, and only rich people had them? Kind of. I was around 9 when the first iPhone came out and didn't care for gadgets for the most part, until I saw a schoolmate whip out hers and people were fawning over it and that's when I realized it was apparently a big deal. I found it bizarre because it wasn't even just an everyday rich kid thing, it was a completely filthy filthy 1% rich spoiled kid thing since even after months, it was still only a handful of people who had it at the time.
If you could choose to have been born in a different month, which month would you choose to be born in, and why? I'm perfectly fine with April. Based from the people I know, it's a relatively uncommon month for birthdays, and I like that.
….and which month were you actually born in? I was born in April.
Does your first name rhyme with anything? (If so, what?) Noggin? Hahaha.
Have you ever met anyone who didn't like the color blue? Not that I know of.
What color was the last pill you took? A lighter shade of lime.
How often do you use emojis? Pretty often. I tend to use them when I'm being super expressive or emotional in a post or message.
When was the last time you took a selfie? Friday.
How many E's are in your full name? Three.
What is the first letter of the name of the street you grew up on? Nope.
Which decade were you born in? Towards the end of the 90s. Late enough that I have virtually no memories of the decade.
Who was the last friend of yours to have a birthday? It was Jaynie's birthday yesterday.
Are you looking forward to your next birthday? Why or why not? 🥳 I'm always excited for and make a big deal out of my birthdays. Idk, it's the one time in the year I get to have things my way so I like celebrating it. That, and because growing up my birthdays were for the most part just an ordinary day and I'm desperately trying to make up for those years.
When was the last time you blew up a balloon? October 2022. I bought balloons for when I went all out for my watch party of BTS' Busan concert and had friends over.
If you had to go an entire week without using any technology, what do you think you would spend most of your time doing instead? Go back to painting and coloring and trying new, farther-away restaurants. Restyling my room doesn't sound like a bad idea too.
What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word "mast"? Boats.
Where is the weirdest place you've ever slept? At the Metrowalk parking lot.
Would you rather travel to Asia or France? There are still so many places in Asia I'd love to visit.
What is something new that you've learned recently, that you didn't know before? My dad taught me how to start my car if it refuses to.
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staticthief · 7 months
I Went to Get an Eye Exam
by Krennthief
The optometrist’s voice was strangely harsh in this neutral, inoffensive exam room. An ancient CRT monitor hummed as I nervously gazed down a blurry road that led to a blurry old house, intermittently and briefly popping into focus with a click only to ease back into a colorful fuzz. My head was killing me.
“Just focus on the house, Laurel,” the doctor said, his tone betraying the irritation he had been attempting to mask behind a formerly friendly demeanor.
I felt my struggling eyes buzz against the entire hour of sleep I’d managed to get that week due to an awful headache I’d been unable to get rid of with the usual over-the-counter painkillers. Suffering, desperate for a solution, I called my mom for advice.
“Have you gotten your eyes checked lately, bub?” her helpful, muffled voice chimed over the phone. “Last time I was getting intense migraines like that it was time to get my eyes checked, and they said my prescription improved! Got my new glasses and no more migraines for this lady!”
Figuring her idea made sense, I drove my throbbing cranium to the closest eye doctor I could find, praying my insurance would cover at least something. So there I was.
“I can’t get a good image if you aren’t focusing on the house, okay?” said the doctor.
“Got it.”
After a few more clicks and varying clarity of that giant house inexplicably built in the dead-center of that long stretch of dusty road, the image began to burn itself into my mind, even in its absence as I closed my eyes.
A moody, gray expanse of sky looming overhead. A seemingly endless ocean of yellowing green pastures surrounding a beaten dirt road. The huge, country-style house, its aging whitewash peeling off the exterior’s wide wooden panels. A large, oaken door in the middle with gaping, dark windows hanging on either side. The peak of a gray-shingled roof pointing beyond the house’s zenith. A single, circular window for the second floor with the soft amber glow of a light within. Something’s up there.
I opened my eyes once more to look at the image. It was clear again, but I could have sworn that the second floor window had been lit only a moment ago. Maybe I had imagined it.
I blinked again and heard another click. The burned-in image returned, and like I had thought before, the light upstairs was on.
As soon as it hit me that this was strange, the hum of the room gradually evolved into a sharp ringing in my left ear and my headache returned in full force. Not even the clinical busy-work of the eye exam could distract me from this pain anymore. I let out a moan and rubbed my fingers against my temples.
“That bad, huh?” the doctor tisked. “Alright bud, you’re done with this one. Let’s move on.”
The remainder of the visit was just as miserable. The migraine rocked my head in waves that seemed to only increase in intensity as the optometrist tried as hard as he could to maintain his patience with my constant groaning.
Sighing, the doctor said, “So your vision is worse than last time. Like you told me earlier, a massive change in prescription is probably why you’re getting these crazy headaches.”
