lizzybuzzy · 8 months
Можно ли винить тех, кто принимал его за мальчишку? Щуплый, беспардонный, и с юным – даже после всего таким юным – лицом. Мальчишка. Нет. Больше нет. И это ведь его вина? Обещая подарить беззаботность, наградил ношей, которая никогда не предназначалась этим плечам. Если баловать сладостями все, что нужно, чтобы затушить его боль, он продаст все состояние, он будет катать его на спине, будет выслушивать днями, будет оставаться в этой книге столько, сколько Рампо потребуется. И, даже если казалось, что этого все равно ничтожно мало, Фукудзава готов был исполнять все прихоти, соглашаться на любые правила, лишь бы только Рампо мог улыбаться вот так.
Can you blame those who mistook him for a child? Skinny, shameless, and with a young – even after everything so young – face. A child. No. No more. And this is his fault, isn't it? Promising to give carelessness, he rewarded him with a burden that was never intended for these shoulders. If indulging him in sweets is all that he needs to soothe his pain he will sell his entire fortune, he will carry him on his back, he will listen to his babble for days and he will stay in this book for as long as Ranpo needs. And, even if it seemed that this was still insignificant, Fukuzawa was ready to fulfill every whim, agree to any rules if only Ranpo could smile like that.
Summary: When he and Ranpo got trapped in historical novel, the greatest mystery left to solve was why on earth Ranpo doesn't want to set them free.
Or Ranpo and Fukuzawa trapped in Poe's book but it's not that obvious as it seems
Author: your_toxic_snail
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flaresanimedump · 1 year
Me: ok gonna come up with something for this bff's dad prompt
me 10 seconds later: *coming up with the most convoluted soap opera plot to make it so Fukuzawa has a kid without ever having sex with a woman*
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lovelastart · 3 months
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They shouldn't rush wiping the lipstick marks off 😂
Day 27: secret agent AU, kiss to shut them up @fukuranweek
Also with crossdressing Ranpo ✨✨
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bsdfanhub · 5 months
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It's been a busy month so far! Here's an update of the upcoming events.
All future and past events always can be found in our database or via our carrs.
Jan 22-28 - Pamper Kunikida Week 2024
Jan 26-28 - Sigskk Weekend
Feb 1-29 - Fukuran February @fukuranweek
Feb 12-19 Fem Sigma Week
Feb 14-20 SKK Valentine’s Week @bsdfanweek
@bsd-beast-zine - contributor apps close Feb 10
@theunsophisticatesfanbook - contributor apps close Feb 16
🔞 events below
🔞 Fanweeks
Jan 21-27 - BSD Dead Dove Week 2024
Jan 25-31 - Bottom Chuuya Week 2024 (rescheduled)
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fukuranweek · 10 months
Fukuran Week October!
Another season, another Fukuran week! See below for prompts and details on Fukuran Week October 2023 - which is also the name of the new AO3 collection
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This week-long event is dedicated to the ship between Edogawa Ranpo and Fukuzawa Yukichi!
This is an 18+ event, meaning participants must be 18 years of age or older and nsfw themes are allowed and welcomed.
Dead dove content is ok, just tag appropriately
Fluff also ok!
No harassment of other participants will be tolerated. If you don't like what you see, either scroll away or block. Be respectful, we're all here to enjoy the event!
Submissions in any language will be accepted (Just know the mods may struggle a little to answer questions in other languages, but we will try our best!)
Despite the title, RanFuku is welcome!
Prompts are for each day of the challenge. There are two prompt lists, one sfw and one NSFW.
For each day you wish to participate, pick one (or more) of the prompts and create a fanwork inspired by it. You are allowed to mix prompts between the SFW and NSFW cards.
Wait until the day of the prompt to post your work (i.e. if you make a fanfic for a prompt listed for day 3, wait until May second to post to twitter/tumblr/AO3 etc.)
Any kind of fanwork is allowed! Fanart, fanfics, moodboards, AMVs, playlists, cosplays – let your imagination run wild!
