justicefanged · 1 year
When one has become as small as a mouse, one must take care to avoid unexpected hazards. Rain and hail hit deceptively hard. Those stairs you’d vault up one or more at a time? You’ll need to find another route. And all those cats, dogs, and chickens around the monastery you’ve befriended over the school year? Well, the dogs are still more than happy to be your pals (watch out for their enthusiasm, however), but the cats and chickens… The former think you look like the perfect toys now, and the latter may or may not be wondering just how edible you are. Quick! Escape the courtyard!
Being this small really was a pain in the ass. For one, it took way too long to get from one place to another now. As lost as he still got within Garreg Mach, he could at least cover a lot of ground when he wasn’t fun-sized! Two, nobody fuckin’ listened! Or heard him to start with -- unless he got really, really loud. The laughs wore off real quick with that. And point C, people didn’t watch where they were going! Linus couldn’t tell you the amount of times he’s nearly been stepped on or punted as he tried to find his way around.
Really, if he could just find his brother, he could at least hunker down with someone who had more than two brain cells to rub together. But it was really hard to recognize landmarks when you were the size of bug and everything else was...big. 
But, hey now...was that...?
“Hey, you ate some’a that shit, too? You a Deer?” Linus asked, jogging over to the kid. Or well, he assumed this guy was a kid-- er, a student, but man, it really was hard to tell sometimes! “Whatever, either way, we’re stuck in the same boat going up shit creek, ya know?”
Maybe two heads would be better than one? That’s usually how it went with Linus. Or, well...he didn’t do much of the thinking, so maybe it was still just one head, it just wasn’t his head.
Glancing around them for a moment to try and get his bearings, Linus spots something he hadn’t noticed before coming over. There was a little hole in the door just over there. It wasn’t something you would ever notice if you were normal sized, but at this size...well, it looked like something to explore.
“Hey, kiddo, check this out! Wonder where it goes...,” Linus put out in a sort of enticing, teasing tone of voice, waiting for the other to get close enough before he gave him a little itty-bitty push inside. 
For science, or something.
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shadesofpurity · 7 days
[dig] for our muses to dig a hole in the sand together. for extra fun, roll the dice and check if it’ll collapse.
dig dig dig
“Hehe, i must say, digging this hole must do wonders for training your upper body! I can feel my arms burning, but alas, it means naught in the face of some much deserved summer merriment.”
*Normally, Artur wouldn’t do a ton of beach activities, but the weather was perfect! And Kurth was here! How could he not? He got down on his knees, checking his handiwork and getting an idea.*
“Say, if i were to step into that hole, do you think i could make it out?”
*Moment of truth…*
Result (1d100): 26
*To the two’s surprise, the entire hole collapsed, trapping Artur in a sandy tomb and leaving the Magvelian’s cheeks as red as his hair! How would he escape this pitfall with all but his head stuck in the sand?*
“Er…. Kurth? I might need your help getting out of this!”
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justices-blade · 2 months
[ 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 ] : sender has gotten injured protecting the receiver. (+reverse)
Last he remembered of Kurth anywhere near a battlefield, he was swathed in a traveler's cloak, far from the raging fight, remarkable in the attempt to stay unremarkable, a figure to divert attention from. From there, a traveler turned friend, right? Even half in shadows, it was clear he was a gentle soul, unaccustomed to jailbreaks, to fights to the death. The kind of guy with that spark in his eye that you want to fight for.
Edward fought more slapdash back then, too, all fury and glory-to-Daein. That feels like a lifetime ago, but at the same time, it's like no time's passed at all. Kurth's silhouette still stands, not tall but with bearing, that stroke of nobility he sees in Leonardo, but different. There's hesitation in him too, a scattering of glances around the chaos, and Edward thinks: Kurth's never liked fighting much, has he?
It's from there that he moves without thinking — Even if Kurth's one of those legendary dragon royals, even if he could take it, any aspiring warrior'll be worn down if theye don't know how to read the field, and Edward sees clearer than red ink that there's some clod aiming to—!
He's up in the soldier's face before they can get up in Kurth's. Singing blade meet parry — Ringing steel, new quarry, a flick of gauntleted hand, a different red drawn. The sting barely even exists through the adrenaline — Take the hit, don't flinch, keep moving and drive it in —
Organ-squelch. Caladbolg's ripped free, shining with blood. Edward kicks the body off, for good measure. Score!
