#fda eua
egnaroo · 2 years
FDA reports show baby formula contamination while the 2022 formula shortage worsening
FDA reports show baby formula contamination while the 2022 formula shortage worsening
FDA reports that they have done an investigation into the baby formula and found evidence that shows contamination.  Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf said to CNN that it was one person’s problem or reasonability. With current inflation and economic hardships, mothers are worried about their children, especially in New York reported a shortage of baby formula. FDA found bacterial contamination in…
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edsonjnovaes · 28 days
Alzheimer, uma doença autoimune 1.2
O psiquiatra alemão Alois Alzheimer descreveu o primeiro caso do estado que leva seu nome em 1906. Mais de um século depois, a comunidade científica ainda não compreende os mecanismos exatos. Manuel Ansede – El País. O Globo – 06/03/2024 in: Jesus Hemp – 2024 abr 15 haydenbird – Getty Images Em um artigo publicado numa terça-feira (20/09/2022), o professor de química Donald Weaver, diretor do…
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ricisidro · 1 year
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✅ FDA OKs emergency use for Moderna, Pfizer COVID bivalent jabs. #FDA #EUA #Moderna #Pfizer #COVID #Omicron #bivalent #vaccines #Philippines #PH https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmu2hQGLia1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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radioshiga · 2 years
Painel do FDA recomenda atualização de vacinas contra o coronavírus chinês
Painel do FDA recomenda atualização de vacinas contra o coronavírus chinês
Painel do FDA recomenda atualização de vacinas contra o coronavírus chinês Um painel consultivo da U.S. Food and Drug Administration – FDA, recomendou que as vacinas de reforço do coronavírus chinês fossem atualizadas para visar a variante, altamente transmissível do Ômicron. Os conselheiros do comitê se reuniram na terça-feira (28), e votaram 19-2 que a próxima onda de reforço deveria incluir um…
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elambmex · 2 years
FDA investiga casos de hepatitis A por fresas contaminadas
FDA investiga casos de hepatitis A por fresas contaminadas
A través de un comunicado, la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de Estados Unidos (FDA) informó que está investigando los casos de hepatitis A relacionados con las fresas orgánicas. Las fresas han resultado en al menos 17 casos de hepatitis A en Estados Unidos, incluidas 12 hospitalizaciones. Esta situación tomó relevancia cuando la agencia federal detectó un brote multiestatal de…
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reality-detective · 8 months
The entire media is LYING about FDA "approval" for the new COVID vaccine. 👇
From The FDA website 👇
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Approving it for EUA(Emergency Use Authorization) is NOT the FDA's approval. 🤔
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bighermie · 7 months
Researchers Find Pfizer Excluded Clinical Trial Deaths From FDA COVID Vaccine EUA Request
Researchers Find Pfizer Excluded Clinical Trial Deaths From FDA COVID Vaccine EUA Request https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/health/researchers-find-pfizer-excluded-clinical-trial-deaths-from-fda-covid-vaccine-eua-request-5511880?utm_source=andshare
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trukker94gurl · 7 months
Researchers Find Pfizer Excluded Clinical Trial Deaths From FDA COVID Vaccine EUA Request
Researchers Find Pfizer Excluded Clinical Trial Deaths From FDA COVID Vaccine EUA Request https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/health/researchers-find-pfizer-excluded-clinical-trial-deaths-from-fda-covid-vaccine-eua-request-5511880?utm_source=andshare
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pandemic-info · 7 months
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For Immediate Release: October 03, 2023
Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration amended the emergency use authorization (EUA) of the Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted for use in individuals 12 years of age and older to include the 2023-2024 formula. Individuals 12 years of age and older previously vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine (and who have not already been vaccinated with a recently updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccine) are eligible to receive one dose and unvaccinated individuals receive two doses
It should be at some pharmacies within a couple of weeks. Contact yours, or your health department.
A couple of reasons some people have chosen to wait for Novavax:
Data showing that it may offer a slightly boosted immune response & slightly better defense. And that mixed vaccination (called heterologous, meaning mRNA & non) may also offer expanded protection.
mRNA vaccines have been harsh for a lot of people, requiring multiple "sick" days, and/or other symptoms afterwards. Likewise many have a milder or no reaction to Novavax (non-mRNA).
That said, the numbers are not so drastically different. And everyone reacts differently. It's much better to get any vaccine you have access to than to continuously get reinfected with a virus that damages your entire body each time — vascular system, heart, brain, all of it.
