#games: dandelions are a good / me: dandelions are a c u l t
stvrslight-a · 5 years
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TL;DR: Ephemer is an independent private eye who helps Sora’s gang by providing them with information that he gets a hold of. Current goals are to expose the secrets of the corrupt government and solve the mystery behind a disappearing girl !
Disclaimer: Foundation of this verse belongs to @lightmimic who owns my entire goddamn soul.
      We all seek a purpose in life. For some that purpose is being a mother, and for others its removing waste off the streets — sometimes with a shovel, sometimes with guns, and sometimes, in Ephemer’s case, with information. At first, he finds this life through being a cop, starry-eyed and full of idealism on how he’s going to help the world. He makes friends with a fellow officer with dark hair and similar ideas to him named Skuld. They make a good team — the best team — as they gradually move up the ranks as partners. Life is good; life is great. They become detectives, and he thinks it’s all he ever wanted, but in reality that was when it all fell apart.
      He wanted to save the world. He wanted to solve the unsolvable and bring justice to those that deserve it, but the real world doesn’t leave room for such goals, such naivete. The real world is grim, corrupt, and he finally learns this from the seat of a detective. The higher ups don’t care about justice; they don’t care about seeing murderers and con artists thrown behind bars. No. They only care about the money lining their pockets. His work leads to nothing more than criminals going free and the rich getting richer with little regard to the little folk. He can’t stand it, but at that point he was in too deep. He couldn’t see a way out.
      But then he gets a case. He’s to sniff out names and addresses of all the members of the leading branch of the local Yakuza. The city is practically run by the Yakuza, and it didn’t take a genius to know that this request probably came from the opposing gang, The Organization. Ephemer had never been want for getting in the middle of gang wars, but he knew it would do him no favors to decline the case ( can’t save the world with your head on a pike and your body in the river, can you ? ), so he sets out with all the enthusiasm of a man at the end of his rope.
     It isn’t long before he meets Xion, a young woman also wound taut at the end of her rope as she tries desperately to set herself free from the Organization’s grasp. Their meeting is small, fleeting, but it is just enough to allow Ephemer a front row seat to her escape. It is this very sequence of events that causes him pause in his mission. The Yakuza family she flees to is the very same that he is meant to be targeting. Should he continue, Xion would surely wind up back with the Organization, or mayhaps even find a fate far worse. He couldn’t be the cause of that. He refused to be.
     So he offered himself to Sora, the son of the onna-oyabun and heir to the Yakuza leadership, hoping that he would show him the same compassion he had shown Xion ( if not compassion, maybe the information he offered up on the force and rival gang was enough incentive ). Thankfully it worked well, and Ephemer finally had the protection he needed to turn in his badge and go solo. Unfortunately, this also meant he had to leave Skuld. She was a lawful creature and he’d now found himself in a lawless world, even if it was in the name of truth and justice. She wouldn’t leave with him, and he couldn’t even bring himself to try and convince her. He wishes he could say that they parted on amicable terms, but there’s an inevitable tenseness when you bail on a trusted partner and they don’t agree with your decisions. Still, maybe it’s better this way. It has to be better this way.
     Now a free agent, Ephemer was free to do things his own way. As thanks for their protection and assistance in his private cases, Ephemer continued to provide information to Sora’s gang whenever something of relevance came up ( largely things regarding Xion and her safety ). He refuses to fully pledge himself to any sort of organization again, but Sora’s gang is the first thing he’s had to a true family in a very long time, and both sides know where the other’s loyalties lie at the end of the day.
     One day, a mysterious letter comes to Ephemer. It’s a case, the details written in flowery penmanship and the file smelling faintly of cherry blossoms ( it reminds him of an old friend; mayhaps that’s why he cared about it at all ). Apparently a girl named Strelitzia has gone missing and nobody is giving her the time of day. It seems simple enough, but what the detective expects to be a short case with a body waiting at the end of it turns out to be a much grander pyramid scheme. At first, every lead winds up a dead end. More people go missing, including another of his oldest friends ( a quiet individual, but one who means the world to him regardless ). Now it’s personal. He drowns himself in the case. Obsessing. Agonizing. He starts sounding like a madman conspiracy theorist to his friends, but he knows — he knows there’s something to all of this. Something has to give.
     And something does.