The sound of Begnion armor hitting the floor never gets old. (No offense, Miss Apostle and the Knights she likes.) Edward wipes the splatter of blood from his cheek, disregards the blood oozing from his off-shoulder, turns so it's out of sight as he shoots Kurth a grin.
"Eyes forward! These guys are brutal, so hang in there!"
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lycianlynx · 1 year
cotton guarding from a cotton scoundrel // kurthnaga + chad
starter for @goldoanheart
Huh. Isn’t it still a bit too cold for Swablu migration to start up? They normally don’t come around here, either, farther inland as it is, and certainly not so close to the ground. Though there’s a river nearby they could easily frolic in, the sight of one has them so soon has them raising their brows. Is it lost? Confused? Abandoned? It’s always hard to tell with these guys, as friendly as they usually are...
This one’s as fearless as the rest, swooping onto their picnic blanket, plucking up four fresh pokeblocks shamelessly and all at once and wolfing them down. “Hey!” Chad snaps. The Swablu looks up at them innocently, beak stuffed. Nik, their Linoone, chuffs, but Zangoose bristles, growling, wildly displeased with the theft — The Swablu turns back around and puffs itself up defiantly.
“Good grief—” They grumble, grabbing the bowl they’d just set out so the Swablu doesn’t take more; The pokemon instead dances right onto his wrist, featherlight, and snatches up another, chewing loudly and happily. Something in Zangoose snaps, though— She lunges to swat at the little cotton ball of a pokemon, misses, and smacks Chad’s arm with her blunt paw instead. “Ow! Knock it off, both of you!”
Swablu has no need to listen to them, though. It pecks defiantly at Zangoose’s outstretched arm, and she rears back with a yowl, and— shiiiing— Ah shit, there’s the claws. Nik’s already scampering out of the way, not wanting any of this. Chad, conversely, doesn’t have much of a choice.
“Zangoose!” Chad snaps, but Arceus, they already know she hates having her food touched. Claws sink into the picnic blanket where the Swablu was just moments ago, and sink into where the Swablu, once again, was, next, the Swablu pecking and biting in retaliation with every miss— The two are easily ripping the blanket to shreds and tipping over all five water cups that had been set up, before the Swablu comes to rest on Chad’s head, happily chewing away at another five fucking pokeblocks, and Zangoose is so blindly furious at this point that the boy can barely do more than duck; But suddenly their face is full of cotton rather than claws, and Zangoose is yelling in indignation, and the Swablu’s chirping just as indignantly.
They pat around blindly at their head. It’s completely enveloped in fluff. C. Cotton Guard? Probably? Swablu hasn’t budged from its perch on top of them, either, so they can’t tell what Zangoose is doing, but she’s clearly not attacking anymore; Definitely snarling in another direction with the accompanying sound of thumping grass. Nik’s come back and settled on their lap with a sound like a cackle. They’re probably not in danger.
“Get off.” They try to tell the Swablu. A beak pokes through the cotton to bite their head for their efforts. “Ow! Dude, get the fuck off!! Ask nicely if you’re hungry!”
Another peck. “Ow!” They notably don’t try to force the bugger off, but it’s a close thing. “Stop bein’ a brat!”
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reprisalet · 10 months
(o・・o)/ hello heron friend :3
VIBE CHECK (accepting)
you know him mostly from that bitter climb up the tower. that was where you truly got to speak with him. rarely seen before that except at his father's side, dragon royals have typically been isolationist at best, & dragon children treasured and hidden away. it is likely wrong to consider him a child, his years likely at least double your own. herons are long-lived under optimal conditions, but dragons: even more so in all but the worst.
enviable, but you brush it off.
his heart aches with past wounds ( it does not take a heron to sense it, though you know you feel it better than most ), but he stays strong regardless. you cannot help but be impressed by that. he will make a fine king of dragons, one day, but in the meantime... the growth will be interesting to see. the youth he carries with him reminds you of leanne's, sheltered innocence. despite his pain, another thing to envy.
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old-scalebag · 2 months
Kurthnaga drops the textbook he was holding with a heavy thud onto the ground as soon as he recognises such an imposing figure. No, imposing wasn't right. He had no reason to be scared. But...
