mobiosolutions · 1 year
MVP allows you to test your business hypotheses before investing significant resources in product development while reducing costs and risks. At Mobio Solutions, we specialize in MVP Development for Startups in the UK. Our approach focuses on creating a faster market, providing valuable feedback, and improving product quality. 🌟
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freshnewsnow · 2 years
Central Cee the British to American Drill Translator
It is evident that Central Cee has a cobra-grip stronghold on contemporary culture. He understands what works and how to eclipse the “cap” placed upon most drill artists. As he continues to rise, his tactics continue to grow more advanced/extraordinary.
There are some people who – for better or for worse – set the standard for what is to come. For instance, Odell Beckham Jr.’s unbelievable one-handed catch in his rookie season encouraged an entire generation of one-handed pass catchers. Pop Smoke’s undeniable magnetism and drill sound spanned worldwide drill artists to try their hand at that type of hip-hop style. “I wasn’t thinkin’ about the…
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prakrutimitra · 10 days
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The Crucial Role of Retail Collaborations for Farmers
Farmers rely on retail collaborations to access wider markets, boost visibility, and ensure steady income. These partnerships enforce quality standards, diversify sales, and offer feedback for improvement, fostering long-term relationships that benefit both farmers and retailers while supporting sustainable agriculture and local economies.
For more information: https://bit.ly/49EbOi9
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digitalsanshta · 25 days
Elevate Your IIT JEE Preparation with SanjeevRathore Coaching in Kanpur
IIT JEE Coaching In Kanpur
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Personalized Approach: SanjeevRathore Coaching understands that each student is unique with their strengths and weaknesses. Hence, they adopt a personalized approach to coaching. They assess the student’s capabilities and craft a customized study plan tailored to their individual needs. This personalized attention ensures that students receive the guidance they require to excel in their preparation.
Experienced Faculty: At SanjeevRathore, the faculty consists of seasoned educators who possess a profound understanding of the IIT JEE Coaching In Kanpur syllabus and examination pattern. With years of experience under their belt, they are adept at simplifying complex concepts, making them more accessible to students. The faculty members act as mentors, providing constant support and motivation to help students navigate through challenging topics with ease.
Comprehensive Study Material: SanjeevRathore Coaching provides students with meticulously curated study material that covers the entire spectrum of the IIT JEE syllabus. The study material is designed to foster a deep understanding of fundamental concepts while also providing ample practice opportunities through exercises and mock tests. Additionally, the material is regularly updated to align with the latest trends and developments in the field of IIT JEE Coaching In Kanpur.
State-of-the-art Infrastructure: Creating an environment conducive to learning is paramount at SanjeevRathore Coaching. The institute boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure equipped with modern amenities and facilities. Spacious classrooms, well-stocked libraries, and technologically advanced laboratories create an enriching learning environment where students can thrive academically.
Focus on Conceptual Clarity: SanjeevRathore IIT JEE Coaching In Kanpur emphasizes conceptual clarity above rote memorization. They believe in equipping students with a strong foundation in core concepts, which serves as a solid framework for tackling even the most challenging problems. Through interactive sessions, brainstorming exercises, and concept-building workshops, students develop a deeper understanding of subjects, enabling them to approach problems analytically.
Regular Assessment and Feedback: To track the progress of students and identify areas that require improvement, SanjeevRathore Coaching conducts regular assessments and mock tests. These assessments simulate the actual exam environment, helping students familiarize themselves with the exam pattern and time management techniques. Moreover, detailed feedback provided by experienced faculty members enables students to pinpoint their weaknesses and work on them effectively.
Holistic Development: SanjeevRathore believes in nurturing not just academic excellence but also holistic development. Along with rigorous academic training, students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, competitions, and workshops. This holistic approach ensures that students develop essential life skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication, which are invaluable assets in their academic and professional journey.
