#for some reason they've got so much more padding? they look like SHIT though
twogoliathbeetles · 2 years
thought my new headphones were uncomfortable bc i wasn't used to them anymore but i've switched the spongy bit to my 7 year old ones and suddenly it's comfortable
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onebatch2batch · 6 years
kastle prompt: Frank sneaking into karen's apartment and scaring the shit out of foggy, he stayed in the sofa because they've been drinking and chatting and before they realized it was too late and karen told him to stay but she forgot to tell frank about it
Thank you for this prompt, anon!! I really love Foggy–he’s one of my favorite MCU characters. This gave me a nice chance to explore his character. And also, a little established! Kastle? I think so! Hope you like xoxo
PS those of you that have submitted prompts…………..I’m sorry. They’ll get done, it’s honestly just a matter of when at this point :~)
Karen’s favorite coffee shop is one she discovered while working at Nelson & Murdock. It’s equidistant from her apartment and where the firm used to be, and it’s constantly busy, but the ambiance always keeps her coming back. The coffee is dark, delicious and reasonably priced. The people are kind–beyond the usual for a busy New York shop. She makes a habit to stop by on her way home from work for a early evening pick me up, and stands out of the way as she waits for her name to be called. It’s a Thursday and her weekend is so close she can taste it; her week has been full of fluff pieces and boring headliners with one of their journalists out for the flu.
Her schedule is clear for the night. She plans to enjoy some indulgent coffee and a stream of reality tv—until she hears it.
“One medium mocha latte for Foggy!”
Karen snaps her head up at the familiar name. A similarly familiar stocky head of blonde hair waltzes up to the barista counter. She grins and pushes her way through, grabbing his arm as he turns.
“Kare!” Foggy calls once he realizes who has a hold of his sleeve. His face breaks into a wide, genuine smile. “What a beautiful surprise!”
Karen feels her mood lifting just at the sight of it.  She pulls him in for a tight hug. “Oh, Fog, I’ve missed you! How is the firm? How is Marci?”
He nods vigorously, blond locks swinging. “Stressful and beautiful, respectively. How’s the paper? Everyone I talk to loves your articles. You’re a modern day–well, I don’t know many famous journalists. But a modern day one of them.”
She shakes her head in amusement, leaning over to grab her coffee when her name is called. “It’s great, Fog.” An idea strikes her. “Hey, do you have any plans? I was going to make something to eat and I’m out of articles for the night–”
“Karen,” Foggy says with mock gravity, “I would be honored to eat noodles and butter with you.”
“Alright, alright,” Foggy laughs, sitting back and patting his belly dramatically, “I take it back. The noodles and butter joke was in bad taste…pun intended.”
Karen and Foggy are sitting on her couch, half-eaten bowls of pad thai between them. She had pulled the recipe out and thrown together something extravagant; after all, it’s been months (a fact that makes her cringe) since she actually spent time with Foggy. It’s cause for something a little fancier than normal. Karen grins over her beer bottle at him. “I have a couple tricks up my sleeve, Fog.”
“You’re right. You’re definitely not one to be underestimated. It will never happen again.”
“I’d hope not, you should know better by now,” she laughs, grabbing more beer. He shoots off a smart ass remark behind her, and Karen thinks I missed this before returning to her place on the couch.
Karen exits the bathroom a good while later and stops short at the sight that greets her. “Uh, Fog…what are you doing?”
Foggy turns with a jump and looks at her sheepishly. “You know. I got a little bored, a little curious. As men are want to do.”
She presses her fingers to her mouth and bites back a laugh. “So you decided to try on my heels?”
He’s holding onto the wall for support, and the black pumps on his feet are looking a little wobbly. He glances down and flails his free arm, stumbling. “Well, I mean, yeah. Why not? I can’t be this weird with Marci’s shoes, she’d dump me for sure.”
Karen nods sagely. “You’re right. But honestly, I think the open toe is more your style.”
Foggy tilts his head as if considering her words. “You know what, I think you’re right. And also–I had no idea you had such giant feet, Kare.”
“So Marci says to them, hey, dickhole, you know what it’s like to get your ass handed to you in court? Well I do and the guy shut right the hell up.” Foggy throws back the rest of his beer, unable to keep the grin off his face.
Karen stares at him in wide-eyed wonder. “Remind me to never piss Marci off.”
