#funny enough everytime i slept with my dragon knights plush or my a3 plush i would lose track of them during the night
icharchivist ยท 4 months
my big Sandalphon mochikorin rarely falls off my bed unless my boyfriend knocks him off or something during the day, though that's because when i am sleeping he is often permanently squished between my face and the pillow and/or in a death grip hug of some kind so he is in a different kind of hell
i feel you thought here's some plush like that who can survive any sort of horrors like that.
though "unless your boyfriend knocks him out" feels somewhat appropriated. Like Beelzebub and Belial coming to break the happy couple up in canaan. Needs to fucking yeet Sandalphon away.
it's a different kind of hell, but it's your heaven, efficient system isn't it?
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