Fanworks with other pairings are allowed (such as OT3s etc.) but Fukuzawa/Ranpo or Ranpo/Fukuzawa must be a central element!
It’s ok to skip any number of days – you can do one day or do all seven, whatever you’d like!
Late submissions will be accepted! Don't let the event stress you out.
An AO3 collection “Fukuran Week October 2023” has been created for fanfics. Please note that due to changes in AO3 rules event mods CANNOT add your work to the collection themselves, you will have to add the work to the collection yourself when posting.
On Twitter and Tumblr, ping the Fukuran Week account @fukuranweek so the blogs can share your submissions.
Links to other things on this blog below:
[Event Twitter]
[April AO3 Collection]
[BSD Anthology Akatsuki 3 Translation]
[Link to our Twitter if you'd like to follow us there!]
[Best Ranpo Look Tournament Masterpost]
[Best Ranpo Look Tournament Part 2 Masterpost]
[Championship Showdown]
[Best Fukuzawa Look Tournament]
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enby-mori · 8 months
IV. A/B/O / Possessiveness/Jealousy
Two Alphas in a relationship was once thought of as taboo, in the same way that two omegas were once thought of.
Except, their kind of relationship is frowned upon more heavily: what would Alphas know of caring for a partner?
This of course dismisses the very real fact that Alphas, while territorial, were basically puppies when it came to their mates, bending over backwards to accommodate them in any way possible.
Alphas and Omegas. Betas and Alphas.
A known fact amongst such dynamics.
Yet, two Alphas seemed to be incomprehensible.
Fukuzawa at the age of ten had presented as an Alpha, one who smelled of sugar and dried tea leaves. Two things considered to be Omega in nature.
Fukuchi, an Omega himself, had been rather jealous of this fact.
"You always have to beat me at everything, Yukichi," the other had said with a feigned whine, "save something for the rest of us."
Fukuzawa, having been ten at the time and having close to no interaction with other humans aside from his best friend, had offered to trade.
"..That's not what I meant..," Fukuchi had sighed with a shake of his head.
The seasons had passed and with it his scent slowly became more tea leaves than sugar, and he thought nothing of it. At least now his clothes wouldn't smell like they had been dunked in powdered sugar, something he held no affection for.
Ten years. Twenty years. Then he had hit thirty-five and met a boy with no scent and a personality that made anyone in the nearest vicinity want to pluck out his eyes and toss him into the ocean.
Truly, Edogawa Ranpo had been the best and worst thing to happen to the Alpha.
Ranpo's scent is near non-existent, Fukuzawa often has to push his nose into the other's neck to catch a whiff of his mate. Wheat fields and winter mornings, a scent so comforting and different from his own that a single sniff has his muscles relaxed.
Fukuzawa's scent rubs off on Ranpo daily, whether as a result of scenting the other or the detective burrowing himself into whatever piece of clothing Fukuzawa has forgotten.
Knowing that his mate seeks him out to be marked, to be bathed in sugar and tea leaves, gives him a new appreciation for his scent.
It was shortly after the guild incident that Fukuzawa notices the new scent clinging to Ranpo's coat. Ink and wet paper mixed in with his sugar.
Fukuzawa scents him more frequently as a result, an instinct to let the owner of the new scent that Ranpo is his alone.
Ranpo always grins when he does so, the kind that often comes out at crime scenes when he's proven his superiority.
Still the scent persists, lingering on Ranpo's coat, his hat.
The breaking point comes when he smells ink and wet paper on Ranpo's skin, his wrists reeking of Omega.
Fukuzawa- lost in a haze of mine mine mine- sinks his teeth into the scent glands on Ranpo's neck, renewing his mating bite and drawing a satisfied hum from the other Alpha.
Maybe now that Omega will know not to touch what is his.
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lovelastart · 8 months
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Fukuran Week 2023 Day 7: Birthday.
The Fukus love Ranpo but the original Fukuzawa says "He's my Ranpo go get your own!!"
