#give me “MIGHTY-KID12??!’ “’MACH-TEN?!??’
dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Childhood Friends AU for Tenya and Izuku where they meet on a hero fan page/discord/whatever by arguing over whether Ingenium or All Might is cooler, and it blooms from some sort of weird rivalry over who could take the other in a fight vs. a 500m dash first graders arguing about their dads style to them sending each other articles about their favorite heroes and pictures of the shittiest unlicensed merch they can find because they can’t stop laughing about how All Might’s eyes are very much going in two different directions and they slowly move from the public chats to DM’s and open up about their home lives and how they both don’t really have parents that care about them and how their peers don’t understand them and they’re just so fucking lonely all the time. Like they go actual years just never swapping pictures of their faces and the most they’ve seen of the other is a hand holding up a particularly fucked action figure in a blurry picture because they were laughing too hard so they don’t recognize each other at the entrance exam or at all until the first day of school when Tenya notices a wonky ass pin on Izuku’s backpack and nearly falls out of his seat becuase he definitely sent that link to Mighty-Kid12 like a year ago and they bought the last one in a limited run and OH MY GOD HE INSULTED HIS FRIEND AT THE ENTRANCE EXAM TWICE.
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