Father, you are dead. Father, what are you doing here? Father... how? Father, I missed you.
He can't managed to say of that, the only thing that comes out is a garbled sob. He throws his arms around the older dragon as fast as he can, as if holding on so tightly to him will make it feel more real. Kurthnaga clenches his hands into his father's robes, like a small child once again.
"... Fath... Father...!"
Dheginsea had but a moment to see who it was that had caused the sudden noise. A moment to recognize the face, to see the unbridled pain and grief in other’s eyes before they flung themselves onto him. With small desperate hands clinging at either side, fiercely holding him- embracing him with all that his youngest could muster. As if Dheginsea would slip away or crumble to dust without them. 
“Kurthnaga.” Dheginsea says at last. Looking down at the green bob of hair that had buried itself on to his chest. It pains him greatly to see his son be so viscerally undone. Tears at his heart with every sob and trembling gasp that escaped unmuffled from the young dragon.
Dheginsea never thought that he would ever see Kurthnaga again. Had accepted that he was to never see him nor others and his country again… So why is he here? He should be at home, not here. As king, he has a duty to their people. Yet, as a dead man.. what right did Dheginsea have to him now and his decision…
This was a mistake. For kurthnaga to have seen him alive again- to know… It would only serve hinder son…
Willing his face to be something more neutral, Dheginsea places a hand on Kurthnaga's back. Obscuring his son from the prying eyes of others in this hallway. His office was close by, thankfully. However, Kurthnaga needed to gather himself and cease with this scene so unbecoming of a king here in public.
“That is enough.” The words come out cold. And he refuses to see what expression his son would look up at him with. Yet despite this, Dheginsea does not move to pry nor nudge the other into action.
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fiberflxwer · 3 months
"...!" Kurthnaga starts to call out to the girl once they are both at the med tents, only to stop with only a gasp out of his throat when he realizes that he does not actually know her name.
"Um..." He pauses a few feet away from her, the smell of blood wafting off of her injuries, "Apologies, I can't get any closer than this, but you did well. Are you doing alright? Oh, and let me offer a belated introduction: Kurthnaga, of Goldoa."
She's taking another break in the medical tents when she gets another visitor, this one being one of the allies that fought on her side earlier. Or...is it? Faye recalls hearing a fierce roar from where a boy was previously battling, but that couldn't have been him, right? The archer's head is honestly a little screwy regarding anything that occurred after their first comrade fell.
"Oh hey, you're-" she starts, taking one step forward only to see the other immediately step back. His gaze falls upon the bandages around her body, still soaked in some blood even after a few hours. Faye can't blame him, she wouldn't be gung-ho about approaching someone who still reeked from battle wounds.
"It's alright, I get it," she replies, leaning back on one of the beds with a light smile to show genuineness in her words. "I'm Faye, from Valentia. My hip still stings a bit, but I'm okay otherwise. Sorry I didn't really help after the start."
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aimlessarchery · 1 year
Hanging On By A (Spider) Thread — Team 7 Silver Round
Python wakes. Or...he “wakes”, in a sense. His body is still laid out on the cold hard ground, which means he either rolled out of bed in the throes of this nightmare, or he’s still in it. He dares to crack an eye open. A knitted tapestry of white, wispy silk webs spreads across the ceiling.
“Ugh.” He scrubs at his face with a groan, slowly pushing himself up to his feet. As he moves, the lingering pain in his battered body seems to dissipate bit by bit. Like the dream is propping him up for another great big battle. Fantastic.
Python heals +4HP from Amaterasu, Renewal, and Prayer Ring (Python: 9/10)
He settles back into himself, rolling a shoulder—or trying to, at least. the movement is cut into a smaller motion by the stiffness of his suit jacket. ...Suit jacket? A glance downward confirms it: he's currently clad in a midnight blue tuxedo, complete with a damned bowtie. He undoes the bow with a sharp yank, and immediately feels slightly more at ease without it tucked up against his neck.
A chittering sound echoes off the stone of the arena, drawing Python's eyes back upward. Eight eyes stare back down at him, positioned right above a set of frighteningly large mandibles. The spider descends on a rope of silk, and he swears he can see venom drip eagerly from its fangs. He grasps at his hip for a weapon and finds a familiar baton, wicked and crackling with energy.
