smileduponyou · 5 years
@furieuxveneration​ continued from X
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There’s a chuckle that rises from deep within Gregory’s chest, lilting but with an edge of threat. It’s mostly just for show more than anything else and often came out of him when adrenaline was high, as it usually was during sparring matches against Christophe. It was impossible to control. The Frenchman was the only one who had ever really been even with him. Years and years of training in hand to hand combat since they were children kind of made them that way.
At first he does not move, reveling in the man’s frustration. Then, with a huff, the Englishman hops up with a marked level of grace that most would not still possess after such fighting; Gregory was not most people. He moves back some, feet sliding into a familiar position that often appeared in their sessions.
“As you wish, Mon précieux soldat. Let us continue then.”
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mtnkiids · 4 years
@furieuxveneration​ — starter call
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“ p l e a s e can i see your hamster ? ! “
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apathcia-blog · 5 years
@furieuxveneration​ /  starter call.
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”fuck!” frankly, it was his own damn fault for not watching where he was going, but who was he to expect a giant fucking hole in the woods? this was exactly why nature walks were bullshit and he should have stayed inside. craig elbowed the person he’d fallen on top of angrily, not even caring just who it was or why they were there in the first place. “you know what. i’m just not going to move and we’re both going to be stuck down here and you only have yourself to blame.”
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redheadjew · 4 years
continued x
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  ❝——Um...no.❞ Well, so much for subtlety. His crimson crown of curls is hung around his face in shame as he looks down at the rather gigantic pumpkin which appears to be quite intact despite his foot currently being stuck inside it, his arms held out at his sides in order to maintain some semblance of balance. This is already embarrassing enough without him face-planting onto the ground.
  ❝——Please don’t judge me right now. I’m feeling pretty vulnerable.��
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testaburgerx · 4 years
“Yes I need all these candles. No I won’t tell you why.”
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“Come on! Christophe!” 
Usually she can keep her calm- but then, usually, she gets what she wants. She’s a likeable person- at least, she thinks she is. People are usually just willing to tell her stuff. So why won’t Christophe!
“What are you doing? Summoning Satan? Setting up a candle-lit bath? It can’t be that deep.”
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cheerfound · 5 years
@furieuxveneration​ // c.
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“ find any buried treasure yet ? or is that not what this supermassive hole is for . “
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astrcblu · 5 years
🖐️ "I do not care eef you are curious. Do not. Touch. Ma pelle."
things are getting tense 
🖐️   //   put  a  hand  around  my  muse’s  throat .
 who knew somebody could be so possessive over a fucking shovel?
the moment christophe’s hand fits itself over craigs neck, his breath hitching, he understands that maybe he should never fucking touch that shovel again. (although, if he ever wants a solid fight or to get knocked the fuck out... maybe...)
though he tries, he can’t hide the glint of surprise and brief fear, before he takes a deep breath, and then he just looks like he’s here to raise hell.
“ didn’t realize some shitty shovel could mean so much to you . what , is it your girlfriend ? “
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worldsinferno · 5 years
‘ i doubt you could scare me . ’
@furieuxveneration | Scary starters
Damien had not been paying all too much attention, but he looked up when the other said those words. His mouth was open just a little, needing a moment to process what this human was saying before he just smirked. 
“What makes you so sure of that, hm?”
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“Want me to provide proof for you?” He was now standing right next to the other, head tilted a little as he waited for an answer. The statement had made him feel like he was being challenged, and he for one was not someone to back down from that.
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javaaddict · 5 years
“But if I fall, it’ll make me stronger.”
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“That’s true, but you have to get back up from the fall to get stronger.”
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retractedrequiem · 4 years
Important Announcement
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Hey guys. So I’m back from vacation, and it’s right back into a crazy work load. I’m working so many doubles this week it’d make your head spin. But besides that eating up my time, I used my vacation as some pause for thought in regards to my writing responsibilities. After coming home I dropped a lot of Discord servers I was in, and I’ve decided to put this blog back on an extended hiatus for the time being.
With the end of a lackluster season my South Park muse in general has started to wane, but honestly my Kenny muse was flickering a while ago. I still plan to keep @crimsonbass​ and @furieuxveneration​ running for now, as I have good muse for both characters. So feel free to interact with me there!
Also, with Haikyuu!!’s fourth season coming out and the manga wrapping up, I’ve been inspired to take my old Tsukishima Kei blog @kaizeni​ off of hiatus. So if you happen to be a multimuse with Haikyuu!! muses or just don’t mind roleplaying cross fandoms, feel free to hit me up there too. I just finished updating the blog and it’s officially active again!
Thanks for understanding, and I apologize if this comes as a disappointment for anyone.
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smileduponyou · 5 years
Send “NO!” to find my muse dying on the battlefield
The cry is muted, almost as if screamed through water. It was hard to focus on any one thing. Ah, what was there to focus on? The numb tingling that was pulsing through his body, the blurry colors and shapes that made up the bulk of his vision, the fact that every sound was almost as if he were laying in the local lake. Muted, unimportant, just like the various other voices that try to break through. The worst, however, had to be the hot and unpleasantly wet sensation of his own blood oozing out from the sizable chunk missing from his left flank. The grass and Earth next to him has already turned a dark and ugly red from the amount of it. and the loss has made his vision blurry and makes it dance occasionally, the world pitching nuasiatingly if he moves his head too fast.
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“Heheh... Fuck.”
This wasn’t exactly how Gregory had expected to go out in the end. Maybe some part of him had hoped for something a little more grand than this: bleeding out in the middle of a battlefield. A foolish desire but hey, you couldn’t blame him for trying at least. There was only so many places one would actually want to die. It’s the heavy vibration of a weight falling next to him that prompts the Briton into rolling his head around in order to look at the source. The sight is, of course, a familiar french man. 
Despite the pain and the situation, his smile widens.
“ ‘Tophe...”
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mtnkiids · 4 years
@furieuxveneration​ — startercall
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“ did you kill a man ? is that blood ? “
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apathcia-blog · 5 years
furieuxveneration replied to your post: craig calls every mild inconvenience in his life...
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“well duh, i heard you let gregory into them all the time.” ba-dum-tsh
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redheadjew · 5 years
“Just because I’m helping you, doesn’t mean I like you. Got it?”
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  ❝——I’m glad you made that clear, otherwise I’d still be sitting here wondering about the profound feelings which may have spurred your decision to help me. Look, will you just pull me out of this stupid hole, dude?❞  
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astrcblu · 5 years
FUTURE! + Are you still a little bitch?
look into your crystal ball- see into the future!
“ depends , chris . what do you mean by little bitch . “
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worldsinferno · 5 years
“The dead are all around us…”
Horror prompts | Accepting | @furieuxveneration
“They always are.” 
Damien responded without thinking, staring down a ghost that had been hanging around annoyingly closeby. Usually they knew better than to get close to him, but around this time of the year it seemed like anything supernatural was feeling like being a little shit.
He had focused in so much on the ghost however, that the half demon had forgotten the one next to him was in fact human and like most should not be seeing these things. Most likely.
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“Wait, just so we’re on the same page, do you see ghosts too or are you just being edgy?”
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