There's a a massive wave of infections recently. If you're in frequent contact with others (have kids in school, work in-person, etc), it's safer to get the already-available mRNA vaccines if you're able to.
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tbthqs · 3 months
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Você está vivendo sua vida habitual, dentro do possível, é claro, até que um som alto vindo de uma das caixas de som presa no poste mais próximo. No relógio do celular está marcando 10 manhã, então, quando a voz do Reitor Dean Robertson Smith ecoa bem alto, você se lembra que era comum o reitor fazer um pronunciamento no início de cada semana para dar alguns avisos.
Bom dia, estudantes, funcionários, professores e visitantes da UCLA. É bom ver tantas caras novas e antigas andando pelos nossos corredores, absorvendo todo o conhecimento que temos para distribuir a vocês.
A cafeteria do Departamento de Humanas está interditada até segunda ordem depois que um dos cozinheiros quase colocou fogo na cozinha ao fritar a nossa famosa carne mágica. Os estudantes de humanas que são bolsistas com cartão alimentação podem utiliza-lo em qualquer uma das lanchonetes do campus enquanto isso
Devido a um vazamento de gás nas instalações da quadra de basquete, o centro desportivo John Wooden Center estará fechado até segunda ordem para inspeção do Corpo de Bombeiros de Los Angeles. O prédio vizinho do Student Activity Center também estará fechado pelo mesmo período.
O prédio da Engenharia 4 se encontra interditado devido a um acidente envolvendo experimentos da turma de pós-graduação em física quântica avançada. Esperamos os funcionários da área técnica terminarem o conserto na encanação para liberar o retorno as atividades. Até lá, os alunos que tem aulas nesses prédios poderão assistir as aulas teóricas na Biblioteca Powell.
Com o retorno as aulas, nós sabemos que também começam uma série de outras coisas como festas e outros eventos sociais. Caso vocês queiram ter intercurso sexual, favor procurar o posto de distribuição de camisinha na Faculdade de Saúde Pública. Lá também é possível encontrar a distribuição de PrEP, caso você tenha sido exposto. Ambos podem ser retirado sem que perguntas sejam feitas, basta utilizarem a carteira estudantil da UCLA.
No mais, espero que vocês aproveitem esse ano que se inicia para rever suas atitudes de anos anteriores e fazerem o melhor do seu tempo aqui. Até breve!
Assim que o som desliga, você continua com a sua vida. Afinal, apesar de ser um viajante no tempo, você ainda tem coisas a fazer.
Informações OOC:
Os prédios marcados em amarelo estão interditados e tem alguma ligação. Lembrando que os viajantes voltaram para 2013 no John Wooden Center.
Os Prédios marcados em azul estão conectados entre si também.
O Prédio em vermelho é o Prédio de Saúde Pública. O protocolo de PrEP (Tratamento para exposição a HIV) apesar de ter sido aprovado em 2012, o tratamento com PrEP só foi popularizado nos EUA em 2019, quando o FDA autorizou a utilização do Emvitra com Vemlid.
Os personagens viajantes encontram suas carteiras de estudante, mas elas estão com as fotos de 2024 e tem X/365. As carteirinhas são o contador de quanto tempo seus personagens tem disponível, o X mostra quantos dias foram gastos até o momento nessa linha temporal.
Existem alguns objetos escondidos nos prédios. Caso seu personagem queira investigar um desses locais, entre em contato com a moderação para receber uma pista sobre o objeto e como encontrar.
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Planned genocide: Covid jabs were designed to cause harm, warns pharmaceutical executive
It’s not that covid so-called “vaccines” just so happened to turn out ineffective and deadly. Rather they were designed as such, according to Alexandra “Sasha” Latypova, a 25-year pharmaceutical industry veteran-turned-investigator who says the Department of Defense (DoD) had “very clear intent to harm” by executing a “mass genocide of Americans.”
Under the DoD’s control and direction, drug manufacturers like Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen started mass-producing the shots for Operation Warp Speed – long before the first cases of “covid” even appeared, it turns out. These “figurehead” organizations, Latypova insists, were just obeying the DoD’s orders.
What this means is the United States military oversaw the creation and rollout of these “covid countermeasures,” as they were classified before being erroneously dubbed as “vaccines.” This is why they called it Operation Warp Speed: because it was a military warfare operation, not a “public health” operation.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also played their role by fast-tracking emergency use authorization (EUA) for the deadly drugs, followed by official approval for some of them – and the rest is history.
