#goerge adn fred weasley reader insert
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Part 1 Here!
Commission Info for letters from your favorite comfort character here! 
A/N: If you want to be added to the tag list for this, The draco muggle series, or the Fred and George Weasley best friends Series let me know!
- “What’s the hurry boss? Where are you heading off to?” One of your co -workers asks as you rush around the store double checking all the locks on the entrances and giving your plants one final spritz
- “Hot date?” The other asks with a suggestive raised eyebrow
- “Yes.” You say simply,
- They both sputter at that
- “What? Seriously?!”
- “With who??” The other shrieks
- And right on cue there’s a light tap on the door
- Cue your employees squealing again
- “Him?!?”
- “The hottie with a dye job?”
- George offers you a smile and a wave and you smile back
- “Ainsley I trust you can lock up?” You ask, pushing the key into their hand
- They only nod
- Henry’s looking at you with his his mouth open as he watches you leave, George and you smiling at each other like a couple of lovestruck fools
- “I told you he had a crush on them” Ainsley says with a grin and Henry has a blush blooming on his cheeks as he pulls a five pound note from his wallet
- “I mean I did too- I just didn’t think he would work up the nerve to actually ask them out.”
- A moment of silence fills the air
- “I bet Ten pounds they find out if that’s their natural hair color tonight” Ainsley says with a grin, and Henry looks at her with a slightly mortified expression
- I mean, the implication of how you would find that out is just-
- “Yeah alright, our boss is a prude there’s no way” he says shaking Ainsley’s hand.
- So when George meant dinner- he meant dinner
- You’re at the tower restaurant in downtown London
- It’s on the fiftieth floor at a skyscraper at the heart of London.
- He reserved a table specifically next to a window with a view of the canal and the London eye
- It’s quite spectacular
- “Have you been here before?” He asks
- You’re glad you dressed a little nicer than you were originally thinking
- “A few times, once for a birthday and once-“
- You’re interrupted by your server bringing a bottle of champagne
- George gets a puzzled expression, he hasn’t even ordered yet
- “Compliments of the Owner, we’re still grateful you were able to fulfill that order last minute when our other florist backed out.”
- “Not a problem Charles, it was my pleasure”
- When he’s gone George flashes you a smile
- “I feel like everyone knows you” he says, lifting up a champagne flute as you toast.
- “That was just one person” you say with a smile and a giggle
- “You should have been at the store last week, my brother wouldn’t shut up about you” he says with a grin
- “Who’s your brother?”
- George describes Ron, but it doesn’t spark anything in you until he mentions the red hair
- “Oh yes, Ronnie! He comes by every month to get flowers for his girlfriend, I didn’t know he was your brother”
- What a small world
- You should have seen the similarity from the start, the hair was a dead give away really
- How come no one else at the shop had noticed either?
- “Well one of them” George shrugs
- “How many brothers do you have”
- George grins
- “That’s enough for a volleyball team!”
- “We have a sister too, the running joke is our parents wanted a girl, just one”
- By the time the appetizers are being brought out George has got the family picture from when they visited Bill in Egypt out (charmed so it doesn’t move of course)
- “You have a twin?”
- You know the second you’ve asked it that you said something wrong
- It’s not that George looks upset, or that his expression has darkened-
- He just looks so sad
- The kind of sadness that’s as deep as the Mariana Trench, hidden behind a kind smile and the gentle warmth of longing
- “I did have a twin-“ George knew this would come up sooner or later, he just didn’t want to ruin the nice mood you had going so soon
- “He passed away a few years ago”
- George is waiting for the look-
- The wide eyes, and the slight pout. That overly sympathetic look he’s gotten so often, it’s only natural. It happens to everyone, he won’t hold it against you. 
- And it forms on your face a little, because you can’t imagine what it’s like to lose someone like that. But the next thing that comes out of your mouth is original
- “What was he like?”
- “What?” George is taken aback, he was expecting words of condolence, as is typical for this situation
- “You told me all about Bill, and Charlie, and Percy, and Ron, and Ginny-“
- Now he’s surprised that you’ve remembered all of his siblings names, and correctly at that
- “Now tell me about your twin”
- Your eyes are twinkling when they look to him. All of London stretches out behind you, like something from a painting. Your face is illuminated by the small candle in the middle of your table.