     There’s whispers on the streets. Something called The Dandelions that can take you away from this world and all its problems. This piques Ephemer’s attention. How could it not ? He digs deeper, eventually finding that The Dandelions are a group of people obsessed with discovering how to move from one ‘universe’ to another. They use some sort of drug or chemical called Lux to attempt this, but instead of their desired effect of travel, all it winds up doing is erase the user’s memories. The leaders of The Dandelions, known only as the Foretellers, repeat the process on all those that they manage to conscript over and over and over again, desperate to achieve their goal. It’s absolutely crazy, Ephemer thinks, a full blown cult taking hold of the city !! And sure enough, his very own friend is within the hundreds of victims of this scheme. He has a gut feeling that his missing girl is probably connected as well.
     Unfortunately he was unable to do much upon this discovery. There was only one of him and too many of them, and, sure enough, they were backed by the corrupt government of the city. If he wanted to do anything about this, he’d need friends, and he’d need to dig up the problem from the roots. He needs to discover the identity of the Foretellers and find if there is anyone leading them. His sights are set high, his idealism driving him into uncertain, dangerous territory, but he’s too far in to back out now. Skuld, Xion, Sora — everyone ! They could scold him for endangering himself as much as they’d like, but if no one else was going to do something about this, then it was up to him.
     This would be his atonement. This would be how he could save the world.
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sselkie · 4 years
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C H A R A C T E R     S T U D Y     ⇁     ( 2 / ? )
          do you think we could go back , Mama ?
I.     P R E G N A N C Y
to a time you loved me before you knew me ? before you knew I was blessed with your golden curls . your contagious smile . your constant sunshine on rainy days . your chromosomes : xx .
when you had painted the name penley across my crib and wondered how handsome your boy might be, who he would be . would he like to stop and smell the flowers like you ? or would he race through life without a glance back in your direction ? was he his father’s boy in your mind ? would he be benevolent ? would he pray every day to solve world hunger ? end global warming ? create a better place ? or would he do it himself ? would he be good ? would he love you back ? would he love you back ? would he love you back ?
II.     B I R T H
to when you had accepted it ? that he would not . did you feel guilty when the doctor announced that it was me instead , and you felt a rush of relief ? or had you really wept tears because it was not penley soloman brooks ? I know you cried , but can you tell the truth this time ?
you were not happy . there was no sunshine in that sterile , blinding hospital room . and yet , you would not let me go . who was I to you then ? a perfect daughter or a disappointing son ? and which one was worse ? father said he thought you would smother me that night . and sometimes I wonder if he was the puppet on a string , not you . he said you had been the one to fix the crib so quickly . that you had cried the afternoon you took me home , so violent that you had a nosebleed . it had nearly stained the carpet in the nursery . did you hate me ? or were you just scared ? if you were trapped in a gilded cage , why did you put me in a glass one ?
III.     Y O U T H
to those tea parties we would have in the backyard ? those naps we would have in the hammock . those games in the forest that God could not see , where we beat our chests and played boys’ games behind the veil of leaves and the brush of secrecy . I am sorry that father never knew who we were behind our blonde locks and blue eyes . that he never saw us truly happy . I think he would have understood if we told him that we didn’t want to be ladies , but women . I think he wouldn’t have drank more than you did on the weekends . I think when you both were sad that I was not a boy , we could have played make-believe under the trees’ canopy rather than make it painful to love you .
why did you give me space in my cell ? because you wanted me to be happy in the moment , or you wanted to see me struggle in the long-run ? I did not know what sex was yet , how I was different from the boy that I gave dandelions to at recess . why did they not have to wear dresses to church , mama ? why could I not touch them , not hug my best friend or kiss my neighbor ? where was my toy cars and star wars tennis shoes ? I still cannot tell if this was what you wanted , or if you would have rather me been docile and pretty .