Conclusion: In the competitive landscape of IIT JEE Coaching In Kanpur, SanjeevRathore Coaching stands out as a beacon of excellence in Kanpur. With its personalized approach, experienced faculty, comprehensive study material, and focus on conceptual clarity, SanjeevRathore Coaching equips students with the tools they need to ace the IIT JEE exams with confidence. Enroll with SanjeevRathore Coaching today and take the first step towards a successful career in engineering.
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prorisetraining · 2 months
Mastering Feedback: The Key Components for Growth
Unlock success with feedback! Discover its key components: Timeliness, Accuracy, and Actionability. Elevate performance and growth!
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venkat3681 · 2 months
Learn how to keep customers engaged with feedback and rewards. Discover the art of gathering feedback effectively and turning customers into brand advocates through tailored reward systems. Elevate your customer engagement game with insightful tips and strategies. Start by creating an LBN business profile for increased visibility and customer interaction. Click to find out more!
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leadohubindia · 3 months
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Navigate the digital landscape with confidence using our 10 strategies for email success. 🌐📬
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gauravsinha · 5 months
Fostering Emotional Intelligence in Developers: The Agile Advantage Over Waterfall Methodology
In the fast-paced world of software development, the choice of project management methodology can significantly impact not only the efficiency of the team but also the emotional intelligence of individual developers. The shift from traditional waterfall methods to Agile frameworks has brought about a paradigm change, emphasizing collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement. This shift has proven to enhance emotional intelligence among developers compared to the rigid structures of the waterfall approach.
1. Collaboration and Communication: Agile’s Cornerstone
One of the key elements of emotional intelligence is effective communication and collaboration. Agile methodologies prioritize these aspects by fostering regular and open communication within the team. Unlike the waterfall model, where communication is often restricted to predefined phases, Agile encourages constant interaction through methods like daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives. This consistent communication not only ensures that everyone is on the same page but also creates a collaborative environment where developers can share ideas, concerns, and feedback freely.
2. Empathy in Action: Agile’s Iterative Nature
Agile's iterative and incremental approach enables teams to respond to change quickly. This flexibility reduces the stress associated with fixed plans and deadlines, fostering empathy among team members. Developers working in Agile environments understand that changes are inevitable, and this mindset encourages a supportive atmosphere where colleagues are more likely to empathize with each other’s challenges. Waterfall's rigid structure, on the other hand, can lead to frustration and burnout when unexpected issues arise late in the development process.
3. Effective Feedback for Growth: Agile’s Continuous Improvement
Emotional intelligence involves the ability to receive and provide constructive feedback. Agile methodologies incorporate regular feedback loops through mechanisms like sprint reviews and retrospectives. This continuous improvement aspect not only enhances the quality of the product but also provides developers with opportunities to learn and grow. In a waterfall model, feedback typically comes at the end of the project, making it less effective for individual development and improvement.
4. Adaptability as a Stress Reducer: Agile’s Flexible Approach
Agile's adaptability to changing requirements contributes to stress reduction within the development team. Developers no longer need to fear that a single change will disrupt the entire project, as Agile allows for adjustments during the development process. This reduced stress not only positively impacts the emotional well-being of developers but also leads to a more resilient and responsive team.
Conclusion: Agile as a Catalyst for Emotional Intelligence
In conclusion, the Agile framework, with its emphasis on collaboration, empathy, effective feedback, and adaptability, serves as a catalyst for enhancing the emotional intelligence of developers. The iterative nature of Agile methodologies promotes a culture of continuous improvement and open communication, contributing to a positive and supportive team environment. While the waterfall method has its merits, the dynamic and people-centric approach of Agile has proven to be a transformative force in cultivating emotional intelligence within software development teams.
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online-great-retail · 6 months
What steps did you take to validate your business model before you launched your business?