"...Yeah, okay. This'll work."
He'd been on the receiving end of this one enough times to take a guess at how it works. With a wave of his arm, a bolt of lightning arcs through the air.
Decoy roll: 4 ; decoy avoided! Python attacks Giant Spider with Electroshock Baton: Roll = 16-6 = 10 ; Hit! -1HP (Giant Spider: 39/40) Giant Spider’s Defense is sealed for one round and is Stunned!
The creature recoils with a shriek, its legs spasming as the electricity courses through its body.
"Hope you folks are ready!" He calls out, "I don't think it's gonna be too happy after that one!"
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princessmacedon · 1 year
Sparkling Water: Fresh spring water that has been magically carbonated. Served with a squeeze of lime or a dash of one of the many fruit syrups available at the bartender’s disposal.
"Here you go Maria. I wasn't sure what you would like, but hopefully this will do. I'm more than happy to get you another drink as well! It's good to see you, that you are well."
"Oh! Hello, Professor!" Just like the celebration laid out for them, even the water here seems to sparkle. She's had so-called 'sparkling water' before, but whether it's truth or a simple flight of fancy, it seems to her that the drink takes the name a bit literally.
"Hee hee--" Her laughter echoes down the cup. "--it looks yummy, thank you!" With a flick, she glances back up to him, a smile just barely crowning its rim. "Mhm, I'm doing well! I'm having lots of fun, and look!" She twirls-- slowly, so as to manage the swish of her dress and leave her drink intact-- letting her cape billow behind her. "I've got a cape, too!"
"What about you, Professor? I hope you're having a good time!"
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ephemeralove · 10 months
(o・・o)/ :) my good friend katarina
Kurthnaga, age unknown -- professor of reason, faith, and to a lesser extent authority, teaching mainly for the Golden Deer I killed him. I met him in a long dream, but the other people in that dream seem to remember it, too. ...I betrayed my companions even in my sleep. He insists that he's forgiven me, and defends me to others when he doesn't have to. Why does I think... he means it..?
(There's an odd mark beneath the description, almost like the beginning of a list, but nothing written next to it. Beside it, a few dots, as though it has been contemplated more than once.)
Katarina von attachment issues fire emblem thinks Kurth is pretty swell HAHA. The fact that he could forgive her despite the fact she actually killed him, even if only in a dream, sticks out to her greatly. Is it only because it was a dream that he could forgive her? Or is this a truth that would remain even in death? She's not sure that she knows, less sure that she wants the answer, but certain that it was real enough to warrant her penitence.
So she mostly avoids the arena team where she can, given that she thinks it would be unpleasant for them to see her. Despite this, Kurth actually sought her out himself and assured her that she was forgiven, insisting on her worth time and again. To put it in FEH terms, "This means so much to me. I'd do anything for you." So long as nothing he asked of her went against Kris or Marth, then whether by guilt or by affection she would likely be obliged to comply. (Granted it's a bit more complex than that, but that's not what I'm trying to get into here ashasfhasfh)
That said, the more kindly he treats her, the less will she has to put up walls between them. She wants to be friends with others, and Kurthnaga has proved time and again he genuinely thinks well of her, or might even care about her -- and being cared about is something that Katarina is so helpless against.
Funny enough, she's actually on the cusp of changing her attitude toward him to the tentatively friendly! More proactive, and almost hopeful that she might make a new friend (they're already friends she's just hesitant hahaha). His kindness and forgiveness mean so much to her.
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gentlenekomata · 8 months
🥧 Our muses baking pie
AUTUMN PROMPTS 🍂 | still accepting!
🥧 Our muses baking pie
“There, we have all the ingredients!!”
With a very wide and gentle smile, Sakura clasped her hands together, exchanging a gratitude and a pleased look with Kurthnaga, who proposed one of her favourite hobby: cake baking! She utterly loved sweets and pies were the perfect choice for the cold season, since there were so many different kind of ingredients to select and use. Dried fruit, pumpkins, chestnuts, figs, persimmons… so many different kind of fillings, but obviously they opted to choose one: apples! Very classic and very simple, theoretically.