IV.     A D O L E S C E N C E
to when I was not sure if you stared at me with pride or contempt when I dreamed so readily ? when I sat in front of that desk to study and work . why did you go silent after you opened the door and saw me there ? how many times did you do it : hesitated before you said that dinner was ready . we both knew I was not blessed with father’s brain . but were you really as dumb as you seemed after a few drinks , or as you acted when we had company over ? for awhile I had wondered if you just avoided thinking too much , focusing too hard like me , because you had to fight through a splintering headache to learn anything . ( but you were brilliant . why did I ever think you were stupid ? why would you let your own daughter belittle you when you could name every star in the sky and explain physics as easily as you sang me to sleep ? )
were you jealous ? did you want to take that desk and chop it to pieces ? burn all of my hard work ? see me fail after I worked so hard ? or were you sad ? that I would turn away from your touch and yet , still be subject to dropping my education for a life that neither of us wanted . we were all confused , especially father . how could I play the part of a lady everywhere else but at home ? why did I care about grades when there was a boy next door who had treated me right my whole life ?
how many times had you applied to flow’s for me ? how many times did I have to say no ? why did you try to hold me back ? you of all people . you knew what you did , because you would make breakfasts the morning after . throwing away wrappers as you went along . you knew that it had not been you crying until blood dripped from your nose , so did you ever hesitate looking at the tissues piled in the trash ? or did you bury the evidence of my sorrow under burnt bacon and eggshells like you did with yours ?
V.     A D U L T H O O D
to a time where things were better ? to when I had not graduated and didn’t work a job unfit for a lady . to when you did not hate me . to when you thought that I was the perfect daughter . to when we giggled in the woods , slept under the stars , dreamt of something better . to when we used to sip melted popsicles in fancy tea cups , or stare at each other after you opened the door . to when you were not a stranger . to when I thought I knew you . to when you loved me back . to when you loved me back . to when you loved me back .
why can’t you say that you’re proud of me ? that I did it , I passed the test . that what I have done can only prove that I am your daughter . I wish you would hold me . or just recognize that I am still here . I am not dead . you shouldn’t mourn like you are . I can still recognize it’s you when you pass on the street , even with your brown hair and black clothes . even if you don’t answer the phone , I can hear your voice . are you ashamed ? that you could make something so sinful ?
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cacoxthes · 5 years
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C H A R A C T E R     S T U D Y     ⇁     ( 3 / 3 )
          do you think we could go back , Mama ? 
I.     P R E G N A N C Y
to a time you loved me before you knew me ? before you knew I was blessed with your golden curls . your contagious smile . your constant sunshine on rainy days . your chromosomes : xx . 
when you had painted the name penley across my crib and wondered how handsome your boy might be, who he would be . would he like to stop and smell the flowers like you ? or would he race through life without a glance back in your direction ? was he his father’s boy in your mind ? would he be benevolent ? would he pray every day to solve world hunger ? end global warming ? create a better place ? or would he do it himself ? would he be good ? would he love you back ? would he love you back ? would he love you back ?
II.     B I R T H
to when you had accepted it ? that he would not . did you feel guilty when the doctor announced that it was me instead , and you felt a rush of relief ? or had you really wept tears because it was not penley soloman brooks ? I know you cried , but can you tell the truth this time ? 
you were not happy . there was no sunshine in that sterile , blinding hospital room . and yet , you would not let me go . who was I to you then ? a perfect daughter or a disappointing son ? and which one was worse ? father said he thought you would smother me that night . and sometimes I wonder if he was the puppet on a string , not you . he said you had been the one to fix the crib so quickly . that you had cried the afternoon you took me home , so violent that you had a nosebleed . it had nearly stained the carpet in the nursery . did you hate me ? or were you just scared ? if you were trapped in a gilded cage , why did you put me in a glass one ?
III.     Y O U T H
to those tea parties we would have in the backyard ? those naps we would have in the hammock . those games in the forest that God could not see , where we beat our chests and played boys’ games behind the veil of leaves and the brush of secrecy . I am sorry that father never knew who we were behind our blonde locks and blue eyes . that he never saw us truly happy . I think he would have understood if we told him that we didn’t want to be ladies , but women . I think he wouldn’t have drank more than you did on the weekends . I think when you both were sad that I was not a boy , we could have played make-believe under the trees’ canopy rather than make it painful to love you . 
why did you give me space in my cell ? because you wanted me to be happy in the moment , or you wanted to see me struggle in the long-run ? I did not know what sex was yet , how I was different from the boy that I gave dandelions to at recess . why did they not have to wear dresses to church , mama ? why could I not touch them , not hug my best friend or kiss my neighbor ? where was my toy cars and star wars tennis shoes ? all outside my cage . I still cannot tell if this was what you wanted , or if you would have rather me been docile and pretty . 