🚀 Launching a Business? Validate Your Model First! 🌟
Starting a business is an exciting adventure, but have you ever wondered how entrepreneurs ensure their business model is rock-solid before taking the plunge? I certainly did. 😅
When I was on the verge of launching my business, I was at a crossroads. I had a vision, but was it viable? 🤔
Here are the steps I took to validate my business model:
Market Research: I delved deep into market research to understand the demand for my product or service. It's like peeking into the crystal ball of your business's future. 🔮
Prototype Testing: I created a prototype or minimum viable product (MVP) and tested it with a small group. Their feedback was invaluable in refining my offering. 🧪
Competitor Analysis: Knowing your competitors is vital. I studied their strengths and weaknesses, which helped me position my business effectively. 💪
Financial Projections: I created financial projections to see if the numbers made sense. It's like doing a financial health check for your business. 💼
Feedback Loops: I actively sought feedback from mentors, advisors, and potential customers. Constructive criticism can be a game-changer. 🗣️
And now, I'd love to hear from you! What steps did you take to validate your business model before launching your venture? 🚀
Share your insights with us. Your experience could be the guiding light for someone on their entrepreneurial journey. 🌠
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addonhealthcare · 8 months
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Our Customer Experience
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remenar · 1 year
Sažetak, Black Box Thinking - Matthew Syed
Kada čujete pojam "Black Box" na što vas asocira? Većinu IT-evaca će asocirati na sustave koji su se našli u okruženju i potpuna su nepoznanica što i kako rade. Poprilično negativna konotacija. Dio ljudi će asocirati na crne kutije u avionima što trenutno asocira na nesreću. Sam naslov knjige, Black Box Thinking, je fenomenalan i autor je naslovom knjige stvorio novi pojam. Ovu knjigu nedavno sam pročitao i ide na mjesto odmah pored Funky Business, knjiga o kojoj sam pisao u prethodnom članku. Temeljni principi Black Box Thinking knjige su da su greške potpuno normalna i prihvatljiva pojava. Ali nedopustive su ako iz njih ne učimo i ne napredujemo. Napredak ostvarujemo kroz "open feedback loop", prepoznavanje kognitivne disonance te uvođenje malih promjena ("marginal gains"). Uistinu vrlo zanimljiva i korisna knjiga kako za poslovni život tako i za privatni.
“A failure to learn from mistakes has been one of the single greatest obstacles to human progress." “A progressive attitude to failure turns out to be a cornerstone of success for any institution." "Society, as a whole, has a deeply contradictory attitude to failure. Even as we find excuses for our own failings, we are quick to blame others who mess up.” "It is partly because we are so willing to blame others for their mistakes that we are so keen to conceal our own. We anticipate, with remarkable clarity, how people will react, how they will point the finger, how little time they will take to put themselves in the tough, high-pressure situation in which the error occurred. The net effect is simple: it obliterates openness and spawns cover-ups. It destroys the vital information we need in order to learn.” “Only by redefining failure will we unleash progress, creativity and resilience."
Open Feedback Loop
“So, just to re-emphasize, for our purposes a closed loop is where failure doesn’t lead to progress because information on errors and weaknesses is misinterpreted or ignored; an open loop does lead to progress because the feedback is rationally acted upon."
Cognitive Dissonance
“When people don’t interrogate errors, they sometimes don’t even know they have made one (even if they suspect they may have)." "When we are confronted with evidence that challenges our deeply held beliefs we are more likely to reframe the evidence than we are to alter our beliefs. We simply invent new reasons, new justifications, new explanations. Sometimes we ignore the evidence altogether.” "Cognitive dissonance occurs when mistakes are too threatening to admit to, so they are reframed or ignored. This can be thought of as the internal fear of failure: how we struggle to admit mistakes to ourselves.” „The relationship between the ambiguity of our failures and cognitive dissonance: When a plane has crashed, it’s difficult to pretend the system worked just fine. The failure is too stark, too dramatic. This is what engineers call a red flag: a feature of the physical world that says ‘you are going wrong’. It is like driving to a friend’s house, taking a wrong turn, and hitting a dead end. You have to turn around. Most failure is not like that. Most failure can be given a makeover. You can latch on to any number of justifications: ‘it was a one-off’, ‘it was a unique case’, ‘we did everything we could’. You can selectively cite statistics that justify your case, while ignoring the statistics that don’t. You can find new justifications that did not even occur to you at the time, and which you would probably have dismissed until they – thankfully, conveniently – came to your rescue.“
"The mnemonic which has been used to improve the assertiveness of junior members of the crew in aviation is called P.A.C.E. (Probe, Alert, Challenge, Emergency).”