“With all the apples the other students managed to pick up, we can definitely bake a delicious pie!” she giggled, then began to prepare the bowl and the knife. “If that’s okay with you, I can take care of the cutting and you can take care of the main dough” she gestured Kurth the bowl with the ingredients to add right next to it. With a firm nod, they both started to cook: Sakura quietly cut the apples in thin pieces, while Kurthnaga whipped the butter together with the sugar in the bowl, then added the eggs, the milk and the lemon zest. Finally, he added the sifted flour and yeast, mixing all the ingredients together and eventually adding the little pieces of apple, while Sakura adjusted the temperature of the oven. In the end, he poured the dough in a circular mold and put it in the oven.
“Perfect! Now we just have to wait until it’s ready!” Sakura exclaimed, already on the verge of preparing some dishes and cutlery for later. As the two of them waited for the pie to be ready, they exchanged some interesting reading suggestions and while Sakura was taking notes of the name of a book, the oven’s bell rang, meaning the pie was ready to be served.
“I’ll take a look!” she offered as she stood and picked up a kitchen glove, in order to avoid being burned. Checking the softness and the state of the pie, she proudly announced that it was ready.
“We can finally try and eat it!” she said, as she carefully placed the circular mold on the table, while Kurth was already takig  the knife to cut some slices. “Let’s enjoy it!” she lastly added, already biting a small piece of the cake. “It’s so delicious!!”
Tumblr media
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ofradiances · 8 months
"Ike...!" Kurthnaga waves excitedly at the beorc, who is still just as big as he remembered him. He hopes that his friend has been keeping well since the last time that they were able to meet, and he's terribly glad to see him here at the academy of all places.
This place really did seem to reunite all sorts of people, from all walks of life. Even people you didn't expect to ever see again may grace your life, including those who had already passed on.
"It's nice to you again, Ike."
Ike waved back. There was a smile on his face as he did. It was good to see Kurthnaga outside of the circumstances that had previously made up the setting for their interactions. Only really getting to interact with someone while at war could be difficult. Maybe they'd have time now to sit down and become more friendly.
"Kurthnaga! Come here, let me get a look at you." It's hard not to think of him as sort of a kid. A teenager more like. He knows dragons age slowly but he also can't help perceptions. "I'm glad to see you seem well."
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frauleindermorgen · 1 year
@goldoanheart sent:
[ Garden ] - Outside of the dance hall, explore the miniature gardens the Elementals created for you, populated with all sorts of strange (and carnivorous) plants you’ve never seen before
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” She mentions to Kurth, strolling arm and arm with him through the fantastical garden; if anyone best understood her need for quiet, after all, it was him but it seemed so long since they had last caught up.
Their tranquil time is pierced by the sudden shout of another student being held up by one of the “fly” traps but terrifying vines or not it seems he is in no real danger as his friend carefully wacks at the body of the plant with a wooden sword (where had they gotten – oh, nevermind) while Water and Air look on, amused.
“Well, most if it, anyway,” she clarifies, stopping their walk just in case the others in the next part of the garden might need medical attention; above them is a towering fern tree Micaiah has never seen the like of and she examines it for a time both in appreciation and, well, just in case it also decided to grow fearsome vines and attack.
“We have many hardy plants and shrubs and Daein but none as tall as these. Tell me, Kurth, in Goldoa… what is the landscape like there?”
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justices-blade · 1 year
Coffee: Even more popular (to the mice) than the champagne is the coffee. It comes in all types - from light, medium, to dark, french-pressed or drip, espresso or latte - but you’re pretty sure the staff is drinking more of it than you are. Rodents love caffeine… who would have thought
Bitter tastes had never suited him, but there's something about the aroma of coffee that makes him wish they did — But only things like coffee candy that little grannies passed him on occasion really met his tastes.
And didn't make him buzz like he was grazed by one Elthunder too many, but that's peanuts. Still, there's a bajillion blends that he never even thought existed, and the mice are chugging the stuff like it's water. Maybe it's not as strong? Maybe there's a kind that's more creamy than bitter?
When Kurth approaches with two cups of coffee, one clearly to offer, Edward meets him with a beam, takes it gratefully, and takes a big old sip; It's more milk and sugar than coffee, with a slight hint of hazelnut.
"Oh, this stuff's fantastic!" he laughs, wiping a bit of foam away with the back of his hand. If it does make him start vibrating half a foot to the left of himself later, he'll deal with that when it happens. Hey, the drink's tasty! "Thanks, Kurth!"
