#sixpenceee is ... not Good
tinypocketcats · 5 months
Remember when sixpenceee did that thing where she was charging ppl for mental therapy help as a completely unlicensed professional?
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scrollingfan · 7 months
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I've never watched a Psych2Go video so maybe this Hal guy is qualified but uh. This doesn't seem like a good idea.
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ot3 · 11 months
It's a good thing that umineko takes place in the 80s because I know if Jessica could have had a Tumblr she would have and she would have gotten cancelled for her family's child servants just like sixpenceee
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were--ralph · 1 year
god theres good users and bad users in that poll tournie . unsure if its meant to be “lovably annoying” or “hatefully annoying” bc theres some real shit ppl in the selections too LOL. sixpenceee and their slave-owning family? christ.
none of that matters i need to win
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tooquirkytolose · 1 year
Wait what about sixpenceee? I'm lost
They made a post a long long time ago about their familys child servant when they were staying with them in the philippines (?) And when everyone started going excuse me?????? They basically said Look guys i feel bad about it too :( i wish our little child butler could go to school like a normal kid but theyre suppppeeer poor and we pay them well so really we are doing a Good Thing :)
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endykelopaedia · 4 days
what's the shuro defender party line on him having teenage slaves sixpenceee style? is it like a vriska situation or is there more nuance?
what a weird thing to ask me. slaves are bad. Shuro probably shouldn't have slaves. is that good? can you leave me alone.
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invisibleoctopus · 1 year
i kept seeing ppl say there were actual nazis on the most annoying tumblr user poll but not saying who they actually were so i went through the whole bracket thats still up on dni-archive and IM gonna say who they were. i found 2 or 3 blogs that i think fit this description... (image for reference
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so yeah block siryouarebeingmocked and theconstitutionisgayculture those are the nazis from what i could find. tonyzaret also gives me "dank memes" cryptofascist vibes. PLEASE only block and if u find something actually worth reporting, great. please dont go harass ANYONE on this list i only have the screenshot here for reference in case u wanna go fact check for yourself.
other shitty ppl on this list include sixpenceee (obviously), takashi0 (shitty views abt feminism), owlvid (the zoophile and pedo accusations they spew), and a certain catgirl baeddel/TIRF i dare not mention lest i get anons saying they want to smash my head in with a brick bc im a gross trans MAN who believes in transmisandry
but yeah the thing about just having popular ppl on the list and ppl just submitting trans ppl and especially trans women on the list and having a big list of annoying ppl to go harass was. Not Good. even if some of the ppl on here do have Bad Opinions or have an active smear campaign against another tumblr blogger or are literal fascists.
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alevoil · 27 days
Here to answer some of your questions!!!
1. Dungeon Meshi is a fantasy manga by Ryoko Kui turned Netflix original anime about a dungeon party looking to save their party member and primary healer, Falin, after she got eaten by a dragon. The Himbo Knight is named Laios and he's Falin's older brother (also he's the leader of the party). The other members include Marcille, a (half) elf magic user; Chilchuck, their half-foot locksmith (he's also a union member, like worker's rights type of union); and their new ally, Senshi, the dwarf that has a love for food and nature. While searching for Falin, Laios showcases his long term desire to eat monster meat and it becomes one of the main gags of the show (hence the name "Dungeon Meshi," Meshi = Food). The world building is super cool and the plot does get more complex later on but it's written very well and I would recommend it.
2. Sorry, idk about this one.
3. In 2014 some people tried to make a Tumblr based convention called "Dashcon" and the event did NOT go well in any way. From poor planning to poor general behavior, it was overall a shitshow. They had a ballpit that was just a kiddie pool filled with plastic balls and at some point someone pissed in it (yuck!)
4. I'm not super informed on this but Colleen Hoover is a Young Adult novelist that writes so... many... books... and they tend to be YA Romance but from what I know they often involve a lot of harmful and romanticized tropes, like abuse. (Side Note: I used to work at a Target and there was a good few months where her novels made up the bulk of our book sales.)
5. There's a tumblr user know as Sixpenceee and she has family that live in Bangladesh. When she went to visit them she mentioned that her family there has a child servant (at the time the kid was 8, I'm not sure if they had more child servants or if the kid is still with them now) and when people were expressing concerns over it she was very dismissive of it and basically saying that while she doesn't condone child labour herself, it's her family that does and that it's a normal thing in that culture (it's really not, because there's a difference between hired help and like, actually buying a school aged child). She also did a bunch of other things people don't like her for but that's the "child slave" part.)
6. The Throckmorton (or Throcky) meme comes from a photo of someone's physics textbook that mentions "your cousin Throckmorton“ who skateboards. People were confused at the name choice which brought up the initial discussion. The joke is that he's everyone's cousin and he shreds on a skateboard like no other.