He shakes his head, amused. “Nah, it’s only pre-coffee, post-cat called Marci you have to be careful of. And post-visit from her parents Marci. Otherwise I think you two would really hit it off.”
Karen smiles. “I’d like to actually meet her, one day.”
He gives her a wicked expression. “Yeah, we can make it a double date. Us, you, and that mystery guy that uses the second toothbrush in your bathroom.”
Karen carefully schools her expression, even though her heartbeat picks up dangerously. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She stands to grab another beer but stumbles and holds on to the arm of the couch, eyes wide. She’s a lot more drunk than she realized. Foggy makes a small noise of disbelief behind her.
“Sure, sure, whatever you say. Oh shit, Kare, it’s two in the morning!”
She turns to look at the clock and grimaces. “Shit–I have to get some sleep before work tomorrow. Want to crash on the couch?”
He gives her a grateful look that’s ruined by the flush on his face and glassy eyes. “I was hoping you’d ask. I can’t even stomach the idea of a two a.m. cab ride.”
She nods and heads towards the linen closet to pull out some spare blankets.
Karen wakes to screams, and then a muffled thunk.
“Foggy??” She jumps up and runs into the other room, then takes a moment to process what she’s seeing.
Foggy stands on the far side of the room, the lamp from her side table held above his head defensively. At the other end of the room, just inside the open window, is Frank Castle.
Shit, she thinks, somewhere in the back of her mind. Frank is back in town today.
“K-Karen, stay back. Uh, I mean, if you have a gun somewhere that would be great but—“
It’s not hard for her to see Frank is less than enthused by this turn of events. He stands still in the half-light of the morning, bag over one shoulder, and then reaches behind him and shuts the window with a snap. Foggy jumps at the sound, and Karen steps over to take the lamp from him.
“Fog, I have to tell you something…” she starts, unsure. She glances back at Frank, who only frowns, shifting. She knows he’s tired by the way he’s looking at her, like he’s about to sleep where he stands. Like he’s been driving all night just to make it back to her before she woke. “Let’s go into the kitchen.”
Foggy is looking at her like he’s just discovered her second head. “The—the second toothbrush?”
“Mine,” Frank says shortly. “I’m showerin’ unless you need me to be part of this.”
Karen shakes her head and he brushes past into the bathroom, giving her hand a gentle squeeze on the way. She’s glad that it’s still semi-dark, because if she were to look close she would be sure to find blood on his clothes. She tugs carefully at Foggy and he trails after her into the kitchen, eyes wide.
“I don’t. He isn’t. You. What???”
Karen turns on the coffee pot and rubs her face to try and dissipate the remainder of sleep and alcohol. “It’s kind of a long story…um…I guess I should start at the beginning.”
“So you’re friends with a Homeland agent.”
Frank grimaces, tapping his mug absently. He leans back in his chair and looks the picture of calm–but Karen knows better. He’s on edge. “Friends… acquaintances…”
Foggy blinks. He looks much more awake now, and much less freaked out. He nods slowly. “And you hid out in a basement for 6 months with a computer hacker.”
“And now Frank Castle is dead.”
“Because Homeland wiped your prints. And now you’re—uh, Pete—?”
“And you’re dating Karen.”
A smile finally pulls at the corner of his mouth. He glances over at Karen, who returns his smile evenly. “Is that what we’re callin’ it?”
“We’re not labelling it,” she says in the tone of someone sharing an inside joke, then laughs. “Come on Foggy, you’ve been interrogating us for hours.”
He gives her an affronted look. “This is a pretty big secret to keep, Kare. And from your best, most-good looking friend? I think I have a right to some questions.”
Frank gets up to pour more coffee and she doesn’t miss the way Foggy tenses until he’s walked by. “Okay, fine. You’re right. I’m sorry but…you understand right?”
“Yeah, yeah. Doesn’t mean I have to like it, though.” Foggy sighs. “But whatever makes you happy, Kare. Even if it is 200 pounds of pure, murderous muscle.”
“185,” Frank corrects over his shoulder, amused.
Foggy’s expression is a mixture of baffled and impressed. He wants to say something else, she can tell, but he holds his tongue. Indecision flashes across his face, “I gotta go to work,” he sighs after a minute.
“I’ll walk you out,” she offers quickly.
