#fuck srwe sorry
saturngalore · 1 year
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the girl u could be down 4💞
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glittermutt · 1 year
mutt's guide to using dsr on ts4, with pictures!!!
ok so, dsr is a thing available for nvidia gpus that allows you to take veeery high resolution screenshots of games without much trouble, like this
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it's an alternative to srwe, as it plays nicer with a lot of reshade shaders and is just, generally more nice to use! let me teach you how to use it - full tutorial with pictures for every step under the cut (im sorry its too long without the cut)
step 1: right click your desktop and open the nvidia control panel
step 2: go here (adjust desktop size and position)
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step 3: make sure your settings are set as follows! this is important
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step 4: now, go here (change resolution)
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step 5: under change resolution, click on this button (highlighted with a red square)
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step 6: in the windows that appears, make sure that "enable resolutions not exposed by display" is ticked! this is very important! (again, highlighted in red - it should look like this)
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step 7: now, click on "create custom resolution"
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step 8: this is where you set your desired resolution, and where i get a bit rambly; so, in my opinion, there is ZERO reason to go above normal 4K for TS4, as it's generally not a really high-poly game and it has rather simple graphics. you can fuck around a lot here, but if you don't feel like it, here are my settings - this will give you 4K screenshots. NOTE: THE REFRESH RATE DOESN'T NEED TO BE 75! SET IT TO WHATEVER THE REFRESH RATE OF YOUR MONITOR IS!
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step 9: now, click on test
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step 10: let the thing load, and after it's done, a window like this should pop up.. but yknow, in your language. click on "yes" (or accept or ok!! idk mine's in russian; basically, the button highlighted here!)
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step 11: click "ok" in the window that pops up! like this! afterwards, close the nvidia panel
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step 12: open the sims 4 and go into game options, then into graphics
step 13: set your "display type" as "fullscreen", like this
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step 14: under "resolution", select whatever resolution you setup earlier; in my case it's 4K, so if you used the same resolution, your settings should look like this
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step 15: click on apply changes!
AND UR DONEE!! WAHOOIEE!! now, take your screenshot using reshade, and then go back into sims settings and set it back to what you usually play at, then apply changes!
every time you need to take an HD screenshot, simply open game settings and use your custom resolution! that's it, have fun :3
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