Learn From Errors
“It is about creating systems and cultures that enable organizations to learn from errors, rather than being threatened by them.” "In effect, practice is about harnessing the benefits of learning from failure while reducing its cost. It is better to fail in practice in preparation for the big stage than on the big stage itself. This is true of organizations, too, which conduct pilot schemes (and in the case of aviation and other safety critical industries test ideas in simulators) in order to learn, before rolling out new ideas or procedures.“
Marginal Gains
"Marginal gains is not about making small changes and hoping they fly. Rather, it is about breaking down a big problem into small parts in order to rigorously establish what works and what doesn’t.” „But a willingness to test assumptions is ultimately about a mindset. Marginal gains is a strategy of local optimisation: it takes you to the summit of the first hill. But once you are there, taking little steps, however well tested, runs out of traction. To have stayed ahead of the competition, Blockbuster would have needed to move into an entirely new space, leveraging new technology and fresh insights.“ „If insight is about the big picture, development is about the small picture. The trick is to sustain both perspectives at the same time.“ „We learn not just by being correct, but also by being wrong. It is when we fail that we learn new things, push the boundaries, and become more creative.“
Dodatne poveznice
- GoodReads: Black Box Thinking: Why Some People Never Learn from Their Mistakes - But Some Do - Amazon: Black Box Thinking: Why Most People Never Learn from Their Mistakes - But Some Do - Book Depository: Black Box Thinking: Why Most People Never Learn from Their Mistakes - But Some Do
Video materijali
- Sažetak knjige: Black Box Thinking | Matthew Syed | Book Summary - TEDx Talk: Why you should have your own black box | Matthew Syed | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool
Preuzimanje sažetka
https://vladimir.remenar.net/sazetak-black-box-thinking-matthew-syed/ Read the full article
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Self-Injury Awareness Day
Today is #SelfInjuryAwarenessDay and it's important to spread awareness and break the stigma surrounding self-injury. Together, we can promote healing and support those in need.
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Learn CPR with our simple and easy-to-understand online CPR certification courses at American HealthCare Academy and be a lifesaver today.
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beattopia · 1 year
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Dreadnought discussions at the luthiers lounge. #luthierslounge #bespoke #dreadnought #feedbackloop #guitarchitchat #guitars (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkowJesy8S_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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qaizenx · 2 years
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Main Illustration for „Everything you need to know about... customer feedback loops“. For my weekly collaboration with @couriermedia Workshop Hearing from your customers about what they like – or don't like – about your offering is a basic requirement as your business grows. But it can't just be a one-way conversation. Here's how to create customer feedback loops. . . . #customerfeedbackloops #customerfeedback #feedbackloops #feedback #smallbusinesss #startup #editorialillustration #magazineillustration #instagood #instagram #illustration #artist #instaart #artistsoninstagram #illustrator #alltheseillustrations #illustrationartists #itsnicethat #illustrationage #weloveillustration #womenofillustration #womenwhodraw #socfeature #IAClub #instagood #instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/ClD-HszsKHC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Groval Euler’s- Retail Sales Transformation Project For A Health And Wellness Company
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The retail sales landscape is constantly changing, with growing expectations of both B2B and B2C consumers. We had the mandate to build the sales capabilities of a young sales team working through a B2C model to sell health, nutrition and wellness services. A long-term roadmap was drawn to make the transformation project. The scope of the Sales Team training and capability building are outlined below Learn More:- https://grovaleulers.com/groval-eulers-retail-sales-transformation-project-for-a-health-and-wellness-company/
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