7. I'll be completely honest and say yes, personally, I do enjoy pineapple on pizza. Lots of people don't. We can all have separate pizzas, it's okay.
Thank you for your heartfelt answers, stranger! also thanks to everyone who replied to my og post, i wasn’t expecting so many detailed answers so I think I understand Tumblr way better now 😭 Hope y’all have a great day, happy April!
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dnalkaline · 2 months
I understand the "I don't like callout posts because I'm not a cop and callout posts are useless" mentality in a vacuum but like.
"What did running sixpenceee off the site even accomplish?" She was scamming people. She was capitalizing on making disabled people sound scary so people would give her money for Content. People have the right to protect their community by telling other ppl where their money is going. Nobody is going to want to give their fucking money to someone who condones child slavery. Are you dense.
People have every right to criticize callout posts for punching down and taking advantage of mob mentality, but they used to be for ppl to warn other marginalized ppl of someone taking advantage of their demographic.
Like... When a callout post (done in good faith) has stuff like video proof of someone being a pedo it's because they want ppl to NOT LET AN OFFENDING PEDO HARM MINORS AND BAN THEM FROM MINOR-FRIENDLY SPACES. Because they are HARMING CHILDREN. Saying shit like "Hey pls ban this person from conventions they're known for assaulting people" isn't. Cop behavior.
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missbaphomet · 1 year
How MOGAI labels harm the LGBT community:
Oh boy here I go having Opinions again!
So, hi, if you don't know me, I am a bisexual woman. I came out in June of 2021 at the age of 21. I was a late bloomer, and it's totally normal and ok to not discover things about yourself in your teens. My issue was never with teenagers experimenting and trying to find themselves. My issue was always the blatant fucking lies MOGAI people tell you that muddy the waters.
I have been on tumblr for a long fucking time. I wasn't as active when I was younger, but I have had a consistent presence since about 2016. What I'm trying to say is I am one of your tumblr olds, and I've seen discourse some of you never thought imaginable. I survived Mishacolypse, The Skeleton War, the Sixpenceee controversy, the original homestuck Fandom, Hetalia in its prime, the porn ban, and I followed Pizza. I've been here fucking forever.
When I was 16 I started making steps into understanding my sexuality because everyone around me seemed to have it all figured out. After doing a lot of research I found the label I would use for probably about a year: heteroromantic demisexual.
Not a single fucking word of that was actually applicable.
What I ACTUALLY was was a confused, traumatized 16 year old who was raised religious. I couldn't even conceive that I might be Not Straight because it simply wasn't an option. There was no way I could be sexually attracted to women! It didn't matter that I liked them more than men, I liked men so therefore I couldn't like women! Duh! And obviously I was demisexual because I was a teenager who didn't want to have sex like those stupid gross horny other teenagers! Never mind that I think sex is kinda gross because I was groomed at 14 and the sexual stuff then made me feel gross. I'll have sex one day, have some children, then never have sex again, just like my mom!
I was 20 before I realized I was bisexual, and it was only after a good friend of mine (who is straight) had a genuine conversation about what attraction felt like for monosexuals that I realized that I wasn't monosexual. It took a genuine heart-to-heart conversation with someone outside of tumblr bullshit for it to all make sense.
I was roughly the same age when I realized my aversion to sex was because I had been groomed and preyed upon and I was scared of my own body and pleasure. I have since overcome my trauma and I think sex is a wonderful thing.
I had to leave Tumblr to discover these things, because other tumblr users would tell me that it was normal and okay to compartmentalize my sexuality into tiny boxes so that I couldn't see the whole picture. When your "I was groomed" is in a different box than "I am scared of intimacy and sex", it can be stupid difficult to realize that those pieces are part of the same whole, the statement that "I am scared of intimacy because I was taken advantage of and hurt, and so I am scared of being hurt again". When "I have a lot of female friends and I have very strong emotions about them" is separated from "I don't have male friends, but I find them very attractive and I like them a lot", it's easy to overlook "I have the same feelings for both men and women, and therefore I must be attracted to both".
Breaking down your sexuality into teeny tiny boxes is not normal or healthy, and it often makes it extremely difficult to understand what it is you do actually want or need. Not only that, it can be incredibly fucking isolating because no one else will experience it the exact same way you do, and it's so much harder to try to relate to others.
My life got infinitely easier when I could walk into a room and go "I am a bisexual woman" and have dozens of others go "same!!!" It's so fucking lonely to break down everything into the split attraction model and have everyone else in the room go "what the fuck are you talking about?" The split attraction model hurts people, plain and simple, and it should be fucking done away with immediately.