But they only want to say happy birthday to their dearest detective...in their own ways lol. They have to get in line but they want to be the first.
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lovelastart · 4 months
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'Lean on me, Fukuzawa-san, be fragile,cry it out,fall on me, then rise again.
I'm always by your side to support you.'
Day 10: Free day (your no.1 supporter) @fukuranweek
They will support each other, but maybe there are times where Fukuzawa feels so much burden and he couldn't talk them out so some cuddles in a quiet room would be enough for now.
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lovelastart · 7 days
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'Boom clap the sound of fireworks, the sound of my heart.'
Fukuran week day 1: festival date, fireworks, forever (our ties) @fukuranweek
Also happy Fukuran day 01.06.2024!!
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lovelastart · 4 months
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Fun bath time 🐤🐤💕 also piyo piyo Ranpo 🥺💖
Day 16: bath/ hygiene @fukuranweek
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lovelastart · 3 months
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"Fu-ku-za-wa-sa-n!! ☺️💕💖 Ah, my hat suits you!"
And Fukuzawa has prepared 2 boxes of sweets and a bottle of ramune. Yes, for Ranpo 🥰
Day 20: Suits @fukuranweek
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lovelastart · 4 months
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Some little things that you like.
Day 12: Love language @fukuranweek
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enby-mori · 8 months
III. Dead Apple Fukuzawa / Touch Starved
"..What are you doing here..?," Ranpo murmured at the Ability.
All Men Are Equal took the shape of the President- his hair, his clothes, even the way it held itself was identical. The katana strapped to it's waist a familiar sight.
The Fog had settled over Yokohama just as the clock struck 9, signalling the beginning of the long night to come.
The Fog should have had no effect on him, its power meant to trap those with abilities in its clutches.
So why was he here in the mist with the President's shadow?
All Men approaches him, hands tucked into it's sleeves. It's features were permanently set in a scowl yet Ranpo knew it held a gentle expression.
The Ability towers over him as it comes to a stop not a step away.
Ranpo reaches out with his hand tentatively, cupping it's face.
It's cheek is cold as it leans forward and into Ranpo's touch, almost metallic in nature. A blade made for killing that yielded under his influence, slowly transformed into something that which protected.
A warm sensation washes over him, wrapping him tightly in safety and want.
"Aren't you a clever thing.."
Ranpo being without an ability meant that he had never been under the protection of All Men Are Equal- a fact that bothered the Ability, a deep seated regret that it could not fully dedicate itself as it's user had promised long ago.
And now, whilst Yokohama was drowned in fog, All Men could indulge in it's purest desire- consuming Edogawa Ranpo whole.
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lovelastart · 4 months
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'I serve you this tea (and my whole life)'
Fukuran February Day 3: Free Day (Devotion) @fukuranweek
Inspired by a scene in Blue Eye Samurai S1 ep 4. Fukuzawa's outfits are based on the mayoi card, while Ranpo's outfits are my idea 😚
I have a headcanon where Ranpo is able to make roasted tea the way Fukuzawa likes, and serves it to him, because it's like a simple love language that could be done daily. Fukuzawa surely can make his own tea, but it warms me when Ranpo chooses to do that so he can serve tea to Fukuzawa every morning. It's simple, it's domestic, and full of love. And I think serving tea could act as a simple form of devotion, because Ranpo does it every morning when he can just sleep in.
Also I use some symbolisms like rabbit and white roses, which symbolize 'devotion'. Yeah I might be wrong lol. And those rabbits and white roses facing Fukuzawa shows that Ranpo's direction is to Fukuzawa, just like he said to Fukuchi.
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lovelastart · 3 months
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It's the last day of Fukuran February! Not today's theme, but I want to thank @FukuRanWeek for hosting this amazing event 💕💕 thank you for letting me make contributions for this wonderful pairing 💕
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lovelastart · 3 months
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'I've loved you for twelve springs, I'll love you for more.'
Day 23: under the cherry blossoms @fukuranweek
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