#from parts of the Marisha pc/Laura pc fandom
stickandthorn · 3 years
I’m gonna be honest, I’m a little uncomfortable with how immediately and fervently people are shipping Imogen and Laudna together, and it’s not because of the ship itself. In fact if they choose to do a romance I’d actually like it a lot. No, the main reasons why I’m uncomfortable are:
1) Laura’s characters always get treated as shipping objects. Every time. Both Vex and Jester got treated far more as a pawn in some pc romance instead of their own separate characters with their own goals and story, and then when they did something that wasn’t in line with what the fandom wanted they’d infantilize the character or demean Laura’s choices to all hells, being extremely shitty to that character, all under the guise of loving Laura and her character. So when she makes Imogen and the first thing people do is instantly ship her, I get uncomfortable. It’s not even the ship itself, it’s that literally 98% of the content I see for Imogen pertains to shipping her with Laudna. There’s almost nothing about just Imogen, it’s all in relation to Laudna. There’s content for Laudna not relating to Imogen, but not the other way around. It just makes me so annoyed to see her character once again being treated not as an individual with their own shit going on but as a piece of a ship right out of the gate. 
2) I hate the weird pressure for Marisha and Laura to have a romantic relationship between pcs. I get there’s some dynamics you want to see between specific players, that’s great, but when it’s say Sam and Liam people want to see romance each other it’s always a very chill, “hey the husbands should finally be husbands” thing, but when it’s Marisha and Laura, there’s an actual, legitimate pressure from some parts of the fandom. I’ve seen people say this is Laura’s master plan to finally romance Marisha, or that they owe a romance to the fandom because of not making Beaujester happen (which is disgusting imo no one owes you any sort of romance in any form that they don’t want to do it), or that they’re obviously setting up a romance right now, or that it’s about time the two of them did a romance and finally they’re doing it omg. And as someone who’s roughly a woman, or at least fem presenting, who’s been pressured into romances in ttrpg settings, it’s a very, very uncomfortable place to be. So to see that happening with Marisha and Laura, to see people expecting or demanding they do a ship together, making conspiracy theories about how they’re definitely gonna romance each other, and then feeling like it’s a betrayal when they don’t (spoilers it isn’t), that just makes me deeply uncomfortable.  Like I said, I don’t hate the ship itself. I think the characters are cute together and I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with shipping it, and if it does pan out in game I’ll be happy, I just don’t like the baggage that goes along with it in fandom.
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thefiveavengers · 5 years
my totally unsolicited opinion on cr 2 ships/core platonic relationships
first of all, out with the controversial:
Fjord/Caleb: boring
Fjord/Molly: even more boring
Caleb/Molly: the boringest
Conclusion: Boys are boring*
moving on, fandom darlings with some canon support:
FJORESTER: You know, I’ve never really minded. I’ve thought it was hilarious that Laura wanted to drag Travis kicking and screaming to PC romance and it seemed to have started to work. The kiss of life ™ was romantic as fuck and I was into it. That said, Jester was always one of my favorites and recently I’ve been disliking Fjord more and more. We are in the middle of his character arc, and instead of finding him more interesting I’m losing interest. At the moment I’m firmly on the camp that “Jester deserves better!”
Beauyasha (terrible ship name BTW): Always felt really one-sided. The revelation about Yasha last episode made me two-minds about it. First, I do think Yasha being at peace with her wife’s death and eventually finding love again is dynamite and should be the ideal endgame of the character. On the other hand, Beau is my girl, and I’m biased towards her. I think Beau desperately needs someone who wants her first and foremost, and the shadow of a dead wife is very, very hard to overcome. The other difficulty I have with it is of a practical nature. With Ashley being gone so much its hard to invest fully and completely in the character and the ships they participate. I love me a slow burn, but I like that to be sprinkled with moments here and there. When was the last time Beau and Yasha even talked???
My personal indulgences:
Beau/Keg (I call it BEG): Look, in C1 I was a super fan of Keyleth/Kash, so I guess I’m just into shipping Marisha’s character with Guests. I looooove Keg, such an interesting bleeding heart. If wlw ships are rare butch/butch ships are even rarer. Like I’ve said, Beau is main girl so I loved how Keg explictly was into her. Beau is a babe, all the girls should be falling for her! Also, their chemistry was great and I think Keg’s note was really affirmatory to Beau. Really would like more of that to happen.
Lavorregard (Beaujester is another terrible name. Lavorregard was coined by Liam O’brien himself): asuyhgasdgdasjkgsajgkfsagjkfsa! WHAT I AM ALL ABOUT AT THE MOMENT! they are the sweetest, the way they act around each other is delightful. They cuddle, they said I love you to each other! THEY ARE ROOMMATES! When I said Jester deserves better? Beau is better. Jester deserves Beau.
Widowjest: the only romantic ship I have for Caleb. I like their dynamic and how Jester makes Caleb smile. I do think it’s pretty problematic, in how Caleb is a sad man and Jester is the cute girl that will “heal his heart!”. I hate that trope, but I would not be surprised if Caleb develops a crush. 
Platonic dynamics I’m interest in:
Nott & Caleb: Enabler center! They are family and they love each other very much. That said their co-dependence is not healthy. Nott rarely challenges Caleb and that can lead to even more self-destruction on both parts. I think them opening up to other m9ers has the potential to alleviate some of the darker aspects of this friendship.
Beau & Fjord (The Bjreaus): At the moment, the only Fjord relationship I’m invested in. Beau character development would not have happened if Fjord hadn’t given Beau a chance and guided her though social situations. I do wish for Beau to step up and challenge Fjord if he continues on his current dark path.
The Empire Kids (Caleb & Beau): My very favorite dynamic of the entire show. Beau is growing in competence and responsibility and Caleb is the one who notices that side of her the most. I also think Caleb has the capability of going dark very much so, and while Nott is an enabler, Beau is not. I can see a scenario where Beau is the only person who can bring Caleb from the brink. Their sibling love is everything to me.
Final thoughts: 
This is very Beau-centric because she is the character I’m most invested in. Sorry I don’t have any opinions on Cadeceus relationships, his chill ways don’t really arise any passion for him in me. I’m neutral on him like I was with Grog. 
*My relationship with m/m slash is complex. Suffice to say, while I don’t have any problem with m/m relationships, I am bothered by how fandom in general (not just CR) places them in such high regard compared to m/w and ESPECIALLY w/w. Relationships between men (not romantic) are already abundant in traditional media, so in my fandom spaces I choose to focus on the exploration of female characters, be it with other female characters or male ones. To me, it is a travesty that Molly, a character that has been dead for almost half the episodes, is still written more about than ANY of the female characters that still live and breath. 
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