#gerrard was a poopy head
bbbuckaroo · 23 days
Tommy’s Timeline According To Lou’s Age Prediction:
NOTE: Updated (best I could) post 07x09 with Tommy’s “five years” response to Gerrard.
So curious about Lou saying Tommy is in his late 30’s in that new Cameo. He himself was born in 1984 and turning 40 in November so I’m assuming he’s using his own age. So his timeline to be turning 40 in 2024 would be:
*note: most of this is Google research*
2002 (18-19): Joins the Army as an Officer (about twelve weeks of flight training, not sure if the basic training is required but regardless, we’ll call it a year) which you can do as a “fast track” per Google
2003 (19): Officially becomes pilot for the army
This is where it gets interesting. In exchange for flight school the army requires you do six years of service unless of course you are discharged, presumably honorably.
In order for him to be turning 40 in 2024 he had to be no older than 21 when Chimney joined the 118 in 2005.
2003-2005 (19-21): Actively flying for the army
So something must have happened after those 2-3 years that lead to him being discharged before the ten years. Which I REALLY hope they touch on in a Tommy Begins *nudge nudge Tim*
2005 (21): Starts at the 118, Chimney begins at 118 soon thereafter
2008 (24): Hen begins at 118, Capt. Gerrard is booted
2016 (32): Bobby begins at 118 after ~8 captains between him and Gerrard
2017 (33): Tommy leaves the 118 to go to 217/Buck begins at 118 (hello invisible string)
2017-2019 (33-35): Firefighter with 217
Another iffy area: in 07x09 when talking to Gerrard he says he’s only been at Harbor for five years, so there’s a two year discrepancy. No clear distinction between 217 and Harbor, just interesting that Tommy says Harbor instead of the station number. So either a different station or a different division. I’m leaning towards a more sophisticated/advanced division with mass disasters vs. metropolitan SAR’s like Lucy.
2019-2024 (35-40): Pilot at Harbor, meets Buck year he is turning 40 (especially with Lou’s late birthday so technically still late 30’s)
So in closing, in order for Lou’s timeline to work, Tommy was only flying with the army for 2-3 years vs. the required six so something unusual had to happen for him to leave.
1984: Born
2002-2003 (18-19): Joins army and completes officer/pilot training
2003-2005 (19-21): Helicopter pilot for the army
2005-2017 (21-33): Firefighter with 118
2017-2019 (33-35): Firefighter with 217
2019-2024 (35-turning 40): Firefighter pilot with Harbor *unclear if this is a division of 217 or its own station*
2024: Meets love of his life who is now 32 (eight year age difference) *wedding in the next couple of years would be lovely-nobody’s getting any younger!*
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