IV.     A D O L E S C E N C E
to when I was not sure if you stared at me with pride or contempt when I dreamed so readily ? when I sat in front of that desk to study and work . why did you go silent after you opened the door and saw me there ? how many times did you do it : hesitated before you said that dinner was ready . we both knew I was not blessed with father’s brain . but were you really as dumb as you seemed after a few drinks , or as you acted when we had company over ? for awhile I had wondered if you just avoided thinking too much , focusing too hard like me , because you had to fight through a splintering headache to learn anything . ( but you were brilliant . why did I ever think you were stupid ? why would you let your own daughter belittle you when you could name every star in the sky and explain physics as easily as you sang me to sleep ? ) 
were you jealous ? did you want to take that desk and chop it to pieces ? burn all of my hard work ? see me fail after I worked so hard ? or were you sad ? that I would turn away from your touch and yet , still be subject to dropping my education for a life that neither of us wanted . we were all confused , especially father . how could I play the part of a lady everywhere else but at home ? why did I care about grades when there was a boy next door who had treated me right my whole life ? 
how many times had you applied to flow’s for me ? how many times did I have to say no ? why did you try to hold me back ? you of all people . you knew what you did , because you would make breakfasts the morning after . throwing away wrappers as you went along . you knew that it had not been you crying until blood dripped from your nose , so did you ever hesitate looking at the tissues piled in the trash ? or did you bury the evidence of my sorrow under burnt bacon and eggshells like you did with yours ? 
V.     A D U L T H O O D
to a time where things were better ? to when I had not graduated and didn’t work a job unfit for a lady . to when you did not hate me . to when you thought that I was the perfect daughter . to when we giggled in the woods , slept under the stars , dreamt of something better . to when we used to sip melted popsicles in fancy tea cups , or stare at each other after you opened the door . to when you were not a stranger . to when I thought I knew you . to when you loved me back . to when you loved me back . to when you loved me back .
why can’t you say that you’re proud of me ? that I did it , I passed the test . that what I have done can only prove that I am your daughter . I wish you would hold me , mama . or just recognize that I am still here . I am not dead . you shouldn’t mourn like you are . I can still recognize it’s you when you pass on the street , even with your brown hair and black clothes . even if you don’t answer the phone , I can hear your voice . are you ashamed ? that you could make something so sinful ? you don’t even know the half of it and you hate me . and i’m sorry .
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waran-fan-blog · 7 years
A-Z Tag Game                                                      
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… And most importantly, have fun!
Tagged by: @soulless-puppy-dog thanks my son
a - age: 19
b - biggest fear: failure
c - current time: 5:49 pm
d - drink you last had: mineral water wow
e - every day starts with: me waking up, getting directly out of my bed but thinking: i don’t want to
f - favorite song: Babe I’m gonna leave you - Led Zeppelin and
                           Paint it black - The Rolling Stones
g - ghosts, are they real: yes i think they are
h - hometown: the ugliest city in germany
i - in love with:
interesting people
good books, art, music
my favourite artists, especially frida kahlo
traveling and going on adventures with my friends
studying medicine and learning new things
strange and extraordinary food
late night talks with friends
j - jealous of: people who travel often and visit beautiful and extraordinary places
k - killed someone: no
l - last time you cried: today
m - middle name: i don’t have one
n - number of siblings: one
o - one wish: travelling for free, like my son said but also global peace
p - person you last called/texted: my son @soulless-puppy-dog
q - questions you’re always asked:
are your parents doctors?
why are you so quiet and not as outgoing as your friends?
r - reasons to smile: learning something new (especially about medicine), spending time with my friends, traveling, reading really good books or looking at my favourite paintings, going to concerts
s - song last sang: paint it black - the rolling stones
t - time you woke up: 7:30
u - underwear color: black
v - vacation destination: Hong Kong with my precious son @soulless-puppy-dog
w - worst habit: overthinking and having irrational fears of nearly everything
x - x-rays you’ve had: teeth and spine
y - your favorite food: sushi, udon soup and sirnica (bosnian food)
z - zodiac sign: capricorn
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weekendsinmaine · 7 years
I jumped in again and am now a proud two-time survivor of the A to Z Blogging Challenge. I learned from last year that the majority of my time would be spent visiting and engaging with other bloggers. I didn’t want to have something as pesky as actually writing a blog post get in the way which means that this annual one month challenge was in reality an intense two month process.