Bad news. I knew she didn’t mean to raise my hopes only for them to be dashed, but I was somewhat annoyed at my mom. I was probably just jealous of her good eyes. I shouldn’t hold that against her.
“Your insurance covers 40% of a pair of new eyeglasses, and 50% of a set of contacts,” he said. “I recommend you get some disposable contacts from us today while you wait for your glasses, too. That’ll probably help the headaches in the meantime.”
His mouth grinned, but his eyes did not. Did I ruin his day or something?
I shelled out the remainder of the bill after picking some frames out and getting one box of contacts for each eye and popped them in, years of contact-use leaving me unfazed by the action. Instant relief.
Later that day, I was so happy that I cheered out loud alone in my kitchen after not feeling an ounce of pain for several hours. Cautiously, I took my contacts out to go to bed, feeling no inkling of pain hinting at the corners of my brain like I had every night before. It was so worth it to use that sick leave.
Lights out. I lay in bed and closed my eyes. Again, the farmhouse in the pasture haunted my retinas. Peculiarly, the image had changed since the exam.
The light is on upstairs. The door is ajar. Was the door always ajar?
Troubled, I tossed and turned, refusing to open my eyes for any reason, clinging onto the fragile exhaustion that I had hoped would lead to the sleep I had been seeking all week.
The light goes out. The door creaks open. A figure walks toward me along the road, its wrong shape lumbering toward me. I hear a click and its face becomes clear to me—pallid, sickly lips stretching, ripping into a too-wide grin, piercing, bloodshot black eyes below a mop of greasy yellow hair staring deep into my soul. Its body is covered in faded blue coveralls (or is it skin??) lumpy and misshapen. Something is wrong.
I screamed and woke up, heart pounding in my chest. Something was in here with me. I turned the light on, but my darkened room was only a blur of colors to my poor vision.
A click. I stare in horror at the only thing in the room I can see without my contacts. I shouldn’t be able to see it, but there it is amid the murky blur of my room.
Paralyzed, I watch as it grins and stalks toward me. My headache returns and I black out.
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gloriabomfim · 7 months
Blurry vision can have various causes, and it's important to note that I am not a doctor, but I can provide some general information on this topic. Blurry vision can result from several factors, including:
Refractive Errors: The most common cause of blurry vision is refractive errors, such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. These conditions can be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery like LASIK.
Presbyopia: This is an age-related condition that affects the eye's ability to focus on close objects, typically occurring in people over 40. It can lead to blurry vision when reading or doing close-up tasks and is corrected with reading glasses or multifocal lenses.
Eye Fatigue: Extended periods of reading, using digital devices, or other close-up tasks can strain the eye muscles, leading to temporary blurry vision. This is often referred to as "eye fatigue" or "eye strain."
Dry Eyes: Insufficient tear production or poor tear quality can cause dry eyes, which may result in blurry vision. Artificial tears or prescription eye drops can help alleviate this issue.
Eye Infections: Infections like conjunctivitis (pink eye) or keratitis can cause blurry vision along with other symptoms like redness and discomfort. These conditions require prompt medical attention.
Cataracts: Cataracts are a clouding of the eye's natural lens, leading to blurry or hazy vision. Cataracts often develop with age and can be treated with surgery to replace the clouded lens with an artificial one.
Glaucoma: Increased pressure within the eye can damage the optic nerve and lead to gradual vision loss, which may include blurry vision. Early detection and treatment are crucial to manage glaucoma.
Retinal Disorders: Conditions affecting the retina, such as diabetic retinopathy or macular degeneration, can lead to blurry or distorted vision. These conditions often require specialized medical care.
Medications: Certain medications, especially those that affect the eye's blood vessels or tear production, can cause temporary blurry vision as a side effect.
Neurological Issues: Some neurological conditions, like migraines or multiple sclerosis, can cause temporary or recurring blurry vision.
If you or someone you know is experiencing blurry vision, it is essential to consult an eye care professional or a healthcare provider. They can perform a comprehensive eye examination to determine the cause of the problem and recommend the appropriate treatment or management plan.
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Understanding Neck & Head Pain and When to Seek Treatment
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Neck pain, a ubiquitous discomfort, can manifest in various forms, ranging from mild discomfort to debilitating agony. This condition affects people of all ages and backgrounds, often resulting in missed workdays and visits to healthcare providers.
This blog has been drafted to address this widespread issue and provide valuable information about neck and head pain treatment, with the help of insights gathered from Dr. Dipty Mangla, a renowned physician for head and neck pain treatment in New Jersey.
The Regular Causes of Headaches and Neck Pain
Headaches, frequently associated with neck pain, have a myriad of causes. Day-to-day mild headaches can arise from factors such as lack of sleep, incorrect eyeglass prescriptions, fatigue, and exposure to loud noises. Dental infections, sinusitis, viral or bacterial infections, and systemic illnesses can also lead to headaches.
