iliacl · 7 years
Hey! I saw your post about blacklisting sixpenceee. I'm not up to date on the discourse (tm). Why did you block that blog? Did they do something?
heya! tumblr user sixpenceee is just a hot mess of trash, to be honest. they post a lot of ableist things, like demonising people who are ps*chotic and mentally atypical. i don’t have a source for this, but i’m pretty sure that they also admitted to having a child slave? (the screengrabs aren’t mine, they’re from @rockymountaingothic‘s sixpenceee post) 
sixpenceee used to steal a lot of content, too, from wikipedia and also from other tumblr users. she’s steal art designs as well. there’s a whole blog dedicated to everything she’s done, here
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10 Facts
I was tagged by the wonderful @wchwriter to post 10 facts about myself! Thank you! 
1. I’m currently taking a dance class, which I absolutely adore. I’ve always thought that the name Grace was massively ironic, because I’m profoundly ungraceful, but that’s starting to change.  2. I’m learning how to sew, too.  3. I make a mean black bean soup.  4. I’m currently writing a thesis that’s destroying me, but in the best way possible, I guess? I’m combining creative writing with my love of science and my leanings toward the Renaissance and the Romantics into one giant, beautiful, exhausting monster baby.  5. My earring collection is getting a little bit out of hand. 6. Blogging my poetry has honestly changed my life--for the first time I have a really solid writing routine, and I have a bunch of really amazing people to share and talk about writing with.  7. My favorite number is 42.  8. My favorite letter is Z, because the world doesn’t agree on how it’s supposed to be pronounced. Is it Zee? Is it Zed? Who knows?  9. I’ve only been in a taxi once in my life.  10. I’m graduating at the end of this semester, and I’m thrilled and terrified. 
I shall tag @maximumsuckage, @cruxymox, @electricarmchair, @cactiverse, @madworlddiary, @avolitorial, @definegodliness, @fromtheearth-tothestars, @shesingsinthemorning-, @existential-celestial, and @sonador-reveur <3
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evanhcnsen · 8 years
Tumblr media
user aesthetics - @fromtheearth-tothestars​
no longer accepting requests
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maximumsuckage · 6 years
Writer Meme
Tagged by @gracebabcockwrites  <3
1. How many works in progress do you have?
idk... we got Dreamscape which is going strong, a couple incomplete short stories, two novels with plot like swiss cheese... basically about as many incomplete stories as incomplete knitting projects
2. Do you/would you write fanfiction?
plz stop attacking me like this I write original stuff too
3. Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
paper, always
4. When did you start writing?
tbh before I can remember. 
5. Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
sometimes, but I’m looking for critiques and people are too nice so I generally try to rip apart my own stuff instead, so idk how well that works
6. Where is your favourite place to write?
wherever nobody’s looking over my shoulder
7. Favourite book as a child?
8. Writing for fun or publication?
For fun rn, my novels are nowhere near good enough for publishing
9. Have you taken writing classes?
there is no way even in a frozen hell that I would risk my GPA just to get a few writing tips and a critique.  I care about, you know, my actual future in medicine more than a casual hobby that I’m kinda crap at anyways.  I’ll leave the writing classes to the real writers.  i am fake
10. What inspired you to write?
honestly, no idea.  I write the stuff I wanna read.  
Tagging: @nathyfaith @scrollingkingfisher @theriverscribe @fromtheearth-tothestars @archangelgabriellives  
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maximumsuckage · 6 years
Post the rules
Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
Write 11 questions of your own
And tag 11 people
Thanks @nathyfaith :D
Where would you like to travel to and why? It can be anywhere real or fantasy.  Real or fantasy? Then definitely the Spiral Labyrinth in Mortal Instruments.  Cassie Clare has not given us a POV there yet and I need to know where the warlocks study.  Plus, shadowhunters, like man I wanna meet a nephilim and learn how to punch a demon.
Do you believe in spiritual things like ouija boards, tarot cards, and crystals? Do you believe they are portals for evil entities to enter the mortal world? Nah. Sounds like disembodied footsteps are just an old house settling, and ouiji boards are a stupid party game.  And if any of that crap be real, it can stay 4385347282532357 feet away from me.
What’s the background on your cell?  My cat :D
Would you rather go without junk food for a year or go without TV for a year? Junk food.  My skin would be so clear 
Do you have any tattoos? If so, what are they?  Nah, I feel like I’d regret it two weeks later, even if I thought I wanted it.  Considering an anchor on my ankle because I was a sailor my whole childhood, but we’ll see
If you could have a superpower ASIDE from being invisible or being able to fly, what would you have? The Force
What was the last thing you bought? Onion bagel with cream cheese and a medium black coffee from Dunkin
Do you have any posters, pictures, or art hanging on your walls in your room? If so, what are they? I got a few coloring book pages that I colored, a print of a forest path, a family pic, and an old painting from elementary school that my parents hung up.  Also there’s photos and old academic awards hanging from party lights that I have around the room
Do you like your handwriting?  When I try to make it neat, it’s pretty loopy cursive, when it’s just notes in class, it’s basically a cursive squiggle across the paper that only I can read 
What non-banking related card in your wallet is the most valuable to you? That’s a tossup between my movie theater rewards card and my American Eagle rewards card
Have you ever gotten stitches? Once, on my hand.  i did not need stitches.  I’ve cut myself worse than that and not gotten stitches.  Smirnoff and medical tape works just as well. School nurse was an idiot.
My questions!
What’s the most important object in your life?
If you were in a cartoon and wore the same outfit every day, what would it be?
Do you believe the universe is based in chaos or repetition? 
Which fictional character would you give specifically your left pinky toe to meet?  
What is the first book you remember reading?
What’s your go to coffee order (or sub another drink if you don’t drink coffee but idk any other drinks besides coffee or water)?
If you could enter any fictional world but you did not have the option of returning to your normal life, which would you choose, or would you stay with normal life?
Vampire or werewolf?
Would you choose infinite money but single forever or having a soulmate but dirt poor?
Favorite time of day? 
If there was a gun to your head, could you spell onomatopoeia without looking at this question? 
Tagging: @hipposattackedthebasement @gracebabcockwrites @isthatyourmotherontheceiling @fromtheearth-tothestars @wild-hidden-doughnut @archangelgabriellives @1well-this-is-new1 @karategirl80 @otrera-kicks-ass @thisisnotsteva @donttalkaboutfightclub
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