"Idk I just find labels too restrictive" babygirl you don't know how labels work. They are intentionally designed to reference everyone with a shared experience universally. Aside from that, you use something literally called a "microlabel" specifically designed to fit absolutely no one on the planet but you. There are millions and millions of bisexuals or lesbians or gay men, and *maybe* a dozen other people that share your specific collection of buzzwords. I think I'll take my chances with millions of people that I could potentially love than a handful.
Anyway fuck MOGAI bullshit, fuck the split attraction model, fuck anyone who purposefully confuses people just trying to discover themselves.
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shigayokagayama · 1 year
hi I’m the “do you check the accounts that sen you asks” anon. and the reason I asked is because…
some of them do really cool stuff! (like art or AUs) so grabbed a few from the top of your dash that sent you asks recently, and here’s what I wanted to share! (these posts are just funny to me)
sometimes I get curious what type of stuff is posted by people who send asks, and I started finding gems like these!
also I’ll be honest I don’t have any friends that watch mob psycho so I’ve had no one to share any MP100 memes with so yes I am using this as my opportunity… I hope you don’t mind!
LMAO youre all good!
the phrasing of the first question worried me, i thought i was interacting with like. sixpenceee's secret mob psycho sideblog or something lmao
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fanficmemes · 2 years
Hey so idk if it is still CAS, BUT.
I have to make sure I’m not the only one who knows this story because it was a doozy
Ok picture this. The year is 2016, it’s around spring/summer time. Sixpenceee (yes that one) opens up a horror writing contest. They make a site to host the submissions.
Now, it being 2016, and a tumblr fan base, there were “horror” stories of America going to shit after Dumb T was elected president.
However. I did find… ONE that was different from the others.
So it starts with the MC finding out he’s into plants by seeing Ents in the lord of the rings movies and jacking off in his friend’s bathroom. This makes a mess and I’m pretty sure he’s kicked out, but this kink doesn’t become relevant again until college.
So he has a plant, right? A flower. He keeps it in his closet, he gave it a name, aaaaaand he jacks off into it every day.
At some point, the flower becomes *sentient* and starts proclaiming its love for him. It’s also decidedly a female flower when it starts growing little tiny flowers in its pot. You will never guess who the “pollinator” is.
This is all well and good, like to each their own, the guy’s got a nice thing going for him, all things considered.
However, his roommate is a dick??? And during a party when he’s drunk, he apparently pisses on MC’s beloved flower. MC comes back to the flower dying and telling him what happened.
I forget what happens afterwards, but MC did murder the FUCK out of his roommate, and I think he fed the blood to the surviving babies????
This was long before I found out about the cum box thing so. It left an impression. So much so that the cum box wasn’t that surprising to me.
This literally made me feel like I was on meth 4.5/10 I was never bored
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ambrosiafaery · 1 year
Heya Vtubers! It's nice to see people moving over from twitter - as much as people joke about "amping up the cringe" to drive people off, tumblr's more welcoming than you're expecting!
My ask box is definitely open if people have questions and I've seen some help starter guides floating around, and figured why not make my own too?
This isn't about how to use tumblr though it's about a lot of the common in jokes/memes that float around. Tumblr culture works very different than Twitter culture - memes dont really come and go, they stick around. Part of this is because you can reblog posts multiple times - and yes I know good memes stick around on twitter too, but it's a very different slowness to Tumblr meme culture
This does in fact mean someone can and will flood your dashboard with repeats of the same post and yes I'm looking at you reg
We've got some silly weekly traditions like out of touch thursday, wizard wednesday, and fingers in his ass sunday and yes people Do re-reblog that shit every week. If you tell me "I like your shoelaces" I will, very stupidly, blurt out the first thing that comes to mind and it will be "Thanks I stole them from the president"
The rest shall be under a readmore because this got Very long. It's not all the memes but its a lot of my favorites that I see pretty often.
the "color theory" post
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if someone says anything about color theory especially if they mentioned "children's hospital" they're likely referring to this
The skeleton wars preceded my entry onto tumblr but that was in fact a thing learn your history
Mishapocalypse was also a thing, but more relevant, is our newest holiday, Nov 4-5th
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I hate to say you had to be there, but it really was a sort of manic energy you can experience in the moment. It didn't matter if you liked supernatural, destiel, sherlock, or anything, we All held hands on Nov 5th
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The queen's death came mildly close, but there won't another queerbait like it. This is also the origin of the superhell meme for my fellow LGBT+
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Speaking of the queen, tumblr had been waiting to celebrate her death for a Long time. People will be respectful about how her death affected shit for everyone, but they aren't going to be respectful towards her or the royal family here. We had our crab raves ready for Years before she finally kicked the bucket.