Understanding the Link Between Headaches and Neck Pain
Neck pain and headaches are often intertwined due to the proximity of nerves in the head and neck regions. Frequent or severe headaches can contribute to neck pain, while neck pain can also trigger headaches. The correlation between these two conditions can stem from various sources, such as high blood pressure, infections, migraines, cervicogenic headaches, or occipital neuralgia.
Common Causes of Acute Head and Neck Pain
Minor or major head trauma, such as hitting the head on a solid surface, can lead to concussion. Symptoms may include confusion, irritability, and throbbing headaches lasting up to six months.
Serious infections like meningitis or encephalitis can cause headaches accompanied by intense neck pain. These infections often come with a fever and require immediate medical attention.
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
This type of headache is characterized by sudden, sharp, intense pressure and is often described as a "thunderclap" headache. It can be associated with photophobia, vomiting, and is frequently caused by a brain aneurysm rupture.
Muscle or ligament injuries, as well as whiplash, can result in self-limiting head and neck pain. Over-the-counter pain medications, topical creams, and patches can help alleviate this type of headache.
When to Seek Medical Attention for Neck Pain
While mild neck pain can often be managed at home with rest, ice or heat applications, and over-the-counter pain relievers, severe or chronic neck pain with neurological symptoms, such as numbness, weakness, or radiating pain, should prompt a visit to a healthcare provider. Additionally, if neck pain is accompanied by other concerning symptoms like fever, recent injury, difficulty swallowing or breathing, or unexplained weight loss, a professional evaluation is recommended.
Expert Consultation for Effective Neck Pain Treatment
Neck pain and headaches are common afflictions with a range of potential causes. While mild cases can be managed at home, severe or persistent symptoms demand professional evaluation and treatment. For individuals seeking a skilled pain management physician in New Jersey, can consult with Dr. Dipty Mangla at Mainland Pain Management. The pain management expert offers thorough consultation and comprehensive pain management solutions. She and her team are committed to addressing neck pain and its underlying causes, ensuring patients receive the most suitable and effective treatment. To know more, pay a visit now!
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puppmax · 9 months
Pro tip from someone with a tendency for debilitating migraines; sniffing isopropyl alcohol is an amazing and risk free way to relieve nausea and to a lesser degree headaches in abit 80% of patients. Getting a bottle of the stuff is never a bad idea and I usually recommend carrying around eyeglass cleaning wipes with you. Results are quick and easy!
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
Migraines really suck, and multi-day migraines are even worse! I hope your pain eases soon. Enjoy your shows!
Thank you. I'm crossing my fingers that tomorrow I'm well enough to walk to the bus stop! If I get my new eyeglasses I can enjoy my shows better.
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blinxeyewear · 1 year
Are Computer Protection Eyeglasses Helpful for Gamers?
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Technological advancement is a great blessing for entertainment industries like gaming or online gaming. Today's generation takes online gaming more than entertainment and wishes to pursue a career in the field. This makes them spend more and more time on gaming platforms. 
You can find most people involved in online streaming on their PCs or laptops. In fact, they have a proper studio to play as a professional and win online battlefields. 
But do they have computer protection eyeglasses in their gaming setup? Why is it important to add these glasses to your kit while preparing for championship day? Read on to find out the answers. 
What Can Disturb Your Gameplay?
As a gamer, you must have experienced blurry vision after playing a couple of rounds of GTA with your friends. This may involve the contribution of blue light.
Blue light puts extra force on your eyes to focus on small objects and letters on the screen. It is due to the screen's image lacking the sharp contrast between objects like that of the real world. 
Eventually, it becomes difficult to focus on the objects, and your eyes operate more than their capability. 
For example, you may find it difficult to spot the enemy hiding behind a shrub in the Call of Duty War zone. This obviously happens due to continuous exposure to blue light. 
So, do we have any solution? Yes, we can count on computer-protection eyeglasses. 
But first, let's discover more about blue light's effect on your eye health. 
What Are the Effects of Continuous Blue Light Exposure?
There are many ill effects of continuous exposure to blue light, and some of them are: 
It can disturb melatonin production and sleep patterns, leading to depression, migraines, and other serious issues. 
It can lead to retinal damage, cataracts, and macular degeneration. 
It can hamper the focusing ability of the eyes.  
Studies have shown that these issues can further cause weakening or loss of eyesight. 
How Can Computer Protection Eyeglasses Help? 
Since computer protection eyeglasses are designed to mitigate blue light's effect on the eyes, they can help reduce eye strain during long-hour screen time. Its blue light filter blocks the contact of harmful rays with the eyes. 
Wearing these glasses can help you play games online with stable vision. 
Get the Best Computer Protection Eyeglasses From Blinx Eyewear 
If you're a game enthusiast or wish to pursue a career in the same field, you need to wear computer glasses. But you must take care that you're buying high-quality eyewear. 
Visit Blinx Eyewear to explore the wide range of blue light blockers that can help you win your games. 
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