Covid jabs train the body “to destroy itself,” Latypova warns
“The evidence is overwhelming that there is an intent to harm people by the covid-19 injections, so-called ‘vaccines,’ and other nonsensical covid response measures implemented in lockstep by governments all over the world,” she said.
Again, it is not that the shots were designed to help people but just so happened to be dangerous. Latypova says they were designed that way on purpose as a chemical and / or biological weapon against the people, which she says is substantiated by an extensive body of literature, studies, scientific discussions, (and) evidence published on this matter.”
“There are numerous mechanisms of injury built into the covid-19 injections,” she further explained. “The most important one being that these shots are designed to make your cells attack themselves, make your cells express antigens that are toxic spike proteins, and then create antibodies to attack the cells. So, it trains your body to destroy itself.”
There is nothing safe, let alone effective, about these injections, in other words – unless the effective goal was to massively depopulate the world. In that case, the injections are working exactly as designed – and the worst is yet to come.
From the very beginning, the safety signals were “obvious,” Latypova says. And yet nobody in any position of power seemed to notice, or perhaps they deliberately ignored these safety signals because killing people was the goal.
“There is no efficacy in these shots,” Latypova reveals. “In fact, we know there is negative efficacy, meaning that these shots make you more likely to get sick and die.”
During the shots’ production, good manufacturing practices (GMP) were completely ignored, also apparently by design, to further ensure a deadly product outcome. Had proper safety standards been upheld, the shots might have ended up less deadly, which would have gone against the agenda.
“We found that these products are dirty, contaminated, do not conform at all to what the label says,” Latypova says. “And they’re hugely toxic by design.”
“They should all be stopped immediately, and this should be investigated properly. And we should bring those responsible to justice, to accountability. Until that happens, we cannot move on from this.”
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squishmelo · 6 months
Hey, apologies for the long message. I wanted to share a (hopefully friendly) note about some of the info on nasal sprays in your post. I’m a staunch advocate for public health, but some of the sprays’ evidence doesn’t seem right. Flipping all the way down to funding sources and competing interests section in the papers about Xlear and the covyxil, both studies are sponsored by a Raphael Labs LTD, which appears to be a “inventor of novel prophylactic nasal sprays which target SARS-CoV-2” according to a venture capital web listing about them.
This isn’t to say the studies are flawed - pharma companies should publish the results of their trials - but the covyxil study is baffling in that it says “authors declare no competing interests” then subsequently state the vast majority of the authors are shareholders in Raphael.
This isn’t also to say the first study is up to snuff either, as it’s published by Dove Press. Dove Press is on a famous list of predatory academic journals (Beall’s list) which simply require writers pay the journal fee in order to publish, causing much consternation in peer-reviewed academic research because it’s difficult for the average person to sniff out rigorous studies from shoddily performed - or at worst - fraudulent experiments.
In all, I really do want to support some of the interventions that could work to reduce spread of Covid, but it’s difficult to sort what’s effective in the absence of a full, non-EUA based FDA approval, in which independent scientists and disease epidemiologists have verified the study design and results of these treatments.
Hey, thanks for this information!
As a person with brain fog, its really hard for me to fully make those connections when just finding/reading the studies is difficult, (i never would have caught that about shareholders!) but i'm really happy that people ARE reading the studies and ARE taking an interest.
It is definitely difficult to sort what's effective, especially when in my opinion, things aren't discussed. I'm glad people are discussing and reading the literature and making their own decisions.
My fear personally, is that these studies might be harder to continue and come by, since governments currently have a vested interest in pretending things are fine. People who have the funding for such studies - might be trying to sell you something.
Right now we have a covid treatment that's been so incredibly overpriced as to be impossible to pay for without insurance, but costs only a few dollars to make! UGH! (Sorry i'm in a hurry and can't look up the link on that right now, but I think it's remdesivir)
Myself, I'm just a chronically ill person who sees some studies that suggest people could protect me and my loved ones across the world better - even when they refuse to wear a mask :(
If you, or anyone, do not feel comfortable with the measures I have stated: THAT'S OKAY. I'm glad that you looked at the research and made your own decision for your own body.
However, please mask, vaccinate (where possible), use air purifiers, get lots of sunshine in the area, wash your hands, and limit extraneous interactions. I think we can agree that those at least are safe and effective and have been proven at this time.
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didanawisgi · 1 year
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rakkanoyukue · 1 year
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bighermie · 1 year
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thestormposts · 1 year
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