- It feels like something out of a movie, and George is afraid he might cry from the sheer beauty of it
- He never thought he would feel this way again
- “His name was Fred, and he was my best friend”
- He’s talked about Fred before, to his family, to his therapist and old classmates
- But he’s never had an experience quite like this
- “Umbridge? Oh she was the worst, like the bitter old nun who slaps your wrists with a ruler”
- Only worse
- “Anyway Fred and I- we planned this entire thing when we decided to leave school-“
- He tells you about the fireworks in the main hall of their boarding school, and the way they raced through the door and never came back
- “I think I would have liked Fred” you say, a warm look in your eyes
- He would have liked you too, George wants to say
- But that’s a little forward for the first date, he feels like he’s already unloaded enough with his broken family and their loss
- Lucky for him, dessert has just arrived
- “Compliments of the owner, we hope to see you both here again” Charles tells you, setting down two impressive plates of Tiramisu
- “Why do I get the feeling that whatever you did was more than just a last minute order fulfillment?”
- You shrug
- “Well after the whole thing- they started contracting me to do their regular day to day flowers” you shrug, it’s not that big of a deal, fancy places like this use a few different vendors, they probably have a different one for each day
- Which is for the best since your shop can only handle a few days at most.
- It’s not that you can’t produce enough flowers or anything, it’s just you wouldn’t be able to give Ainsley and Henry the leisurely work hours you do now, not while maintaining quality for your existing customers
- And that’s a big no for you
- “I take it business was always this good?”
- With how successful you seem, he honestly can’t imagine you struggling
- You scoff
- “It was tough at first, when I was by myself.” You still remember your family telling you that it wasn’t to late to declare bankruptcy and get a real job. “Things got better when Ainsley showed up- holidays are still tough though.”
- “Ron’s told me all about the hour long line at Valentine’s Day” George says with a grin and you bury your face in your hands with a muffled groan
- “Oh it’s going to be terrible this year.” Valentine’s Day is still a few months away, but you can already feel the dread
- “We started doing appointments only last year- because the amount of people that just show up and ransack the place is just-“
- “Oh I know,” George says. “My store doesn’t even sell anything all that romantic, but the amount of people who show up last minute to buy anything- one time a bloke even bought the decorations I had up.”
- “Have you noticed-“ you voice lowers as you lean forward. “That’s it’s never people looking for things for their significant other, it’s always-“
- “For the mistresses?”
- You nod enthusiastically
- “I thought maybe it was just my store-“ George leans forward as well now, talking very quickly
- “No the same person who ordered flowers two months in advance for their husband, will spend thirty minutes begging for me to put a bouquet together for their special friend”
- George leans back and shakes his head
- “It’s crazy isn’t it? How many people cheat?”
- You sigh, leaning back into your chair shrugging
- “It’s not our place to judge.”
- Especially not when the person in question is shoving fifty quid in your face for a god d*mn cactus and a card
- George knows that, and he knows there have been times that the only reason he was able to keep his shop afloat after Fred left is because of Valentine’s Day
- But still- cheating just irks him
- It’s the most unforgivable thing a person can do, to betray the person they love the most like that
- George knows every relationship is different- and that things aren’t clear cut-
- But he can’t ever imagine doing that to someone
- “I don’t get it though, I can’t even get one lover, let alone two or more” you laugh, and George swears it looks like you’re glowing
- He feels a smile twitch at the corner of his lips, the mischievous streak in him rolling awake after what feels like years of slumber
- “What if I told you I was trying to change that?”
- His arm is on the table, the tips of his fingers brushing against yours slightly
- You feel your face grow hot as his words sink in one by one
- A smile spreading across you face
- “I would say, I’m looking forward to it.”
- “So did you find out if Hottie’s color is natural?” Ainsley asks, a mischievous smile curled onto their lips. 
- “Ainsley, his name is George, he owns a hobby store a few lanes over.” You say as you finish tying the bow on an arrangement. 
- There’s a second of silence in which Henry and Ainsley exchange a look. Henry’s feeling pretty confident right now, Ainsley might have worked here longer than him, but he feels like he knows you pretty well, and he-
- “And yes it is, so you should both stop calling him Dye Job.” You say with a smile twitching on your lips. 
- Henry.exe is broken.
- Ainsley has to hide their joy, internally cheering and wondering how to spend the money. 
- “H-how do you know that?” Henry asks, maybe you’re just saying it so he and Ainsley will stop teasing your new love interest. 
- You stop, looking up from your arrangement in slight wonder.
- Ah, he was right! It looks like you’re trying to come up with an excuse.
- “Well his brothers all seem to have that hair color, I think they get it from their Dad.”
- Ainsley and Henry.exe have stopped working. 
- “YoU mEt HiS fAmIlY??” Ainsley shrieks. 
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