Frank clears his throat. “I will. You gotta get ready for work.”
The room holds it breath as Karen looks at Frank, head tilted. She notices again how exhausted he looks, even after a shower. His hair has grown out a little in the last week in a half, and there are dark bags under his eyes. He meets her stare evenly, and there’s something behind his gaze that says let me do this. She finally nods and stands.
“Okay. Fog, thanks for coming over. Call me soon?”
Foggy clears his throat, nervous. “Uh, yep, yeah. Will do.”
She hugs him, shoots Frank a concerned look (which he studiously ignores) and then heads into the bathroom.
If there is one thing Foggy never would have imagined would happen to him, its being escorted downstairs by Frank Castle, the Punisher–and especially not directly after learning everything there is to know about the last year or so of his life. There’s so much to unpack; the set up of Frank’s family’s murder, his time on the run, Karen’s tireless defense of him, and of course their relationship. It’s enough to make Foggy’s head spin if he thinks about it too hard.
Frank is silent at his side as they ride the elevator down. Foggy keeps his back straight keeps his eyes forward, unsettled by the stoic man next to him. The elevator pings and they step out into the quiet lobby.
“Listen, Nelson,” Frank finally says, gruff. He stops short, crossing his arms. Foggy turns to look at him, wary, but the look on Frank’s face is more sheepish than anything. “During the trial—I uh, I fucked it up. Sorry if it caused you any grief.”
“Ah,” Foggy gives him a nervous smile. “It sounds like we were way out of our league anyways.”
Frank nods. “And about Karen—“
Foggy shakes his head, holding up his hands placatingly. “Just try and keep her out of it, you know? Out of trouble.”
Frank scoffs, crossing his arms. “Yeah. She doesn’t make that easy.”
They share a conspiratory grin, then Foggy huffs out a laugh. “See you around, Pete.”
Karen steps out of the bathroom into Frank’s waiting arms. He cups her face in his hands without preamble and slots his mouth over hers with a hum. She’s still damp from the shower and her hair is wrapped up in a towel but he doesn’t seem to mind. His hands are hungry on her skin, fingers gliding across every exposed inch greedily. She steps into his space and shivers at the chill of the hallway air. After a moment, she pulls away just enough to press her forehead to his.
“I missed you,” she sighs.
“Stay home,” he rumbles back, hands landing on her hips.
Karen pulls back to look at him. “Frank…”
“Come on,” he murmurs, ducking his head to kiss her jaw. He trails his lips down to where the towel meets her skin and bites playfully. “Work from home.”
“I never get anything done when you’re here,” she argues, but her smile grows as his hand runs up her thigh. “How about I go in for half a day, and then come back and we make dinner? You need to get some sleep, anyway.”
She takes his grumble as a very reluctant yes. Before he can pull back, she envelopes him in a tight hug. “I’m sorry about Foggy. I didn’t even think about you coming home, and we were drinking…”
He laughs, deep in her ear. “We survived.”
Karen steps away and heads towards the bedroom. “You didn’t scare him out of my life forever down there, did you?”
“Nah. Nelson can hold his own.” Frank leans on the doorway, watching as she rummages through her closet. “I uh, I apologized. For the trial.”
Karen turns to examine his expression, surprised. She narrows her eyes. “You must be more tired than I thought.”
Frank scoffs, flushing. “He’s important to you,” he mutters, “so I thought…I should. Make nice.”
For half a second, Karen thinks about staying home from work like he wants. His statement makes her chest clench pleasantly–that he’s attempting to make amends for her sake is both endearing and warming. Her next thought is that he really does need sleep, and if she were to stay home they wouldn’t do much resting. She tampers down the intense wave of affection that comes from looking at his pink ears and embarrassed frown.
“Come here,” she says, beckoning. When Frank joins her in the middle of the room she leans up to kiss him, smiling. “Thank you for that. He means a lot to me, but so do you. And Foggy’s a great guy–once he gets past the whole…Punisher thing…he’ll warm up to you.”
Frank gives her an amused look. “You’re going to be late,” he reminds her.
“Ah, shit. Can you help me find my skirt?” She pauses, giving him a controlled stare that borders on amused. “One you haven’t ripped yet, preferably.”
Frank lets out a laugh and turns to help her search.
*note: yes, I googled JB’s weight specifically for Foggy’s snark
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