We did enjoy the sexyman polls btw, even if you twitter people were silly enough to host them offsite
"Daily Dracula" isn't just tumblr specific, but it is very popular here. It's an email newletter that sends snippets of the classic novel in real time with dates from the book.
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horse plinko.
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I don't have room for the entirety of the Connecticut Clark saga but its a lovely comic and Cark and Malfina are All our blorbos
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You may be familiar with tumblr celebrating the Ides of March (also a very real holiday respect our traditions), so heres another history meme we've got. If people joke about the value or copper or Ea-nasir, theyre referring to this post
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Around 2017, there was a time where nazi, pedo, terfs and other sorts of shit blogs were taken over by someone using Toy Story's Woody as an icon and Howdy Pardner as a blog title. Eventually the whole thing got out of hand but whoever originated Woody's Roundup was pretty funny
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Popularity on tumblr is hard to gauge, but theres a few blogs out there that just Everyone knows.
We know Sixpenceee for the "Sixpenceee Heals" incident among others,
we know about thejorie's Three Weed Smoking Girlfriends,
we had bone stealing witches at one point, but not sure if they're still hanging around
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thecybersmith is well known for being the Human Pet Guy among other incredibly weird takes. i think they also went to twitter but they've got a Reputation here for sure
we are Very Aware about John and Hank Green due to an incident when editing other people's posts was a thing, and people edited one of John Green's posts to be very nsfw. There's a bit of a back and forth on this one whether it was actually funny or not, but this incident did drive them off tumblr which makes John Green's recent string of tweets Fascinating
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The wizard blogs are special to us, please be polite to them and pay your wizard tithes on time. I don't listen to the wizard council though, I'll cast transmute idaho if I want to.
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People are sometimes really bad about reading the op of a post, and one-time-i-dreamt is well known for jumpscaring people with posts that seem like almost real encounters until you realize the blog title means this was something someone dreamed
There's definitely more but i woke up in a cold sweat at 3:30 am to write this and its now 5am so I'll leave it at that. add your favorite tumblr specific memes if you'd like.
tumblr loves to beat a dead horse (or put it in a plinko) so dont be afraid to reblog old jokes, or put a new spin on an old joke, or be like Reg who regularly reblogs the "i control the paladins" tiktok fifty times in a row when people get a bit too weird in their notes (not an exaggeration. I learned tumblr hotkeys for you my beloved mutual)
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just-an-adventurer · 1 hour
please reconsider reblogging stuff from sixpenceee she is not a good person. her family has a child slave
Eugh, corroborated by a quick search. Duly noted, anon
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sbnkalny · 1 year
thingswillbeloudnow: Probably good since player entities don't even have one (1) ender Lily
thingswillbeloudnow: Give me one (1) apple beverage, plmease
thingswillbeloudnow: Give me one (1) apple beverage, plmease
taricvevo: Once i ordered two hashbrowns from mcdonalds and they just gave me one (1) apple beverage, plmease
thingswillbeloudnow: Sixpenceee charged Me 30 dollars for one (1) apple beverage, plmease
taricvevo: Give me one (1) apple beverage, plmease
rory-the-vampire: They just gave me one (1) apple beverage, plmease
taricvevo: Don't you fucking rick roll me one (1) apple beverage, plmease
rory-the-vampire: This is a human, i can name all parts of Human events it becomes necessary for one (1) apple beverage, plmease
taricvevo: Once I ordered two hashbrowns from mcdonalds and they just gave me one (1) apple beverage, plmease
thingswillbeloudnow: And Then spend too long for one (1) Apple beverage, plmease
taricvevo: Why did you fucking rick roll me one (1) APPLE beverage, plmease
taricvevo: Sixpenceee charged me 30 dollars for one (1) apple beverage, plmease
thingswillbeloudnow: !!INTERESTING facts for kalny for one (1) apple beverage, plmease
taricvevo: My brother gave me one (1) apple Beverage, plmease
taricvevo: Give me one (1) apple beverage, plmease
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et103 · 1 year
Sixpenceee was the piece of shit who defended their family in Bangladesh owning a child slave bc 'everybody does it there anyway and we treat them really well'. Also tried to monetise people's suffering by offering "therapy" sessions for money on tumblr, with no therapeutic accreditations because they thought studying neuroscience was good enough. Was also rampantly discriminatory about mental and physical disabilities, stole a bunch of people's work without credit to post for clout on their blog, and is generally a remorseless, distasteful individual. I say was but they're probably still out there being a cunt somewhere.
Nifty! I feel exactly like that image with the anon in the drive-thru!!
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