#fantasy worldbuildiung
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This came across my Facebook feed, felt I’d share it.
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caspercobalt · 2 months
Tips on Writing Human-Animal-Hybrids
So you have stumbled upon this post. Maybe you write fantasy, maybe you have original characters, maybe you have sunken in the rift that fanworks are, maybe you are here for no reason at all.
Nevertheless you are here because in some way or form you are interested how the fusion of a human with some other animal (for simplicity i am going to refer to this as a ,hybrid' fromnow on ) works and how many pieces of art(yes this includes writing and similar stuff) could be improved to feel a bit more realistic (atleast in my opinion).
First of I want to start with an list about things you should (maybe) do:
1.Research about the kind of hybrid the person is supposed to be, take one moment to think:
-What animal parts does the person have?
-Where is that animal part?
-Is it there constantly/ does it vary?
-Do the persons behaviour change, to match the animals (insticts for example)?
2. Things to keep in mind:
-The animal parts (probably) don't disappear when they aren't useful! Maybe they lead to problems while sitting or laying down ! They are a part of the life of the person, who has them, but please try not to overdo it. Yes it is not normal for you, but that character is used to having those parts. They won't constantly think about them, its not like you constantly think about your hands or your legs either!
-Some clumsy people, or people who are growing might have some problem with having in mind how big their animal part is! Let the deer walk against the wall because they forgot that their antlers grow and they are taller than the door now. Let those cats accidentally ( or not ya know how cats are) sweep a shelf clean of everything on it! Let an avian smack the wings in a person standing behind them, when they try to start flying. AND AGAIN dont overdo it !!
-Hybrids, who are part animal, that in some form is prey to another animal might be instictually be afraid of hybrids of that animal.
-Emotions are also unconsciously shown through both the hybrid parts and the non hybrid parts, but the amount is varying depending on the person. Some people are very open about their emotions, some have learned to hide them. A person who is cold and doesn't show emotions much won't suddenly have some uncontrollable animal parts. ( a fun idea is when such a person suddenly starts being a hybrid and have to deal with learning to hide their emotions anew)
-Maybe the person hides the fact they are a hybrid, because the world around them would react badly if it new. I imagine having to hide a part of your self isn't fun, but most animal parts are easy to hide, without hurting the hybrid. ( in other words no unnecessary hurting the hybrid if they are in such an universe they probably already have enough trouble
And well thats it for now, maybe I will add onto this at some point. (If you want to you can give me suggestions for that, afterall I write hybrids aswell lol)
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