Another sip, more adventurous this time, before he holds up his hand, palm out to show off the blue mark. "By the way, you want a handshake? You don't have a water flower yet!"
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regnumaves · 1 year
Laguz to Laguz Communication ❁ Tibarn & Kurthnaga
The move back to the Academy has generally gone without problems. His room and office both were waiting for him mostly untouched, save for whoever swept the dust off the furniture, which - he’s grateful for that and all, but it’s not like he plans to spend more time here than he has to.
Indeed, as soon as he’s settled with everything he needs, he takes his leave. Time to stretch his wings and get the locals once again used to the sight of him. The last thing he needs is for someone to think him a monster and attempt to shoot him down, or some other nonsense. He ain’t no monster, but the people of Fódlan are not accustomed to shapeshifters, and he knows that.
Now they WOULD get accustomed pretty quickly, though, if that guy were to transform in front of everyone! Tibarn feels a grin emerge on his beak at the sight of a familiar face at the western courtyard. He’d known already that the Dragon Prince - king, actually, which is just funny to think about in a way - made his way to Garreg Mach some time ago already. He finds himself curious as to how he’s been handling a world full of strangers, after a whole life of being unable to see any at all.
“Oi! Prince Kurthnaga!” His voice thunders over the place while he lowers himself to the ground, untransforming as his feet reach the soil. “Nice to see you again! It’s been a while. How have you been?”
His eyes measure Kurthnaga from head to toe, before he laughs. “So tell me with all honesty, which do you think sounds funnier: Professor Kurthnaga or Professor Tibarn? Because I cannot decide.”
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sorcerese · 1 year
  ੈ‧₊ 。━━━━━ ✧⁺∗ ❛⠀ 、 let me close my eyes in peace...
              in deafening silence, nose-deep in serifs, inks, chalk dust, and aged parchments...        she stares at the loose pages in front of her; squinting ever so harshly at the questions and back at the tome before her the words became blurry after the intense showdown.  the mental warfare of lecture after lecture from five in the morning to almost five in the evening,  like a grueling work life of a farmer except she would rather die than work this hard.  there she sat completely lost at whatever the hell in mila's and duma's name the words on the paper were supposed to say anymore. words turned to mush under her half-lidded eyes and drowsiness as her head drastically slumps. the youth clutches her head fingers filled with hazels and sepia locks as her finger ruin her neat ponytail and roughly massaging her temples. she stops and jolts out of her seat staring down the professor who was quietly reading next to the chalkboard.
                “   hey, um professor—  ”   she whispers rather loudly as she waves him over.     “  what if i told you that this assignment was really pointless for my career choice, and much simpler if you'd let me use magic to do this for me...  ”    delthea grumbles as she waves the paper in her hand and smacking it against her nails, with a dead look in her eyes. she was completely serious, its not like using magic was cheating... maybe?  “   then you deem it unworthy of my time and just simply let me never do homework for your class again and i don't have to wake up at ungodly hours just to attend anymore lectures. so, reason being that i can utlimately take a nap.  ”    she smiles at the instructor with utmost confidence that he would totally take her advice. who are you kidding?!  that's totally not happening this professor seems annoyingly strict with his regimen but a girl can dream! yeah.... she sure can dream... speaking of dream, is she currently dreaming or is she seriously saying all this to her professor. her dorm's bedding sounds like the closest thing to heaven she'll ever touch, and she smacked a crazy remants of a god before, oh yeah... rest in peace to him, i guess?  man, rest sounds really nice right now.     “  — or crazy idea, we can boycott early morning lectures and i'll promise you that my sanity— i mean my productive value would increase by tenfolds.  thus, making your classes later and not having to wake up until mid to early afternoons. sounds like bliss, honestly.  ”    the mage struggles to keep her delusional smirk under wraps as she wagers an even more outrageous bargain. the only sane thought in her mind was how fast she'd be kicked into the detention hall after she's done talking, because in the middle of all this talking she accidently smacked the paper against her hand and yep, thats a paper cut... and yes, she is bleeding. so unfortunately for the prodigy mage, she's completely awake.
ੈ‧₊ 。━━━━━ ✧⁺∗ ❛⠀ 、 starter for @goldoanheart !
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