I researched, wrote and prepped everything in March while in April, other than some minor edits, I focused on all the social aspects of the challenge which is one of my favorite parts.
Click on any picture to jump to a slide show with hyperlinks to my A to Z Challenge Post associated with that image.
A is for Atayne | Even a couch potato needs good performance gear.
B is for Baxter’s Fine Candies | They knew how to do candy right in the 1800s.
C is for Carved Wooden Spoons | 7 tips to keep them forever young.
D is for Dr. Dandelion | Will this gardener’s scrub turn my thumb green?
E is for Eagre Games | Get ready to experience the dream world of ZED.
F is for Flight Deck Brewing | We love (really love) our craft beer in Maine.
G is for Good Natured Brand | Facing mosquito season with Bugaroo and no fear.
H is for Highland Maple Pepper | Maple makes everything taste better.
I is for Islandport Press | Stories connected to New England.
J is for Jarva Cakes | Delicious things come in small packages.
K is for Kendrick | scrappy little nobody | 10% defiant should be everyone’s goal.
L is for LooHoo | Add some fun to your laundry routine with wool dryer balls.
M is for Might & Main | A design firm that understands my passion for Maine.
N is for Northwoods Gourmet Girl | The special joy of a blueberry dessert sauce.
O is for October Fields | Finding my zen with clean burning soy candles.
P is for Pike’s Original Maine Garden Hod | Practical and Beautiful.
Q is for Mainely Quilling | I am in awe of these paper creations.
R is for Recycled Lobster Rope Mats | No better way to say “Welcome to my home”.
S is for Stringin’ Along with Me | Giving new life to old guitar strings.
T is for Tree + Vine | Costumes that match a child’s imagination.
U is for U. Smelly Dog | Now my dog is going to smell better than I do.
V is for Vintage Maine Kitchen | Creatively flavored all natural potato chips.
W is for Waldostone Farm | Elevating brunch with a bloody lobster cocktail.
X is for Xtreme Conditions | STABILicers Maxx make winter hiking a breeze.
Y is for Younity | Want to try a blueberry wine? You’ve come to the right state.
Z is for Zeitgeist Factory | Using concrete in unexpected ways.
Many of my goals for participating in the challenge were similar to those that I set last year including:
Expand My Content. I recently hit a few milestones on my blog including my first year anniversary and my hundredth post. Just as I celebrated completing my first A to Z challenge, I continue to be proud of and celebrate all the milestones I achieve on my site which now includes being a two-timer for the A to Z.
Write Consistently. I am excited that I have successfully  maintained a regular and consistent blogging schedule (for the most part) but nothing compares to writing 26 days of content in one month. It’s always an adjustment to transition back to a normal blogging schedule but I always approach it with more inspiration after the challenge.
Improve My Writing. I’m confident this goal will remain no matter how long I continue to write. There is never an end to getting better at writing. However, practice does help! This challenge improves my writing skills in two ways – all the writing that I do and all the reading that I do. I love stumbling upon other bloggers during the challenge who have fun, creative writing styles and engaging posts.
Highlight Maine. While I had focused on Maine for last year’s challenge too, this year I drilled down and picked one specific area: Made in Maine. I enjoyed researching and learning more about my theme and it helped me build up another area of my site so it was a double win.
Connect with Other Bloggers.  This is without a doubt my absolutely favorite thing about the blogging challenge. Getting to meet, engage with and learn from other bloggers. It was a little more difficult this year without the Linky List to visit every site as each letter had a new “list” to choose from and in the end I think a lot of those I connected with happened to have similar posting schedules to me so I was able to find them easier. But still, I did meet some awesome bloggers who I will continue to follow and support.
I took a few days off to enjoy achieving another successful year of participating in the A to Z Blogging challenge, but now it’s time to figure out what comes next as I continue to work on expanding and growing my blog.
As I finish up this recap, I wanted to again thank all my fellow bloggers for the support and encouragement they provided during the A to Z Blogging Challenge. As always, it motivated me and helped me stay on track. It really makes a difference when you know someone is actually reading and engaging with your posts. Thank you!
  #atozchallenge | Reflections of a two timer and what comes next. #blogchallenge I jumped in again and am now a proud two-time survivor of the A to Z Blogging Challenge.
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